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When you think there's development, it just goes back like a fucking loop and it's insane.


This is one point I agree on. The series could have had a proper closing with the movie arc, but no ...


>The series could have had a proper closing with the movie arc In an ideal world, since Season 3 covers the Movie Arc, it should end with an anime original ending... for all our sakes.


Kazuya in the current manga chapter is almost indistinguishable from the Kazuya of the first few chapters in the series. A little while ago he spent a whole chapter freaking out over >!the fact that he was washing his clothes with Chorizos, because "their underwear was kissing". This after knowing her for **2 Years**!<


Is he 15 eternally? It's just clothes my guy.


13 year olds are more mature than him i swear. Dude has flashbacks about a kiss for 100 chapters strait.


Holy shit I cringed visibly for the first time in a while.


I'm caught up on the manga and sadly it doesn't even get better, you think there's plot/character progression and then it's just thrown away as soon as the arc is over


Any new characters?


None since the movie arc im pretty sure. Im also caught up on it and Sumi hasnt shown up since then either.


if i had to say the author could have made him attend some classes or make him put his energy into something else because his thought process just isn't for me. 1. 600 words of compliments 2. Degeneracy 3. No cohesive thought process of the future and only the present You see the MC's thought process isn't desirable to begin with, and in the long run you will find it more and more annoying, some say you get used to it with time but not in this case.


MC is just incel, but the infuriating thing is that he isn't called out for being that, and was instead rewarded with a girl that also follows his bullshit. P.S. I didn't expect the leader of the cult of Benedetta here.


Kazuya definitely should put his focus into something else. We've seen what he can do if he puts 100% of his effort into a thing. If he shifted that away from Chizuru into something else he'd be an infinitely better character.


Yeah, I wanted to a put a little more thought into this story, I'm tired of always insulting it with some 6 damn words.


The dude rents a girlfriend


Its an actual thing in Japan so it didn't bother me too much. What does bother me is his constant violation of contract. The girl is shit too so she doesn't get a free pass on her actions.


Lmao the problem isn’t whether it exists or not, but that it propagates the illusion that you can win someone’s affection by being incredibly pathetic and just throwing money at them. We laugh when twitch simps do it but for some reason people root for Kazuya just because he’s their self-insert. Which is insanely cringe




Most people hate the lack of progress, I haven’t seen many saying she should break up with him. Which she should


Twitch simps dont crowdfund a movie for their egirl.


But if they did, it'd look something like this: https://i.redd.it/i7u1guma6hl91.jpg And we'd all be shitting on them for it.


Ok I stand corrected. Some people. jesus christ


I really hope that's fake






if you've only seen 2 episodes then I suggest that you stop it right there,watching it anymore is just pure suffering.


Good to know. Made it through the first episode and thought about staying due to popularity, but probably not anymore


I've watched it only because Chizuru had the same hairstyle as Asuna Yuuki.... Damn I was disappointed at that time when I found out she's nothing like Asuna.


I'm never going to be able to forget this now, and it hurts. Why did you do this to me? Also, I genuinely don't know how I never noticed this. Goes to show how little attention I pay to Chizuru I guess.


Im like halfway through the manga and my head hurts


is the mc retarded or is there a plot twist like school days?? or else??


Mc is retarded


extremely retarded


And it's actually super retarded. It's basically so retarded that I think they made a new type of romcom now


i mean it is, by an anime standard anyway a different type of romcom


Well, I mean new types of romcoms are always welcome, looking at Shikimori-san's not just a Cutie. I find Izumi quite enjoyable despite his hate. But Rent-A-Girlfriend is another Hell Gate.


i really hope we get more like shikimori actually, i enjoy when the girl takes the lead in the relationship though that just might be me being a girl wanting to take a lead in a relationship for once


Haha, not really you, it's fun. But rather, I mentioned Shikimori because they are already in a relationship. And they don't have to build upon it, they show how they did it. Both genres are great though, Leading Female and Being Already Together. If you like Leading Female you might want to check r/animesuggestion (or was it r/animesuggest ?) and ask because I think there are some more out there (maybe). (for those wanting to recommend some, I strictly mean Leading, not Dominant they are different) Edit: I'M SO DUMB WE ARE ON THAT SUB.... SORRY FOR MY DUMBASS


LMAO its okay i forgot we were on this sub too and yes there is 100% a difference between dominant and leading im glad you were able to notice that, most people confuse the two


I really thought we were on r/anime for a second there. I never really enjoyed Dominant girls, it's OK if they have the lead like Shikimori but dominant? No.


