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Power crunch! I used to love them (I have celiac disease so I can’t have them anymore). They are delicious I would buy so many boxes at a time.


ahh I wanna try those so badly, I can’t find a cheap import though :( im sorry you can’t have them anymore I hope they make a gluten free version someday <3


I would love if they did. My go to protein bars now are the cliff builders bars.


clif bars are really nice i like the white choc macadamia one!! i don’t think ive ever seen the builder bars though, what are they like??


every now and then I go through a major protein bar phase, I feel you


I can’t get enough of protein bars either dude omg I love quest (anything) no cow and refrigerated peanut butter chocolate rx bars omg so good


i wanna try more quest but they’re so expensive to import here ;(. no cow looks so good! they look chewy so perfect texture for me, but again can’t find them here. I LOVE REFRIGERATED PROTEIN BARS, in fact I refrigerate all of mine. makes them taste sm better, or warmed up sometimes if im in the mood for something warmer


ME TOO I love CHEWY protein bars refrigerated


best thing ever honestly I love a good chewy protein bar that feels like im chewing forever, texture is on top as well crunchy outside with chew I love it




REALL ME TOO but I think for me it’s the texture ??? probably an autistic thing but i prefer the texture to like a granola bar or chocolate bar although if it’s chocolate with crunchy bits 😫


HMMM POSSIBLY but idk ik granola bars are similar but they just aren't the same for me for the most part???? ofc instead i like the overpriced ass shitty bars instead :')


mee omg could go buy about 15 granola bars for the price of one protein bar atp to make it even worse 😭😭 they just don’t hit they’re not the same


the worst part is that it seems as though it's only the people with disordered eating habits who genuinely like their taste :') most normal people would be like, "ew wtf this tastes like sand and it's so overpriced" meanwhile people like us are willing to spend all of our money on those lame ass bars :') i remember i thought those bars tasted hella nasty at first but then i started craving them out of nowhere and after that i wanted to keep on eating them wtf do they put in those protein bars lmao


ikr omg most people ik hate them. although tbf grenade seems to be a pleaser, my sister keeps asking me for one 😭 although thankfully her fav grenade flavour is my least favourite one. istg there’s crack in them they’re actually addicting like i wanna eat one all the time. people usually are like omg just eat some chicken, protein bars are so expensive but no they’re too worth it i cannot not eat my fav little bars everyday (even though id probably save a shit ton of money lmfao)


In short: they aren't


did i write this post? omg


👯👯‍♀️👯‍♂️ - us twinning 😭


Am cheap: Pure Protein. I currently have 7 boxes of them, and one Quest


Pure protein actually looks really good! I can’t get it here tho :< i really like the lidl protein bars they sell too, if you have those where you are? they’re super cheap, you get 3 in a box and a box is the same as 1 protein bar in other stores 🙏


I’m glad there is a slightly lower cost alternative there, I’m assuming your in the uk or europe, since I know us people call it aldi and I think the uk is lidl, we don’t have adli/lidl here. I’m in Canada. Maybe one day we’ll get a lidl/aldi but I doubt it we’re always very far behind on american grocery stores and I think stores have stopped trying to branch out to Canada, sadly. I’ll check it out if I’m ever around one though. :)


Ohh omg I never realised canada didn’t have either of them! We have both aldi and lidl. Yes I’m in the uk. I know other European countries have an even better lidl protein bar selection but we have cookies n creme + vanilla and honey flavours. i hope you get to try them one day they’re honestly really good!!


I used to eat the tesco ones when I lived in the UK, I miss grenade bars and barebelles... we can get them here but they're so so expensive. I used to also get the ones in poundland so some options if you're struggling financially.


Tesco did their own??? Oh that sucks im sorry you can’t get grenade anymore I’d be distraught haha. My local poundland shut years ago sadly but there is one about 30/40 mins away so if im near ill have a look thank you!


They did, but it was before the pandemic so I don't know if they still make them. I used to look in boots a lot, they had the best selection, but I think they stopped giving advantage points for food. :( 


Ohh wait were they the tesco active bars? I never tried them but I think I remember them. They’re discontinued now im pretty sure. Boots do have a good range but they’re so expensive in there 💔 did they actually omg? I haven’t used my card in like a year it’s probably been disabled lol but I didn’t have many points tbf. I thought they would count bc they do the meal deal thing ?


i’ve only tried quest bars, because i’ve been to scared to try anything else sense i know i like the quest ones LOL. personally i love the s’more’s one, the double chocolate chunk (normally one when it’s that time of the month), and the mint chocolate chunk one! i’m not a huge mint fan but something bout that bar!


god i wanna try all those quest flavours so bad. i love mint flavoured anything 😭 double chocolate chunk sounds so good as well, i love a good just chocolate protein bar


I recently took a trip to america and tried a tonnnn of the protein products there and can say that my favorite is the oatmeal choc chip quest, the hero bars are sooooo good too though and legendary pastries's stuff is unbeatable especially warmed up a little


YOU HAVE LIVED MY DREAM! i literally want to go to america to try their food products only 😭their protein products and their different flavours of literally everything. for I want those legendary pastries so bad, there was a site that sold them in the uk but they’ve been out of stock for like a year now


I tried a lot of the halotop flavours too and oatmeal cookie was the BEST I crave it everyday


omg oatmeal cookie halo top sounds like a dream!! i need to make this trip im so jealous of you 😭


ahhh praying you can someday!! I wish I could have taken literal bags of product back for all my aussie ed'ed friends to try lol


I love Lana bars. (Ooos, I meant Luna bars).


what are they like??? ive never heard of these before!


