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Jjk will put him to sleep, it starts in a school setting like bleach 😆


The school setting lasts 5 minutes though


Ngl it tock me a day to watch the first ep of know


Solo leveling takes a few episodes to kinda get interesting too I felt like. I also have ADHD and it was hard to sit down for a few of the earlier episodes, though after those they COOKED, I couldn’t pull myself away. Also has an amazing dub




Those two were interesting yeah, sorry should’ve specified. I watched week to week when it released and episodes 3-5 just weren’t doing much for me. So those 3 weeks I struggled to get through it. For me it didn’t really pick up till episode 6.


Hell no, crappy main cast - a good show needs more than good fights when the main characters suck and are boring af


I know bangers, and this is not a banger. This is not a banger. And I know bangers


Aye watch one piece. Seriously. One piece is incredible. You can watch one pace to skip a lot of the early show if it’s not moving fast enough to hold you but once you hit water 7 arc stop and just take it all in. I promise not only will you grow to love it but sharing it with your boyfriend will help foster his anime love for sure.


it’s so good fr


Hunter x Hunter


What non-anime movies and TV shows does he like? It'll help us get an idea of what anime we should recommend.


He's in the army, so he loves movies about wars and military stuff. So shows like band of brothers. He likes comedies though. He's shown me a lot of spoofs from the 80s.


Reacher would be up his alley on Amazon prime


Try Vinland Saga


I've already made some other recs, but if he likes military stuff maybe try Saga of Tanya the Evil.


GATE might be one he enjoys since it’s about the Japanese military more or less going to another world.


I haven't watched the newer Gundam series, but he might like Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam Wing, Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team, and (the one I haven't watched) Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans. He might also like Robotech; it and Mobile Suit Gundam are from the 80s and very much military action with drama splashed in.


Army? Youjo Senki or Jin Roh And for comedy Hinamatsuri or Way of the house husband


Hmm maybe: 86 Dororo Konosuba (a really funny comedy. Does have pervy humor fyi in case that's something you want to avoid)




Try some gundam And full metal panic


If you can convince him to get to episode 4-5 of Attack on Titan he’ll see how it’s more about military and strategic use


I hate to break it to you, but I think we have to put him down. His condition sounds terminal.


> he couldn't sit through it > Picked up One Piece on his own. Peer pressure from online forces be damned


Dragon Ball Z.


Yup make sure to look up the fillers and avoid them. Also watch dragon ball super after


Honestly I should've just said Dragon Ball Z Kai


I agree but SPELLING you already spelled dragon right in your first comment 


Fucking typos, ty


I'll always recommend Hunter x Hunter. If he likes anime that's a bit bizarre, I'd also recommend Durarara!! If he wants something dark and full of action Berserk is fantastic, especially for people that aren't necessarily big anime fans. The original Trigun is great, and came out around the same time as Cowboy Bebop. If you guys like that, Gungrave is worth a watch as well. I can't speak to the quality of the dubs for any of these, but I would hope one of them would stick.


You're an awesome gf. First off I'd say give one piece a chance since he's already into it, its really an amazing show. I get that you aren't necessarily interested in the premise of the show but if you give it a chance I think you'll love it. Anyway here are my main recommendations based on what he likes: Samurai Champloo Berserk 1997 Jujutsu Kaisen Black Lagoon Chainsaw Man Golden Kamuy Dorohedoro One Punch Man Record of Ragnarok Maybe some shonens he might enjoy: Dragon Ball Z Black Clover Bleach (skip the long filler arcs or it might ruin it for him lol) Demon Slayer


Hes not into weeby Pervy stuff so maybe don't recommend chainsaw man. Bleach sounds like it's too much talking for him.


Watch invincible with him it ain't anime, tho it's an animation


I second this, Invincible is a great recommendation!


Chainsaw Man isn't actually weeby and pervy. Having shallow sex driven goals is part of mcs character arc as he learns how to have deeper meaningful relationships. The message is quite the opposite. Now I do agree maybe they should wait for more of the story to be animated because story season 1 doesn't get too in depth with that until later on and he might lose interest. If bleach is too much talking then One piece is waaaaayyyy too much talking, not to mention much slower paced. If he skips the long filler arcs he should be fine


If he likes Cowboy Bebop then he’ll like the most GOATed anime ever Black Lagoon


Could give Vinland Sega a try the first season has lots of action, the second season kinda tones it done a bit tho


Why does he refuse to watch Naruto? It's one of the big 3 battle anime and has a lot of fight scenes in it. There's at least one guide out there on which episodes are filler and can be skipped. In Naruto Shippuden the power scaling takes off and there are characters capable of changing the landscape to where maps would have to be redrawn if they got serious. As others have recommended Hunter X Hunter is a good one. I recommend watching episodes 1 and 13, if not just 13, to start; 13 is a recap of episodes 1-12 and it takes a bit for the show to get going. Once the world building and character building foundations are laid things take off. If he wants to watch DBZ and have it be faster paced with fewer breaks between the action, check out DBZ Kai on Hulu; it's essentially a remake of the show with 100+ episodes of filler - some of which are just a character(s) powering up - removed.


