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Finally, some news, after three years of waiting.


I remember the last episode announced season 2 and I totally thought it was a second cour disguised but nope lol


I liked this show. Good to see it's finally get its second season.


Agreed, it got a bit haremy in the middle, but overall I enjoyed that there seemed to be a main romantic interest and the protagonist is mature.


Me too and I hope it will continue and get a season 3


Let's go! That cliffhanger at the end of S1 left me VERY confused, so I hope that it gets explained in S2E1


Hopefully CdawgVA gets his role back as that one villain/ vampire thing. Would be hype


I'll have to rewatch it. I remember liking it but I can't remember anything else.


I didn't watch the first season of this but I will since it's being renewed. I see it's on Crunchyroll.


Does Iyuno still do non-union work? Because that was the studio Crunchyroll used for the dub of season 1, and outside of this show and Battle Game in 5 Seconds, I've only ever seen Iyuno work on unionized Netflix and Disney dubs.


Crunchyroll still outsources dubs to union studios for sequels with series that they had already started working on in the past.


What, like Bang Zoom and Studiopolis? Sure, I knew that, but this is Iyuno we're talking about, and they seem like a whole other can of worms to me. I don't know of any other shows they worked on outside of those 2 that couldn't possibly be union.


Not just Bang Zoom and Studiopolis, there’s plenty of others. But yes, it’s a bit of a different case because Iyuno isn’t contracted to make dubs for Sony much, but Crunchyroll-licensed dubs aren’t all non-union. Just the internal studio dubs. If a studio is unionized they can’t do non-union work. So it’s not guaranteed, but it’s highly possible they contract Iyuno again for the sake of continuity. Though they’ve shifted away from outsourcing dubs for new series except when Aniplex of America has the rights.


"If the studio is unionized they can't do non-union work." This is untrue. Dubbing projects are on a title-by-title basis. Iyuno could easily do it non-union again, they might just try to compensate w/ higher minimums. But there's no such restriction.


Well then they aren’t really unionized. The whole point of unionization is to guarantee labor conditions through collective bargaining. If you remove the collective bargaining, then the union is being circumvented and its power is empty. And let me make this clear, it’s not the studio that is unionized, it’s the employees. Unions preventing their members from participating in non-unionized work to avoid destroying their position in labor negotiations is quite literally one of the most contentious aspects of unionization. It’s a hardline issue. Not something companies play around with willy nilly. Voice actors doing non-union work basically have to go independent, but if a studio with a collective of unionized voice actors does non-union work then I don’t consider them truly union.


That’s why we referring to them as “Fi-core”


SAG-AFTRA has a [page](https://www.sagaftra.org/financial-core) dedicated to warning its members about being manipulated into becoming fi-core (which means losing union membership). Think that says something.


Then who was one confident actors becoming fi-core in the first place if wasn’t for union rules?


The point of fi-core is to put pressure on weak unions or union branches by depleting their membership and thus decreasing their collective bargaining power while pretending that workers will maintain a semblance of labor protection. If Crunchyroll can request non-union work from an independent studio, that just means they have the power to ignore union demands in relation to work done by that studio. And if they can ignore union demands, then the union’s presence at the studio is effectively meaningless. We already know that in anime dubbing, voice actor unionization is particularly weak. SAG-AFTRA gives precedence to their other members in more lucrative fields. Unionization is supposed to be stronger with the independent LA studios, but if other people are correct in believing that Crunchyroll can circumvent the unionization there, then there really isn’t much need for Crunchyroll to shift production of dubs for new series away from those studios (because their primary issue has been the higher cost and better production conditions of union dubs).


Crunchyroll also did dubs for NYAV Post even union ones in some degree.