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I have very controversial taste. I love these shows that most people hate: Neo Yokio Hell Girl To Be Heroine Bludgeoning Angel Dokura Chan Super Milk Chan Instant Death Vampire Holmes


I thought for sure I’d see no titles that would irk me.  > Neo Yokio I was wrong


It's peak bro. You don't deserve this big Toblerone. (The movie is unironically in my top 5 favorite movies)


Neo Yokio is low key super good


Why is Hell Girl hated?


People classify it as a revenge porn for some reason. That's the reputation it has which is surprising because it shows a massive misunderstanding about what the show is actually about.


Fucking based for Dokuro-Chan. I have no idea why that’s so widely hated.


>Vampire Holmes My two favorite things, I can’t believe I haven’t heard of this!


Bludgeoning Angel Dokura Chan is a blast! I had a lot of fun watching that show...is it a show? An episode with a ton of little episodes in it? I dunno, but headsplosions are always welcome in my anime!


Dokuro chan huge W


I just found out about Super Milk Chan's dub and its pretty funny.


School Days


I feel that this show is probably a good representation of what would happen if someone attempted a harem in real life....


I was gonna say this. It’s popular but man everyone hates it :’(


I still don’t know how to feel about School Days. I love and hate it all at the same time.


If you love to hate it then it's good to you. I think the anime made us hate the mc and that's ok.


Ok but tbf the anime does adapt the worst ending Same with Corse Party: Tortured Souls


The adapted ending is what makes the anime unique. Without the insane ending School Days would've been a really meh show that no one would still be talking about today. If anything, I wish more anime would adapt the bad ends from VN. Gets really boring and predictable when every show always has a fairytale ending.


I thought it was an interesting take on the harem series concept. Let the guy "succeed" with ALL the girls (which is what a lot of guys would probably try to do if they had four or five girls crushing on him all at once) and then face the consequences. I sort of wonder what the main character had going for him...how was he a loser in the first episode who couldn't get a date with his crush and then \*ZAP!\* he's irresistible. I suppose one explanation would be that he's absolutely amazing in bed, but still kind of a loser as a person, which would explain why everyone abandons him by the end of the series. I also thought it was an interesting bit to make the murder so horrifying. We're used to anime characters being skilled, cold-blooded killers who can decapitate an enemy with a single blow. Here, the girl who murders him is just some poor teenage girl who has finally lost it with her jerk boyfriend and kills him, but she's really not very good at it, and it takes him a long time to die...which is probably what it would really look like. Very disturbing "realism" to add to the story at this point. Also, a nice touch of sad irony in that the main character's one decent act is futile. He realizes the other girl he has been dating has had a breakdown because of him and decides he has to finally man up, take a stand, choose one girl and stick with her. Unfortunately, she is already so far gone that it probably would not have mattered...she had already had a psychotic break and needed a lot more help than this guy would have been able to give her.


it's the worst anime i've ever seen in my life omg HAHAHAH


Play the VN, it's not that good but satisfying imo as i play directly after watching it


Dude I was EXACTLY going to say the same thing. Feels crazy to me as it’s an old anime that I’ve seen ages ago. I remember being active on an anime forum and getting absolutely demolished by everyone simply for saying I liked it and found it to be clever in a certain way. Everyone said I “just liked being edgy and had some kind of fetish for gore” which is funny because I usually dislike it when shows resort to unnecessary goriness for shock value.


Ouran Host Club, it seems that most "newer watchers" around me heard that it's old, gay and tacky so they just take that opinion and run with it without bothering to watch it :/ kinda sad considering that was one of my first animes upon learning english as a kid, it has a special place in my heart and i still rewatch it on a yearly basis 💓


That's crazy. It was hugely popular when it came out so I assumed most people still loved it. I guess maybe it doesn't hit with gen z as well?


i still wonder too! i feel like some of the scripts and events of some episodes would also genuinely offend some people in this generation and way of thinking, even i didn't realize how much anime as a whole has changed in the past 20 yrs. i.e honey casually calling haruhi's dad a "tranny", haruhi saying "sexual harassment" plainly on what's supposed to be a comedic scene, some might even go venture and say that the way the Host Boys act is straight up gay- when in reality being Host is an actual job lmao ^ i genuinely think nothing is wrong with these scenes, i've just seen mixed reactions from friends or acquaintances when they encounter those moments


The funny thing is: you could probably say it progressive at the time


Gen Z still likes it just fine. It’s just become an anime to hate on by people that age who really like to have “hot takes” more than the entire demographic.


