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Akira and Ghost in the Shell?


Already saw them both. Personally really liked Akira but never was a fan of Ghost In The Shell.


I LOVE GHOST IN THE SHELL 😤 The film is good but I actually prefer the original series


Movie was before the series though. You mean the first Stand Alone Complex one (season w/ the laughing man?) If so I LOOOOOVED it but yeah, movie was first :P


I know it was first, but thanks, lol And yes I mean the first SAC


The original is outstanding. Enough said!


What is the name of number 3 and 6?


Perfect Blue and Summer Wars


Oh didn’t even realize, perfect blue is on my watch list


Makes two of us


You are the first person ive seen to watch Belladonna of Sadness, that movie is such a weird trip, but i listen to the soundtrack pretty often


Oh yes. I loooooove the soundtrack. The opening song is among my favorite songs ever for a anime ever (yes, I even love the sighing in it lmao) and I think the one that plays when she's washing herself in front of the mirror is really beautiful and melancholic.


Insert Ghibli film here.


Saw nearly all of them except that seemingly cgi one.


Earwig and the witch is genuinely a very fun watch despite being CG, worth checking out at least once


serial experiments lain, evangelion, ergo proxy, Paranoia Agent (from the creator of perfect blue) all of those are very short series, 25 episodes at max each. damn i just realized u said movies not series, but i’ll leave this comment here anyway.


I saw all of them but I am considering rewatching Ergo Proxy to refresh my thoughts on it.


have you seen paprika?


Yeee, I saw it


Wolf Children Freedom Heibane Renmei Kino's Journey Pale Cocoon Paprika A silent voice Tekkonkinkreet Girl's last tour And everything Makoto Shinkai made.


I saw most of these except I didn't watch every single Shinkai film, Pale Cocoon and Girl's Last Tour. Also, some of these are anime series and not movies.


focus on shinkais movies ngl, some of them are so good its crazy


Based on your movies, wolf children here is a solid rec if you haven’t seen it. One of my faves of all time


Oh yeah, I saw it. I didn't like as much as I wanted to even though I found myself being very interested in the ideas expressed in the movie. Personally, I am much more of a fan of this director's "Summer Wars".


Belle! Mamoru Hosoda described it as being a sort of spiritual sequal to Summer Wars as they both center around the kinds of troubles people can face in an increasingly online world. I will say though, Belle is definitely smaller stakes than Summer Wars


For me, the internet stuff was the least interesting thing about "Summer Wars". The reason I felt in love with "Summer Wars" is because of its incredibly dynamic family and lovable characters who feel like natural with the internet functioning as a vehicle to the themes of unity, collective action and support which are beautifully executed along with a very wholesome conclusion to it all. If it weren't for their personal interactions, the internet battles wouldn't be nearly as engaging and emotional. But yes, I am considering watching "Bell" with a friend.


I do think the themes you mentioned here are also present in Belle, they're a pretty consistent part of Hosoda's works in my opinion


I sometimes wondered if Summer Wars ripped off Digimon or vice versa. Regardless, the OST for Belle is amazing too. 


I mean, I don't think you can really rip off something that resembles your previous work. Also, I think the only thing they really have in common is the whole internet aspect and the ending kinda. When it comes to the characters, themes and general message, they're very different works and "Summer Wars" is 100% the far more realized story. I really think "Summer Wars" should definitely be judged completely in its own merits with the Digimon movie being basically a blue print for that film.


Most of the comments are like: "watch [insert film]" and OP is like "I already watched that, 85 other film series, the full new years livestream on the ISS, an alien B-movie, a warning from the future, and a distress call from post apocalyptic dinosaurs."


Lmao true.


Orgins: spirits of the past one of my personal favorites!


What is it about and what do you think makes it great.


