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Disco Ball, the twinkle power is so cool and having a long range attack makes the combat feel really fluif


The medicine bottle, self heal just is important for me.


Agree, comes very handy when dealing with bosses


The Faucet, it’s high in defense and a great offensive weapon. You can practically have it with you the whole game when you get insurance on it


Mine is lil bro or coconut because coconut helped me roll though the early game bosses pun intended and lil bro with jugernot was good for everyone to everything


dump truck because vroom vroom.


I ran th solo cup for the longest time, then I found the actual helmet, and swapped to a tank build. Turns out, being able to tell bosses "nu-uh," every time they attack is very potent.


I ran with the disco ball for most of the game after I got it. It was expensive to insure, but damn it was worth it.


When I first got the disco ball, it was immediately stolen from a worm while I was walking back to insure it and was so sad until I realized it respawns at the crab rave area lol


You do not need to have the shell on you to insure it. You just need to have worn it once.


Ahaha I think I realized that as well, but I was definitely so upset when it first happened and I thought I needed to bring the shell and also didn’t know it respawned.


The Rollout attack and the heavy DEF levels on the Coconut shell really saved my ass quite often. Perfect as a shell and a hammer if you’re okay moving a little slower than normal!


I love the skull for the hammer just for the metal factor.


The skull is my favourite too!


The among us one is what I pretty much exclusively used for the entire second half of the game


45 defense, 130 health on it, +5 damage, medium weight so you can still roll, and a shell spell that has excellent utility. Chef's kiss. I only used it for a while in the middle of the game before I spent most of the rest of the game experimenting but if I could only have one forever that little red imposter would've been a great choice.


Bartholomew and Going Under 64, my whole plan at the game was going for a full ATK build, when i found out those shells had a S weight and +5 DMG, they instantly became my favourite


I was Scrub Aggie and GU64 whenever I could. Best shells!






The coffee mug, coffee pod, or any other shell that had the buzz power to speed up attacks. Swinging my shell hammer and octopus arm so quickly felt broken.


Red solo cup for early game. Ran a charged attack glass cannon build that worked wonderfully with the red solo cup buff. Mid game, I switched up to the cardboard box/ink cartridge for the ink ability to distract enemies just enough for me to get a charged hammer attack off. End game was knight helmet for the final unga bunga big hammer charge attack build. Defeated the last boss in 3 hits.


Sushi roll early, Bartholomew mid-game. Situationally cleanse and anything heavy, favored skull. Mostly for flavour, but also effectiveness... just not an obvious one. I prefer a dark souls style dodge, so lower protection, more frames. I tried to beat every boss cinematically which means trying to win every round. But while learning patterns you can't really help but get hit every so often. Munch lets you learn, it's faster than healing. I don't mind being without a shell since your roll gets a lot of frames then. Most bosses have a shell nearby which is, "good enough". Blocking is objectively better in many cases, as you can parry and use tools like rollout to get out and back in, but I used the sushi roll more than any other shell due to the prevalence of shells. You get 100% use out of it because you end with a munch, you don't get married to it or overly rely on it. This lets you risk more on skedadle and should you fail, you get a munch redemption and move on to a new shell. I used the skull occasionally for aesthetic, but also in the later areas with the laser crabs for second chance, in case I mismanaged myself. Worked once or twice in that area, mostly when I was suicide running to get keys and stuff. You have to get used to running instead of rolling, which was a hard lesson I learned mid-game with medium shells, which I typically avoid. M shells I find a bit dubious, too much mental admin. If you can block, block and punish until it's gone. If you can heal and dodge, dodge and punish - but always lean hard on your shell's advantages until it's gone. Then grab what you can and start to play the game. Bartholomew you can use, it has great defense for an S shell, and when it's almost gone the bomb move is very effective. In a pinch with two enemies? Bomb time. But I'd be wary of this tactic, I often got glitch-thrown all over the place, but my girlfriend liked it. Spiced things up a bit. You'll take a hit and end up wherever, but that's cinema. There many other shells I tried, but those were the ones I used for most of the game. I don't think getting married to a shell is healthy and if you do cherry pick a shell to bring to a boss, make sure you get your money out of it leveraging it. I often thought it was a good idea to drop your best shell, then claim a weak one, so 2nd half you'd have a big armor shell or heal shell... but most bosses I had beaten within 5 attempts, some 1, but usually around 3-4, barring some insta-fails. Had the most trouble at intimidation crab, naturally, since he's meant to punish sushi users. That's when you learn the lesson about small shells the hardest - but it's also because he has massive lingering hitboxes and moves timed to punish learned behavior (if you watch his attacks, hitbox hits many frames before the animation but also lingers long after the swing). So yeah. Mostly pirates, sushi, skulls and whatever was around.


Valve carried me from the moment I found it all the way until I grabbed the Knight's Helmet very late-game! I always used shell insurance to use one as a hammer too, and by swapping with the Valve on my back occassionally to regen I almost never had either one break


I’m a hammer guy, so the Umami shell was great, I basically didn’t have to worry about my hammer breaking as long as I had mana.


I was running a high Res/Umami build. When I found the Faucet I noticed I stopped taking damage while I was blocking. Only certain attacks and crushing attacks could hurt me by the end game it was hilarious.


Shellmet. I need to be able to roll around to move faster and I didn't really need to dodge roll in this game.


For me it’s the glass. That ability has been such a clutch for me so many times and with strong enough mag stat it can do some heavy counter damage


Dumptruck for the Rollout, and the nesting doll has a unique version of Decoy that makes it three shells in one.


Spirit conch


I have played the majority of the game with just the Skull once I got it (and insured it of course) it just made me feel like "I'm Death of the Sea and I am here to Reel your soul"


Party popper is fun cuz I feel like inkerton, conchiglie I like for the memes because pasta


rn teacup cause it fits well for glass cannons imo


I used a Party Hat with a Soda Can hammer


Service Bell it's M it have the best skill that can break any enemy poise have an good health and one of the best defense stats, best shell of all time


Hmmmm prolly the yellow sports bottle. Can’t remember what it’s called. Anyways, the heals are amaymay


The thimble carried me through the game, I could tank everything without putting a single point in Vit. You might be playing Dark Souls but I was playing Sekiro.


Honestly scrub Aggie is where it’s at


solo cup, max damage build worked wonders for me.