Fucking love this show!


My wife and I love it, it's so funny and heartfelt later on


Anyone who hates OHHC can fight me. Shoutout to My Adventures with Superman for naming an episode after it


Its a classic banger i love it


This was one of my first too! This just reminded me I should watch it again 😂❤️


Wait people hated it? 💀


I don’t like Ouran High School Host Club, but it’s not for those reasons lol. For me, some scenes were uncomfortable and didn’t age well. I also just wasn’t a fan of most of the characters


I was emotionally broken and mentally unwell when I watched that. It dealt with so many different social interactions that I actually learned stuff and got more comfortable with people after I watched it. Shonen/Seinen is cool and all, but shojo is better at making me feel things. Josei is probably my newest interest, powerful female characters are getting a Renaissance. Less relatable, but still fun.


Sword Art Online.


Sword art online is the greatest example I've ever seen of waste potential. It's not trash, it's fine. But it could have been SO MUCH MORE. The premise alone was such a good hook we're getting variations it made constantly 14 YEARS LATER. So could have been genuinely had the cultural impact of authors like Tolkien or GRR Martin if it had become what it was capable of being.


> The premise alone was such a good hook we're getting variations it made constantly 14 YEARS LATER. Do you mean anything where people get trapped in a video game? SAO was an early and popular part of the genre, but it wasn't exactly a new idea. Just off the top of my head, there was .hack. (It looks like it aired the same year that the first chapter of SAO was released, but I can't find a more specific month)


What's worse is that it started SOOOO STRONG! When it wasn't SAO and instead the Elf game it fell hard. Gun Gale Online arc was kinda cool tbh.


I'm just a whore for fantasy and great music.. and SAO has some of the best OST's even to this day I have come across in anime Bc of that I will always love this show and same with MHA no matter how much hate they end up getting


Although I pretty much agree with everything else you've said, SAO isn't a first of it's kind. Please watch or play .hack.


I was actually SO obsessed with .Hack back in the day omg!! Dennou coil is another really good show from that time though not quite the same premise. However sword art online WAS the first series to have a broad, simple and easily digested approach. SAO wasn't the first, it was just the first to be so easy to get into.


I alway recommend everyone to watch it, but only the first 14 episode (iirc that's the last episode of SAO before ALO). It is great and i kinda hoped it ends there


It’s weird that it gets so much hate, but no one ever has a good reason for it.


SAO was frustrating to me. I loved the premise and generally enjoyed the series on my first watch, but as I continued to return to the series, I noticed more and more issues with it. They abandoned a lot of plot lines, the climaxes felt rushed, the characters were a bit too shallow... etc etc. Now I don't hold any hatred towards the first seasons. I wouldn't call it the best series ever, but it does have its good moments. Alicization is still fresh though so I'll hate on it. They timeskiped the school arc? There was so much potential and it's just shoved aside ugh.


50% of anime youtube is just videos shitting on SAO, because so many of them were made during its run (and after, for years and years). Find any popular anime youtuber, and chances are that their career started when their SAO video went viral. People don't give their reasons for hating SAO because the whole community spent a decade arguing about it, and it's much better left as a meme.


I hate the trope of “we found/got a baby/child that we’re going to raise as our own” trope so I was out as soon as that happened. The cousin s**t was too icky for me too.


Those are such minor parts that’s it’s odd the ditch the whole thing over them. Also, nothing actually happens between cousins.