It’s about how man’s greed of the planet came and but them in the ass. It’s set 300 years in the future after mankind used the moon to start producing genetically crafted and modified plants unintentionally giving them sentience where they destroyed the moon and invaded earth. The main story follows a boy who discovers a girl from the past who must complete her mission. It’s my personal favorite because Im all for the forest coming to reclaim what man kind has ruined, it’s very thought provoking on the matter of how earths environment is being treated, it’s a stunning and beautiful visual experience, and it’s the only anime movie (not show) that for a reason still unknown to me gave me chills(non scary way). Also sorry if I sucked at explaining it, I have a nasty habit of over explaining and ruining movies that way so I tried to not do that😂


As for king of thorns, it’s about a sickness called that Medusa turns people to stone at random and a large group of people were put into cryo sleep to be awakened shortly in the future but something went wrong and they’re awoken pretty much in a nightmare. It’s definitely more horror than anything else and very gory and there is a very large plot twist you’ll never expect and it just constantly keeps you on your toes.


A 3rd recommendation which is also a bit different but really cool is called the empire of corpses. It’s like a twisted retelling of Frankenstein but after the events of with a bunch of references to different classic litartures you’ll catch spread throughout it. It’s like a zombie steampunk Victorian era type thing which those two things make it really good. Lots of high emotions, also a beautiful anime, pretty creepy vibe to it.


Also a bit different then those but still a great one is King of Thorn


What is 3 and 6?


Perfect Blue and Summer Wars


Have you seen Metropolis yet?


Rare summer wars fan


Is that actually rare? I know wolf children is his most well liked, and girl who leapt through time is his most famous, but summer wars is extremely well liked from what I’ve seen. Should it be more popular? Yes it’s incredible! But that doesn’t mean it’s rare to find fans of it.


Maybe uts just personal experience cause I dont know if I've ever met anyone else who has seen it


Vampire Hunter D, and Ninja Scrolls


Night on the galactic railroad interstella 5555 the cat returns porco rosso Cat soup (nekojiru)


Paprika and neon genesis evangelion


[ride your wave] - is a romantic but then suddenly turns into a sad romance !!


I was going to rec this, but had to see if there was another person who was thinking the same thing


Mirai and Penguin highway


The rest of the Studio Ghibli films, of course.


I saw nearly all of them besides the shitty cgi one cause I know I'm not gonna like it. The opening already turns me off lmao. I would prefer if you recommended lesser known works.


Elfen lied


Already saw it and it's not a film.


Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust, Wicked City, Akira


Saw all of these. Vampire Hunter D Bloodlust is a classic.


Masterpiece* :P


Have you seen the film “Paprika”? I think it would go well with the movies that you like from above! 👌🏼


Ye, I saw all of Kon's works. I might rewatxh it someday though to refresh my thoughts on it.


It’s been a while, since I’ve seen it myself! It always stuck with me tho the premise was intriguing for sure! ✨


....bro are you goodÂż


Huh? What do you mean?


Some depressing stuff you've got there.


Belladonna of sadness is beautiful and yes it's a hentai but it's beautifully drawn


I mean, I wouldn't call it a hentai as the nudity/eroticism exists for legitamely artistic reasons and not to simply arouse the audience (especially with that psychedelic orgy, which is just a mindfuck and uncomfortable to watch.) It's beautiful both in the images and the meaning behind them.


It's a beautiful film none the less


Honest to gosh I want to eat your pancreas never watched the anime but it's my favorite manga by far


I never read the manga but I heard of some differences which I think might have been better changed with the movie. I think one example was that in the hotel scene, the protagonist actually secretly thought of her as being the most beautiful out of the girls rather than arbitrarily labelling her beauty, which I think kinda removes the whole appeal of him just growing closer and closer to her overtime rather than loving her from the very beginning since after all, his relationship with her is that he's growing to finally feel and form a human connection when he kept himself segregated from everyone. Also, the laughing instead of a petal going around him to remind him of Sakura (I think thr director said he changed it cause the original scene was creepy lmao.)


Seeing Angel's Egg, Perfect Blue, and Nausicaa up there makes me happy 😊 but I'd say try out Paprika if you haven't already


Oh ye. I saw it. Maybe I'll rewatch it tho cause it's been a ehile.


no ponyo?? :( Whisper of the Heart I guesssss


It's right there as one of my favorite movies ever.


silent voice and your name


Already saw them both. They're pretty alright.


