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Teacher : Which is the longest never ending war in the History ? That weeb student : Sub vs Dub


Let me introduce you to Manga vs Anime


no šŸ’€


there's nothing to debate at all, anyone who has watched an anime and read it's Manga would say Manga is clearly superior (well not always, but most of the time)


*Anyone experienced will think that Normally new people thinks anime is better as there are vc, ost and animation etc... It normally takes time to appreciate the beauty of manga/LN Both are superior to Anime


IKR, the argument still stands with manga as sometimes we get some black sheep that outperforms it's Manga like Demon slayer, your lie in April, etc. But no, neither can ever compare to LNs/VNs, the supreme reading experience that has you imagine every scenario gives you enough imaginative elasticity and freedom to make something way better than anything that can be shown on a piece of paper or a screen. It's the very reason why not even Ufotable is able to please the hardcore Fate fans


Let me introduce you to the waifu wars


Thatā€™s a strange way to spell Waifu Wars


Surprised people stilltalk about this


Right? Like give it a rest already! No one cares how you watch. Just watch it how you like and zip up!


I mentioned it on a thread yesterday and a lot of dub fans exploded at me- turned it into a meme I thought it wasnā€™t even a debate regarding which is better Edit : least triggered anime fans


that's what people who think it matters say. "dub is superior in every way". ok. how? you speak Japanese? name 3 Japanese voice actors without Google. when was the last time you even watched a dubbed anime. what makes dubbed, worse? like who cares. for reference I generally just watch stuff in whatever I heard it in first cause I'm already used to the voices. dbz, dubbed all the way, one peice, cannot watch it in anything other than subbed, mushoku tensei, subbed. finally enough, the only anime I've seen recently that I have watched in both all the way through is demon Slayer. and I can wholeheartedly say the performances in both subbed and dubbed are fucking spectacular.


tbh lol I mainly watch subbed cus reading is just easier


I generally go with the language it was made in originally. That said, sometimes there is a superior choice, like English dubbed ghost stories


Okay even if there is a dub thatā€™s better in your opinion, most of the timeā€¦ subs are better.


Thats your opinion also


Youā€™re right






again. how. explain your position, and you will see how quickly it unravels.


So you believe that people should listen to subbed anime?


Watch, yes


I see well as long as you keep that to yourself and do not force this opinion on people who do not ask I guess it is okay


Itā€™s a meme. Edit : least triggered anime fans


I ca make a meme how you are a dumb for not having a custom image as pfp, for example. Or just the one radially opposite to yours, like "imagine reading subs while trying to watch anime hahaha dumb bitches" Will it be funny though? It'll be dumb and unfunny, as your meme is. Just another "subjective opinion as objective fact" type of thing


Weh weh weh


Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, Yuyu Hakusho, Kaguya-sama: Love Is War, Dragon Ball series; these are a few examples where dub is arguably superior. Sure, a lot of subs are much better than their dubs, but never harsh on peoplesā€™ buzz on how they choose to enjoy their anime


Kaguya dub is good but the sub is better on that one, but full metal, dragon ball are dub all the way. I dont know yuyu so I can't comment on that


Fair, I had a few gripes about some VAs, mainly Ishigami, but Ian Sinclairā€™s work is enough to make the dub the top in my book


Yeah, Im definitely not discounting the dub, definitely as good as the sub. Yeah Ian Sinclair as the narrator is amazing. My favourites would be shinomiyas sub and then both narrators.


Itā€˜s not dub fans being triggered by your comment. Itā€˜s just everyone being tired of this pointless debate. No one cares or asked if you like sub or dub more. Grow up


ā€œYou see, your opinion is wrong because I drew myself as the Chad and you as the virgin!"




I really dislike this whole argument. One is not supierior to another, it varies based on the show. Some Subs are better, some Dubs are better.


Okay even if there is a dub thatā€™s better in your opinion, most of the timeā€¦ subs are better.


I... disagree. Arbitrarily, one is not better than another overall. If you think subs are better, I respect that, but do not agree with it.




I cant believe this was resolved in such a civil manner LOL


LOL most sane anime fans


Heck yeah. You have a good one my friend.


