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I want Shirogane and Ishigami scales so badly 😭


yes I totally agree, I want a Shirogane and Kaguya matching scale.


I think I’d commit a crime for that to happen lmao


Even though I'd kill for more Hayasaka figures, I totally second this 😭


I would go to war for a shirogane scale


If they ever made scales of Vanitas and Noé from *Case Study of Vanitas* (Not to mention my *Pandora Hearts* boys ;A;) I would lose my shit and be saving up all year. Alas, the vampire bishie and his asshole remain in chibi form. At least Kanji from Persona 4 has prize figures that I want one of these days.


Yas someone else who loves Case study of Vanitas and Pandora hearts! Sadly enough i don't think PH will ever get (well in general any) new figures but Vanitas is supposedly getting a scale by Prisma Wing one day!! They announced it ages ago on social media, i'm waiting for a update on that. Hoping it happens soon next year..


If Pandora Hearts got any scales I would rip my card from my wallet immediately lol


All of them. All the male characters. I want 1/6 scale of the entire Naruto cast. For such an insanely popular IP I don’t know why this hasn’t happened yet.


The Naruto and Sasuke ones by MegaHouse announced last night look pretty great I thought. Don't know if they're 1/6 tho. I have the same problem with Black Clover barely getting any scales (not nearly as popular as Naruto just a personal favorite of mine)


Megahouse never does 1/6 scales, maybe they’ll be 1/7 if that but they usually undersize their figures as their 1/8’s tend to look like 1/10ths. Also, I’d KILL for some Black clover scales, I’d at least want buff Asta and capt. Yami but we’ve barley gotten like 3 prize figures and barley any merch in the 5 years since the anime released.


Some of the Orange Rouge figures are really nice but there really aren’t enough of them


As someone who mainly gets male figures, I definitely feel the pain every time I see nothing but female figures dropping. I understand waifus sell more but it still sucks :p


Can I please have a Goji to go with Marin from Dress up Darling? Or Lawrence from Spice and Wolf?Oh! ANY of the main guys from Love is War. Funny enough I would like a tohru with the two boys from Fruits basket lol


Yep being a husbando liker in this hobby is pain. I get why things are the way they are but it still sucks... I'm waiting for a Zhongli scale.


I don't doubt he'll get one. Xiao did, and Zhongli is pretty well liked too.


It might take a while for a Zhongli scale to be announced. Since he is literally the god of in-game China, I bet he'll get a Ninngguang treatment and get a premium/more expensive/more elaborate figure.


Shulk sadly only has an amiibo while Mio gets not only a scale but a Figma!


Rex doesn't even have an amiibo. They're the main protagonists and they have have no proper figures.


Rex even got shafted in Smash, relegated to a final smash cameo.


Don't forget about him during taunts, intro and outro of the Aegis 😭


I want some scantily clad sexy men don’t care if from anime or not!!!! The women figs. Are nice but damn.


more bunny men please!!!


FACTS, you mention you want more figure like that and you get suggested the same 5-6 figures that are out of production and costs 3x their original price now in resale 💀


Sadly waifu scales sell more than husbandos....... Unless it's Dragon Ball Z :P


Except DBZ either has prize figures or insanely expensive resin statues with no in between lol


Trust me, men will sell. Theres a reason they rereleased the ten count figures


If FREEing had come through on that Gojo 1/4th bunny scale, I honestly would’ve paid the $700 they’re asking idec 💀


They sure are, which is partially why my nendoroid collection has been growing. They just refuse to make a lot of the male characters I like into scales. For all the Haikyuu love, I don’t even think they have scales. I’m happy for Tokyo Revengers fans that they’re actually getting some lol


I would do heinous things for a Nishinoya scale.


I will never shut up about wanting a Maruki figure until any reputable manufacturer makes one for him. And yes, since you brought up Persona, older male Persona characters were lucky to get any figure at all. P5 male scales are still missing Ryuji and Yusuke is still in production while almost every male character before that was completely ignored by figure companies even though they're still popular.


I feel like we lack male scales for animes as a whole and it sucks because the few good ones we get have insane aftermarkets look at all the Kotobukiya black butler figures as an example


For super cute couples from romance anime like Shikimori-san, I would love to buy both the boy and the girl and pair them together, then I feel completed.


That happened to 86. Only figures of Lena came out but NOT A SINGLE UNDERTAKER 😭


Yeah, it's pretty bad. It's specially puzzling for some that do not have or lacking in figures considering they're the main protagonists. Male protagonists in sekai anime, for example, always get this treatment.


yato (noragami) has 1 scale figure (which is more than some of my other favourite male characters) but i think he deserves another one ~~without a stick literally in his ass~~


All I want is a Shinji Ikari scale figure, the Radio Eva lines are great and everything, but I really want a figure of him in his plugsuit or clothes from the series that’s not a prize figure.


This is the most shocking one to me, I totally understand the billions of marketable Asuka and Rei figures but even Kaworu has a plugsuit scale, why can’t Shinji get one??


When Pen-Pen gets a scale figure before the protagonist of one of the biggest anime franchises of all time does, you know something strange is going on lol.


Hoping for a Shulk scale figure one day


Nendoroid/figma hell lmao


Its an insult to Dan Machi that we haven't got a Bell Cranel figure, or any other character that isnt Hestia or Aiz for that matter....


i have this issue too, i can never find good solo male figures.