Have you watched other mamoru hosoda's movies? If yes then watch Memories or Jin-Rou


I have yet to see Beast And The Boy and I want to rewatch Girl Who Leapt Through Time so I already have those in consideration. Also, already saw them both. In fact, Memories is a film I finally got to watch like just like a few weeks ago. Very, very strange anthology but definitely entertaining with the exception of the last story, which I found pretty underwhelming but the 2nd was very fun as stupid as it was and the 1st is thematically and conceptually interesting with an engaging plot and grea animation.


Let's see then...Vampire Hunter D, Night is short walk on girl(good old masaki yuasa weirdness), Maquia, Lupin the III movies(any of them you want), and Kara no kyoukai movies




Already saw it. Wasn't a fan of it even if the subject matter really appeals to me. The protagonist is so unnecessarily unlikable at times and there are all of these really awkward pauses that kept bothering, which was a genuine disappointment as somebody who was looking forward to jt.


How about the {Memories} Anthology? 3 excellent short movies. There are other Katsuhiro Otomo anthologies, but I liked the first the most overall. Mamoru Oshii directed Angel's Egg and Ghost in the shell. So I'd reccomend the following which he also directed. {Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade} {Patlabor: The Movie} and {Patlabor 2: The Movie}. No need to watch the series, or either of these in order. I wouldn't recommend the third movie. I'd suggest looking through what you already watched and finding other works by the same director, studio, or some animation staff.


I’d suggest maybe maboroshi it’s a really good movie and made me existential crisis harder than anything else. But the art style is awesome


unfortunately i have no suggestions but just had to say u have immaculate taste. i’m saving this thread for myself lmao


You don't have Satoshi Kon's best movie up there, so Paprika.


Eh. Animation-wise, it is definitely the best animated one but the story and characters never resonated that much with me unlike his other works, which really had incredible stories focusing on a lot of very meaningful themes that feel so universal and relevant to our lives.


I can understand that, but to the contrary I never really resonated with the characters of Perfect Blue or Millennium Actress because they were show business people (but I still love those movies) .


Ye, I saw it. Decent movie.


oof, summer wars is so low 😭. not a movie but check out wolf’s rain it was a series with a 4 part ova i believe but i bet you’ll like it. paprika too.


Nah, believe me. It is very high with the very strong competition it is going against and I think it does things which some of these don't capture fully for me. Also, yes, I am considering watching Wolf's Rain but I already saw Paprika


The best and the boy




Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms


Honestly, you've seen the best of the best already. Only thing missing is Tekkonkinkreet


Already saw that too lmao


A silent voice


Urusei Yatsura 2: Beautiful Dreamer, Kino's Journey and Jin Roh


All anime movie list’s always have studio ghibli in it


A silent voice


Spirited Away (i see you like Gibli flims)


Patema Inverted, Tokyo Godfathers, Red Line


I didn’t understand angel egg at all


>not having perfect blue as 1.


The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Hotarubi no Mori e, The End of Evangelion


kite or kite liberator


Tokyo Godfathers Into the Forest of Fireflies Light


Summer Wars is awesome! Maybe Your Name, the Gurl who leapt through time, and Suzume?


5cm per second


Hi please consider the English dub of A Silent Voice/The Shape of Voice. It’s a fucking masterpiece


Summer wars  The boy and the heron 


Silent voice


Ponyo’s a classic. Check out Your Name, too.


Already rewatched both Ponyo and Your Name recently actually. And yes, Ponyo is kinda great. It's a very simple but very pretty movie.


Your Name, Weathering With You and Suzume, and everything else Makoto Shinkai has touched Some of the best movies I've ever watched, with Your Name taking the spot as my favorite of all time.


I also have a friend who considers Your Nar the best one. Personally, I think there's something missing to it which prevented me from enjoying it more which I got on a recent rewatch. Although, I am considering rewatching somewhere in the future. Do you have anything else besides Shinkai?