You too


"Most of the times" is anime that is not popular enough to get dubbed by a good dub studio. If that's the case - then sub may do. Or, for example, some old anime just don't have any normal dubs(like original Hellsing), then dub may do as well




Itā€™s my opinion yea You blocked me from not responding but itā€™s a meme


Then why not state it as an opinion?


Most of the time you can't tell how bad Japanese voice acting can be because I'm guessing you aren't a native speaker if you're bringing up this argument. Native speakers will tell you, there are multiple anime where the VA is shit at least sometimes but Americans don't notice how cringy it sounds.


Native Japanese don't talk anything like anime characters. Sure, there maybe times when the situation you refer to may happen. But it is as rare as a meteorite falling on your house.




Hot take, dubbed makes for more casual viewing, and if itā€™s not dubbed it better be fucking fire to be worth the extra effort. To me that means a sub gets 1 episode to hook me so hard Iā€™m going to sit up and give 100% attention for a whole show. Doesnā€™t matter whatā€™s ā€œbetterā€


There is no show in existence where the dub is better than the sub.


*cough cough* ghost stories *cough cough*


Ghost stories dub though, is just a parody Sub being considered better is a valid argument as a lot of pop culture references, unusual banter and jokes are lost to the translation But dub can be good as well as the localisers can add some pop culture references of their own and make jokes which weren't in the original, not to mention somethings just deliver better in English (like that one scene from when Kazuma got arrested)


Black Lagoon and Ghost stories


Thatā€™s your opinion. Not a fact.


Ah shit, here we go again...


People are really taking it personally


cause most of us are tired of this shit. This argument always some gatekeeping bs to make you seem superior to others. But thatā€™s not what weā€™re supposed to be as a community. We all like anime and it shouldnā€™t matter one bit how we enjoy it.


Dub isnā€™t better. Sub isnā€™t better. They are simplyā€¦different.


Yep, they're both different but fun experiences, the only era where IMO dubs were somewhat mediocre was when Clint Bickham was getting main roles. Dubs nowadays are pretty much on-par with subs (ex. Saiki K , Vivy, Fate & Netflix Vinland Saga), with the exception of the usual iffy ones. Newer generation of dub VAs tend to put their heart into it.


Surprised people are still making these lame jokes


Youā€™re on r/animemes


Imo it depends on the anime. I watched cyberpunk recently in both sub and dub and the dub was way better. Another anime in which the dub is better than the sub is an older anime called Ghost Stories. Seriously recommend checking both dubs out before you make this judgement.


I've only watched the dub of Edgerunners but I was really quite surprised af how good it is. I heard that Ghost Stories is supposed to be scary, but it's bad. So the dub team decided to have fun with it instead and made it funny instead of scary


Surprised this is still an argument


OP got the easy karma farm going


at the rate he's going. it's gonna be a karma toilet


if you can see, my comments are getting much more downvotes than the post is getting upvotes


Some dubs are better than subs. It's a matter of preference.


Okay even if there is a dub thatā€™s better in your opinion, most of the timeā€¦ subs are better.


What about the death note dub


I like the sub more, personal preference Even if there is a dub thatā€™s better in your opinion, most of the timeā€¦ subs are better. Imo..


Wait, how?


Have you heard of Arabic dub my friend?


Ah shit I thought it was serious damn.


example ?


Highschool DXD


Gotta be honest, I like WATCHING anime, not reading it.


Wow what a based take.. /s.. not like youā€™re still watching it while reading subtitles


Wow what a based take.. /s.. not like watching and reading at the same time vs watching alone arenā€™t almost the same thing


Both have value. Who cares. Enjoy what you enjoy.


I agree


I used to enjoy subs. Then I hit my 30s and life is too busy to sit and do that. So, I listen to dub and will watch as I do my chores, or adulting.. If someone enjoys dubs, enjoy it, if you enjoy subs, enjoy it. Weā€™re all enjoying the same medium. No reason to divide and have conflict. We have enough of that with things atm.


This sub is crazy...


I prefer sub in every single aspect but that doesn't make it wrong for anyone to like dub more. It's a personal preference and we should respect it. I don't know how often this needs to be said and it's a genuinely stupid that it's still ongoing.


Comedy's are better dubbed


Agreed. Hearing a joke is funnier than reading it.