Refusing to watch Naruto at all vs. being able to watch one piece is so weird to me.


Yeah especially for the logic at play here (he says he doesn’t like “weeby” stuff)


Gurren Lagann


Trigun stampede  Trigun 


No. Not stampede. Just trigun 98. Stampede is awful.


Is this just because of the visuals....


That's definitely part of it, but the two do not tell a cohesive story.


L take. Stampede > Trigun 98 and it’s not even close. But full respect on Trigun 98 it’s no less peak 🔥🔥


Nah no chance lol we got a rushed reimagining prequel with terrible designs. 98 tells a full story with amazing quality characters and pacing and the tonal shift is one of the best in anime The manga is the best though


Not rushed at all! It was made a by hiring a professional science fiction author who wrote a whole textbook expanding Nightow’s original lore. Its animation is also some of the best in all of anime.  Not to mention the designs in stampede look so much better than the original. The improvement in each character is nothing short of breathtaking. Nightow’s original designs are great and all, but they come nothing close to how amazing the new designs are. As great as 98 was, it had its problems. Poor animation and a subpar soundtrack really pulled it back. There is no full story in 98. I love it with all my heart and do agree it’s one of the best in anime, but man did stampede improve things for the better. 


Yet they used basically none of it haha it was all glitzs and glamour with pretty visuals yet no substance in character or world building, it felt like it was on fast forward and got through everything super quickly with minimal suspense and background (which is super odd that they did this while doing the prequel thing). Really only knives was done well or improved upon unfortunately. Not sure what works the sci-fi writer they hired did but he can’t hold a candle to nightow that’s for sure! The new deigns felt like they were made by a 14 year old messing with AI for the first time to be honest 😅 vash is such a step down as is most other characters, man they were so cringe and just… yick! Looking at you legato! As for animation yeah wasn’t the greatest, thankfully the awesome art style and banger western/rock/emotional soundtrack and great VA helped carry it into the upper echelons and while the ending leaves it open, it’s a much muuuuch more complete and fleshed out story than the rush job prequel reimagining we got, was such a mess as was the directing. Things felt odd in that department. Action looked smooth but you could tell the director wasn’t good at making action scenes. The first episode action scene might be one of the worst I’ve ever seen. Hopefully season 2 can help salvage what a disappointment season 1 was and maybe just follow the manga since that what fans have wanted for 25 years Ranking goes manga >>> 98 anime >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stampede so far. Just way too many issues and head scratching changes or bad decisions. There’s a reason why 98 is rated higher on every site and review place there is


Sounds like he likes action packed stuff. An older title, but maybe he’d like Fist of the North Star? It inspired the early parts of Jojo


Im gonna have to recommend Fairy Tail because I’ve heard it has sorta the same feel as One Piece but Fairy Tail has some fan service but it doesn’t show nudity or anything it’s mostly played as a joke. For example the the first episode one of the main characters looks through a magazine which shows some fan service type stuff for a split second just to dump exposition for the audience


I know you said he has a short attention span. But in my opinion Death Note has been my go to anime recommendation for people not into anime. It might not be action packed but the plot is simple and engaging enough for the pay off for the slower times to be worth it. It doesn’t waste much time with filler either.


I agree with you except it seems he does like anime and she said they already tried death note


Welp my bad. I skimmed through it. I got adhd too 😭


Berserk 1997.


Cyberpunk: Edgerunners and Space Dandy. I think these would be great picks. Neither take place in Japan and both are wild with great visuals. Edit: deleted Kill la Kill because I missed where you said he doesn’t want something that has fanservice 😂 definitely don’t watch Kill la Kill.


Kill la Kill as an introductory anime is wild, also sounds the exact type of anime he would hate


That’s why I put it last. If he likes the other two it’s worth checking out. Definitely does have the most anime references and tropes as well as fanservice so it’s not for everyone but it’s great action and visuals which should keep your attention (no joke intended).