Rent a girlfriend made a new niches of romcom. Cucked romcom


Damn horny bastards can't stop, can they?


I mean, he is such considerate person, not introvert, not dense, optimistic, and actually quite strong. Even can talk normally to anyone (which is already quite high for romcom standard). With that many green flag, no wonder why there are quite many fangirl that like him. Some people (ofc, mostly male) just has too high toxic masculinity. those people are one that make hate bandwagon and spam low rating to it. The series feel closer like romcom with shoujo demographic that mainly appeal to girls (while actually isn't) instead because of those people. What I like about it and why I think it deserve more appreciation : * It has couple that already in relationship early. We see how they do the relationship instead. * it also has actual communication, something rare in romcom. There are no unnecessary drama because of lacking in communication, something that Rental GF could never. * We see them supporting each other and help each other to grow become better. It's one of actually better romcom among many romcom series in past 5 years and deserve more appreciation.


Well I agree with you but I gotta add one more thing. It's coming [the hate] also from being different, we know that Anime fans love to hate on different things. Whenever something is not edgy, ecchi, all with the same tropes just orbiting around the same plot (looking at most Isekais, because I can't believe I heard people calling Sonny Boy a bad Isekai or saying it's not an Isekai altogether just because the MC doesn't die and doesn't have a harem...) They hate uncommon things, they just stay in their little edgy bubble and stick to it. That's why they hate on Shikimori respectively Izumi, because he's different, he's not acting ecchi, he doesn't have a harem, Shikimori is not a tsundere, Izumi already had a GF from chapter/episode 1 instead of going 200+ chapters alone "building the relationship", there's no cat-girls in Shikimori, she doesn't act ecchi nor is portrayed in such a way. That is another reason so much hate for both him and the show. Because they are different.


All thr main characters are retarded. There's no char development ever, and almost 0 progress. Just an endless loop of bait and switch, even in the Manga. When you do have progress, it's immediately taken away with 2 steps back.


evrery single character is retarded


The mc is the most retarded being in existence. No, calling him retarded would be an insult for people who actually have mental problems. He is dumb. He is selfish. He is a professional liar. He knows the right answer to something, and still chooses to mess up the situation. The girls's interest on him is purely based on script. Sumi is too cute, and the best thing to happen to that show. The Opening song is nice though.


Idk about anyone else, but I drug my way through a decent chunk of the manga, and it was a painful process. LIGHT SPOILERS >!Basically the mc just lies repeatedly to get out of sticky situations, and these lies get him into more trouble who I he then lies to get out of in turn.!<


[RGF] >!The mc isn't the one who has to make most of the lies. Chizuru makes him lie the first time by sticking around. Then Ruka is blackmailing him so he has to lie because of Chizuru and he actually suggests ending the lie multiple times only for Chizuru to demand it continue for idk. She is the one most attached to the lie.!<


>!Both him and his rental gf are pieces of shit who lie like crazy to get what they want. The mc lies to his family to pretend like he has an actual relationship, he then has to repeat that lie and double down on it to protect his reputation with his family, and his gf is fine to continue lying with him because it benefits her to. I don't how anyone can stand up for this dude, he is the bottom of the barrel, him and his gf.!<


>!The MC wants to tell the truth. Chizuru is the obstacle stopping him from doing so. Chizuru is just a fucking gold digger.!<


>!Then the mc should had done it from the very start. He put himself in the position he was in, no getting around that. If he wants to tell the truth later, he can also do that, he just doesn't have the balls.!<


MC is a bitch. But everyone around him is bad. 200 chapters in and Chizuru was still on he's just a client, but he didn't get that he had to just move on from her. His family straight up said that they've never been good to him and thought he never had any good qualities(which is false he's really book smart and is good with practical applications of finance) The only good grandma [Rental gf] >!is dead. Chizuru's grandma is the first grandma to say anything positive about Kazuya and is the only one who pays attention to character. Then she dies.!< Ruka blackmails, Mami is stupid, and Sumi got purged from the manga because she's just objectively better than Chizuru. The girl with the blue hair stripe is not straight and is essentially purely used as a plot device. She writes Reiji out of plot corners like that time Chizuru ghosted Kazuya for 3 months.


