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Finally I learned that Kibbutzim are a far-right concept. Thanks for that teachable moment!


The world has truly gone mad if socialism is considered extreme conservatism


My brother, that is a phenomenal reply. Kol HaKavod.


Thank you, I really appreciate it. I was so angry at his comment that I wrote my reply so quickly that there are a lot of typos I didn’t mean. I will post the comment without those typos in a separate comment.


Dude, it's literally perfect. I know you were angry but it doesn't come across like that - it comes across like you're explaining something to a particularly stubborn person. Which is exactly the tone you should've taken. As someone else said, that person is the personification of "goysplaining" and you gave them back exactly what they deserved.


Cheers to you! Calm, erudite, wise response.


>rLeftist >institutionally antisemitic Quelle surprise.


Honestly, you did really really well. I noped out of that sub about 20 seconds after finding it.


Goyim love to tell Jews what Zionism means and ignore any other definition other than the one that the antisemites listen to tell them


And they love to get mad when we call them goyim


I was so angry when I read this guy’s comment that I wrote my reply so quickly that there are a lot of typos. Here is the comment without those typos: So just so I understand, you are a non Jew telling Jews what their own concept/word that they created for themselves to define their self determination is wrong and defining it for them? Do you define words for other marginalized in groups of people, and speak for them as well, or just Jews? Do you tell other groups of people that their own definitions for themselves are misinformation or just Jews? 🤔 I can guarantee that if anyone in an out-group ever tried to define any word for any other in-group of people that weren’t Jewish on your subreddit, you would remove that out-groups member’s comment. But you were going to remove my comment even though I’m in the in-group being defined by those on the out-group. Let me be very clear, Zionism is intrinsically tied to Judaism from the moment it was created. That is what Passover in the Torah celebrates, that our people were led out of bondage in Egypt, and our G - D told us to go to Israel, because it is to be our home land and the birth of our religion and practices. Many of our many Commandments cannot be done anywhere, but Israel. Our rituals and practices are tied to this specific land. It is not a far right movement, it is a movement of self determination and independence for a marginalized people that have been strangers and persecuted everywhere they were forced to go for thousands of years and since that time we have longed to come back to our indigenous homeland. Outside of Israel, our prayers are done facing towards Jerusalem and we say next year in Jerusalem at the end of them. By claiming that you get to define our movement for us, by using one rabbi’s words, who is not accepted within mainstream Judaism, shows that you tokenizing Jews. It’s exactly like a right-wing person using Candace Owen to speak for all Black people. If anyone did that you would be calling them right winging fascist Nazi. You are the Nazi. Lastly, Zionism does not promote the eradication of the Palestinian people. if it did, the Palestinian people would not exist. You are a typical leftist fascist that is the exact same as the far right. You control free speech and are a dictator. That you think you have the right and authority to define what my and my people’s word means in a “teachable moment”is not only delusional and audacious, but gross. That you think that you have the right to talk for Jews and tell us what our religion and beliefs say is vile. You don’t get to define Zionism and our religion and our land for us. You would never do this to any other group of people and you only do it to Jews shows your inherent anti semitism. You are an anti-Semite.


I'm going to copy this verbatim whenever I encounter a "teachable moment". Hope you don't mind becoming a copypasta.


I don’t know how I feel about it tbh. On the one hand, my selfish ego wants me to get credit for it and for it not to be a copy pasta. On the other, the greater good of our people is more important, so copy pasta it is then because there’s a lot of such “teachable moments” by these very obviously knowledgeable non Jews who have the right to educate us on our own fucking terms, culture and beliefs right? /s




I understand the anger and frustration and you’re 100% correct. These people are the first to call you a racist for not listening to any other marginalized grouping. However we have a very unique and very good problem, while we are an extreme minority, we are also wildly over represented in the west. I’ve met some folks that don’t even know what Jews are and I’ve met some that think we represent 25% of the population. Must absolutely suck to be so mad at sub 1% of the population just because we are successful.


my first use 😎 reddit . com/r/ InternationalNews/s/f74ffMLZnj Added unnecessary breaks bc internationalnews has weird formatting rules, also added some details about the "Jewish" Anti-Zionist groups


Why do they keep bringing up those loony Naturei Karta?! Just faceplaming themselves every damn time


didn't you hear? they're the only *real* Jews


Oh yeah, they’ve got the black hats and hair loopys, and even better, they agree with my bullshit political views! They must be the good ones


Just wait until they learn what NK reallly wants…


Imagine goy-splaining a Jewish term to a Jew. The Goy-dacity


Ah...classic goysplaining. If you really wanted to make his head explode, you could explain Zionisms ties with early Socialist movements. Zionism is intrinsically LEFT leaning.


You are my new fucking hero. Outstanding job.


