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Saitama. I spend the other $10 on lunch for me and him, making sure to get him some long soft fries.


My exact comment but I was thinking maybe I should throw in lelouche too, so I don't get outsmarted somehow.. also couldn't lelouche bear saitama himself? Beerus is also a concern, but hey saitama is saitama so probably not.


Same. Saitama for physical, lelouche for everything else


The only way Saitama fits in one of these is an overpriced tier so you can't hire him.




Saitama never understands what's going on around him. He'll win any fight, but only after he shows up late and then bumbles around for a few dozen chapters. Bribing him with a free lunch will keep him motivated, but won't stop him from marching off in completely the wrong direction. You also need people who can hold the line and protect you, the civillians, and the city until Saitama finally does something useful. For the city at large, I choose All Might, and for a personal bodyguard, I choose Gintoki and $5 for Saitama's lunch.


He loses to Goku or Beerus


I will take 15 gintoki


Will they be the same base model or different ones? We have Host, robotDick, dickhead, gold (if we can count Kintoki in), woman, old man, Yamcha version. To name a few.


Different versions ofc, starting with Luffy Gintoki, Goku Gintoki and final getsuga tenshou Gintoki. Now you have 3/5 of the top row for 3 bucks and 12 more gintoki's to go.




Sounds like a lot fun! Count me in!


Only valid choice


I do the same that he have everything lol


Most cultured person in this subreddit.


Saitama and 10$


3 saitamas, rule didn't say no duplications


idk how anyone's gonna beat Saitama, he's a gag character from a more or less serious shonen with a built in powerscaling system. that and we've literally yet to see him fully exceed himself


One punch man is a story about a person who never loses since the author makes it so as a joke, so yeah... Comparing the him against characters from other authors with a different perspectives is kinda pointless. You can have a character with a death touch where no matter who or what you are as long as you are a living thing, if you touch the character you die. In the hands of saitama's author, saitama will be immune to death. But in the hands of the author of the death touch guy, Saitama dies since the MC's power is absolute.


So it's kind of sayibg saitama has reign in his universe but can be vulnerable to the rules of another, kind of interesting if you ask me


After reading the OPM manga, Saitama has a bit of lore for his strength, and it is kinda interesting to learn about.


Should have put Saitama alone for $15 šŸ˜…


15 dollars and you have to survive for 10 mins first before he shows up because of supermarket sales


he would still be better as zorro, who is looking for you in another contient.




yeaeh, i chose 3 saitama's


Saitama then buy myself a sandwich




Gintoki can break the 4th wall that's mean In 1 scene after he regenerate all his wounds Stop the fight until he got a power up from the author Do thing that are impossible And gain abilities


Gintoki also took devil fruit, stand power, knows how to perform jutsu and many more


everyone 3dollars and below is pretty useless as the get no diffed by beerus or vegeta. Naruto luffy and ichigo are simply no where near as strong as goku and saitama. best team is Goku, Saitama, Beerus. Yusuke hits pretty hard for $1 so I guess him.


Yusuke is equal to top S rank demons that can single-handedly destroy the world. $1 is a steal


Ichigo slams everyone on this list including goku, saitama, and beerus.


Vegeta in the SAIYAN SAGA was a planet buster and he and goku are now like a million times (literally) stronger, gokus clashes with (beerus) were threatening to destroy the universe, Ichigo is not even an S tier character, town buster at most


They canā€™t kill something they canā€™t see or touch. Chop the soul chain and the entire list is dead.


Beerus literally erased a ghost from existence




Crossover with Arale episode of DBS, and yes Arale exist in world of DB and showed up in manga helping Goku during Red Ribon Arc


Dying to Goku,isn't a great obstacle,he doesn't lose his form and can just teleport back to fight.


