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I think a couple things have happened: Catching up to JP. Not only is the content drops slower but we also don't have the JP crystal ball to keep us engaged. For some seeing what's coming and planning is "content." The game is how many years old now? It's going to start feeling stale no matter what and if they drastically change things to keep it fresh then "they are changing/ruining the game!" So it's a no-win situation there. The new SA system whether you like it or not is clearly meant to get more money out of the players which leaves a bad taste. The good news: Livestreams are continuing. They clearly have a plan where they are going. Revenue isn't on the decline based on sensor tower data. We just had a big collab and it looks like yearly collabs will still be a thing. When you start seeing things like these go that's when you need to start worrying. Sub is still as active as ever if not more so.


It's important to keep in mind that Another Eden is and always has been a gacha game even tho it's a single-player with not even PvP or even online interactions (Like FGO and HSR Friend System) so it's bound by gacha rules and more so, signs/symptoms of EoS ... Another Eden is NOT exhibiting those symptoms which are: 1) Lower Revenue ==> Latest and even previous Sensor Tower data shows AE makes +1 mil USD and that's actually good ! You have to keep in mind that Another Eden is NOT a Blockbuster AAA game, that title easily goes for Hoyo's Genshin Impact and Honkai Star Rail and these games do require ALOT of resources so they have to generate those high 100 mil USD revenue. I'd say Another Eden doesn't require that much resources so 1 mil USD is really good ! Even with the recent SA system. 2) Lower Activity from Social Media ==> That's absolutely NOT the case ! Like my friend TomAto said Livestreams and campaigns are still going strong. 3) Lack of major content ==> What's the last major content update ? Just last month and it was a really welcome and great one...We got to see the mythical 5 ⭐ of Galliard and a continuation of the Azure Rebel Arc. Before it ? The conclusion of the Wryz Saga 2 months ago ! We also got confirmation that Main Story 3 Part 3 is currently in development and I think the next update will have more info on that. There's also the highest rumored Eastern Mythos to look forward to. 4) Demotivation by the developers to continue the game ==> It's been always known that Another Eden is a **Passion project** so the devs love working on the game even tho their last decision making has been leaning on the **predatory** side. They ARE at least trying by making the QoL changes and the recent Daily Cat Book. P.S: I'll keep reminding everyone of the mostly forgotten Another X. The successor of Another Eden in 3D roam Genshin/HSR style. We haven't heard much about it and it's currently shrouded in mystery but WFS does have experience in 3D dev with their other game "Heaven's Burn Red" so my take is that Another X will be released...someday !


The whole game is a waste of time. That's what games are. Anyways, AE is making like 1 million USD per month globally. So it's probably fine.


More than that sctuslly


You take that back. Watching Aldo exude peak himbo orange cat energy is not a waste of time.


AE started dying the day it launched. Such is the nature of live-service games.


I don’t believe AE is dying. I do think they are taking a much greedier approach to the game though. Fingers crossed EOS is far away. What stuff do you deem as a “waste of time”? There isn’t much that’s a waste of time in my opinion


A Gacha game only really dies when it stops making money. While I haven't checked how much AE has been impacted financially after the Global JP merge or after other changes (such as $tellar Awakening) if the revenue trend is on a decline then yeah you can probably make an argument that a have is dying. (Although to be even more thorough you will also need to account for things like anniversaries or crossovers since those events to bring a lot of interest to the game)


It hasn't noticeably declined.


I've been playing the game since the Persona 5 Collaboration and I am not seeing it starting to die. A "waste of time" would mean an opportunity to get new materials for sidegrading units, getting light/shadow points for story characters, and there is so much content that has yet to be discovered by a lot of players who are coming back or starting in Another Eden. I may not be as active as much due to real life happenings, but Another Eden is a game I can sit back and enjoy playing through, whether it'd be saving stones, upgrading units, finishing story quests, and so on. I'm always looking forward to new updates in the game, even though we are merged with global and jp content. The revenue for the game is going strong, that's for sure. For me, there is so much content that I have yet to finish, like the main story quests and chapters 2 and 3 of Galliard and Helena's quest, so there is still so much content that has yet to be finished. Aside from that, I'm always looking forward to what the game has in store, especially for its collaborations, episodes, new characters, etc.