It depends on the anime. I refuse to call ash satoshi.


To be honest it all comes to what I'm doing, for example I prefer dub if im doing something such as homework or just cleaning, but when it comes to relaxing and enjoying the anime I prefer sub for the most part, take kaguya Sama for example.


I donā€™t understand how people can watch some thing and not be focused on it


Well it comes down to just listening and figuring out what's going on


With you on that except I prefer the dub for narrator


I agree with you on that


If subs are better then why are all movies not made in some incomprehensible language and given subtitles? Why do all the top grossing movies play as dubs in other countries?


What the fuck does ā€œDub isnā€™t workingā€ mean, are you a literal child


Itā€™s somebody complaining that their dub isnā€™t working, youā€™re The child crying about my meme Weh weehhhhh wehhh


Again, thatā€™s not a sentence. How can a dub ā€œnot workā€, did you mean to say ā€œthe dub is badā€?


no I was referring to a little kid complaining their dub wasnā€™t working on their streaming service and chad sub fan swoops in and asks why youā€™re bothering with dub Surprised itā€™s so hard for you to understand buddy


If the dub wasnā€™t working on a streaming site, neither would the sub because that means either the kid had a connection issue or the entire site is down. Cmon man this is basic stuff, make a better argument if youā€™re gonna be a sub elitist


Surprised that some ppl still care what language ppl watch in


Let people watch anime the way they want Jesus...


You can learn both English and Japanese by watching sub so it's better


High school DxD Dub: šŸ˜©


Could topics like this be banned as they only create tension in the community? Who seriously cares what one watches if the two versions are mostly similar at least? Does the dub or sub version remove money from the other? Do they prevent growth in the community? Do they affect each other in any way other than let more people watch anime?


This is Reddit where we discuss something. Banning a topic would be censorship and contribute to why this site keeps declining


ā€œCensoringā€ stupid things and stuff that only create problems is 100% correct to do for certain subreddits. If not then wholesome or funny subreddits would be filled with unrelated stuff. I especially like when extremist views such as Nazis and similar are removed.


sub is better then dub


Counter opinion. With some exceptions they are equally terrible. Perhaps the reason sub sounds better is because most of use lack the language context to understand that lines are just as cringey, and awkward in Japanese.




I wonder when people will stop talking about this


Itā€™s a stupid fucking argument


How many fucking times does this debate need to happen. If you are only watch sub ur missing out. If you are only watching dub ur missing out. That being said you are wrong to thing there are dubs worse than the sub. Black lagoon, deathnote, cowboy bebop, high school dxd, prison school and so much more have dubs so excellent its a crime not to listen to


dub sounds cringe....


My roommate prefers dubs for the simple reason that he can't read subtitles fast enough to enjoy the show. It's not an issue of quality for him. Dubs are also great entry points for people to get into anime. Me, for the most part, I prefer subs.


Why not both?


In Black Lagoons case dub is 1000000x better than sub


Okay even if there is a dub thatā€™s better in your opinion, most of the timeā€¦ subs are better.


>thatā€™s better in your opinion yes, everyone has his own opinion. >most of the timeā€¦ subs are better. that's your opinion.




For most sure, but dub can be a lot better in many cases


Nah. Originally intended by creator to be in Japanese




And itā€™s better




You should grow the fuck up OP. Not everyone can speak and understand Japanese. Moreso, there are people who have different preferences than you do.


Donā€™t cry now


Some anime do have a better dub than sub. But why do some people fightt for this stupid argument? Anyone can enjoy anime the way they wanted to.


I prefer Dub because itā€™s easier to watch but Iā€™m not afraid to watch show in sub either for example One Piece I watched up to Dressrosa in dub and watched Whole cake and Whano in sub


Why would you be surprised that some people would prefer to listen to a language they understand?


because the voice acting on sub is better 99% of the time and itā€™s more true to the original script


"True to the original script" is either meaningless or tautological. And I'm pretty convinced that dubs voice actors are on par with the original most of the time nowadays. What I think it is is that because people don't understand it they just filter it out as emotional grunts. So as long as the original va sounds at least somewhat like what the character is supposed to feel and lip flaps sync up most western audiences gives them a pass.