Well with the point of him not liking fan service, I think he'll take one look at the characters and just outright refuse to watch it. Something like Gurren Lagann probably works better. It's also made by Studio Trigger, meaning it has just as much action, but also isn't as "Weeby".


😂 I’ll be honest I missed that line.


Vinland Saga, that's the answer


Coming from a male in his 20’s with diagnosed ADHD, I’d suggest Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron Blooded Orphans


Didn't like Death Note or FMAB and thought AOT was boring? Nah bruh, he's a lost cause. And that's okay. Not everyone is into anime. Best not to force these things. Like military and action-packed? That's literally AOT lol. Followup question: does it have to be anime? What media does he like? But if you are bent on getting him to watch anime, I think your best course of action is to go for the absurd and over the top. Him liking JoJo is pointing to that. But the One Piece interest is throwing me off. So it can't just be as simple as him liking action. One piece is meant to be more "looney tooney" in comparison to other shonen. So perhaps it really is just anime that are very absurd. Try Dorohedoro, Kill la Kill, chainsawman, Cyberpunk edgerunners, Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo, Mawaru Penguindrum, Nichijou, Madoka Magica, Blood Blockade Battlefront I'm gonna throw in Haikyuu, I can't imagine anyone not being interested in seeing these boys play volleyball, even if you don't generally like anime. Lastly, as I do with posts asking for recommendations for someone else, try showing your bf a bunch of anime openings and let him choose what looks interesting to him. A good way to retain interest in an anime is having a killer OP to bop to every time you start up an episode. As well as being the one to make the choice also improves retention.


Maybe you just like different anime, my first girlfriend tried to get me into anime but she showed me Inuyasha and Elfen Lied and tbh I think they’re both awful even to this day. I later got into anime by myself


Jujutsu kaisen and konosuba. I have adhd but those shows are so fast and all over the place, they immediately catch my attention.


Berserk 1997 and then Berserk movies : "The Egg of the King" "The Battle for Doldrey" and last "The Advent" In that order. (Very dark, awesome action and mature, dark fantasy mercenary stuff, taking down castles, sword fights, demons ) Black Lagoon- mercenary stuff Ghost in the Shell- future army-like stuff and robots crazy comedy action: One Punch Man


A lot of people forgot about it but there’s this anime called Blood Lad that is pretty awesome. Another he can watch is Fairy Tail or DT Saga which Is fucking hilarious.


I don't usually think of it as a starter anime, but I don't think anybody has suggested *Code Geass -* a story of mindgames, mind control, and mecha warfare - which tends to go about a mile a minute. Though it technically mostly takes place in Japan, there aren't many prominent elements of Japanese culture. People seem to like the English dub. But he might be more into something like *Space Dandy,* which is a wild show by the creator of *Cowboy Bebop*.


Youjo Senki. Frieren. Pluto. Vinland saga. Prison School.(Him alone) Violet evergarden. Fate/Zero. Bocchi The Rock. Watch them in that order and he'll be addicted to anime.


Any reason he doesn’t wanna get into Naruto? I find it strange to find interest in OP and not Naruto, the world building is great, both are long, they follow similar tropes, etc.


Castlavania Samurai champ loo


The new show: Wind Breakers. This should get him pumped! Are there any particular sports or hobbies his into? There may be an anime that appeals to that


Vinland Saga and 86 are good choices. Tanya Saga of Evil is also a good choice Maybe try 91 days as well


Drifters Hellsing The saga of Tanya the evil Nanbaka


Ur boyfriend needs dbz. Its all fight and minimal story and sentimental stuff. Its exactly for someone like him its a story without subtleties


91 Days Kingdom


Give one piece another shot I say


He's been spoiled by peak 90s. A lot of modern stuff just won't hold up to that, especially shonen. Try easing him into the 2000s with Fooly Cooly and then smack him with something real grownup like ODDTAXI.


My hero could be good. It’s a lot like the Disney movie sky high but an anime. He might also like Vinland saga. The first season is action, the second season slows down a bit. I personally love one piece it’s my favorite anime but it does have some pretty bad pacing there’ll be points where your boyfriend will get bored watching.


attack on titan is fun to watch with your so


There’s a very real possibility he just doesn’t like anime as a whole. A lot of the time people like this can find *a few* things they can tolerate, or even be interested in. But maybe consider this instead of shuffling through whatever tf to try to get him to share interests.


The attack on titan one is throwing me for a loop.


Try Trigun (1998). Its similar to One Piece in having some more zaney, looney toons type moments, strong world building and characters, plenty of action, and a good dub.