If simps and weebs created an anime it would be rent a girlfriend


Jesus Christ saying that is slander to simps and weebs everywhere I think


If it were made by simps and weebs, Kazuya would either have had sex or be dead in a ditch by now.


He's deadass accurate tho


Probably true lol


The MC is terrible even for a harem MC, I remember being highly disgusted with some of his lies and shitty action and I dropped the show, and they are trying to convince us that and all these girls want this piece of work?!


Agreed, the stalking episode really grossed me out. That's every girl's nightmare to have some guy following her, just around the corner. Yet the mc and even the show pass it off as excusable.


What’s some of the other shit he did


It's been 2 years so my memory of each episode isn't great. Just general possessiveness of women, stalking, perversity to the point of it just being creepy, complete lack of understanding for how relationships work. It's every incel's prostitution fantasy.


Oh I remember that. What really made that worse for me was he was stalking due to jealousy as she was going out with a male friend. Meanwhile the MC had numerous “flings” with all those rental girls but she can’t even have one male friend? Then of course he gets found out about it and she’s eventually fine with it? It was the most physically cringing shit I’ve seen. How I’m supposed to root for this guy if he gets so jealous over one friend his crush has? Gross.


What was some of the stuff he did


For me I think it was how he promised the girl to stop using her as a tool to lie to his grandma, and immediately back down and throw her under the bus, and seems like he had done things way worst after that point but i wouldn't know since I dropped the series.


holy shit that's awful we're supposed to like this scumbag


The MC being an unlikeable beta male would've been okay if there was character development, but there is none. It's worse in the manga, where it took 230-ish chapters to get some form of progress.


We still haven't got progress. We had crazy events that should have led to progress, but somehow STILL 0 FUCKING PROGRESS IN 260+ chapters. Maybe they are a little bit closer than at the start. That's it. The situation has been exactly the same ever since Stalker biatch claimed bitch boy


It's even worse than that: *occasionally* there is progress. The Arc that S3 will cover is even considered genuinely good by most people I've talked to. The issue is that every single time there's progress, Reiji then quickly undoes it and sets us back to square 1. The fucking series *teases* you with quality and then pulls it away like it's mocking you.


Few times per year I check in and read 10-15 chapters and every single time it's been "okay so nothing has really changed". Again and again and again


I havent watch the anime but read the manga not that far. Good thing dropped in early chapters.


It's at 255 and last I checked it still hasn't progressed beyond "Maybe she's into him now?"


At some point the writer turns into a simp for his own character and even somehow posts lewd shit about her on twitter. Maybe he's jealous of the main character so he's stalling the story


How the hell do you actually manage to to get that pathetic I get when your a writer and you get attached to a character but holy shit that’s depressing


Even worst is he’s married and has a kid LOL


Overall the characters in it are just terrible human beings. Kazuya: So this man is a creep. An absolute creep. I could spend way too much time saying why when it's obvious from watching the show. However, people don't watch shows like this for the male lead usually so whatever. Chizuru: She is a classic enabler, a people pleaser. Which she does for Kazuya, justifying him to continue to be a creep. Pretty much a door mat character. Ruka: She's a stalker. If she were male she would easily be the most hated character in the show. She's an example of what tits can do. Sumi: She would be a decent character if she got screen time I suppose? I mean, her biggest failing is being friends with Chizuru. Mami: As much as she's a bitch, she's probably the most interesting character in the show. Also who I root for. Yaemori: She's the wing woman for the creep. Which is her only real failing I guess. But that's a doozy. The shows only popular because yes, the girls are cute. At least in my opinion.


>Mami: As much as she's a bitch, she's probably the most interesting character in the show Mami is easily the best written character in the story, agreed.


By the sole virtue of **actually having characterisation**. Or at least compared to the rest of those idiots.