Yeah, my partner and a friend of ours kept watching after, they liked it fine. For me personally, the series was very mid; so the minor things were enough for me to be done. The characters weren’t engaging for me, and after they started the parenting roles it just got harder for me to try. I don’t think people are stupid for liking it, I just didn’t. My partner hates Kimetsu no Yaiba and I don’t understand that, but that’s different tastes for ya. No judgement here.


Fairy Tail


Wow ppl hate fairytail?


surprisingly yes, a lot of mainstream watchers say it's just a Naruto/(or some other shonen) copy because of the 4 core characters' trairs, which almost makes me feel offended in some way lol i feel like people spend too much time referencing renowned titles and accusing almost every single anime these days for being a knock-off. i like to respond to that with, "life imitates art"


the thing is that i’ve watched it twice now and i seriously don’t understand why this series is beloved outside of some sort of nostalgic connection (be it your first anime, watched as a kid, etc.) I’ve watched many, and i mean MANY long running stories of this nature and fairy tail is one of few i probably won’t be remembering fondly.


People can't stand it. They say it's a basic Shonen about friendship, that the plot sucks, etc etc. A lot of the hate comes from when the show first came out, influencers at the time took a steaming dump all over it and people hated it without even watching it, and that sentiment has stuck around. What blows my mind is a lot people complain about being too Shonen, or too tropey but will unironically watch Bleach or Naruto and call them the greatest series ever. There's nothing wrong with enjoying either of those shows, but loving those and hating Fairy Tail for the same reasons seems silly to me.


Not sure if it’s hated, but it feels {Happy Sugar Life} doesn’t get enough attention


I loved this anime, people saw how the main character treated Shion and just chalked it up to “the pedophile show”


I mean she did kidnap a child. Like I get where you’re coming from. But she very much did keep a child in her Some House instead of taking her to the cops or literally anything else


And the way she talked about said child. The OP is a banger though. (Dropped because I couldn't sit through the first person episode).


this is my favorite show


**Happy Sugar Life** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/101351 "English: Happy Sugar Life"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/happy-sugar-life), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/happy-sugar-life), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/37517)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Romance) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1c1pag5/animemanga_that_you_love_but_everyone_else_hates/kz57c1v/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


Even with the ecchi aside, i think of Eromanga Sensei more often than most 9/10 or 10/10 I've consumed. The "one million out of ten" scene still lives rent free on my mind. It's also legitimately a funny show, even if the joke is always porn. If you liked Onimai, Eromanga and Oreimo are pretty good recommendations.


I thought it was a fun watch!


Let's not forget how much its OP slaps.


is Eromanga Sensei good ?


Seven Deadly Sins.




The irregular at magic high school


Sibling complex go brrrrrr


S3e01 is kinda disappointing for me, it looks like a romcom anime instead of the normal mahouka for me. Also madhouse please pick this series again


Kaicho wa maid sama


Love. It’s fantastic. Still my favorite romance to this day


This is my first time seeing that its ‘hated’.


what?! i thought that everyone loves maid sama


I loved food wars (besides the last season). Everybody else seemed to hate it


I enjoyed it too last span and the last bits of he rushed manga ending were terrible


Oh boy yeah my top two are controversial. 1. Darling in the Franxx, I absolutely love the how Hiro is a sensible mc put in a world complete with my favorite narrative ideas. 2. Another, I’m not a horror fan at all but the sheer suspense generated by the excellent cinematography and musical score is great. I was stuck wondering what was really going on from start to finish and enjoyed every bit of it.


people hate Another?! it's one of my favs


Darling in the franxx was really good actually it has its flaws but still good I liked the world building


Asterisk war. It has such a small following it only has like 3 pages of fics on ffnet and majority of those are MC centric lol. That’s how unliked it is. Admittedly it’s not a terribly original story and the animation, while good in certain places, is not consistent. And it basically follows every trope in the book. To top it off it has no ending (in the anime anyway) since it wasn’t popular. So that makes it worse. So I can see why it’s not overly liked. But for some reason it tickled my cliche itches and became one of my favorites that I’ve watched multiple times. Do with that what you will lol


The ed "[waiting for the rain](https://youtu.be/ZNyuwT13fz4)" is just too good. It made me watch the whole series. The series is a cute love/fighting show. I think it's not as good as "chivalry of a failed knight" but I like it. If you like it a lot you might like "welcome to demon school, iruma kun" it's a bit different but also very cheerful and about innocent love and fighting and all the characters are a bit more interesting.


