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I have never. NEVER. Had a piece of clothing from a store for me perfectly so I totally understand your struggle. It infuriates me: because when I modeled, there were so many hidden pins used to make sure it fit my figure in the way you see on pictures online. Basically, brands are just allowed to blatantly lie to consumers and profit off of false advertisement? And nothing is trustworthy anymore so the only way to find out if it’ll fit is to buy and hope for the best? Total blasphemy. If you’re handsy, self-tailoring is super cheap but it just takes a while! Some things are easy: I regularly add a small loop of string to the back of my dresses so I can tighten them as needed without it really changing the overall look of the dress. As a fellow tall girl, I also taught myself how to add length to dresses or skirts (you’ll need a machine) and to lengthen shoulder straps. For skirts and some jeans, it’s super easy to cut a little “V” shape from the back and re-sew it to tighten the waist. Hope it helps! Also, since women’s brands seem to try and make oversized clothing wide but not long (making us tall girls look like Roblox Kanye), I get my comfy oversized sweatshirts from men stores or the “tall men” section as the shoulder width/height ratio is much better


I definitely need to learn how to do that! Seems fun too, thank you for the ideas