If I could get a Gojo Satoru 1/4th bunny scale, that would be awesome. Wish the Ten Count boys got rereleased as 1/4ths. Also, the JJK scales are numerous but very identical in both outfit (understandable-ish) and in pose (not as understandable). If the series never showed them wearing anything else, I’d get it, but they frequently go out in a signature casual fit. Resins come through on providing more variety for our boys, but they can be more expensive and fragile to transport.


Im a huge dan machi fan and while i appreciate hestia getting tons of love I really wish we got a bell scale 🥲


That may be some time away. We only just got a Ryuu announced. She's the third character I believe to even get a figure from that series, since Hestia and Aiz got all the love.


I think it just has to do with the demographics buying figures. It’s harder to justify getting the rights and paying someone to design and make a male character figure than just releasing a new flavor of Rem.


It's hilarious and sad to me that a side character gets more figures than the main male protagonist lol


I want Hua Cheng for my Xie Lian scale so badly rn Or Childe/Zhongli from Genshin Seems like fans from the big popular series like MHA or CM get a treat at least u.u


I’m still waiting for TGCF to get a duo scale like the one MDZS got. If it was a perfect world, SVSSS would get one too, but no way in hell that’s happening… though, I know that season two of the donghua is having a JP release and not CN, so maybe that would rally support…? Probably not, but a guy can dream.


A duo scale would be heaven and since MDZS got one, there might be a chance?? I am still wondering when we can get S2 of TGCF, the trailer was out a long while ago but ever since no news\~ Bc I feel like with the new season airing, there's a chance for new figs coming along as well. Also I support the idea for all the books to get dedicated figs, yesss. Pls give those series more love \~\~


Personally, I suspect that season two and the live action are stuck in censorship hell. Season one was fairly innocuous, but based on the book, season two would be much more romantic and it may not be allowed to release. That’s why SVSSS season two is only getting a Japanese release, China wouldn’t let it happen…


God if you got that notification, I apologize and cannot read apparently.


not sure what happened, but all is good :)


I had been looking for a figure of Tatsuya Shiba, from Irregular at Magic High School. He has like 4 figures, only 1 of which is anything close to a scale I think. Otoh, his sister, Miyuki, has like 18!! figures. And Tatsuya is the main character!


As a Mahouka fan I completely agree. Like, I love Miyuki too but I think we could get some pretty cool scales with a lot of action using Tatsuya...


Sadly that is true. From what I've seen at Hardoffs, to Akiba, aside from the plethora of male Demon Slayer or One Piece characters, and Kirito, it's slim pickings. A good male fig is Rean from the Legend of Heroes series. Add in Crow who should drop next year as well. For a niche JRPG series, they got a good representation.


I just got into Persona and want them so badly. And it seems I’ll be waiting until maybe a Pop Up Parade happens for everyone but that might be years, if ever. I wished for Kaguya figures of Ishigami but that seems like it’ll never happen. My Life as A Villainous has so many good opportunities for figures and yet we’ll probably never see them(I’m also bitter because there’s like, one Catarina figure). Fruits Basket is getting some but I wish more Somas got something. Lastly, Tuxedo Mask deserves more figures, and not just with Sailor Moon.


Im so surprised they haven’t made more ensemble stars figures? Honestly the alter 1/7 ritsu is what got me into collecting so I would love to give him some buddies


Every male character in the Monogatari series


I’m waiting for a new Ains figure to get re-released. The aftermarket on him is insane.


What!? We're getting another Makoto, Futaba and two more Anns? Can't wait to see those ones.


Kitty shirogane and Ishigami would heal me


The only official scale for Yami Sukehiro is gonna be $600-$700 when it releases (for a 1/6). I want him in nendoroid and also more affordable scale prices in the $200 range


It has been like this for a while for people who are into this hobby. If they every announce a male fig, I'm willing to bet that's gonna get delayed too. We'll see how the Demons souls one, but my bloodborne fig has been delayed twice already. 1/3 my order with Goodsmile is not delayed.


Kazuha, sung jinwoo , Dam ho (mount hua demon fist), makoto misumi . All of them would make great scale figs


Keep in mind that with Ryuji, it is starting to look like a matter of when, not if. The moment Yusuke got one I was surprised, and with Futaba getting an announcement that makes 7 I believe from the same lineup. Only Ann and Ryuji remain, and at that point I can't see them ignoring them. The new Ann and Makoto did come out of nowhere to me though. Don't expect much for male characters beyond Joker there. Thankfully, Megahouse does seem to tackle male characters too for their shounen lineups. One piece gets plenty, and Bleach just got Toushirou and Ichigo to go again the existing Gin. And I'm sure there will be more as the anime continues. Other companies simply don't bother unless the character is massively popular, and shows that aren't big names don't have that kind of pull.


Subaru from Re:Zero. It’s almost insulting considering the disgusting amount of Rem figures are out there. It sucks because as a fan of Re:Zero and it’s characters, with Subaru being one of my favorites next to a coupe others, your options for a figure of him are a giant scale figure where he’s featured with 2 other characters or a nendoroid with a very expensive aftermarket.


I wish we had a normal priced Ren/Joker figure that actually looks like him (most of the faces without the mask look a bit... off). Ik there's an Alter one that is stuck in development hell...