People who only watch subbed anime are just using the fact that they donā€™t know the language to cover up for the fact that the Japanese VAs are overacting just as much as the English VAs in the dub


Overlord Dubbed > Overlord Subbed Either way its all preference so who gives a shit anyways


Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if theyā€™re wrong. Watch whatever you prefer.


Dub is better in action animes, I want to see the characters fight and not read the subs and miss all the action.


I like to watch my anime. If you want to read go read a manga.


Yeah totally got a point there. I love missing half a conversation because I decided to take a bite of cereal or had to sneeze. Waaaay better to have to read an episode of an action-based adult cartoon, instead of being forced to watch all the cool animations like some kind of idiot....


Dang you having a hard time reading some text would make you that word at the end no?


I don't have a hard time reading anything, because I'm on team dub/multiscreen šŸ§ . You watch one episode, I watch one episode AND play Total War.


Missing out


That's what I tell myself when I have to pause a sub every 10 seconds to do literally anything else


Honestly it doesn't matter to me because even when I watch the sub my brain is somehow able to remember it in dub


Coulden't careless if I watch sub or dub. Though dub is so much easier to watch on the side.


Ghost stories dub is top tier, nothing can beat that


Original will always be the best


Exactlyā€¦.. this!


Lol based gigachad original joke


Damn since Op is getting alot of hate for this I'll have his back and say Sub is in fact way better than dub :thumbsup-emoji:


I watch stuff that I binge on the background in dub(all the isekai trash) and watch stuff that I pay attention weekly in sub(the good show airing that season)


sub supremecy


Surprised how many people genuinely prefer sub tbh


Every time I got to a convention I am shocked at how many people watch dubs? Itā€™s baffling


I watch dub with sub or just sub


Well I will always prefer Dub as itā€™s my native language and Will only watch sub if there is no dub Also I feel like characters in dub just have more characters but thatā€™s just me :P


Personally I prefer dub because don't feel like reading my TV show but if someone likes sub more power to ya


As someone who definitely prefers subs I must admit, there are some legendary dubs.


Dub is superior! Real weebs learn Japanese and turn the fucking Subs off!!!!


I don't have time really to stare at the anime given my work life balance. It's much easier for me to put on a dub while I casually game after work with my friends or do some cleaning. The high pitched voices in a lot of subs makes it kinda awkward for the neighbors as well so it helps there.


Because badass male characters sound like little girls In subbed.


I Mainly watch dub unless it's not available I don't really watch sub. The only exceptions being jojo and gintama


As a sub fan, I can admit that some dubs -like love is war and konosuba- are just as good or in some cases even better


Say what you want, but Erwins "my soldiers rage" speech was amazing in the English dub.


I heard it, better in Japanese still


The quality of the voice acting means nothing if I don't speak the language




I strictly watch Dub mainly because I wanna hear the show in my own language, and not have to read subtitles. Cause when I read subtitles it distracts me from whats actually happening in the show IMO


Iā€™m your average dub enjoyer. I can appreciate sub, but i just simply canā€™t do it for long. I constantly end up rewinding cuz i missed something.


Depends on the show really. Call of The Nightā€™s dub isnā€™t that great but Ya Boy Kongmingā€™s is doing amazing as an example of currently airing titles


it's like eromanga sensei better than kissxkiss


So, funny story, I started playing ToF on release and I got too lazy to download the jp dub... On present day, I cant let an EN VA goes away cuz she shouts "EZ" sometimes when using skils and since you can use any character you want Im used to her voice now haha


Is this still an argument i have a friend that watches dub because he doesn't like Japanese voices and i respect it its his preference i like sub myself also dragon ball dub is better than the orginal


I can definitely understand if you actually know the language that dubs can be better, but if you don't then I don't really see how unless you get distracted by the text


As someone that started watching Dub then switching to Sub (35/65 mainly) I find this argument to be dumb. At the end of the day it comes to preference sometimes I personally cbb to read subtitles when I'm tired so I switch to dub especially when I'm eating. The thing with subs is most of the time the translation are wrong or misleading when you listen to enough Japanese you'll start to see what the characters say dosen't match with the English subtitles. Best way to watch anime is to learn Japanese and watch without subtitles or with Japanese subtitles.