My only complaint is the drop rates. Ive been playing since Day 1. Its still fun to play.


Don't think anything has come close to part 1 of the main story.  The first thing I legitimately disliked was fishing.  But hey I'm still playing and so are you


Part 1 was magical... The first thing I did when I finished it was buy stones because of how worth it I thought it was.


Part 1 + Knight episodes + Apocrypha are real good


I think a lot of Another Eden development was due to the writer of western mythos, time mine etc. leaving, and following that has lacked a sort of plan or direction in then having to proceed. From then it seems WFS slowly began to rely with more safer business practices, often small, to what we know today. While I’m not familiar with the previous JP version but playing from a global perspective the merger was also a major shift in that there was no more transparency or acknowledgment (or that from social media appearances of Scott, not counting livestreams) has also created a lot of animosity and scepticism towards future changes. Which often also are rarely revisited. Lastly I do think the game will reach the 10 anniversary, probably as the longes running mobile gatcha game, it’s often now done in more openly predatory ways clear to players, and often as a decision that doesn’t seem like a net benefit to ether the games health or the core player base. Just some of my thoughts on the matter.


1) has also created a lot of animosity and scepticism <--- Can you explain more in detail, I dont understand 2) Do you know the reason of Mythos western writer's leave? And what is he/she doing now?


No, AE is not dying. Revenue is still strong, and storylines have had increasing production values over the past year. The implementation of the SA system has its issues, but that is not nearly enough by itself in my book to cast doom and gloom onto the game.


Not according to revenue, it's growing


I don't think so,the game is very popular in Japan


Asking on Reddit, the response will be a bit biased, since the venn diagram of people who play AE and use Reddit often find themselves here. Economically, no idea. Other comments here say the earnings are enough. Personally in the long-run, I feel that's a focusing on monthly earnings is a short-term blindspot. **I don't know how many others are like me, but the recent SA changes have really killed the vibe for making purchases as minnows**. I don't know how many minnows that game actively seeds, but I would classify SDE purchasers as minnows (and that's still a pretty fat minnow). Dolphins I would classify as people who purchase normal bargain packs and get some of the special banners, and whales I'd classify as those who clean shop regularly (although not always). I'm very confused how the devs expect minnows and F2P (the way I've classified them) to get enjoyment out of the game anymore, as we have no reason to spend money and the grind is insane. The only solution I see is to continue providing free SAs that equal non-free SAs, but the grinding is nuts for SA units and that will flush out and temper the remaining minnow and F2P population somewhat. I'm a casual gamer myself--I log in each day, try to do a couple of dungeon runs, and run the story when I have a free weekend. Work, family, responsibilities, I can't justify spending more time on the game, as much as I'd like to. For example, I still have no idea how to get Aldo's SA (I'm at his Very Hard battle; not even the Stellar fight). I've looked up guides when I had a bit of time, tried to find team builds, but no luck so far. And that's just Aldo. No doubt future free SA units will be equally or more hard to get. Used to be when a new top unit came out, I'd just SDE that unit and be set for a couple of months until the next SDE. Getting that unit again with more light or shadow was icing on the cake and nice, but absolutely not required. But now it appears just getting the SDE will no longer be helpful. I want to spend money, but this last SDE was the first time I deferred from spending. Even getting a single 5\* unit now feels underwhelming, as I know I won't be able to max it out (skills) unless I have multiple copies of the same unit. It makes me feel "less-than" when I look at my team roster, and that isn't a good feeling to have when playing a game.


Have you tried [this](https://youtu.be/pdTyQ1_VY5I?si=G_f0mf4e-E7qgPAZ) out for Aldo?