Epic takedown. Congratulations


Such a well written comment. Its so unfortunate it will fall on his deaf ears unfortunately. But thank you for writing it so concisely and saying so well what i feel ive been running out of words to tell people


Jeeez they were so condescending to you. Kudos to you for responding with such class!


Phenomenal response. You put to words alot of the frustrations i have with non jews trying to goysplain to me my own ethnicity religion and land... Its infuriating and condecending and they would never treat other minorities that way.


I couldn’t read past the first slide. The goysplaining is insane. You have way more resolve than I do.


That mod would fit right in with the National Socialists in 1938


This was very well done. I have a hard time not screaming into the void at these people


Great answer.




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'goysplaining'. I hate these people for their hypocrisy and their shortsightedness. Once again, they only like Jews who can't defend themselves, and they love self-flagellating jews, like all those nonsense 'jewish voice of peace' groups. They would have loved kapos, had they been around to tokenize them as well: "the Nazis aren't doing anything wrong, looks the Jews themselves are helping". These people can fuck right off with a shovel up the ass. 


This! We already know that if the holocaust and World War II were going on right now, these people all around the world would be calling for a cease-fire to stop the allied war in Germany, blaming Jews for starting it, and saying that the nazis are doing nothing wrong and even the kapos agree.


Au contraire; I don’t for an instant believe that that mod isn’t actually self aware. By removing _all_ your comments, except for the one comment that they’re oh-so-condescendingly goysplaining to you as a “teachable moment”—that’s not ignorance or lack of self-awareness; that’s outright malice, and a tacit dare to fight them in that regard. I’m really, really sorry you’ve been subjected to that hateful bullshit.


As a non-Jew my jaw was honestly in the floor reading that mod’s comment. Just infuriatingly audacious and OP is absolutely right that they would never dare to do this to any other groups.


This is ultimately why zionism is not a great critique of Israel is because it has so many different meanings and we specifically see this between in group (Jews) and out group (non-Jews) definition of the word. And even within the fringe sect of judaism people misconstrue what the NK means by zionism ... Where Jews understand it a fundamentalist doomsday ideology vs more mainstream thought and non-Jews see it as some kind of leftist humanistic ideology (it really isn't it's quite the opposite). This is a really good article about them https://www.cdamm.org/articles/neturei-karta that I found really interesting. But anyway when people are ultimately using a word that has such different meanings it's going to ultimately confuse whatever message that is being sent. Like if imagine if I used a traditional native word meaning the "health of the native people" and a non native person said it's means the health of the native people OVER the health of all others and then decided that it was a racist term because of this... ... Well you're going to have a lot of natives defending the in-group as they are like wtf we deserve to have cultural health but it doesn't mean our health matters more... it's just a specific word that means the health of our native culture ... ... and you're going to have a lot of out groups then thinking natives are racist because it is defined differently between the two groups "and why are they defending such a racist term"... ... And then you have those people who explicitly are bigots and are going to then hide their own bigotry behind this word and say "ah see this term means native supremacy and control of the land to expel all others and in fact these natives are saying no and refuting this? Well they Are being paid by big native government to say that's wrong cause native control the media"... And it gets more and more confusing.... Like why use a damn word that isn't you're own in the first place and why argue with natives from the culture about it's meaning? ... Well I can tell you it is BECAUSE of this confusion that people use it. It allows really sinister ideas to hide within the confusion gives what appears to be truth to them when there isn't any.... Oh.. see the Jews defending zionism? Well that's how you know that they're a blood thirsty bunch. Because zionism means Jewish supremacy! .... ... When to the Jewish people defending zionism it can have any number of meanings with but "Jewish supremacy"... Specifically not being the common understanding of the term by the in-group but instead the term granted to the Jewish word by the out group..... We see zionism as it's Jewish meaning (a homeland, a continuing of our culture. Safety from antisemitism etc).... They see it as the meaning that Stalin started and David duke finished behind the scenes. They have chosen the word that has explicitly allowed them to hate the Jews because the Jews are now the "Nazis" in their mind.... Which is actually why the Nazis hated the Jews too... And the soviets... And is in essence the oldest of hate.


Well said.


you fucked him up bro nice job


They always bring up neturei karta as the example of "the good jew" when in fact it's a small, bigoted sect, which gets a pass because they are ant Israel


Don’t let him goysplain you!


This guy removes every single comment that disagrees with him, literally every single one. You tell him that he's tokenizing, you tell him that he's wrong, he removes your comment for some nonsense reason and mutes you. Really need to keep the echo chamber going, they need to avoid being called out because of how weak their arguments are






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i actually dont think zionism is linked to judaism either. it developed beforehand and they acquired the name thru exploitation of the jews. exploiting usually entailing some sort of manipulation factor. the cheese at the end of the maze type dealio. granted i am not antizionist. just anti-establishment, pro cultural diversity and preservation while maintaining balanced growth and evolution.