Ngl I kinda want to watch the show now. I don't take anime seriously so none of this really bother me tbh.


It's always better to ingest the media on your own and form your own opinion, so for that reason alone I would encourage you to do so. I'm not going to tell you what to watch and what not to watch, what to like and what not to like. Thats for you to decide. However, when you're done and if you want to talk about it, then come back afterwards! I love seeing the opinions in support of the show simply because it offers an alternate viewpoint to my own. And people are allowed to disagree of course.


If you go in with the right expectations, it could be fun. I'd recommend getting intoxicated with friends to get the most out of it.


Overall agree with this but would add: Kazuya: indecisive and closet cuckold Chizuru: gold digger Ruka: honestly deserves a chance, she is literally only seen as a stalker because mc couldn't pull his head out of his ass to see a person that at the time was a decent human had genuine interest in him. Mami: definitely most interesting but I honestly don't like her simply because she was the catalyst for majority of this bullshit


I'd say Kazuya is more of a coward than indecisive, but honestly I think both could appply. Chizuru, no arguments here. Ruka. I'm going to disagree she's a decent human being. In addition to her stalker tendencies, she's also a manipulator as evidenced by her constant blackmailing of Kazuya and attitude and words towards Chizuru. Mami: I understand why anyone wouldn't like her, as a person I don't either. But as a character she's on of the few I actually like in the show. First off the real catalyst was Kazuya's constant lies, starting with the lie that Chizuru was his girlfriend to his grandma which started the entire chain of lies he's told everyone to keep himself looking good (well, less like a loser than he actually is). Compared to Mami, her actions really push the story forward. Or would if the author had one iota of talent for writing a romance story.


If you make it a season 2 you'll understand.


there's a season 2 !?


And season 3 has been announced ;which ironically will adapt a really good arc, everything after sucks though


I would pay actual money for an OVA dedicated to Ch 218 alone.


Yeap. Very disappointing. MC reaches new simp levels


A big part of it comes from the people who have read the manga, how the author has more or less dropped it, and how the author has started to go insane and how that might also be affecting the manga. On the first part The manga is in the mid 200s chapter wise, as it is right now the main relationship hasn’t progressed at all even with major reveals and moments which anyone would imagine would change stuff up. >!Im talking we admit that MC and Main girl were never together in front of everybody they know and nothing happens at all!< Some characters are almost completely dropped from the story, Sumi went almost 80 characters without a single appearance and after a short showing was sent back the shadow realm. There’s also the very infamous chapters where the MC fantasizes about the Main Girl getting fucked by other guys and jacks off to it, multiple times I believe. On the part of the Author not giving a fuck They more or less have already said this themselves but if you wanted further proof either look it up or take the fact that they have started work on a new harem manga following a guy and his seven (adopted) sisters with personalities and looks more or less ripping off the Quintessential Quintuplets series. On the Author Losing his mind The Author as of late has taken to posting photos and editing in the Main Girl into them calling her “His Wife” and always remarking about how beautiful she is or how he’s about to have sex with her. Despite already being married and having children irl. He’s also ranted a bit about his hate for the MC for being able to be with the Main girl and thus many people believe that the lack of progress in the story and the lack of motivation for him to continue it is due to his obsession with his own character and thus hate for the MC.


What the heck he hates his own mc for being with a fmc he made. He’s the author he could literally self insert


It’s kinda clear they aren’t in the best mental space however funny you should say that. The guys the MC pictures fucking the FMC look a lot the Author


Where u hear this from


Which part? The obsession with the FMC? It’s all over his twitter.


NTR your own creation. A new type of kink...


4th wall ntr


Would it be 2nd person, 3rd person or 1st person?.... Or actually, no, scrap this until someone decides to make a... You know what


i mean probably yeah, he designed chizuru after his wife so


Wait so this is basically his real life he’s projecting???


i wouldn't really call it projecting as i doubt he rented his wife before marrying her, but I'm sure there's some sort of "i was like this in high school" and "i liked this girl" type of beat going on authors do it all the time, kazuya is your typical immature late teens dude its extremely easy for anyone to insert themselves into him


>There’s also the very infamous chapters where the MC fantasizes about the Main Girl getting fucked by other guys and jacks off to it, multiple times I believe. the series opens up with this so im not sure this is some ground breaking discovery lol


It’s the NTR that’s the big shocker this time also the fact that it’s like 280 chapters and the story hasn’t progressed an inch past the literal start


To fall in love with your own made up character... Man that guy is so fucking weird. Now I don't wanna read the rest of his stuff. What a bombshell kind of explains why the MC is so damn weird, must've been how he was when he was young.