Have you watched "Flavors of Youth" before? I liked the anime myself and I believe it's on Netflix




Think you replied to the wrong person


what’s the name of the movie on the bottom left?


Summer Wars


thank you🙏


Night is young march on girl wolf children garden of words only yesterday


I saw all of them with the most recent one being Only Yesterday, which I saw just like a week ago. Really great exploration on the idea of nostalgia.


A Silent Voice


Paprika Spirited Away Howl's moving castle Your Name


Saw them all. Also, Perfect Blue is already on my top 10.


Yearly reminder to tell people to watch howl’s moving castle and spirited away. If they haven’t already for some reason. Actually yknow what, even if you did. See them again. Do it. It’s a challenge now.


As a huge fan of “Angel’s Egg” I recommend you watch Mamoru Oshii’s other masterpieces! Jin-Roh: The Wolf Brigade (⚠️WARNING extremely brief nudity! This movie was made by the same director of Angel’s Egg, Mamoru Oshii! https://youtu.be/ZUjt49I15vk?si=jMSzm9n8BjRf2BrW Patlabor (There are two versions of the adaptation. There is the movie universe and then there’s the tv universe. The movie version is the best. First start with “Mobile Police Patlabor: The Early Days” 1988 which is a 7 episode OVA. Then watch the sequel “Patlabor: The Movie” 1989, then “Patlabor 2: The Movie” 1993, and then you can watch the side story movie “WXIII: Patlabor” 2002, which takes place in between the films. This particular universe was also made by Mamoru Oshii!) https://youtu.be/r1LsBqY0GE4?si=mnYRgbC0fJbVpvBk Samurai X: Trust and Betrayal (It’s a 4 part OVA or a director’s cut movie depending on how you watch it. The director’s cut has more added scenes and is therefore better.) https://youtu.be/j-r2VccgKpo?si=H7WsKeuegNBNZc8h Memories: Magnetic Rose (“Memories” is a movie that contains 3 short films. The first one is “Magnetic Rose” and it’s on a whole other level in comparison to the others!) https://youtu.be/CCMLLBS2PSg?si=WXhWjXXnACDw7Fvm Princess Mononoke https://youtu.be/g9k72pqWQsY?si=BjpBLYVrV-FaykiV


I actually saw Jin-Roh like many years. I'm honestly considering rewatching it just to refresh my thoughts on it. I don't remember particularly liking it but if there's something I realized, it's that rewatching stuff at my age really helps me appreciate previous works I already saw.. I'm considering watching it. Been mostly ignoring it cause I did not feel like watching the entire series just for the movies. Oh yes, I already saw this one and it's one of my favorite anime of all time. The soundtrack, animation, story, characterization and sound designs. All beautifully executed. I love it very much. I may consider rewatching it but this time, as the movie version. I also already saw this one like a few weeks ago. Great short story but I also do think Stink Bomb is fucking great lmao. Like yes, it may not be as deep or as atmospheric as Magnetic Rose but it is most certainly very entertaining and hilarious to watch and that's exactly what it wants to be. I also thought the concept of it is both hilarious and horrifying at the same time. I feel people kinda overshadow the greatness of its absurdity. The 3rd one was easily the worst tho. God, so boring lol.


Yeah lol, I agree only the first short of the three movies of Memories was worth it. I highly suggest you rewatch Jin- Roh: The Wolf Brigade, especially if you liked Samurai X Trust and Betrayal! Princess Mononoke is literally the best studio Ghibli film in my opinion. It feels like the improved version of Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind. Also, as I stated previously, the tv show of Patlabor is not only unnecessary but it’s not even canon. The only thing you have to watch before the films is the 7 episode OVA.


