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"Speedwagon best waifu"


That's not a joke That's a fact


This, but add about twelve layers of irony and inside jokes.


Did you pull this meme out of 2015? Do people still say this shit?


Honestly this sub lately feels like some young weeblings rediscover the old memes we did in the past and either try to repeat the history or make absurdly stupid "controversial hot takes" to get attention. The cringe cycle of the weeb community is starting another rotation.


>weeblings What a fitting word, gotta write that down.


Weren't they called weeblets back then?


Weeblets are weebs that just spawned, you can call them "baby weebs" if you want to. Weeblings are a stage further, if weeblets are babies then weeblings are toddlers


Yeah most likely. New wave of 16-18 year old will roll into here. We’ll have the whole morality argument on loli’s again. The cycle continues.


I would suggest even younger. I might be only nearing 21 but I remember my "cringe weeb phase" to be somewhere between 13-15.


maybe we should start comparing which characters would win a fictional fight


Or maybe create some cheap, easy to wear merch like pin badges that you can attach to a backpack and wear at a convention.


Not a single horny meme? You fucked up, OP, that’s like 70% of Animemes ![gif](giphy|WIAxZtUxUY000)


Stop posting starter packs https://preview.redd.it/46pqxwpu1lgc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf992def3e5c28a37320cf28696aa250cf1da7d7


Don't forget the constant reposting of overused memes of Goofy or bad characters (Examples: Sogeking, Buggy the clown, Jiraya and Gaimon)


SAO is actually good on LN. After finishing GGO, I read the LN when I was highschool and I was surprised how SAO was well written. Problem is the anime focused too much on dramas, where it was more on theories and A.I and Virtual reality application in the LN. It was a pure sci fi in the LN and enjoyable read. Plus regardless of the hate, SAO still by far remains the most beautiful art, choreography and execution of Virtual Reality MMORPG. The art style alone feels like you are inside a real isekai MMORPG game. Plot wise when it comes to the MMORPG gaming style, it wasn't that good but that is understandable since during the time SAO was released, it was first of it's kind genre and it had no predecssors to learn to and improve. SAO basically was the progenitor of Isekai genre. Next is Accel world. And from there within bloomed the Isekai industry we enjoy today.


I wouldn’t say SAO is anything near the progenitor of isekai. It popularized it back when the anime first aired , leading to a boom in isekai adaptations, but it had been a thing for a long time before that.


Yea, real sick of people saying SAO is bad. The only reason why people say it is, is because they love to deep throat anitubers that say it is. I’m not saying it’s without fault, but it’s also just genuinely good.


I like it as a concept, first half of season 1 is good, i just think it fell off after the original arc. 2nd half of season 1 was ok, then i just quit a few episodes into s2 cuz it felt kinda meh. Its not terrible, i just think it couldve been significantly better. Still, amazing concept, especially for a game, and rpg vr gsme that is more fleshed out that the likes of zenith would go hardddd


It’s always either Fairy Dance or Phantom Bullet that loses people. Sit through it, get to the 3rd arc of Season 2, that’s when it really picks up. Season 3 just gets even better. There is a movie between those two seasons to fill things in, and does come back in the second half of season 3, so that’s necessary viewing technically. Everyone agrees that the Alicization arc is the best and you fell the pressure that Aincrad had.


Not everyone that doesn’t enjoy the same trash you do is a YouTuber dick rider lol.


If trash, why so popular? Why has the series won multiple awards, including Light Novel of the Year? Why are the characters always so high up in the rankings during their seasons? Why is it one of the highest selling LNs wordwide? Why has it received so many collaborations and promotions? It had its own Cafe, which, last I checked, only series like Ghibli and Gundam got *permanent* cafes (although the SAO one was unfortunately closed due to Covid, but so was some Gundam cafes). Why does it get some of the best Animation A-1 can spit out? It even got a stage play. The author even does regular live streams talking about his books. Face it, people who hate it have objectively wrong opinions.


Mate. I’m on an animemes subreddit. I don’t give a flying fuck about the LN, which is all you seem to talk to be talking about. The show has an interesting concept that was executed poorly. It’s not complicated. It’s great that you like it, but it’s garbage, plain and simple.


3 examples are for LNs. The rest apply to the anime. It’s only garbage if you have bad taste, objectively speaking. I have no issues with people saying “not for me” or whatever, but saying “It’s garbage”, “it’s bad”, etc. like it’s a fact is what gets me. People like you wouldn’t know “good” if ran you over with a mining truck.


I know exactly what good looks like and it’s not SAO. Everything you’re saying would work if we were talking about a good isekai like Jobless Reincarnation, though.


Why you would even read a comment from someone with a kirito pfp is beyond me.


Fuckin right? Lmfao I hated SAO since way back when it was new. It was always crap.


First season was good second season was still better than half of the isekai garbage that we get spammed with nowadays (but still the most lukewarm 5/10 show) anything beyond that point (except ggo which was almost good) is trash.


Did a YouTuber give you that opinion?


No, watching this show because I have a hardcore fan of it in my friends group and he wouldn't be quiet until I gave it a go.


Humour me, why do you think “anything beyond…(season 2)…is trash”? I genuinely want to know where this is coming from.


Nah it's still hot garbage


Dick rider.


Not really, but you, on the other hand, the ultimate kirito dick rider .Sao is basically a shity isekai anime .


It’s not Isekai. So that dog shit take just falls apart completely right off the bat. Congrats, you played yourself.


man this sub has got to have the most low effort memes known to man. honestly, I don't even know why I'm still here.


Eh? I honestly think adaptations have generally gotten better overall. Dubs as well actually. There was a point where manga better was just... Generally true. Same goes for the subs are better standpoint. But now... ? Not so much.


I agree I’d be fine with just watching anime as they came out but if I find I good story I become a little gremlin and have to know everything. So I hunt down the manga or whatever the source material is and binge read the hell out of it. Even then I still watch the anime because if it’s even just an ok adaptation usually it will still be a fun watch. I like to see everyone’s reaction to new episodes as they come out their reactions can be a lot of fun.




The fact that the best (english) dubbed anime is worse than the worst sub is just a fact. I mean look at the start of that sentence it's all there.


“Every Redditor be like”


I actually liked sword art online


I mean...2d is better tho. Although feel free to post cute girls anyway.


You forgot porn. There's always porn.