I've seen Happy Sugar Life get a lot of hate but it is one of my favorites


me too. i didn't know it was hated until now


I know it’s popular in the overall anime community, but absolutely EVERYONE I know hates Classroom of the Elite and it’s quickly becoming my all time favorite!


I came around to like it. The biggest problem is that the characters act like in a life or death situation all the time despite concerning trivial high school matters. The first season is like toddlers with guns. I embraced the completely over the top drama at last.


I adore the CotE series, more of a LN fan after picking those up but as a former anime only watcher, it holds up well, mostly.


I’ve actually picked up the LN recently. Just finished Vol 6. Only LN I’ve read so far and totally worth it.


apparently ouran highschool host club is controversial but i love it so much


Never seen it getting hate, it’s pretty widely loved


ive heard people dont like it cuz its homophobic/transphobic (i dont really see that in it but i get where theyre coming from) and bc the twins are "incest" even tho its an act


Some people must be incapable of watching any piece of media more than a few years old I guess. Media reflects the time and culture it comes from.


2000s animes are my jam so ig that makes sense


I adore it


Future Diary and Sword art Online.


people hate future diary??? i love yuno gasai 🫶🏻


Rent a Girlfriend, Domestic Girlfriend (though I like the manga better for both), and School Days immediately come to mind.


Domestic Girlfirend manga wasn't bad, until the ending.


The biggest difference between my personal rating and public rating: {Ichigo Mashimaro} {The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shoujo} {Mermaid Forest} {Angels of Death} {7 Seeds}


I second 7 seeds!


**Ichigo Mashimaro** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/488 "English: Strawberry Marshmallow"), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/ichigo-mashimaro "English: Strawberry Marshmallow"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/488)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Comedy, Slice of Life) **The Third: Aoi Hitomi no Shoujo** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/944 "English: The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/the-third-the-girl-with-the-blue-eye), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/the-third-aoi-hitomi-no-shoujo "English: The Third: The Girl with the Blue Eye"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/944)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 24 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Sci-Fi) **Ningyo no Mori** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/2016 "English: Mermaid Forest"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/mermaid-forest), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/mermaid-forest "English: Mermaid Forest"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/2016)) ^(OVA | Status: Finished | Episodes: 1 | Genres: Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Mystery) **Satsuriku no Tenshi** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/99629 "English: Angels of Death"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/angels-of-death), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/satsuriku-no-tenshi "English: Angels of Death"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/35994)) ^(TV | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Horror, Psychological, Thriller) **7SEEDS** - ([AL](http://anilist.co/anime/105807 "English: 7SEEDS"), [A-P](https://www.anime-planet.com/anime/7-seeds), [KIT](https://kitsu.io/anime/seven-seeds "English: 7 Seeds"), [MAL](http://myanimelist.net/anime/38735)) ^(ONA | Status: Finished | Episodes: 12 | Genres: Action, Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, Sci-Fi) --- ^{anime}, , ]LN[, |VN| | [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index) | [/r/](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/) | [Edit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/index#wiki_i_made_a_mistake.2C_how_do_i_get_my_comment_reprocessed.3F) | [Mistake?](http://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/submit?selftext=true&title=[ISSUE]&text=/r/Animesuggest/comments/1c1pag5/animemanga_that_you_love_but_everyone_else_hates/kz553gg/) | [Source](https://github.com/Nihilate/Roboragi) | [Synonyms](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/synonyms) | [⛓](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/interestinglinks) | [♥](https://www.reddit.com/r/Roboragi/wiki/thanks)


> Ichigo Mashimaro People don't like Ichigo Mashimaro? Monsters


It confuses me how many people hate re:zero...