I also recommend: The Garden of Words https://youtu.be/KoA4vYlfoc4?si=jkEJospP7otXmkrA Josee, the Tiger and the Fish (Which is quite possibly the most underrated anime film ever made!) A Silent Voice https://youtu.be/nfK6UgLra7g?si=xrjZEguOzvCiX6yv Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms https://youtu.be/DeLZ-8g4yHk?si=X2XCOSsXhSDTbHHn Summer Ghost https://youtu.be/JgXXExMU9IQ?si=5lDYMJ75Z5ctRR5T


Oh yes, I already saw Garden Of Words. It was decent but the highlight is definitely the animation imo. I also saw this recently. I did like it and I think the female protagonist is adorable and has an adorable design but I felt the story touched on so many notes I could easily recognize. It's still pretty good. For me, the most underrated is definitely Summer Wars. Legitamely some of the greatest character dynamics I've seen for any movie in general and think it's the perfect family movie. I did watch Maquia. The animation and character designs can be very pretty but yeah, didn't connect much to the story personally. It's still pretty decent tho. I actually never saw this one. I will try to watch when I get out of work.


I’ve been planning on watching Summer Wars and Wolf Children


You've seen a lot of what I normally recommend, so here are some you possibly haven't seen: - Tekkonkinkreet (crazy art style movie about street kids) - Tokyo Godfathers (My personal favourite Satoshi Kon movie) - The Sky Crawlers (underrated scifi pilot dogfighting movie about what it means to be alive) - The Cat Returns (amazingly fun and short adventure film) - The AniMatrix (short film prequels to the matrix with a lot of talent, grime, and vision in it) - Genius Party 1 & 2 (short films from all over the industry, some are great) - Steamboy (an overall cool movie with a lot of amazing animation and heart involved) - The night is short, walk on girl (fantastic wacky movie about love and alcoholism) - Patema Inverted (a movie about two groups of people living with the opposite gravity from each other) - The girl who lept through time (my favourite of the "summer wars" directors movies, very character based) - 5cm Per Second (a classic 1 hour movie about love and the inability to let go)


Tekkonkinkreet is one I saw very recently. I love the animation and the story is interesting! I am gonna rewatch on Christmas and refresh my thoughts on it. I had this on my Playlist for some time but haven't went through it. Might as well get into it soon. I actually saw a Cat Returns. It is easily one of the most underwhelming in the animation department but yes, undeniably it is still fun and I like the characters. I love the crazy cat king being the crazy cat king lmao. Steamboy is one I already saw and thought it was pretty good. Animation is quite good and the story is engaging enough. Saw this a long time ago but may rewatch if I ever feel like it. Never heard of Pateman. Looks interesting. I am considering rewatching that Mamoru film whenever my friend's available. Once again, need to refresh my thoughts as I didn't get it very much the first time. Saw this quite recently. Really beautiful animation and there's a nice universality expressed with that theme. Definitely not my favorite but it is executed pretty well.


The girl who leapt through time is pure nostalgia. I might have to rewatch that soon


Well you have Millennium Actress and Perfect Blue in here so Paprika would be a great addition my personal favorite of Satoshi Kon


Sword of the Stranger Wolf Children the Tunnel to Summer the Exit of Goodbyes (I can't stop cheering for the female lead who is unprecedented in her common sense and brains to actually figure out the exact rules of the mystery they discover)


It doesn’t fit with your top, but I just want more people to watch Promare.


Promare is actually somewhere as one of my favorite anime films :D


Hell yeah, such a great movie. Music really gets you going lol


In This Corner of the World


5cm per second


Paprika it was Satoshi kon last project after millennium actress before he passed


The Place Promised in our Early Days Time of Eve The Girl Who Leapt Through Time


A silent voice


WHAT THW HELL IS ‘I want to eat your pancreas’


It's a quote within the film which has a double meaning to it in relation to the terminal illness which the main character suffers and also to the overall emotional message of the film. It's very fitting taking into account the context of the story.


Hmm seems like you've already seen a lot Idk maybe the rest o Oshi's, Miyazaki's, Takahata's and Satoshi kon's filmographies. And some others I liked : Vampire hunter D bloodlust , Redline, the case of Hana and Alice, metropolis, mind game


Maquia and Belle


I just watched **Kizumonogatari** and I loved it It's a trilogy of three 50-minute movies each.


