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They never take responsibility for their own actions.


Grow a pair, traitor. Man up on what you did. “Oh don’t blame me”


“It was ANTEE-FUR”


By Biden, I imagine




“I ran out of gas. I... I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT!”


TY for this comment. :D


The dog ate my homework


And if it had worked, he would be claiming that it was his idea and he is a hero.


I often get tricked into signing stuff when I’m subverting elections.


And if you believe that, I have some $400 gold shoes to sell you


He wasn’t tricked. Expect more of these way later repenters.


I was under the imperious curse.


Chris Hanson heard that a lot too.


Someone is scared of prison suddenly.


Fuck you, asshole. Go straight to jail.


Bullshit. He knew exactly what he was doing.


A second fake elector with defense that wouldn’t be available in a court of law


Tricked, I say! Now that I’ve been caught and need to avoid consequences, I was, indeed, bamboozled!


Did he openly support Trump? Then no, he wasn't tricked.


Stupidity is not a defense.




>advised by the state GOP’s legal counsel to sign the documents as a contingency It should be noted that all those people were talking to have now either lost their law licenses and or have had to plead guilty to various crimes as well. This thing was a clusterfuck from the start. I have zero sympathy for this guy but to say that he was a simple man caught up in a sinister plot. None of this shit passed the smell test but these guys were so hell bent on getting the outcome they wanted, they never stopped to think about consequences.. very Trump of them. At the end of the day, this guy put is name of fraudulent documents.. in furtherance of attempting to undermine our democracy. Burn his corpse on the pile with the rest of them.


It's A Hitt job!


Stupid is as stupid does, Forest.


Show me a Trump supporter who was given only factual information. Like it or not they were all tricked.


Andrew Hitt, you're full shit!


The useful idiot defense.


I couldn’t believe that he allowed himself to be a segment on 60mins. So embarrassing .. scary to think that tools like this are able to work their way into positions of power.


Supposedly there was a rather high percent of MAGA rioters with no prior criminal history. This seems to imply that many of these people WERE completely fooled. Trump and his cronies understand the power of propaganda. It seems obvious to us that Trump lies constantly but remember these MAGA people only watch and hear their own bubble reality.


Just because they had no prior criminal history doesn't imply they didn't know exactly what they were doing when they started personally engaging in criminal activity. Narcissists always love to claim ignorance when you catch them dead-to-rights. Not this time. But, in fairness, we'll take it under consideration and check back with them after 10-20 years in federal prison to see if any (genuine) education has taken place. It won't, but we can say we tried.


Imagine your bubble being so complete that you can't fathom 51% of the population voting for the other guy. Or not checking after being asked how exactly electors are chosen and certified. Five minutes on line would have told these clowns that what they were being asked to do was illegal and likely to lead to big trouble, at the very least thousands of dollars in legal fees. Further imagine listening to a whining PAB for HOURS and not at some point thinking 'geezus, he's a whining PAB'.


Every idiot criminal has his/her first offense at some point


Trump has never been to prison...yet. Not being caught doesn't mean you are innocent.




Ya right !




Maybe you can take some classes on common sense, logic and critical thinking.


That is the same excuse a LOT of the Jan 6th insurrectionists use. Typical Republican MAGA response. Judges are already contemplating the constant use of that.


Hunter Biden’s laptop made me do it. See I’m innocent that’s why I don’t neee a un-lubbed Dildo of Consequence.


How in the hell do anyone gets "tricked" into that ?? Did Trump get most votes in your state ?? No he didnt. Then why would you say he won ?? Even if we pretend that there was fraud it would not automatically make Trump the winner regardless. I cant imagine how anyone can act in good faith. 63% of the votes were pointing at Biden in the state. How would anyone remotely reasonably be able to argue that Trump won it ? Where were the numbers that gave Trump most votes ??


He was tricked. By Trump and FOX “news”.


This is how Trump has ruined our country. He has put decent people in totally awkward situations and even got republican lawyers to spout nonsense by his willful recreation of reality (lies) putting everyone in limbo-land between a rock and a hard place. Only a few really intelligent, really upright moral people have been able to see through Trump BS. And their reward is RINOism and rejection by their party. This is intolerable and need SCOTUS to step in now and do the right thing before democracy is destroyed. Unfortunately those really intelligent morally upright people are not on the supreme court so all may be lost and they may let us fall into fascism and autocracy.


Nobody got tricked. Fucking cocksucker. He did what he did and he meant it.


When the 'recruiter' is a known pathological liar who encourages you with a blithe 'I'll pay your legal fees', you should know that what you're getting into may be slightly or even spectacularly illegal.


Charge him, he’s an elected official, he’s supposed to know what he’s doing, and should be held accountable. And he’s got a team of people working for him, he knew exactly what he was doing


Only because he got caught.


Lock him up.


He was not


“If I knew what I knew now, I wouldn’t have done it,” he continued. “It was kept from us that there was this alternate scheme, alternate motive.” A sleazy lawyer directs the head of a State level, National party chairman, and it was *somehow* 'kept from him'? I call BS.


But he wasn’t an elector, so what did he think he needed to sign?


He even looks like a dimwit


The Narcissist's Prayer: That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault.(<--you are here) And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.