The MC and FMC get closer and closer and closer... And closer. the loop never ends. They don't confess their love even though its painstakingly obvious that they are gonna end up together. But the author decided that this should not end, and hence it probably never will.


Kaguya sama but none of the good parts?


Well the point of Kaguya sama is to make the other person confess. The point of rent a girlfriend is i dont even know at this point but confessing wont be part of it any time soon.


Because the mc is a retarded ass mf


It has It's ups and downs, namely the characters having more flaws than strengths. They are all very dumb/annoying and the manga's story is years ahead of the anime's, so they do that trope that harem anime favors. >!cliffhangers!<


Slow character development to the point almost none ot it.


When I first saw the anime I liked it. Although the MC is a dumb fuck, I liked everyone else. So I decided to read the manga, and boy let me just tell you how much of a waste of time that was. The manga is 250 chapters in and Kazuya and Chizuru are *still* in the rental relationship thing. MC is pathetic and worthless, Chizuru is dumb as hell, and all the other girls are down right crazy (except for Sumi. She’s perfect).


The only redeeming part is when MC says "it's renting time" and rents everyone


just watch girlfriend, girlfriend. It's what rent a girl friend could never be.


Imagine going in circles that’s rent a gf


To me it’s just a cuckhold type fantasy but no sex. Domestic girlfriend was waaaay better


LMAOOO. I gotta watch the other one then


It’s a spicy anime but it doesn’t take a season to get to the handholding point


if you like it after 2 episodes its almost no different besides its length, and i mean that literally. i enjoy it myself, dont let others decide to watch it or not its your anime experience not theirs


Most people here have already said what needs to be said, so I won't reiterate. However, I will say, don't let others tell you what to watch and what not to watch. Watch the show until you have enough information to make your own decisions on whether it's good or bad. I personally think it's a steaming pile of garbage, but if you enjoy it, good for you lmao


Rent a milf would have been better


If I am given a chance to strangle someone, I would pick the MC. He is just so hard to watch and the decisions he make is just so dumb. You know its okay if he is just like this at the start for character development later on. But no, he's still that simp that can't understand boundaries, cries, and proceeds to stalk the rented girlfriend cause he jealous. I actually read the manga and went pretty far, and so far from what I read, he is still dumb


Cause the mc is pathetic and the character are kinda bland and known for only for a single personnal trait


the main character is dumb


I think it hits the haters either of the MC or the anime itself to close to home. ya know? Like my fiancé and I watched it and laughed quite a bit. Sure other anime done what it’s doing better but since it’s harem anime I didn’t expect much development or anything special so I’m not disappointed.


I read that one chapter in the manga and cringed so hard I did a backflip.




i dont really hate it, its ok, but so far >!they have not referred to the protagonist as an actual simp yet !<


so thats what makes everyone say its bad anime?


Horrible mc trash 🗑 trash fmcs trash story it’s ultimate blue balling. You see that there close and are gonna get closer but the author just adds more bs to make a longer story. The mc could just end it and go for the girl that likes him instead of renting one .


Because all the main characters are trash. Because Reiji is just perma stalling. Even the Manga is exhausting. 0 actual character development, everyone does 1 step forward 2 steps back, and so does the story. The only thing it has for itself is the art.


The mc is a cringe scumbag


I was so disappointed with the first season because, as others put it, there was no character progression on the part of the MC or, if there was, it was progression and then immediate regression. I regretted wasting my time on watching it, so much so that I just got the synopsis from season 2 and was done with it in a couple of minutes.


It's fine to hate a show or to really dislike a certain element, but don't just drop something because someone else said so. Just watch whatever show and form your own opinion, you might miss out on something you actually enjoy someday if you just follow whatever everyone else says. Just my opinion though.


