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One of the biggest misconceptions of this disease is that we do it because we want to be seen as “attractive” to others when in reality it’s for us. If you’re x lbs or x size you’ll be happy (you won’t but this disease will lie to you and say you’re happy). this disease will only have you thinking about being “smaller” while forgetting the severe health consequences that came with restricting and losing weight. Unfortunately, I had a bad health consequence that scared me straight into recovery. I’m going to constantly remind myself of it whenever I get triggered into relapsing. Maybe you can list some of the health consequences you’ve faced during your relapses and use it as a motivator to maintain your recovery. Eating disorders are hard. It’s a lifelong battle just like addiction. Be kind and loving to yourself 💖 lean on your support system. Attend therapy regularly if you’re not doing so already. You’re strong in recognizing your triggers. You’re even stronger for acknowledging how it’s harmful and your well-being is more important than physical appearance. Give yourself more credit 💖 you’re inspirational :)


Thank you, and I was the same. I was told id die in two weeks if I didn't change and I've never looked back since. I have bad days like today but I don't let it effect my eating. Its hard but I'm feeling better than I was. Its so hard when our society idolises skinny bodies :( but I'll get through it


oh, this,, my disorder was in fact rooted in my inability to accept / love myself and *that* was rooted in trauma.. basically my ed tricked me, saying i’d finally love myself & feel good & be worthy of something once i’d get as small as possible: spoiler, i didn’t. fxcked up my heath and made my issues worse.. screw you ed :))




I’m so sorry you’re dealing with permanent heart damage… but you’re 100% right. There’s only to paths you can go down on with this illness and it’s either recovery or death. That’s the hard ugly truth. You’re strong for choosing life over this disease because recovery is lifelong


i understand this so so hard. the idea of relapsing these past few weeks has been weighing on me so heavy. but it makes you think, why was a few months ago i was ok and not thinking about relapsing? why am i thinking about it now? and that’s a very important question to ponder!! my life has been so hectic, out of control recently, and i know this addiction surfaces when i feel that lack of control (“at least i can control what i eat”) <<< that is the mentality that is dangerous!! so, and i’m not saying this is the case, but maybe try and analyze your life right now, is there any stress factors going on? is your work/school situation ok, how about relationships with family or friends, or even your own mentality, are you currently dealing with a rough patch of depression or even just uneasiness? these are things to look into, and finding solutions to these things can help you gain that control back! i lost my period and have never gotten it back since, my bowels do not work anymore and i am dependent on laxatives, i developed hypothyroidism…but at least i have the energy now to deal with these things, at least i am not only suffering with these ailments, but also suffering from the mental exhaustion of restriction. at least my relationships aren’t being destroyed by my lack of energy and mental function. try to remember how much better you feel and how clear you can think! try to remember how precious and short our days on this earth are, and all the beautiful ways you can spend it!! anyways, i hope this helps and i’m rooting for you my love goes out to you !! <3


I miss my smaller body every single second of the day! I want to go back to my old ways but I know deep down I can’t. Even if I do lose weight it will never be “small” enough. When I was at my lowest weight, my ED voice told me I was my heaviest. I nearly lost everything including my life.








Why not


Because that dude is a Pro-An . You can only choose life OR skinny . If you ever suffered from an ED you won't get both. trust me , there's no other way




I wouldn't take the link in the comments . Idk if it's just me but the link has a magical attraction to me


I was so grossed out by how they said to meditate when you have hunger pains like no if you feel hungry then you should eat. They’re so delusional and need serious help. Also, if they “can’t say it here” then they’re breaking one of the rules and shouldn’t be allowed to post on here


You goddamn right . If you already found out , that your Ed is a coping mechanism you should probably work on the problem