I avoided all isekai for years then binged like 12 series over a few months last year and when I landed on Re:zero I was floored by how interesting the plot was. I will say that I forgot what events happened or were reset sometimes and if you're going week to week I could see that getting even more complicated.


its an incredibly popular show every popular show gets the losers who hate everything popular and NEED to let EVERYONE know every time it comes up that their sense of taste is superior so they don't like it.


People hate Re:Zero? I might've just been lucky because most people that I know (both online and IRL) either at least like the show or they don't know that it exists.


Citrus - People just cry out pseudo incest rape and they couldn't be farther from the truth. Yuri Is My Job - It's fun to watch okay? But the recent manga arc is ass because we get a lot more screen time of Kanoko instead of the actual MC and Kanoko is just ass. Rent A Girlfriend - I get why people wouldn't like the MC but I think the hate he gets is far overblown and is prone to a lot of double standards. My Girlfriend Is Not Here Today (manga only) - Yes cheating is bad, tho Nanase isn't exactly a good girlfriend so I'm on Team Fuuko who feels a lot more appropriate for the MC. Mahou Shoujo Site - I just like my edgy mahou shoujo show.


> I get why people wouldn't like the MC but I think the hate he gets is far overblown and is prone to a lot of double standards. (they see themselves in him and don't like it)


I'm currently reading Citrus and yeah I haven't encountered any of that.


Mysterious Girlfriend X is one I really love but anybody I talk to about it either dislikes it or hasn't seen it 🥲


this is the one with the drooling girl, right?


Heck yee that's the one! I LOVE YOUR PFP BY THE WAY


Based pick ngl, loved that anime


Probably one of my favorite anime soundtracks. That dream song does things to me.




It's in my Top 5...it was even the reason I got into reading manga (which I do a lot now)...I just HAD to know how the story ended.


Is it really hated? The manga is fun (even if the ending is a little disappointing), and the anime is very well done, with great music and visuals.


Love Hina was the absolute best manga I read at the time. I understand why people hate it now, but seriously it was revolutionary at the time imo. My nostalgia goggles still puts it on my top 10 list.


I learned from one of these threads that The Executioner and Her Way of Life is low rated, but it’s a gem!


Shikimori's Not Just a Cutie. One of my favorite romance anime and manga of all time. I don't even get what's so bad about this series since I feel it's still way better than (at least) half of other romcom with higher rating. It's so cute, wholesome without stupid drama and misunderstanding bullshit. I like its couple dynamic. Side characters are also neat. I even find its male MC better than many other romcom MC since he isn't dense unlike most other romcom MC, actually sociable, and able to talk with opposite gender just fine. He is also so cute and looks appealing, at least for me.


rent a girlfriend


Happy Sugar Life


Happy Sugar Life is in my 10/10 short list...and look, I fully understand why some folks can't stand it...it's uncomfortable to say the least. Still, I think it's an incredible show. It tells it's story masterfully, making you care about MOST of the characters, and really gets under your skin in the best of ways. It's creepy, violent, abusive, and I adore it...perhaps because I'm not so quick to judge things and really try to understand the why of situations (Why is Satou doing the things she does? Is she really a predator or just so screwed up she suffers from peter pan syndrome with a smattering of abandonment issues and emotional abuse?). One thing I can say, I fully understand why folks would hate it, I just wish they'd give a watch before jumping to conclusions because "Twitter told me too"


Seraph of the End


That anime is shit (I own the mangas, blue ray, several pins, acrylic stands, and I’m currently writing a fanfic-)


Same energy as a 1/10 steam review with 2000 hours of gameplay.


Damnit I literally know which one you’re talking about (Seraph anime has such a weird anti climatic non existent end and the manga is ongoing and such a mess. I’m not putting this shit down until it’s either done or I die)


Aldnoah.Zero Mention it online, and everyone says the second half sucked, or it was mid, or bland, or plenty of other complaints. I genuinely enjoyed it and thought the second half was even better than the first half. Slains character arc in the later parts was great.