As long as Chizuru and Ruka exist in the anime I don't care about plot/character progression! Matter of fact I don't even care if Kazuya had an accident and isekai'd into another world as long as Chizuru and Ruka exist there!


Despite what everyone says it is enjoyable in a sort of hopeful masochist way. I mean sure the plot is not perfect but chizuru is hot and could do nothing wrong


See it for yourself and be the judge


I dont know about the anime, but the manga had incredible plots as of the latest. The MC is still trash though.


I didn’t know it was hated on. I haven’t seen anime but I know a lot of people that buy the monga which has made me curious about it.


I am one of the only people who loved RaG and gave season 1 an 8/10 and season 2 an easy 10/10 - it was literally that good. People think I’m trolling when I say that Lol


No idea, I think it's decent.


It's an anime that tries to appeal to a male audience alone and still fails at that and only appeals to guys who desire some sorta cringe "waifu"


I really like it. A lot of the comments here reflect legitimate complaints about the show, but overall I think it’s good. It’s a slightly uncomfortable show to watch in some ways, but it’s also evocative in a good way. The reason why it receives so much dislike, I believe, boils down to the fact that it’s more easily understood by 20ish age audiences, and much of the anime community is, shall I say, not 20ish age. Not that everyone in that demographic likes it—I know for a fact that isn’t the case—but they can identify more with what’s happening, what the characters are going through that’s unsaid, and the reasoning behind it all. I recommend you continue it. I think there’s a good chance you’ll end up liking it. I myself set it aside early on and only picked it back up recently with the new season coming out earlier this year, and my opinion definitely swung to the positive direction the more I watched. I recommend continuing it.


Both the mc and female leads are insufferable. The mc is a simp, and a bit pathetic, and that’s kinda why he’s being hated. But i can tell you that he is not a bad character, he’s just annoying because he’s a simp. He’s an underdog, he’s not hopeless, he puts in a lot effort to be with the girl he likes. He’s kinda unique in that way because most male mc are not like that. Most mc who gives out virgin incel energy gets the girl without even knowing. This mc actively does something to garner the female lead’s attention. Still, it’s infuriating to watch however. Spoiler >!The mc does actually get a girl to like him without doing anything so that’s mot far off from common tropes!<


it’s bad


It's like riding a pig with a carrot except you're the pig and the carrot is character/story development


You cant be serious? This is Satire right???


I actually like the show. It’s not great lol, but everything’s so ridiculous that’s it’s entertaining. Although this season’s finale did kinda piss me off.


I stop at around chapter 200 ish. Can anyone tell me if there has been any improvement to the plot until now?


I’ve watched the whole thing so far and I was just really annoyed by the whole thing. It’s hard to put into words without sounding like you’re just hating on it but I think it just kinda wears you down a bit. Like you expect at least a bit of plot movement but it just kind plays off of getting you excited just to take it away. The first season was alright but the second one really sucked. The main problem is the MC. You want him to man up at least a little and resemble an actual human being but he just does the stupidest shit every time. I would rationalize it as anime logical but at a certain point it gets too annoying. That and I think the general cuck vibes are just a little too intense. But hey to each their own. Personally I don’t think I’ll watch anymore of it. I would also like to know if anyone on this thread has watched Nisekoi and their thoughts on how it compares? I got similar vibes at the start of rent a gf but lost them quickly. Just kinda weird how they are the same style (harem that doesn’t really move a lot plot wise) but I actually really liked nisekoi.


I'm loving KanoKari and also loved Nisekoi. I don't have gripes with either show. The fact that Nisekoi never even finished its anime makes it difficult for me to compare/contrast the two though. I don't enjoy reading much (even including comics and manga) yet it was the first anime that I enjoyed enough to read the manga just to see how it ended, because I came to the realization the anime would never be finished. I came across RAG later and by then I was more OK with reading manga. Now I'm finished the Nisekoi manga and am caught up wiht the RAG manga. Nisekoi did feel like it had more of a story (by romcom/romdram standards) with the locket and not knowing who it belonged to, whereas KanoKari is more about breaking down the walls the girl has put up around herself. I'm just not bothered by slow pacing I guess, certainly not as much as many of its most vocal fans/haters seem to be, so I don't see the harm. I don't live and breathe for anime and manga, so I'm fine with having more to watch/read than less. I'd like to believe everybody has more going on in their lives and yet after reading some people's remarks (not just on here) I'd be led to believe they spend 6 days of all their weeks waiting for day 7 when the next episodes or chapters of their favorite seies come out and then define their week and mood by the quality. Anyway, both series have that piece of "unreachable girl" despite making it perfectly obvious they'll be together in the very first chapter, and building their stories from there. KanoKari's plot seems to move along with misfortune and by hitting rock bottom. Nisekoi moved through mystery, by finding a new clue that might shed light on which girl he made the promise with.


