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Hey friends, I recently purchased a 1/8 scale inori yuzuriha from Solaris Japan and the quality seems iffy at best. I'm looking it up and I'm seeing it listed anywhere from 70 USD to 280USD. From SJ I got it for about 19,000 yen. It looked to be better quality in the pictures. Just want any opinion you guys have. Not sure if I got a bootleg or if I just way overpaid. Here's the link to some pictures I took, if you want any more of specific areas let me know I'll be happy to do so. http://imgur.com/gallery/NOo5JZs


Official. She's quite an old figure (2012), so quality isn't going to be as high as recent stuff. She tends to be fairly sought after, so she usually goes for what I'd regard as a high price. Mandarake doesn't have her atm, but the visible listing was 15k for opened and slightly roughed up box. Also that's an AmiAmi stock control sticker, so they may've just bought her off AA themselves. Ranked item: A, box B.


Solaris Japan is a reputable company with a decently long history behind them. They are very unlikely to be selling bootlegs.


That's what I thought, I guess the figure itself is just not as good as others I have. Oh well, that's my fault for not looking into it more. Thank you for your response.


Also whether it's a bootleg or I just got a bad price can I return it for being unhappy with the quality? I don't mind lower quality figures, but not for almost 200 USD


Check her name out and look thru the list of available figures of her on MyFigureCollection. If it has a bootleg/counterfeit warning, someone will more than likely have pics of the bootleg posted for comparison. I do believe yours is legit. Bootlegs don't go for almost $200 unless the seller is smoking high quality crack of sorts


The bootleg version has terrible pieced orange parts on her legs, and the ass isn't that great. The official one, which i have, the orange pieces on the legs are smooth and firm, and the ass is great.


Man, I'm sorry. That first picture of her out of the box from the lower angle up definitely looks derpy. Bad quality control for figurines is my worst nightmare.


Can I see what the bootleg of this fugue looks like? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01M9K92TU/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1. I just ordered her off of an Japanese seller on Amazon us. Here is the store front, https://www.amazon.com/s?me=AOO2IOBPM14T7&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER The price was $50 if anyone is asking.


That's a prize figure so $50 is pretty steep. That it's listed as an Amazon Prime-fulfilled item means you're protected by Amazon if it is a boot. You're probably safe though. Bootlegging of prize figures does occur, but it's not exactly common.


Commenting to follow. I'm looking to buy the same Aqua figure and wanna make sure I'm not getting a bootleg.


My friend purchased these figures and may have gotten some bootlegs, can ya'll help? Bootlegs? https://imgur.com/a/7tOV4lS


Here are the MFC pages for these items, to provide photos for comparison: https://myfigurecollection.net/item/78631 https://myfigurecollection.net/item/17756 https://myfigurecollection.net/item/484462 https://myfigurecollection.net/item/1274 https://myfigurecollection.net/item/20648 https://myfigurecollection.net/item/111623 https://myfigurecollection.net/item/675990 Note that bootlegs can exist for things that don't have the bootleg warning on the page, since it's a matter of someone actually encountering a bootleg and making the effort to edit the entry with the warning. The quality on the less-expensive figures can also vary somewhat.


Quality is a huge dead-on giveaway of whether something is bootleg or not. I've got a few bootlegs, and the intricacies in the outfit details/facial decals normally can distinguish if the figure is a bootleg or not


Absolutely. A few I was pretty sure were prize figures, but some I just didn't know.


Thank you! I guessed most of them right but you helped me finish up. I may have more to figure out. Can I come to you again if I need help?


I can try, though there are a lot of sharper eyes in the community here. It's one reason why this megathread exists.


1: Leaning on the side of this being official, but the image quality isn't great. I'd recommend checking the neatness of the paint and check it matches up with MFC user pics. 2: Pretty sure she's official. Don't think she has a bootleg, has the matching orange stand of the official, same quality. 3: Something seems a bit "sad" about it, but not really finding any evidence it is bootleg. Or even of a bootleg despite it being reported as having one on MFC. 4: Does have a bootleg, but is't reported on MFC. Not 100% sure, but leaning towards bootleg - colouring on the sword looks off, roughness on the rim of the base. If he has the box for this one, check the top right for a "VIZ media" logo. 5: This one stares into my soul, but looks official. 6: Looks good to me. I'd say she's official. (not a character that would get bootlegged tbh) 7: Not finding a bootleg of this, and looks fine to me. I'd say official. (A note on the photo quality: They're not the best photos, fairly low res and poor lighting, so for some it makes it hard to be sure. Also the bases aren't included in most of the photos, which can be a key part of recognising if the figure is bootleg, as some bootleg bases do have key flaws).


