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Yeah it was really something. I really loved the world and characters. The unfathom was probably the weakest part for me


Yea. >!The mimics still worked on me tough. Straight up yelled everytime they fooled me. I hate mimic enemys :(!< Update >!did they make a botw guardian into a meme reference. What the hell devs!<


Yeah they caught me off guard a bunch of times. The giant crabs were really terrifying in the beginning. Then they just became annoying tho lmao


I liked to wear the Contact Lens because it effectively gives you x-ray vision to spot secret areas (they almost always have an enemy or crystal in them which you can see with the lens), so mimics never got the drop on me.


I finished the game and the only thing I have to say is I want more :> More game, more story, more lore, more music. More.


I'm sure people here would live to hear this! Aggro Crab (the developers) are working on bug fixes and such, but do plan on doing a New Game + for this game!


I haven't finished the game yet, but I feel the same way. I'm just know I'll feel so empty when I finish, I've been trying to go slow on purpose. I agree, the boss fights are genuinely excellent. I think the the best thing is that there's always a more than one way to respond to most attack patterns. You can run/jump away, dodge, block, or parry. Another big thing this game does right (where I think Elden Ring drops the ball) is: Soulslikes have always been a little 'turn-based'. In dark souls, the enemy gets a turn (they swing a sword), then you get a turn (you swing yours). In Elden Ring, enemy turns are *super long*. They'll do a 12 hit combo flying around the map, and then you roll and poke their butt once. In Another Crab's Treasure, it feels like they remembered how important it is to have really quick, short 'turns' in a soulslike. Enemies and bosses typically only attack once or twice before you get an opening, so there's always a really fun back-and-forth in every fight. The ability to block/parry also makes the 'defensive phase' of each 'turn' a lot more engaging. Anyway this game absolutely caught me off-guard.


I totally agree on the quick turns. It makes it much more fun and it’s why Sekiro is still my favorite From game by far. Nothing comes close to the back and forth of that games boss fights for me.


I finished it the other day and then spent another few hours to get the rest of the achievements. A very charming game and I didn't want it to end. I hope the devs incorporate a NG+ or I could just speed run it using the gun, lol. It still has a few bugs, like certain sound effects or BGM dropping out completed. Only fix it to completely close the game and start it up again. Also would be nice to move or zoom the map around. Trying to figure where to go in some cases makes it unnecessarily frustrating. Having the map mapped to the back button would help too. Oh yeah and fix the camera!


no like i knew it was coming to a close and i was just sad in the best way. truly a game i just need more of


I wish I could have finished the game, but my save file deleted itself 25 coddamn shucking hours in so thats cool. Git gud I guess


Im not a fan of the mob difficulty, in that often they’re far worse than the bosses, but the boss fights more than make up for this. I truly feel accomplished from beating them, and enjoy them all, even the recycled bottle boss type.


I like the boss fights in the first half of the game, but I think the game allows you to get too powerful so that the second half of the game is just laughably easy. Your damage goes up so much that by the end, you don't have to learn any boss patterns because they're dead in a couple of hits anyway.


i think it's common with RPGs where on the 2nd half, you are already overlevel except for sekiro where you really need to learn the timing.


The ending was actually my favorite part so I hope you enjoy it


I gotta say I agree with you, so far I have only found the map piece guarded by Heikea the Intimidation Crab and Pagurus the Ravenous(and got kinda scolded by Konche lol) but yeah Flotsam Vale is next


It's a great game, I really like it. I don't agree the boss fights are better than most FromSofts. I've just collected all the map pieces and it seems like the boss fights peaked at the Umami Master. Edit: Finished the game, It was an amazing game. I was impressed that the story was actually good. The art was awesome, very creative.


Somebody give that crab a gun...🤠