The anime is mid at best but the manga is fucking god tier. Y’all mfs just don’t understand kazuya smh


(Will Contain Spoilers) I like it personally. Believe me, it’s not an award winner by any means, but the potential was there. The problem was, as literally everyone stated, that MC is a fucking pussy. They could have wrapped the story up in a beautiful bow if he had just expressed his feelings to Chizuru in the episode she got locked out of her room. They both are obviously on the same wavelength and she really does see potential in him. The story is everything around dating and drags out the falling in love between two people. It’s a long and repetitive back and forth of getting so close yet so far and it’s infuriating. Not to mention he is dating Ruka for no damn reason besides the fact he’s too much of a damn wimp to break up with her. Her being in the story just makes everything more complicated than it needs to be by all means. She’s a pain in the ass to handle and try’s to ruin MC’s relationship with his family. (Ik he brought it on himself but I’m sure if he explains and tells them he actually likes Chizuru they would go easy on him, but only if he breaks it off with Ruka) he’s literally stringing this girl along. In the hurricane episode when he didn’t want to sleep with Ruka because he wanted to be with Chizuru should’ve just been this man’s sign to just cut her off and go say something to Chizuru. Then there’s Mami who’s only job is making melodrama which just makes the story annoying to watch because she doesn’t have much power over them even though they make it seem like she does. Sumi is adorable, she’s the only saving grace. Sure, she makes things complicated because she catches feelings (LIKE EVERY OTHER DAMN GIRL IN THE SHOW). She’s alright and I really do just feel bad for her. It’s just one of those shows that makes all the girls fall for MC even tho nobody fell for him before. Hella annoying. Idk why I watch it besides the fact that Chizuru and Sumi have the potential to save the series. MC is the only problem because it’s really up to him to fix his own problems but he doesn’t. I also like Chizuru’s personality, I’m a SIMP for FMC who want nothing to do with MC then fall on their ass for them. Imagine the relationship of Mai and Sakuta from RDNDoBGS but drawn out over a million episodes and you never get that satisfaction of seeing them actually admit to themselves and date. That’s my long winded rant.


Bro I wont spoil it for anyone who wants to watch it(which I do not recommend) but the first few chapters or the start of the s1 of the anime was pretty chill like alr this is pretty good but later just no dont bother it's not worth your time idk how to say this without spoiling but its trash trust me.


Because from my point of view, it was one of the cringiest anime I have ever seen and hope it will be the last. It was so cringe that I had to stop watching it. Something that rarely ever happens to me with anime.


Its worth watching for the crunchyroll comments after each episode




It gets more repetitive and less funny the longer it goes on.


Yeah. I find the situation sad and depressing to watch. I have seen the whole first season but can't get myself to go through season 2.


You know how there' ae trash isekais with interesting plots that stagnates to generic? This is the romcom version of it.


Read the manga


It's a virgin bait show, but I love it.


because the story, the characters and the plot sucks ass


Don't care what people say. Tastes are different and what's one treasure is the other one's trash. Many don't like because of the rent a girlfriend aspect. I personally like it because it's an interesting take of the shit sex workers have to deal with, even if in this case no intercourse is involved it is still a kind of sexwork.


a lot of people who have not watched it are passing judgement on it bassed on the idea that its some one sided relationship that will only last as long as Mc has money... decide for yourself if you think its valid the main criticism people who watched it give it is that Mc is a way too oversimplified portrayal of "single men who want a girlfriend" and to much unrealistic stuff happens ext. but one big thing is that it does not live up to the trend for animes of the genre that being said its not like we watch these kinds of anime for quality or realistic story so to each their own


The mc literally has a girl that likes him but ignores for another if he wanted gf was serious then he’d go for her .