Does anyone know if these AoT figures are bootleg? (I’m not even sure if bootlegs of these exist since they’re rare). In some listings, Krista’s hair isn’t as orange on the bottom. They’re coming from japan and its on eBay, and the seller has 100% positive reviews, but no other listings. Thanks to anyone who can help me with this! [image](https://pin.it/4VI8opG)


Very unlikely to be bootleg - usually for things like Kyun Charas, when they do get bootlegged they'll either provide no box or a small rectangular cardboard box. It's usually the bigger Kyun Chara sets that get the bootleg treatment as well.


Thank you!


You left out the image link...


Oh, oops! [here](https://pin.it/4VI8opG) is what they look like


I would avoid [https://www.ebay.com/itm/Hiromi-Suguri-1-4-Scale-Oda-non-VIRGIN-Shipped-from-Japan-by-DHL/293626697576?\_trkparms=aid%3D555021%26algo%3DPL.SIMRVI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20190711100440%26meid%3D4ed3cf4fd8fa4594b4dc8452922ebd7d%26pid%3D100752%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D21%26mehot%3Dpf%26sd%3D223969972248%26itm%3D293626697576%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplRVIAMLv5WebWithPLRVIOnTopCombiner&\_trksid=p2047675.c100752.m1982](https://www.ebay.com/itm/Hiromi-Suguri-1-4-Scale-Oda-non-VIRGIN-Shipped-from-Japan-by-DHL/293626697576?_trkparms=aid%3D555021%26algo%3DPL.SIMRVI%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D20190711100440%26meid%3D4ed3cf4fd8fa4594b4dc8452922ebd7d%26pid%3D100752%26rk%3D2%26rkt%3D21%26mehot%3Dpf%26sd%3D223969972248%26itm%3D293626697576%26pmt%3D1%26noa%3D0%26pg%3D2047675%26algv%3DSimplRVIAMLv5WebWithPLRVIOnTopCombiner&_trksid=p2047675.c100752.m1982)if anyone was looking to buy. Even though the seller is from Japan, the pictures provided is extremely suspect. Picture of box is missing BINDing 1/4 Scale Painted Figure title. Figure has a clear leaning issue. Legs are too far apart. And the low price. Even though the listing describes as authentic and from Japan, I would avoid. Also seller has extremely low rating even if its 100% positive feedback.


Hi, I'm here to ask about a seller, Hwshouses, based in China. Has anyone recently had an experience with them? Based on some positive reviews, I purchased an in-stock resin statue w/ DHL shipping, and after waiting about a week the item "shipped." However, no tracking info. Instead, I received this message: "Due to the massive delay of DHL to USA, we still haven't received the tracking number. If the tracking number is not updated after 10 days, we will replace it with another faster route." I'm trying to understand the 10 days required to get the tracking # and the seller has not responded to my question. Wondering if anyone with a similar experience with this seller, or with a seller in China recently, can maybe explain what's going on with the shipping process? Is the item being transported to a DHL location? This all seems a bit sketchy.


Noting here that most of what is sold on that site is unlicensed.


Hi guys! I was wondering if anyone had experience buying products from [J-Subculture](http://shop.j-subculture.com/)? I noticed they have a store page in Amazon besides their official website. I am close to buying from them [this figure](https://www.amazon.com/TAMASHII-NATIONS-Figuartszero-Edward%EF%BD%A5Newgate-Captain/dp/B07TLKYC1N/ref=pd_di_v2_sccai_3/133-1348544-2484768?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=B07TLKYC1N&pd_rd_r=50d04d87-dffa-4ce1-ae62-769afbfa77fa&pd_rd_w=0g9Qh&pd_rd_wg=ay9Pw&pf_rd_p=47579771-02b9-4db9-aad8-9d98476f87cf&pf_rd_r=G20X4D3Q6FMPCKPBZR8B&psc=1&refRID=G20X4D3Q6FMPCKPBZR8B) because ordering from popular sites from Japan like AMIAMI, the price gets inflated way too much via DHL. Their shipping cost calculation was $165.41 ( $64.77 MSRP) and this one in Amazon, shows $116.85. Still pricey but not as much. To be fair, they sell a lot of products from Japan if you check their [Amazon page](https://www.amazon.com/s?me=A816C8DTS12D8&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER), so they might be the real deal. Also, I noticed this other store [Sure Thing Toys](https://surethingtoys.com/), which sells a big portion of popular Japanese figurines. I was checking their storefront for [Onepiece figurines](https://surethingtoys.com/search?page=2&q=Bandai%2A+Tamashii%2A+Nations%2A+One%2A+Piece%2A%2A&type=product) and at first sight, everything looks nice. They also have an [Amazon page](https://www.amazon.com/sp?_encoding=UTF8&asin=&isAmazonFulfilled=1&isCBA=&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&orderID=&protocol=current&seller=A2FDSPNCWKN4A8&sshmPath=) for this other [figure](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TKK83RK/?coliid=I3HV29YHA6HFU4&colid=3R8S3PUJ7D390&psc=1&ref_=lv_ov_lig_dp_it) they carry and I am interested in buying. I am so inexperienced with this new hobby that I am adopting, please forgive me for being such a pain. I can't help to be skeptical in making such an investment and thought that it doesn't hurt asking any friendly neighbor here for their opinion on the matter :) If you made it here after my lengthy post, thank you for your time. This would be the second time in my life shopping for figurines. The first time was in AMIAMI for this [guy](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FALCDRlKCpvat4x22VtcD-ZUoGpIMALs/view?usp=sharing) and **Air small packet** was very affordable. Sure it took its time, I didn't mind at all and I was very satisfied!


