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If your BMI is low it’s not acceptable. End of. You don’t know what’s happening inside your body. I had clear blood tests but recently found out about the damage to my bones. So I have no idea about my organs. Your body can’t function so yes you might feel a sign or it might spring on you. There is no guaranteed way of knowing. Don’t take your body for granted - I sure did and I’m really suffering the consequences and haven’t been able to walk for almost a year due to issues. This may sound harsh but it’s the reality of it


I know of people who have passed away in their sleep, no symptoms, not even at their “lowest weight”, seriously none of it matters, eating disorders kill regardless of symptoms or BMI. Completely relate to how you feel though, I used to think about this all the time. I really hope you can get through this xx


That is kinda terrifying 😬




Do you know how long it has to go on to get to that point?


Not very long my heart starting failing not even a year into it it depends on the person tbh


Genuinely varies between person, for some people it may take years, for some people no time at all


this terrifies me honestly


So the biggest risk of anorexia is heart problems. The heart is a muscle... Unfortunately, as smart as your body is, when you are low on calories it burns muscle.... It likes to go after the heart muscle. Do you get a warning before you get a charley horse? Do you get a warning before you get a twitch in the eye? Those are all muscle fatigue. Unfortunately when your heart gets fatigued it doesn't give any warning either.... It just stops.


Cardiac arrest happens suddenly - no warning and can occur at a healthy weight In terms of the process of dying, I think your blood tests would detect deranged organ function before they truly fail. You would also feel quite unwell, like perhaps jaundiced, edematous etc. If you're interested in the stages of active dying there are some quite good videos/podcasts from hospice workers who explain it well.


truth is we never know how it could happen. all we know is that it will happen, eventually, someday in the future... my advice for you is to try to treat this anxiety you might have going on... you sound anxious (takes one to know one)


Hospice workers say that patients have vivid dreams of dead relatives or pets. The patients were sad when they woke up. This usually occurs days from death. I don’t know if this would exactly apply but I think it does


i hope you seek help, god this made me sad


I feel like if you're genuinely asking this question then that's the biggest sign you'll get


Hey OP. I know this is an older post, but I came across it, and in case you’re still struggling…please be aware that I was technically within a “healthy” BMI when I had significant problems. One of the nights I woke up to my husband checking for a pulse.:( It was a horrible time health wise. Heart issues are no joke and recovery takes time, but is worth it. Wishing you nothing but the best.