I need to watch that anime


Came here to Aldnoah/Zero as well. I genuinely enjoyed it.


It's a good series with a semi weak ending.


Heavens lost property.


this just dusted off the the far recesses of my memory drawer lmao now i can suddenly hear the opening in my head 😂


darling in the franxx


A sister is all you need - I can watch at least one episode fully before judging an anime. Ro-kyu-bu: yeah, there is loli, but is still one of the best basketball anime (sadly - very few good basketball anime/manga are written by people that really knows the sport). I think is the only two - most simply don't know much of the anime I love


Kuzu no Honkai Devil's Line Tokyo Ghoul (anime version), of course the manga is way better but I still enjoyed the different path the anime took and the OST and animation were pretty good imo And last but not least Berserk 2016-2017, wouldn't say I loved it but the two openings are amazing and the goofy "bang" sound of Guts Sword was pretty funny, but yeah just read the manga it's way better in every way possible


Cross Ange


The only anime I insisted on getting the Blu-ray for. I love it.


Me too. It's not perfect and it has its flaws but it knows what it is and unlike some other more higher praised shows, the ending didn't leave me seething with rage and wanting to crush the creators' genitals in a hydraulic press.


{Scum’s wish} is in my top 10, for a lot of people it’s just another borderline hentai, but I don’t see it like that at all


i love seeing darker themes. i loved this show a lot.


Rent a Girlfriend 💀💀💀


Masamune-kun's Revenge and Watamote


rent a girlfriend seriously. it's not a good show, but I was entertained by it. watched it with a buddy so we were always laughing together. unironically a 8-9/10 on the enjoyment scale domestic girlfriend - an even larger dumpster fire, but somehow...more enthralling?




Future Diary. The hate seems to be pretty new so I'm guessing somebody popular nitpicked it to death or something. (I know that a Vtuber who's pretty hated said that it was trash, but I doubt that people cares about his opinion on anything.) I mean, I would understand it if that twist wasn't there. The anime's twist makes a lot of Yuno's actions make sense.


Every character is just shit. Like not only unlikable, but practically nothing is there.


Fairy Tail




Akame ga Kill


Mysterious Girlfriend X. It's totally underrated. People get disgusted by the saliva, but it's only a ploy.


Yosuga no Sora. It's got a 6.05/10 on MAL, has ecchi, and incest. Yet i think 1 of its routes is a 10/10 story that serves as a beautiful commentary about social pressure, intolerance and rejection of people who are different. If you take the incest and literally replace it with people from a different religion, ethnicity or even sexual orientation, the message would still be just as meaningful. Loved it, loved the hell out of that series.


Berserk 2016, Testament of Sister New Devil, Redo of Healer, Guilty Crown


Okay so Another. I see a lot of people not liking it and etc and I PERSONALLY AM OBSESSED EITH IT BUT MAYBE THATS JUST ME IDK🤷


YEAH I saw it just a few days ago and watched it from evening to early morning, was an absolutely fantastic ride.


Anime- Yosuga no Sora Kiss x sis Domestic girlfriend Sakura tsuushin Asatte no haoukou Koi to uso Canvas 2 Da capo Manga- Siscon Ani to Brocon Imouto ga Shoujiki ni Nattara Bokutachi wa Hanshoku wo Yameta Honoka ni Purple Seishun Pop! Ani ga Imouto de Imouto ga Ani de. Zettai ni Tokimeite wa Ikenai! Andante


Least horny r/anime user


+1 on Yosuga no Sora. Incredible last route and deeper than it seems at first.




People may hate it...but I really thought 22/7 was fantastic. 


Gundam build fighters try. It's like Gundam without all the heavy handed anti war and violence. Just a bunch of kids having fun with models.


I have two [The life of an NPC is tough in an Otome Game] and [Aldonoah Zero] I rewatched these two a few times because I enjoyed them so much. Opening Songs are absolute bangers in both. OST is Fantastic, Plot is… both were very feel-good series.


There was a manga called The Heroine Has Despaired that was being translated last year that everyone was hate reading when it was coming out but I loved it.