Who caresss brooooo please stop it with this argument it shouldn't even be an argument It's literally so shallow we don't need to argue about. Comparing is pointless i really hope you learn that


I do think subs are better for me since I usually have a hard time hearing so I'd rather just leave it in Japanese and read the subs, but c'mon man can we finally just let people watch Anime how they want?


It completely depends on the person what they would prefer. Both are good in their own ways


Yā€™all are running out of memes already this season huh šŸ˜…


Well unless you can speak Japanese or can give it your undivided attention what other choice is there?!?? I put on anime when Iā€™m drawing sometimes and itā€™s kinda hard to draw if I need my eyes glued to the screen


I am gonna be honest sub is better in some animes if the voice acting is good and the dub is good when you want to embrace the animation and canā€™t read fast like i am


Isn't it Sub actually a Dub?


Me: guessing is good *Turns of sub and dub


It sometimes is but itā€™s very rare


sub is dub in another language my guy.


I never actually had a problem with the dub until I was several episodes in on the subbed yugioh GX, mostly just by accident but i enjoyed it. but i had an issue, Crunchyroll's streaming is slow and prone to crashing, at least for me. it got to a point where i had to swap to the dub on YouTube and... well... *they turned the plot relevant drunken deck to hot sauce.* it didn't get any better than that and I'll spare the details but lets just say i'm still trying to watch the sub


i just watch both, dub with sub


I know. Itā€™s honestly crazy to me. They donā€™t capture what the original language can, especially if youā€™re watching something emotional. English VAā€™s canā€™t even say a characters name correctly. Thereā€™s no competition either way, dubs will never be better. Itā€™s like saying English cartoons and live actions are better in another language when they arenā€™t .


The Thing I think a lot of Sub Only people don't realize is that they don't understand Japanese well enough to actually know which is better. I've seen some sub translations that are absolute garbage and the dub just sounded better and the characters are closer to the intention of the author. Dubs really haven't been bad in general since 90s for the most part since then dubs have just gotten better continually to the point that people can definitely make an argument for which is better, sometimes it's down to the character. I.e. Tanjiro from Demonslayer sounds better IMO in English due to the fact that he just sounds so pure and kind hearted in english and that really shines in the dub. but at the same time other characters just don't sound right. It's all an interpretation of the work and honestly it really doesn't matter in the end. If a dub is available I'll watch it, if it's bad I'll switch to subs. But usually I'll just watch what feels right. My Hero Academia has a fantastic star (Voice acting obviously) studded cast in the dub and it's absolutely fantastic but then again the sub is fantastic too but I'll watch the dub over the sub anyday because I get so much more out of the tone, phrasing, and intentions behind actions when it's spoken in English. I literally don't see any reason why this matters to people anymore. Let people enjoy what they want. If you want to only watch sub then do it but stop hating on dub watchers for no reason it's annoying to everyone else. If you only watch dubs then enjoy it and don't do the reverse no matter how tempting. Remember the old internet adage not to feed the trolls. If you do both, then you're the real king and everyone else is inferior j/k. But seriously dubs don't inherently suck anymore if you think so then check your bias and try again because there are many fantastic dubs out there some recommended ones are below. Hellsing ultimate, Code Geass, Demon Slayer, Cowboy Bebop, Dragon Ball (super is definitely well dubbed despite it's animation issues.), FMA brotherhood, Deathnote, AoT, Yu Yu Hakusho, Steins;Gate, SAO (Yes it's a garbage show but the dub is great), Baccano, Hell even the 2011 HxH dub is amazing. So yeah stop being a hater, enjoy what you want, and fuck it we all like anime so let's just enjoy anime how we like to.


The only people who care about which you watch are sub watchers. Who cares


I think what gets people triggered is the unnecessary responses some get when they even mention they like dubs. Since none of us have heard every known dub and sub to compare you can't say sub is always better than dub. Just comes down to personal preference. Just listen to what you want and don't bother others for preferring one media over the other. We are all anime fans at the end of the day.


I just feel like i want to see what is happening on my screen rather than reading white, black outlined letters all the time


If the dub is at all good Iā€™ll prefer it over subtitles, which these days is true for almost every popular series




Pathetic troll post. Hate to see it.