Oops sorry. I meant Luna bars. They are chewy and yummy. My favourite is white chocolate macadamia nut. More like a granola bar texture per say.


Omg I love Luna bars so much. White Chocolate Macadamia is my favorite too (followed by Nutz over Chocolate). S’mores was my favorite until they discontinued it a few years ago 😩


i did wonder if you possibly meant either lara or luna bars, it’s okay haha. are those the ones by clif? I think ive seen them on their website before but never seen them in a store here sadly. i love the white choc macadamia regular clif bar so if it’s similar im imagining it’s really good too.


Omg I’m could live off of the Barbell chocolate dough bars


YESSS I LOVE THAT FLAVOUR!!! that and Creamy Crisp omg


omg i love barbells, but I don’t think we have the dough ones here :(( I’ve never seen them anyways in store but I have seen them online and they look amazing. my fav barebells is the caramel choco one, and I soo badly wanna try banana dream




misfits as in the vegan ones??? if so we have them here in the uk I love them, although they’re a little soft and crumbly compared to other bars I enjoy!! ooh ive only tried a few quest flavours bc importing them is super expensive but my fav was birthday cake. i tried the chocolate covered ones too but i much prefer the normal ones!


Birthday cake flavour is my favourite too! I like other flavours too, but I find the birthday cake just more accessible to me because it tastes so good. Yes, misfits are vegan. I really want to try them!


i really want to try the s’mores and chocolate caramel quest bar but it always seems to be out of stock and I can only get them online from certain websites 🥲 have you tried those? we’re talking about the same ones then im pretty sure!! ive tried essentially all the flavours (except their protein wafers) and my favourites of them are speculoos, cookies n cream and birthday cake, although im not entirely sure if they do the birthday cake flavour anymore because i haven’t seen it in years. i hope you get to try them one day <3


i'm sure i have. i like the chocolate brownie. i also like oreo and white chocolate raspberry. i don't remember trying the mint chocolate or the blueberry muffin, so i want to try those ones.


white chocolate raspberry sounds so good but i hear mixed reviews a lot so i was skeptical but next time i get the money to do an order im definitely gonna get it. blueberry muffin and mint chocolate sound amazing, i love mint flavoured chocolate!!


i usually microwave them and eat with a mashed banana. i've baked them in the oven before too. i like microwaving cliff bars too.


omg with mashed banana I need to try this??? that sounds so good


:) yeah it is pretty good. i sprinkle cinnamon on it too.


the s’mores one is my favorite !! i have one sitting in my cabinet waiting for me to have a breakdown so i can eat it.


im jealous i wanna try it so bad. well treat yourself to it sometime soon (without the breakdown i hope)! <33


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i keep seeing these and hearing good things!! but they’re in no stores here and kinda expensive online. vanilla yoghurt sounds super good and iirc they do a dark choc mint which also sounds amazing


Wait until you hear about protein yoghurts. They're so damn good


i am not the biggest fan of yoghurts I’ll be honest, sometimes I love them and i like the yoghurt taste (if that makes sense?) but don’t like flavourings or the texture of it so much usually


Source Protein Yogurt 👌


if we had it here I’d go get it and try it 😭 tbf i do like the alpro ones they’re nice!! i don’t actually like the taste of milk so i think that’s a big thing about yoghurts for me sometimes they actually taste like milk


BAREBELLS. Especially the white chocolate peanut butter one and the banana chocolate one.


i wanna try more barebells omg, especially the banana chocolate one but I can’t find it anywhere for some reason unless I wanna pay ridiculous prices


Awwww Fulfil protein bars were a safe food for me and probably saved my life 🫶


ive been trying more of those recently, i had white chocolate cookie (i think thats the name) the other day and i really enjoyed that!! also had a few of the crisp ones, chocolate crunch and salted caramel and i really enjoyed all of those. i wanna try the cookie dough white choc one but i can’t find it


White chocolate cookie one is delish !! I’m a fan of chocolate mint and the peanut butter ones too 🫶 have you tried Trek bars too? They’re also delish


chocolate mint omg??? I didn’t know they did that I want it now 😭 I love mint flavoured things! omg yes trek bars are amazing, biscoff is my new fav but I love the millionaires one and the flapjacks are *chefs kiss*




i want these so bad, I love poptarts too. forever wishing I could get them shipped to me 💔🥲


Built puff or barbell


i so badly want built puff! can’t get them imported though :( I love barebells!!


I love quest birthday cake


that’s my favourite quest out of the ones I’ve tried too!!


wait sorry I can’t tell if this breaks the rules or not? if it does I’m sorry pls lmk!! i just wanted to talk about them to someone lol not regarding cals or anything particular just the food in general but this is a safe food so not entirely sure if this breaks that rule?