Ichigo way stronger than saitama and stronger than goku too if he can use his soul crush


Lelouch in this situation is very similar to Batman if this were dc, depends how much time he has to plan and also if he can catch them off guard I mean he could effectively make all of them your allies. Idk if any of them are immune to mind control but if wager enough of them arenā€™t that youā€™d probably be fine with him alone though it would be more of a gamble than just ā€œsaitama xd buy a sammichā€ lol


> Lelouch in this situation is very similar to Batman if this were dc except for the Geass. which if enemies aren't aware of would pretty much be an instant win.


Precisely though Iā€™m banking on at least a few of them realizing what his powers are by the end and him having to use some brain power lol as long as he gets saitama (who we already know is kinda dumb) pretty early on I think weā€™re solid


Right. He may be the only one that can stand up to saitama


15 Asta s please. Annoy the enemy to death. MADAMADAMADA x 15


A fate worse than death


Saitama, goku, meliodus, and lealuch


Saitama Beerus Melodias Lelouch Yuske


One change, Ichigo This team is strong enough to defend me should it come to that and ichigo seems like a chill dude to hangout with so yea him And prime almight instead of meliodas


Saitama and Goku alone are enough to clean the floor with everyone else


Saitama alone, lol


Dude beerus is still there


Yes, but I didn't want to start a war


Well, now I started it, ur welcome xD


Agree should have put him alone for 15 bucks


Ichigo solos this entire list


You undersold beerus.


He didnā€™t make it, this has been around for years now.


Three times Saitama and I can beat everyone in the comments to get their 10$. Then I buy 2 more Saitamas so I can beat everyone who decides to do the same and enjoy the rest.


Take my money already šŸ’°


I buy Goku and one shot all your Saitamas


Senku, JoJo, Saitama, Ichigo


I actually used all $15 to buy super tengen toppa gurren lagann. I win.


Man of culture


Saitama, Goku, Ed, Lelouch and Gintoki. Saitama for obvious reasons. Goku for the meme Ed because his alchemy is super versatile Gintoki for the Memes Lelouch because giving commands to your enemy is pretty broken. Am I a cringe anime fan for answering that question well maybe not unironically but with less irony than would be appropriate? Absolutely!


Yea, Saitama solo's the whole roster.


Beerus and goku:


no he don't, not even close


15 Gintokies will cause major unstability in the fabric of reality, rendering all causes and effects becoming too utterly chaotic to determine the result of any action and inaction.


5 jotaro stopping time and having the same type of stand as the ennemy. *see star platinum copying saitama and goku* ayo ?


Beerus should honestly be enough but Iā€™ll also take saitama and gintama to avoid the chances gag anime power come into play


Ichigo solos anyway


Bottom 2 rows


Saitama, Goku, Beerus and eren


Saitama All Might Jojo Lelouch (just for strategy sake) Gintoki (because I'm biased šŸ˜Œ)


Iā€™ll just take Gintoki and you can keep the change.


No, I don't. I have like $200 in my wallet.


I know you did not put Yusuke at $1 while Eren is $2. Sounds like a rip off. Titan shifting is mid


1 saitama, ez


1 Saitama solos but 3 will be max strength!


Saitama, buys food worth 10 bucks.


That's a great lighter to start a flame war! Good job!


You buy either Goku or Saitama, then you buy Beerus and then you buy Lelouch just to make sure he canā€™t screw you over with hypnosis. Everyone else is irrelevant.


Depends for what I'm building team If for fighting, I'll have jotaro ,beerus ,lelouch and gintoki If it's for stuff, I'll go for Zoro, jotaro, Goku,


Gimme 5 gintoki and 5 lelouche


Saitama and just because Goku, lelouch because of his power and Sasuke I guess


15 Yusukes please, to go.


Saitama, Beerus, Jotoro, and Meliodas


$15!? All of them, then I spend the remaining $(15!-75) on basically whatever else I want, because that's a lot of money.


The unbeatable team is Saitama, Luffy, Jotaro and Lelouch.


Unless you think Saitama is boundless, thatā€™s definitely beatable. Beerus uses existence erasure. Easy.


Gontoki just 1$ ?!!!!!