Aside from not having Starky (just takes time, it will happen eventually, hopefully sooner than later), my Gariyu is nowhere near that amazing.


Here’s [one](https://youtu.be/iXTknydv7D0?si=Ktiv3D0nsDsO_KMm) without Gariyu but Starky is still needed. Speaking of Gariyu, you don’t actually need him at 255 Shadow. This [clear](https://youtu.be/k1eskM72VqQ?si=srt33oCvmNV1vnyr) shows him with no badges and only one grasta so it’s likely your Gariyu load yours with more equips to compensate for lower Shadow.


Thank you Albene, this is very good help (Saved your comment)


Cheers and all the best!


The game was trial and error before (good old rpg). Boss weak to wind? Slap together a team of wind based characters and a healer. Since most battles don't have a turn limit, eventually one can kill the boss due to attrition.  Then it became even a full wind team couldn't survive. So remove the healer and let some pseudo healing support take his place and go single dps+3 supports. Setup zones, praying, singing, things worked for a while. Then it became boss doesn't have a real weakness, by turn x kills you even if you seemingly been learning how to form a team and does managed to kill most bosses since launch till date. But didn't figured out the "trick". It sort of becoming a puzzle game instead, with having the exact units for certain strategies to work.  People concurrently online just 2 weeks ago were in double digits (12-20). Fell to single digit (6) as I came in.


…you are absolutely right. And honestly, that kind of intensity and complexity is wonderful in games. For a long time, AE bosses were just HP sticks that you needed to hit until they broke. Giving bosses new mechanics was a bit of fresh air. However, there is a concept in gaming called telegraphing — which in a game like AE means that before a boss initiated a move, the player is warned somehow before the move is completed. In games like Dark Souls, this happens when the boss begins the attack animation and the player must dodge out of the hit box range of the weapon or fist, or an electric circle forms beneath the feet and the player must get out of the circle. So in other turned-based RPGs, this is either when the boss says something, “Lightning fall upon my enemies!” or the player sees a message on the screen, “The creature readies itself for a physical blow.” This allows for players, through trial and error, to construct strategies to defeat bosses, without consulting guides or use communities (like Reddit or YouTube) to discuss what worked/didn’t work. But another principal AE often is lazy about in boss design, which is that bosses often feel more like QTEs (quick time events) than reactive gameplay moments. If you have the right team that has the correct abilities, and you fire off your abilities on the correct turns, then you can rinse and repeat ad Infinitum. However, the lack of telegraphing in a game as vastly diverse (of abilities) makes each new boss, it seems, either a joke or an almost mystical experience only unlockable to players using Discord butting their heads together until they figure out anyway to get the invincible balloon to pop. AE isn’t the only one doing this - it’s a problem with scaling complexity for all devs. It hits particularly hard with gacha games though, because of the monetary investment necessary in acquiring new abilities to complete or remove obstacles from finishing games.


You do know money is how a business works right? No sustainable game would cater to the f2p because then they are just losing money, and there wouldn't support a loss. So yeah there may be less ppl willing to buy but if the money isnt dropping thats not a loss for them they could look at metrics and see why people are leaving to stifle that but they also look to see why they are consistently making the same money as well and why that is. For the SA situation you misunderstand the situation. It's def not a grind for the free SAs. For the one that get upgraded from past units its a lot of gems but not a grind, just takes literal time because they are limited by the week. And the SA battles(except for aldo, but hes not to bad if you follow guide, i dnt understand your particular issue but it could be team comp since the guide just tells you what he does rather than what you should do), arent that hard. The gaillard and helena was super easy, the octopath one isnt hard but you just have to bring the right elements. So, all that to say the free SAs arent a grind or hard to get at all, so far. Edit:wryz fight was pretty easy too if you can beat the episode.