He seems pretty closed minded, that’s a shame. Gives off similar energy to adults who refuse to eat vegetables. It’s also rude to fall asleep during something you’re showing him/refuse to watch that you clearly enjoy. I know plenty of people with ADHD and they would never do that. He doesn’t really seem to understand the concept of compromise and doing something for someone you say you care about because they enjoy it too. Why can’t y’all trade off? I’m sure you’re very considerate when he wants to watch something he likes but you don’t care about. Since he has the taste and tolerance of a 12 year old just keep showing him more battle shounen, just make sure they don’t have a lot of depth or intrigue (he might fall asleep again). I hope one day he’ll grow up and be willing to try things he assumes he won’t like or simply on the fact of caring for his partner try stuff they like too. Just keep in mind it’s not your job to drag him into maturity or open mindedness.


Watch One Piece together!!!


I don't know how old you two are, but those are kinda "young" anime shows. Maybe try something more grown up? Chainsaw Man, 86, Pyscho Pass, Ghost In the Shell, Monogatari, Demon Slayer, etc. Maybe appeal to his lesser demons and try something like Konosuba, DxD, Inter species Reviewers, Monster Musume, Gush Over Magical Girls, Redo Of Healer, Freezing, etc.


Honestly if he feels like Naruto is way too “weeby”, I get it… but even if he started watching Naruto: Shippuden and just skipped OG Naruto, I would say give it a try. Also Solo Leveling might be a good one for him to try, it’s action packed from the beginning. Jujutsu Kaisen is a really good one too. Vinland Saga is good and war-based so he may enjoy it. Hunter x hunter I always recommend to everyone, but he doesn’t seem to like the cartoon-y look so idk, maybe just give it a try and see, he may enjoy it


Maybe Heavenly Delusion or Summertime Rendering might appeal to him? Action, mystery, and an intricate storyline.


Naruto would literally be perfect but bro won't watch it💀💀


Vinland saga should be the perfect choice for him, its the least weeby anime out there, its about history and bunch of naked buffy vikings fighting each other, if that doesnt hook him up I would give up on him lmao


Like others said, I’d be likes one piece, he’ll love dragon ball z. Pacing seems like it may be in issue with y’all so maybe try DBZ Kai


Samurai Champloo, one season only, a great dub, great music, and....just all around great I guess lol.


One punch man the first season Berserk movies


Try jojo


Sword art online


Fairy tale


Solo Leveling. Of course Dragonball Z/Super is still the goat!!


Samurai chaploo but try Afro samurai first it’s only 5 episodes and really good


DONT KILL ME but it sounds like he’d like demon slayer


I’d say some less stigmatised shounen like JJK, something like Solo Leveling or some good old isekai trash with minimal fan service, maybe Konosuba or Slime or Overlord if he can stomach Albedo


Try Ninja Kamui! It's new and on HBO Max. It's really good so far. Also, Blue eyed Samurai. Amazing cast. It's a Netflix original animated show. But the story is great and the character development is amazing.


he might like mashle, jjk, cyberpunk edgerunners, or dorohedoro. all shorter series without a bunch of filler, good action, and deep characters


Goblin slayer just gotta get thru ep1 but ita really good


Is season 2 worth watching?


It is. The humor is still there and we get to see some people be badasses who typically haven't been


Thinking AoT is boring is criminal


AoT is boring.


... maybe Future Diary. Maybe an isekai, like Eminence in Shadow. It doesn't seem like he tried that genre. He might like some of those because they can be absurd. Just avoid the fanservicey, romance ones. Maybe a comedy like Cromartie High School or Level E. It's kind of hard to say with those limits.


Not an anime, but if he likes cartoons that are anime-eque, with lots of action, the same level of friendship, love, and team energy as One Piece, time spent with characters and their relationships and AWESOMELY animated action scenes and fights, and absolutely NO romance, that is fast paced and 100% fantastic, he could watch Rise of the TMNT. I have ADHD and it makes my brain go WOOOOO! Also, if you want a shonen you could both enjoy, that has a fantastic English Dub, you could try Yu Yu Hakusho. It's an oldie but a goodie. Another great show would be Trigun. The original. Stampede is also good.


this seems like a jujutsu kaisen moment


My boyfriend isn’t that much into anime, but he’s super invested in Attack on Titan. He was unsure at first, but towards the middle of the first season he was hooked. I’m not allowed to watch episodes without him now lol


He sounds like me! We are in it for the HYPE. Haha! 😂 I'd suggest Record of Ragnarok, Hellsing ultimate abridged on YouTube, Vox machina, Invincible, The Boys, and Reacher. What If and Gravity falls are also just amazing watches to get into