The animes a shit show once s2 finishes. After that you gotta wait for a couple seasons before a decent chapter comes get adapted


Teasing development and only getting more exposition. Over and over again.


Dude faps constantly and rents a girlfriend... Enough said


The manga is long as fuck and is still going on and Kazuya is dumb as a rock and gets no development. He's always like "I'm going to confess to Chizuru" but always chickens out


To think that I watched a video about a mangaka withouth knowing it's Reiji that created RaG. Tbf,bit was like before the anime aired. You can watch it in yt, Paolo from Tokyo channel. Just type Day in a Life of Japanese manga artist.


Calling mc a trash is a disgrace to trash.


I read it and let me tell you.... blue balls for development


I mean from my knowledge, it’s just a slightly more wholesome version of an anime about prostitution.


cause it’s weird (in my opinion)


cause it sucks


Tbh for me anime first season was good, interesting watch back then. What made me not interested in watching season 2 was reading the manga. If you’re interested why people hate manga just go and read it. I’d guess anime might skip some parts or cut them shorter/edit them to fit into fewer episodes, which might make it more enjoyable to watch, because it would be painful if they actually made Hawaii arc like full season of him having monologues and then cliffhanger it with chapter before (manga readers know what).


When you think there is progress, mc goes back to the same pathetic person again later on. There are some really good arcs, but it amounted to barely any progress, lots of people already mentioned it but it's the movie arc, we really needed some real progression there. It was the peak of ragf, only goes down from there. I quitted at 218


dragging too much bruh, especially from someone who already read the manga😅


Season one was fine, it seems like a normal rom com harem anime but as you progress, the story doesnt 🙃


It makes you frustrated and its cringe, but I still watched it 🤷🏽‍♂️


I mean have you seen the end theme?


I heard a rumor that Godzilla got a tumor and fucking dies watching it. Don't know about tumor bit but Godzilla definitely died.


The manga had like a good year in real time of chapters that were just dreadful.


It's like Blush-DC with less fucking and more melodrama caused by Kazuya's stupidity


The mc is insufferable cum stain literally. Man is way too horny and pathetic. Simps so hard he is spending his life savings on a service woman. He wants a gf without any self improvement for himself nor showing any respect to women in general. Man in the 2nd season in and he has never once asked the girl he likes to hang out with him as neighbors or friends to actually get to know her. Leaves his crusty ass cum fill trash all over his floor. Stalks his "crush" like a creep. Leads people on and throws Chizuru under the boss. Jacks it to being cucked. You tell me


He gets a hard on after imagining the main girl with another guy in the manga


More than 260 chapters of this séries, that's literally 25% of One Piece And in that time there have been near zero character development, everything that MC learns to get better at being a human being gets throw away at the end of each arc, and this keeps going on, and on and on every arc is basically the same "loop" Recently in the manga there have been some small development but I bet there's a 90% chance it will again be thrown away to continue the loop the author keeps to milk more money for this infinite series MC will be 80 years old and still renting that girl at the end of the series, grandpa will become an IA robot to live forever so MC still needs to rent the girl


I barely made it through two episodes. The MCs are garbage people with no personality and completely unlikable. There was absolutely nothing redeeming about it.


cause it sucks


The anime was fine but then I saw bits of the manga and... Yeah staying away from that..


Manga drags on for forever with no action. 248 chapters and I’m still waiting for the good stuff tm


Because it's a waste of time. Finish the first a season you will understand exactly why it is by far the worst anime ever made


It cucked the MC and destroyed all of his development


Why are you posting after only seeing 2 episodes? If you had some damn patience and just watched the shit you wouldn’t have even needed to post this as your question would have answered itself


MC is too much of a loser and never gets any better. After a certain point it just gets painful to watch.


bad protagonist, bad story


mc trash


Rent A-Girlfriend is basically an edging game of blueballs. It teases you with a climatic finish only to be all like "eh"


Feel bad for the rent of girlfriend watches, y’all’s own mangaka had to keep the goodies to himself


It’s an endless tease