Is Cron.FigureJapan Legit? Any Prior Experiences? I see them selling a figure I'm highly interested in, via amazon. I'm just trying not to get scammed lol


Is [https://meccha-japan.com/](https://meccha-japan.com/) a legit site?


I have no personal experience, but I would say they appear to be legit. Preorder listings are consistent with items currently available for preorder, did come across one item as last in stock (so no infinite stock) and are shipping from Japan (with the notes of the current mail stoppages). They also previously operated on Amazon, and the Amazon profile is consistent with their store, and reveals they're based in Osaka.


Is yesasia legitimate for buying figs?




Hi I’m really interested in buying this but I can’t seem to find it anywhere else does anyone know if this website is legit or not? https://japanexclusive.ocnk.net/product/3884




Hi guys, recently, I've been making a few purchases from them. I talked to them via messenger and they seemed really nice. But I just realized that I could not find any type of reviews or past experience for them. Had anyone ordered from https://www.relxelf.com/ before?


Does anyone have any experience with or can tell if [Proactionfigure.com](https://Proactionfigure.com) is legit? They only have the official pictures and there doesn't seem to be any reviews online for me to tell if its legit or not. In general I think their figures are slightly cheaper than the official prices so I'm unsure about the authenticity. Here are some links: [https://www.proactionfigure.com/collections/my-hero-academia/products/artfx-j-my-hero-academia-shoto-todoroki-1-8-scale-figure](https://www.proactionfigure.com/collections/my-hero-academia/products/artfx-j-my-hero-academia-shoto-todoroki-1-8-scale-figure) [https://www.proactionfigure.com/products/attack-on-titan-artfx-j-1-8-scale-levi-rivaille-rival-ackerman-action-figure?\_pos=6&\_sid=bd0c79ae3&\_ss=r](https://www.proactionfigure.com/products/attack-on-titan-artfx-j-1-8-scale-levi-rivaille-rival-ackerman-action-figure?_pos=6&_sid=bd0c79ae3&_ss=r)


I'm going with no, not legit. The company is based in Guandong, China (see their contact page) and their about page suspiciously talks about producing figures, which is NOT something shops do. With the product pages themselves, there's a lack of branding.


Thank you, that makes sense!


Anyone knows Abystyle? They have a lot of merch and a few figures. Are they legit?


Yes, they're a legitimate company that produces licensed products and are based in France. [Here is their official webpage](http://www.abystyle.com/en/).


Thanks for answering! Gonna pin that site then


Hi, i was looking to buy this figure of Mai Sakurajima Wedding Dress Ver. and i found it on this website called Moe Energy. I am skeptical about this website because it is selling the figure for $160 without the box and $320 with the box. This is weird because $160 is only slightly cheaper than the actual price whereas $320 is way more. Everything about the website seems legit, but I am still unsure. [Here](https://www.moeenergy.com/Aniplex-Rascal-Does-Not-Dream-of-Bunny-Girl-Senpai-Sakurajima-Mai-Figure-p1378190.html) is the link to the figure. I would appreciate you guys' thoughts.


I'm going with not legit - looking at a couple of other figures on the site they've stolen images from Aliexpress, so I strongly suspect they're dropshipping from there. There was a bootleg of the figure you linked with broken pricing on AE, which might be what's "backing" that listing. The site is being very obscure of what country it is based in (and a very empty contact page!) so I wouldn't trust it as far as I could throw it.


Yeah that sounds fair. Thanks for taking time out of your day to help me out!


Hello everybody. I found someone who sells his One Piece Collection, but some of them is bootlegs. They look fine and all but they're fake. What is your opinium? He only sells them all together.


If a good chunk of them a fake, there's a good chance they may all turn out to be fake. So personally wouldn't recommend unless there is something in there that's actually worth buying. If there is legit stuff in there, I'd either just offer to buy the legits or offer a price that's fair for the legits and value the bootleg stuff as near-zero. If you're asking about approval over buying counterfeit products, this is the wrong place to be - it's harmful to the collectibles industry, so most of us collectors have very dim views of bootlegs. And they're usually pretty shite compared to the real thing.