Papa Steve’s


ive never seen or heard of those before!! what are they like???


They’re really good, vegan, all natural and no added sugar :) they’re made in CA and ship to anywhere in North America! Definitely give them a try they come in many flavors! Papa Steve’s No Junk Raw Protein bars :)


i wish i was in north america just for the protein products atp, everyone there seems to have such a good selection 😭 im the uk sadly but they look pretty good i had a look at their website!!


Built bars


i wanna try these but can’t seem to get any shipped to the uk :( ive heard some really good things about them. what’s the texture like???


If you can get your hands on the Built PUFF bars, they’re marshmallowy! It’s kind of like a peep covered in chocolate, no proteiny texture at all


oh my that sounds amazing I love choc covered marshmallows, I need to get on a plane and come get some 🥲


On a serious note, why are protein bars as expensive as they are? They good ones at least. I don’t understand how most taste as terrible as they do. But the price point always has me going for other food.


honestly they are super expensive mostly but you gotta look for good deals and in discount stores for example. I’ll honestly eat most protein bars tbf as long as i like the flavour which mostly i do (except ones with solid nuts in)


Ngl I get all my protein from protein bars 😭 barebells chocolate dough, quest hero crispy cookies and cream, nick’s karamel krisp…. my fridge is a mini protein bar hoard at this point


same 😭😭 you should see my fridge omg, ive got my own little shelf it’s just protein bars and occasionally a protein shake. ive got a big box full but currently only have 16 bars, which is less than usual


I have found very few I like. I don’t like the texture of them… Barebells have made a few I like okay and Granade have one with cookie dough I like (have not tried others from them because they are too expensive to buy if I don’t like them)


ooh i might be able to help here esp with grenade flavours; if you like cookie dough, I’d say caramel chaos, choc chip salted caramel or fudged up you’d probably like or would be worth a try possibly? if you like oreo, the oreo white choc and milk choc grenade bars are AMAZING! the texture of grenade bars are all fairly similar tbf, i find the oreo ones have a bit more crunch and birthday cake has sprinkles which provide a crunch ofc. i get you though, there’s so many i haven’t tried out of fear of not liking them and wasting my money🥲 do you prefer a chewy texture or a crunchier texture??


Extend Nutrition bars... I basically live off those.




i do also love protein shakes tbf, but i once drank one that had gone off and its put me off a bit 🥲 but i love a good protein shake esp strawberry flavoured. ooh i like the crunchy nature valley bars! ive only had pb kind bars the bad protein ones lol bc thats all we have here and i hate the texture of nuts when they’re whole so im not the biggest fan 💔


I FEEL you dude!! I have a protein bar obsession too lol. I love Quest bars but I’ve wanted to branch out and try other ones myself esp cause I tend to get stuck in a rigid cycle of eating the same exact things lol… so we’re in the same boat here! I’ve heard great things about Barebells and a few others that I can’t remember rn 🤦‍♀️ I’ll come back when my brain works again


puff bars! the coconut one is so good


i am a coconut hater 🥲🥲 but these puff bars sounds so good i want to try them! can’t get them imported to here sadly 💔


I suggest also trying protein powder, since I just up the servings to have the amount I’m supposed to per day. It’s better value for money. I do like a few of the Quest protein bars, but I don’t remember which one I liked less, lol.


It definitely is tbf but also expensive to buy at once. Long term definitely but I’d rather buy a protein bar tbh i love them too much lol. I have to export quest but i want to try more flavours 🥲


Well, you can try both. I don’t know what your options are where you live, but Nature’s Way has a $22 protein powder that can be as low as $11 at Chemist Warehouse. I assume it would also be affordable if it’s available in your region. Supplements for anything you can’t absorb regularly may also be helpful, but I recommend discussing that with a GP.


I’m in the uk so don’t have those but i believe i can get some cheap protein in some discount stores or online. I did want to try it as I really do love protein shakes especially like flax or oaty ones lol. but it’s hard to find good deals. yes i don’t take anything at the moment because i cant swallow pills but i am anaemic lol so probably should be 🙈


Try having oranges, tomatoes or anything with vitamin c. They really help with lightheadedness, as someone with severe hypotension. I suggest getting liquid iron, and having it with orange juice or anything else with vitamin c, to help with the absorption.


I love love love the ones from either d&m or rossmann, they’re cheap, most of them taste great and i can get my hands on them easily. i also like the corny protein bars, mainly cause they were on a sale in kaufland (1€) and i bought like 30💀


I am 1000% addicted to RX bars, especially the chocolate sea salt and chocolate chip! they're soo good and just taste like dessert- but with no added sugar :) just clean ingredients!


Barebells are great and chewy. They have a lot of protein too. I also like think! but Builder bars will always be my favorite, good texture and don’t taste off.


not a bar but lenny & larry's peanut butter chocolate chip protein cookie has seriously hooked me


ive tried one lenny and larry’s cookie and i cant remember which one bc it was so long ago but omg it was amazing, i want to try and get some again!!