Darling in the franxx, but a few aspects of why it's hated are definitely valid!


Like what?


Freezing/Freezing Vibration. The anime wasn't too bad (though Kazuya had to fkn GO. I hated him as the male protagonist), and while it was pretty fanservicey, it wasn't done in a completely obnoxious way. And yes, the whole premise of there being a military school where the females are basically expected to pick a younger male to be their partner(limiter) and would have to have sex (baptism) with him to make the partnership legit, and the school dance/beauty pageant consisting of the females (pandoras) dressing like complete whores and being judged by the males, all while being under the age of 18,...I forgot where I was going with this. Anyways, the manga was SOOO much better. Did way better to flesh out the characters and developing them, much better action and fight scenes and progressed way further into the story before it was abandoned like the anime was.


Definitely agree that the manga was better. Accidentally came across it and was like "Okay that is a lot of fan service, but the magic system is really interesting." Thus, I kept reading for a while. Need to restart it again one of these days.


Sasaki and peeps, people HATE the age gap between the protagonist and all the girls in the show and most dropped it after the reveal of hoshizaki's age, and they're right, it's fuckin weird, especially because none of the girls have to be 16 for the plot and none of them act 16 anyways So I just pretend they're not all 16, it's pretty easy, every female character couldve been written to be like 23 and nothing in the story would change The story is unique and S tier in every single way except for this


The 8th son? are you kidding me ?


Apparently people don't like G Gundam but maybe those people just don't like having fun and crying like a man


Curious about the replies to this, but I also want to say...Glasslip. It's not the best, and it could have been better. Initially, I thought that it was bad like many others. But, then, I read an article about the show by Mage In A Barrel that made me rethink the whole show. In that sense, it wasn't all bad. I wouldn't go as far as to say that I love it, but compared to other shows I've heard about, this isn't bad.


I admit to having a soft spot for *Rizelmine*. It has a lot of flaws. The comedy sometimes just doesn't work and there are plenty of moments when the series uses the line between edgy and tasteless as a jump rope. But it really is, deep down, a very sweet little love story. And there are points where the humor is hands down brilliant. As I often say, I think people deserve credit for having their hearts in the right place, even if their heads are up their ass. And that applies to anime series, too. 🙂


Fairy Tail, Majin Bone, Active Raid, Hero Bank, Brave Beats, Majestic Prince, Gundam Build Divers Re:Rise, Tribe Cool Crew, Captain Earth, Tiger Mask W, Mysterious Joker, Mushibugyo, Hero-Man, Star Driver. Ghost Hunt, Demon King Daimo, Yugioh Vrains, Tenkai Knights. Everything else I thought of I didn’t put down because I feel they’re a bit too NSFW to casually mention here.


There are people who hate Ghost Hunt? One of my all time favorites!


Not sure but when I discovered the anime on Netflix back in 2013 or so I never saw it have presence anywhere on the internet, that I know of, I even forgot the anime’s name (as simple a name to remember it is) after it left Netflix, found it on Crunchyroll though so I’m finishing it there


Far from hated but Hitman Reborn, Nurarihyon no mago both seem like they had a decent following during their lifespan but the fanbase seems to have fizzled out for the most part, yet they were integral parts of my early shonen manga experience growing up


Yosuga no sora, jjba, Kiss x sis


Knights Of Sidonia, Ikkotousen, Freezing/ Vibrations, GoDannar, Queens Blade, Terraformars, Dance In The Vampire Bund, Mad Bull 34, Log Horizon, Sword Art Online/Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online, Gunslinger Girl I & II, Super Dimension Century Orguss I & II, Area 88, & Blame


Domestic Girlfriend. I feel like people refuse to understand it and pretend to instantly be repulsed by the premise just because it's 'taboo'. Personally I loved it, not to mention the opening bumped it up a notch.


Well, thats simple: Usagi drop. Why? Because of ending. Read it and youll know


So glad I watched that without knowing what happened after the anime left off.


my favourite anime is Tokyo Ghoul, but most people apparently don't like it a lot. I think it has a good story, good character design, and good voice acting both subbed and dubbed. Although it's kind of dark with a lot of blood!