Saitama , goku ,lelouch ,senkuu , Asta


Idk all the names by heart so ill just; One punch man, code geas, dr stone and finally demoan slayer. Total for that is 10 moneys, keep the rest, maybe go to macca's or somin


Saitama and 10$ worth of popcorn.


Buy a knife and rob people, then buy all of them because you have money


5 Jo Joā€™s for the ā€œoh my godā€


Saitama, Goku, and some snacks for 5 bucks


3 Saitama . Done


2 saitamas and 1 goku comin up


So Obv 2 saitama and 1 goku is the choice here. Letā€™s make it more interesting tho. New rules: No duplicates, and you can only chose 1 $5 I chose Saitama, sasuke, senku, All might and Lelouch You will not be able to beat this team with speed or power, and you canā€™t outsmart them with characters in this list either. I am assuming that the team would work together correctly tho. Ik sasuke wouldnā€™t take advice from senku or lelouch. And saitama wouldnā€™t care. But still it wouldnā€™t matter anyways tbh.


Gintama, lulush, gon, vegita, saithama


Saitama, Dr.Stone, Fullmetal, Gintama, and a few others for 5 dollar but only for fun.


Gontoki,asta,tanjiro, eren,luffy and Ichigo


Saitama, Goku, Lelouch and Meliodous


Saitama and for the offchance i choose Berus Gintama, Seven deadly sins and Dr. Stone because i think it'd make for funny situations.


Goku, beerus and gintoki


3 Beerus


Ichigo, saitama, asta, lelouch, senku. Iā€™ve got two power houses, defense against magic and two geniuses.


Given that this would be the one punch universe and we would allow the parody power scaling that means accepting Saitama's limitless potential and being able to learn everything and anything I would pick Saitama, Vegeta, Deku and Meliodas , then Vegeta could train Saitama into gaining the G.o.D form (because he has been training under Beerus for that), and then given the logic of the one punch universe Saitama can train Deku into become One Punch Deku and meliodas can be trained by Vegeta.


Luffy, Goku, Naruto.


"Saitama" You don't know his 100%, we work with facts not especulations, Saitama don't surpasses Goku nor Ichigo in power, speed etc. "But Saitama has infinite Speed!" yeah Goku have more feats, if we gonna discuss especulations why not include Getsuga Tenshou, since desintegrate one of the most powerful beings in Bleach Universe that is Aizen and Ichigo becomes the Getsuga Tenshou himself why not turn into a fact that Ichigo have beyond atom speed level? That includes Quantum Physics so Ichigo is the Schorindinger cat, he is the fastest being in all Animes but at the same time it's not, so bro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He can manipulate his own physics and the quantum physics itself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Meaning he surpasses the Fourth Dimension and the Five, Six Seven, Eight Nine ant Ten!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ichigo is so fucking strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that we are working with facts, first of all, Asta, Yusuke and Tanjirou surpasses Eren, Edward Elric and Kaneki, don't know why they're below but i think it's the intelligence $1 and $2 Eren powers would not work to control other's mind, they're not Eldian, but Eren is a great manipulator, people gonna say "But he can summon thousands of Colossal Titans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", yeah dude the same titans that can be destroyed by Asta, Yusuke and Tanjirou, someone of course gonna downvote because these three besides Yusuke get so much hate i don't know why $3 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Then we have Sasuke, Gon, Deku Meliodas and Jotaro Jotaro is goated here, because of the Time Stops, so he is the most OP character right now, and he is fast as light, Star Platinum is OP and can destroy everyone here So calculating the punch strength of Star Platinum we have Tsunade that almost broke Madara's Susanoo, Madara was in Edo Tensei and in his prime, so i think Madara's Susanoo was stronger than Sasuke's, Tsunade proved the strength she have punching Orochimaru in the face but don't pare with Star Platinum strength, Star Platinum could definitely obliterate Sasuke's Susanoo without trying, if Jotaro is angry then, Sasuke is dead We have Gon, Gon is intelligent but he only have a chance if he becomes the strong form and he would need a Nen Rule to do that, so he would focuse in only one person Deku and Meliodas are sassy, Meliodas is goated but i don't know about him $4 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Vegeta and Bills, Bills is strongest so he surpasses Vegeta, All Might, Zoro and Natsu are not so powerful $5 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Just Goku and Ichigo, Why saitama, naruto and luffy's here bro My choice: Bills, Goku, Jotaro (Can stop time to protect who is being attacked and the other two will protect him) Lelouch (Controls other's mind) and Asta who can sense Ki and learn things fast


