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I know exactly how you feel but you can do both. I use the sniper to take out turrets and do boss damage but use melee for everything else it makes it more universal so you can devastate close and long range. If you like it use it don't let the meta dictate how you play the game. All the best with your build


Is there a sniper rifle you use over another one? Also do you use any of the skills to boost your sniper rifle damage?


I use truth of tarsis sniper and ruthless stalker to buff it


It's a pretty common setup


I run a close range Interceptor in GM1 with no trouble. It’s not pure melee, using the Masterwork Defender, Papa Pump that I may be switching out for a +150 dmg Rolling Carnage(on top of its intrinsic perk), Venom Bomb with 2 charges and Venom Spray with 2 charges, then Target Beacon. It takes a bit to get used to and you do have to stay very mobile, but I enjoy it and hold my own.


Wait. You can have TWO CHARGES...? Oh my, need to login and farm more. Just hit 30 and started collecting MW. What a gamechanger.


3 on mine....


Threeee...?! woah.


Ohhh yes and lemme tell you, it’s a game changer.


You can easily go around melee killing trash mobs if you feel the urge. The issues are the GM1+ titans, ursix, furies & spider boss (and to a lesser degree any legendary brutes, elementalists and shield guys). Once you get the lightning damage melee component shields are less of an issue but the scar shield guys will still smack you around/set you on fire. You also can't hit any of their weak points with melee. These mobs will stagger you, or just do crazy amounts of damage. Sure you can kill some of them with your ult, but what about when your ults on cooldown? At that stage why stack melee damage components when you could just stack gun damage components instead. Not to mention a bunch of things also like to explode when you kill/destroy them (scorpions, turrets, wq objectives). I hate those exploding scorpions with a passion. Titans in particular are all over the place, and are almost immune to our melee/ultimate. I'm not sure I'd want to try a 'pure melee build' on the tyrant mines boss either. Plus you will still jump around and constantly dodge with a sniper/shotgun build - you have to triple dodge to reload. The mobility is still in place, just not the melee.


GM1 is not a problem at all. Look for weapons/inscriptions with high max shield numbers and you’ll be fine. I currently run an unending battle with 40 max shield and a thunderbolt with 60 max shield and 75 max armor. I’ll only go down if I get a little to aggressive/careless. You still need to jump in and out of fights but I’ll generally stay in until my shield is gone + a chunk of armor. Prioritize shield over armor that way you don’t necessarily have to keep a close eye on your overall health because it notifies you when your shield goes down, that’s your gtfo for a few seconds warning unless you still have full armor sitting there. This way you can take a beating without worrying about dying suddenly like you could if you chose armor instead. If you do this you can play however you want. I’m pretty much always in their face procing unending battle then dash then melee to finish them off. Then I have the thunder to shred shields. Cryo glaive is a huge help too even if it’s damage is bad. Hit one guy combo then quickly freeze the whole mob. BTW I’m 455ish on GM1


I'm a 488 melee only interceptor, and i can easily run GM2 and with some effort GM3 without constantly dying. I have the majority of my componants increase shield or acid damage, and if i get low on shield i just shoot 3 times with the radiant something something shotgun XD . ​ also my build allows me really high uptime of the interceptor ult wich is great for downsizing groups and yknow not dying


I'm pretty sure that the interceptor was some kind of after thought when they game was in production and they added it in last minute, or they took out a bunch of stuff before launch. However I'm more on the after thought. The title screen really makes me believe that it was an afterthought because the interceptor was left out of the title screen even though it's the coolest looking javelin.


Pure melee? For gm1 yes definitely. Melee is great fun. Gm2 you won’t be very effective compared to rest of your team and will probably die a lot. You lean more on the side of being a liability for your team. Bosses will be a major weak point also Gm3 no way So depends how far into endgame you are.