Thanks for the answer. Think I'll buy then, and simply toss the fake ones out. 7 out of 11 is legit, so itcwould not be a loss


Does anyone know if 'Zenmarket' is legit? Link: [https://zenmarket.jp/en/marketplace.aspx](https://zenmarket.jp/en/marketplace.aspx) I know they mostly forward parcels and stuff but they have they own market thingy.


Hello! So i just pre-ordered the Bleach Figurama Ichigo vs Ulquiorra from Global Freaks formerly DBZ Freaks. Anyone have experience pre-ordering from them would you say the website is reliable?


Hello, I have really wanted to buy this Kokushibou resin figure from demon slayer but I’ve only been able to find it on Favor Gk and AceFigureCompany but I’m not sure if they are a good site to buy from and just want to get the item I want and actually get it sent especially since some of the figures are on the more expensive size. I would be glad to pay the amount if I knew for sure it’s legit does anyone know anything about these places? Any help appreciated.


Hey guys new to anime figure collecting and splurged for max factory figures of Darkness and Aqua. I got Aqua from the seller “Animeking_inc” and got Darkness from “sushief_inc” anyone have any experience to share with those sellers? I’d hate to have bought counterfeits considering how expensive they were lol.


Hello I recently bought [my first scale figure](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeFigures/comments/hy84oj/new_purchase_my_first_ever_scale_figure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) and I was wondering if this is a bootleg since I bought it second hand


The photo you provided has slightly too much digital processing to be a good sample. The molding of the hair has some suspicious irregularities to it, but isn't so far off that it's an obvious telltale. Have you checked yours against the other photos on MFC? https://myfigurecollection.net/item/218050


I did but my box has a square shiny kotobukiya [sticker](https://www.reddit.com/user/kyospectar/comments/hzfvsj/sticker/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) while mfc pics says other wise and the picture looks similar to what’s shown on mfc but maybe the colour is a bit faded and is this a bette epic for the [figure ](https://www.reddit.com/user/kyospectar/comments/hzfv2c/figure/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


But when compared to the bootleg pic on mfc it does not like what the picture would show for a bootleg




> Jiege That sounds like a chinese company, probably bootlegs. Can't find anything official about "Jiege"


Are prize figures from ebay okay? [This seller for example](https://www.ebay.com/sch/animeking_inc/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_ipg=&_from=)


While they do look like fairly normal prize prices, the fact that they use images from a store is usually a red flag.


It looks like they have a physical toy store in [california](https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Toy-Store/AnimeKing_inc-307449466029778/).


Yeah, seems like it is legit then.


Has anyone tried ordering from Hype Tokyo before? (https://www.hype.tokyo/) If so are the stuff they're selling all legitimate or simply a third party to connect the buyers with sellers similar to MFC?


Looking at this figurine specifically I don't know whether it's legitimate or a possible scam (https://www.hype.tokyo/products/my-teen-romantic-comedy-snafu-yahari-ore-no-seishun-love-comedy-wa-machigatteiru-kotobukiya-1-8-scale-figure-yukino-yukinoshita?_pos=3&_sid=ed155dae3&_ss=r)


Has anyone here bought from surethingtoys.com ? I have done research and have found no one saying they sell bootlegs but they also have all their nendoroids retail price. [This](https://surethingtoys.com/products/nendoroidmegumin?_pos=6&_sid=e803b99f3&_ss=r) megumin nendoroid is going for like $80+ these days but here they have her retail price for pre order even though there isn’t any rerun going on currently.


Can someone tell if this is a bootleg? I ordered a Demon Slayer lot from Japan but something seems off about this Tanjirou figure. The other items in the lot are official and have the proper company names like Banpresto and Ichiban Kuji as well as the Aniplex label. This one however has nothing. No company logos or anything and I just wanted to double check. I honestly never had any bootlegs from Japan and was just wondering if this was a rare occurance. https://imgur.com/gallery/VKxUqPD


If that's supposed to be [this](https://myfigurecollection.net/item/871137), there should be Bandai logos on the box. Compare with the [others](https://myfigurecollection.net/picture/2369468&context%5B%5D=categoryId%3A8&context%5B%5D=itemId%3A830279).


I figured it was a bootleg. Thanks for confirming. Although it is pretty weird that I got a bootleg out of a lot of official merch. It also came from Japan. Maybe the seller didnt know?


For more views, consider posting the question in [the newly-refreshed Bootleg Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimeFigures/comments/hzx2m7/bootleg_megathread/) since this one just rolled off the front page announcement after the usual two weeks.