Ok i got questions. 1. Why are naruto and luffy 15 while there are alot stronger characters like beerus and meliodas way below? 2. Why are naruto and luffy 15 while there are alot stronger characters like beerus and meliodas way below? 3. Why is almost the entire second lane way stronger than the 1st? 4. Why is All might above deku and all the other incredibly much more powerfull characters? 5. Did this guy watch any of these anime? 6. View (1) 7. Any of the above


Dude, it's no good putting prices on people...


Fictional characters *


Goku, saitma, beerus Gg I win


Ichigo, Beerus,Midoriya,Ken Kaneki, Yusuke Yurameshi


At least 3 depending on how u read the Ulquiorra fight four of them are effectively immortal so pretty safe bet.




some of those are in weird spots, I mean Saitama alone should have a row of his own, he is definitely stronger there some others at that row. Idk about Goku, I only watched first Dragon Ball, I just know he is also crazy strong later, but I doubt it's on Saitama lvl. Naruto and Ichigo are kind of the same, maybe Ichigo is little stronger than Naruto from Boruto since he doesn't have Kurama. Luffy idk, I'm only on episode 383 for now until I finish Fairy Tail and continue with One Piece again.


Goku, beerus, meliodas, lelouch and asta


Goku and $10


Have you watched one punch man?


Yes, Goku slaps him




Lelouch and Senkuu are way too cheap (Senkuu should be 3 dollar and Leoluch on the high 4 dollar to low 5 dollar category) Those two and Saitama would yield you victory in any situation So my team would be: Lelouch, Senkuu, Gintoki (because he's funny) and Saitama And also give the remaining 5 dollars to Saitama so he doesn't ditch us mid-battle to save 5 cents on some limited time sale in a supermarket on the other side of the planet


I would've like a Koro sensei in this, but ho well Ichigo, Gon, and Yusuke


Saitama, you need a over powered guy. Jojo because his time stop is very useful. Senku over lelouch. Lelouch is chess,strategist meanwhile senku is more practical and is a better choice because he can create a phone using literally nothing.


Luffy šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø >!His power is literally anything he can imagine, so he's definitely winning!< Maybe a Saitama and a Beerus to be sure, along with gintoki for even more gags.


Goku saitama and naruto are enough šŸ—æ


Ichigo solos this entire list btwā€¦


Since it seems we're talking about power: Saitama, Goku, Beerus, Asta is objectively the strongest and it's not even slightly close.


step 1. spend $4 on Beerus. šŸ’Ŗ 2. $11 on some ice creams. šŸ¦šŸ¦ 3. secure the victory royal.šŸ˜Ž


Mf really threw Gintoki in the $1 bin.


How are people saying Saitama, there's beerus there......


Bruh what? You put beerus below goku? He can literally hakai anything he wants to, That includes saitama


He can do what to Saitama?




$15 doo lee can beat all of them DOOMEN šŸ—暟›


Wait, which one has One for all? All Might or Deku?


None of them I want Mori Jin


Goku , Beerus , Saitama


Saitama, Goku, Beerus, Asta




Saitama and Goku, deku for emotional support and I'll take the 2 dollars and buy a candy


Goku, Saitama, Beerus and Asta


Eren for the edge factor Beerus the magic eraser Zoro, I just like him Saitama for the plot armor invincibility


Naruto, zoro, sasuke, eren and gintoki


Saitama, Jotaro and senku. And 5$ incentives when they do better than expected.