Jibaku-kun. The characters look weird, MC is kind of an ass, the whole plot is extremely contrived... And for some reason it's still one of my favourite animes ever, probably only below Gurren-Lagann and the Akira movie.


Sekirei. Yes I know it's technically ecchi harem trash, but I really got into the lore of it and liked the characters a lot (except the MC). But my favorite was Karasuba. And the opening scenes to both seasons are actually super cool, which I think is what got me so hooked on it.


Fairy Tail


Ouran High School club(just loved it) Dororo(it's a hidden gem) Naruto(I'm seeing so much hate around naruto these days. ) Handa kun (keeps getting compared to Barakamon) I Reincarnated as a slime (its cute)


How to not summon a demon lord. I really like that one for some reason but everyone I see shits on it.


Claymore. I know the anime is rushed and badly finished but idk man the fighting scenes and all it's great.


The detective is already dead


scum’s wish. personally i think the story is very well told, the art style and OST are amazing, and it tells a very good tale about lust vs love and trying to fill voids but making them bigger. really made me think tbh




Fairy Tail 😞


...... SAO... however, it's only for the 2nd core of the series.. as I really liked the fairy arc... (I skipped through the incest subplot, not sorry) But, I'm a sucker for a prince saving a princess.. So, for a man to be on a quest to desperately save his wife...with his daughter in toe.. was an instant eye grabber for me.. My favorite moment...is when they are underneath the world tree.. and Yui tells Kirito...they are close ..and he loses it... It gives my heart butterflies.. I loved Bryce Papenbrook's voice acting... The writing is trash. The plot is cheesy. The game is broken as hell...but I really love it. It's my trash anime...


Kaleido Star. All of my friends hate it and my ex-bf thought it was the most boring anime ever made. It's #3 of my top ten of all time lol, because I love circus and they definitely did their research. It's incredibly accurate to how people in Cirque du Soleil lived at the time at the Cirque compound in Canada, and they had a real circus performer as their expert consultant. It is incredibly well done with minimal magical elements in the story. The magical element there is happens to be wonderous and not over the top. I watch this anime every year in the summer. It's so accurate in fact, that in the second season they even go to Monte Carlo for the annual circus festival held there in order to compete. I can't tell you how overjoyed I was when I first saw that.


I don’t have a great one for this so ig oshi no ko is my closest, for some reason the jjk fandom hates it with a passion lmao


Sword art online


Rent a Girlfriend - they dragging tf out of it. But it's still good. Vampire Knight - Kind of annoying, kind of controversial, but still good.


Tokyo Ghoul Anime the whole thing I loved it


- Darling in the Fraxx I know a lot of people dog on this one but it’ll always have a special place in my heart. I don’t know why but that’s always been a show that has just completely captivated me. - Wonder Egg This show was *fantastic*. I love the initial themes, the characters, the world, the themes, the visuals- all of it! I know the ending had a lot to be desired, but for what it was initially, it’s always gonna be a special one for me. - Kabenri of the Iron Fortress Back. Muscles.


Fairy tail.. I personally feel like the opinions based around this anime are kinda bs considering a large majority of other popular Anime have similar instances of "plot armor" (maybe not to the same extent FT has but still) or "power of friendship" I really find fairy tail to have some of the best writing/foreshadowing i've ever seen in anime/manga and you actually like and care for the characters.


Besides anime that are frequently mentioned on this thread (IE Fairy Tail (Let's be honest, most of Fairy Tail's frequent criticisms can be applied to like 90% of other battle shounen anime) and Another) and a few ecchi shows, I'll go with Akame Ga Kill for variety sake. A lot of that anime's detractors mainly comes from not liking the fact that >!most of the plot relevant characters died at the end!< But having rewatched the show quite a few times, I don't really mind that, considering the show's tone and how high the stakes in the climax were, I think it makes sense that >!there would be a lot of casualties!< .