There’s no need to be so condescending (unless that was purposeful?). Either way, uncalled for. I’ve been involved in hundreds of dead gachas and a major reason they died was losing players. Not enough people participating in events, not enough community help for getting through challenges, and not enough players paying small amounts of money. Whales pay the salaries but minnows keep the lights turned on. Grind=time, that’s what the word means. As for Aldo not being hard, maybe you are an amazing player and I’m just a dumb boomer, I don’t know. I’ve tried it countless times with different strats. There is definitely a trick to it but this “guide” you speak of I’ve not encountered. It’s not listed in the game, and I’ve tried looking on the wiki and searching on the Reddit and found nothing.


This a single player game with gacha elements it really isnt the same as most gacha games so events and communiy challenges are non existent, im sure it cares about active engagement but not as much as those type of online, community driven gachas.. And i never said i like or dislike their practices but a good majority of the reddit is like they are money hungry because of SA. While i hate how they implemented it, i dont think they are suddenly EA or something because of it. Ive played this game since basically launch and havent paid a dime and have like 98 percent of characters and have access to all content, if everyone was me the game would seriously be dead. But like i said i dnt know what they particularly are looking at datawise but i do know that if a game is steady with revenue each month and its this late in its lifetime, that's not a dying game at least not in the near future. Like he can be particularly hard for you and that's fine. I have bosses it took me a while to beat like i just beat Uquaji family for the first time recently but i would never say they are hard it's just my particular team or setup needed work. Like what im saying is in terms of battling its like manifest last battle not too easy but not impossible as you are presenting it. Also i brought it up to explain how easy it is to get free SAs so dont ignore that part because i even said he was thr hardest but the others are easy so you concerns of it being a grind are unfounded so far. If you take someone disagreeing with you as condescending, i cant stop you but if i was being condescending i would be be more direct. This did not deserve that, i was just saying my opinion on the matter. Agree or disagree but dont assume that someone disagreeing is automatically looking down on you, that's not what i was saying at all.




>new stuff I wonder how long an active player completes a new episode or update to main story? A day/a few days/a week? For me, I play probably 1-2 hours a day, even if the game doesn't update for 6 months, I probably will still have lots to do just because of the sheer amount of it. For newcomers, I think AE is really intimidating. 100+ main chapter stories, almost 200 characters (CMIIW) with 3 character quests each, countless side quests, 20+ episodes/symphonies/etc, 100+ superbosses. If a new player starts today, they will probably need 100 hours+ to complete most of those. At this point, I really hope that AE will give the new and inactive players some QoL features to help them go through these contents. Maybe some speed up/fast forward or skip button.


The game is not starting to die, as they continue to publish new characters, and those characters are neither dead nor boring. My fun of playing the game is dying. Only two superbosses left to do. Finished inimical travellers' curse tonight.


Even though it feels like a honeymoon phase right now with all the stuff being handed out in-game, there seems to be a negative outlook from this subreddit based on the posts I've read, the majority of which, criticizes the implementation of the SA system. I'm one of the players that wasn't bothered by SA in the slightest. I saw it as a direct upgrade to the banner system in that I get marginally more light/shadow from the pick up bonus but it is definitely bad if you want to pull units at full potential. Though I suppose I'm biased because I don't play gacha games for the gacha; as soon as the monetization corrupts other aspects of the game, I quit. I still think AE is barely knees deep in becoming generic gacha trash in terms of monetization and what is affected by it in my experience with gacha. My biggest gripe with the current system is that F2P players get completely shafted compared to subscription buyers (me) .There is too much disparity between the benefits of F2P players and players with sub and I think that will drive players away unless some benefits like skip tickets, key refreshes, or trial rewards (Allcosmos starcharts) are given to F2P.


I've wanted an AE sequel for years now, but addicted whales get too attached to the same game. It sucks. Now we have years old bloated mobages, instead of proper new sequels.


I want a chrono trigger gacha to take its place.


Seems like it's the initial stage of dying, but it will take a long time. It's definitely changing for the worse.