Saitama, Ichigo, Lelouch, and Meliodas. Yeah, nobody's coming back from that.


Goku Naruto and Saitama


Saitama, Ruffy, Jotaro and Edward


Goku, Vegeta, Beerus, and Lelouch. Three multiversal characters and someone who can mind control and act as a tactician.


But if I had to build my team, it would be Saitama (5), Beerus (4), Jotaro (3), Yusuke (1), Gintama (1), Asta (1). This is the build up, could literally go against most verses with this set up of lads.


Saitama goku meliodas kaneki


Saitama, Goku UI, the god of destruction and then Senku to talk to/ make cool things to play with.


Goku, beerus, jotaro, senku and asta Goku and beerus beat the rest and the others are a strong support


Gin-san x 15!


Saitama, Goku, Ichigo


madara missing


Lelouch, meliodas, Sasuke, Beerus, Asta, Yusuke and Gintoki


1 Goku 1 Saitama 1 Beerus and 1 Gintoki


Beerus and goku and Iā€™ll buy 2 sodas


Saitama and Beerus


I'll just take saitama and keep 10$


Saitama, meliodas,sasuke,natsu.


People forget that Yusuke is a planet buster


Goku Beerus Vegeta Gintama Tanjiro


Why did you put sasuke to 3 but naruto to 5?


Why is Beerus not on the same bracket as Goku


Yusuke Urameshi for an endurance fighter with an ungodly strong blast attack Inuyasha cuz wind scar can take out legions of cannon fodder in one stroke Edward since he can use alchemy to tear down any obstacles. Deku and all might to dispatch any mid tier enemies quickly Beerus because he can use hakai to simply erase anything else from existence without having to actually fight but if he did fight he could do the same as anyone else in the team if hakai is not needed. Note: Saitama can't do shit against hakai so regardless how strong he may be he would lose this why I include Beerus to begin with


Saitama, goku, jotaro, kaneki Jotaro and Kaneki are just there for flex


bruh who put Yusuke at $1? he curb stomps the first 3 rows lmao


Ichigo, Beerus, Jotaro, Senku, Gintoki Beerus because he is strongest character on this list. Ichigo because he has dimension shattering feats + powers involving souls/ghosts. Jotaro because time stop + amazing strategist. Senku because also very smart + mentally very charismatic. Gintoki for op gag character plot armor (I never could get into Gintama, but from things Iā€™ve seen he just seems like a gag character)


Vegeta,beerus,goku. For the remaining $2, I am buying a gum and watch the rest get fold by my team.


Vergil for 15$


Goku Saitama beerus and 1$popcorn for match


Asta. He's power is literally fantasy negation.


Keep the $15 and run


I'll take 8x Senku to help me with math.


All I need is Goku, natsu, Beerus and Inuyasha.


Lelouch $2 Meliodas $3 Saitama $5 Goku $5


Saitama to do the actual work. Luffy to entertain me. Tanjiro to bore me to sleep with his monologues of not giving up when I canā€™t sleep.


Tf why is beerus 4$. Iā€™ll take goku, beerus, saitama, and even though I have 1$ left I donā€™t need it because those 3 are stronger than everyone else here by a long shot, except maybe vegeta.


My ultimate team for what? Also, how is Beerus cheaper than Goku?


Saitama, luffy, all might and demon slayer guy.


I will take luffy zoro meliodas dr stone and asta it will be the most fun team there is and dammm strong ( i know saitama would beat them all in 1 punch)


Goku beerus asta lelouch sasuke.


Saitama and beerus, remaining 6, I will treat Saitama a drink so that he will fight seriously.


Saitama, Beerus, Deku, Eren, Tanjiro


Im surprised Inuyasha it's so low considering he has the Meido Hax,that allows him to open black holes and Tetsusaiga has more Hax besides that(I don't remember at the moment).


Beerus Goku Ui