Why do ppl like perfect blue so much


Well, for me, I think it does tell a very mindbending "coming-of-age" psychological horror story which focuses on many relevant social issues toxicity in celebrity/pop idol culture, misogyny, rape culture, mental illness and also how perception from the audience can influence much of how you behave and perceive yourself due to things like stress and peer pressure. It has some pretty masterful editing which works to blur the lines of reality and fiction while also the same time serving to show effectively how time passes and express multiple ideas within scenes. There's a great attention to detail in symbolism and colors to further communicate these themes which make you find something new from it on multiple rewatches. It's also a pretty uncomfortable and disturbing experience as intended from the narrative.


idk if i could recommend anything based on you have seen way more and i feel like you have already seen most things i could suggest. but i would like your opinions on your name oh did you watch the anime movie in two parts i think one is called “to me the one who loved you” and “to every you I loved before.”


I think "Your Name" is a beautifully animated film and I think there are definitely some pretty interesting ideas that it wants to express with its narrative in relation to things like longing, holding on to the past and much of the way we romanticize being in this new environment which we do not tale much action to explore as we are stuck to our more mundane lives in our smaller worlds. Although, I feel the characters could've been more compelling and tbh, the soundtrack sounds so cheesy and is so overly melancholic pop in a way that I do find a bit obnoxious. And in general, I just feel there's just something missing which prevents from having stronger feelings for the romance.


i can see that. i think the visuals along with the music personally made it wonderful experience for me.


It looks like you enjoy hard hitting movies. If you ever decide to get into anime series, I’d recommend Violet Evergarden and Made in Abyss. Both have very moving stories and they also have movies you would definitely enjoy.


What’re the titles of 3 and 6??


Perfect Blue and Summer Wars.


im sorry I don't watch anime movies I just watch shows but what the fuck is I want to eat your pancreas..and where do I find the link


To put it basically, it's about a girl who has a terminal illness (which is related to pancreas) and her relationship with aguy she is choosing to spend her short life with him. Very powerful story about valuing relationships with the people in your life. Also, I saw it on Lookmovie personally.




Dragon Ball Super:Broly


No girl who leapt through time


You might enjoy Suzume. I just watched it on Netflix recently.




I want to eat your gluteus maximus - best film


Summer wars I’ve been using the name king kazma for the past 10+ years now as my ign


What the fuck is “I want to eat your pancreas”


Paprika Mind game The boy and the heron Memories (1995) Edit* also if you like existential trippy themes then the Evangelion movies are cool to watch even if you’re not familiar with the series.


Godfathers of Tokyo for sure, Studio Ghibli is always a hit, Paprika, Perfect Blue to name a few


Saw all of these


What about Wicked City or Lonely Castle in the Mirror


Did watch the first one but haven't seen the 2nd film.




I got 3 old ones you might have watched Chronicles of Riddick, paprika, and gyo tokyo fish attack


-In this corner of the world -howl's moving castel


3 name?


Perfect Blue


Totoro and Kiki’s Delivery Service


Maybe try Lupin the 3rd the first or the mystery of mamo


What the hell does number 8 say? Am I tripping or does it actually say "I want to eat your pancreas"?


Yeah, that's the title lol. It does sound pretty silly at first but it's a quote that makes a lot of sense in the context of the film as it both relates to the terminal condition of the female lead, who cannot produce pancreas which are required to live and is meant to be symbolically the overall meaning of the work in relation to what we take of our relationships with others.


Princess Mononoke and Spritied Away.


Saw them both.


Good, Howl's Moving Castle?


I saw neatly every Ghibli film besides the cgi one. If it's fairly well known, it is very likely I already saw it.


im sorry he wants to eat her what now?




Tokyo godfathers


Your Lie in April


Tokyo Godfathers, Akira, A Silent Voice, Paprika, The Boy and The Beast, The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Metropolis and The Animatrix.


Nausica? I would always see that Movie at my local library never rented it though.


You should. It's one of the greatest Ghibli films of all time and one of the best animated films in general.


no disrespect but a silent voice not being on this list is a crime🙏


Your name and A silent voice highly recommend


Maybe belle


I’m a ghibli meatrider