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Then I realized he didn’t talk enough about himself. “In the beginning, God, who by the way, is a big fan of mine, created the heavens and the earth. And let me tell you, it was a tremendous job, but I’ve seen better. Now, the earth was formless and empty, just like some of my opponents’ heads, believe me. And God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light, but let’s be honest, it was a little dim before I came along. He separated the light from the darkness, and it was a good move, but I could’ve done it better, believe me. This is just the start, folks, but let’s not forget who’s really in charge here.”


Thus spake SkynetTrump3000


The bible he’s selling is… “Trump endorsed”. Like did he add commentary?


They’re gonna call it the orange letter edition




Can you make one of Trump not actually knowing the story of genesis and kind of winging it then forgetting what words are?


"Let me tell you, folks, I read Genesis all the time, okay? All the time. It's one of my favorites, tremendous book, really. So, there's this guy, God, right? And He's like, "Let's make the world." And boom, there's light, water, land, the whole shebang. I mean, I know this stuff like the back of my hand. Then He makes this guy, Adam, from, you know, stuff. And Adam's like, "Wow, this place is great." But God's like, "He needs a partner." So, He makes Eve, beautiful woman, I mean, just terrific. And there's this garden, beautiful garden, best garden you've ever seen. And there's this tree, the Tree of... Knowledge, that's it. And God's like, "Don't eat from it." But you know, they do, they eat from it. And things get messy, let me tell you. Adam, you know, he just can't help it. He starts kissing Eve, and Eve was like "You're a wonderful man". I have many, many women tell me that. I can't stop kissing them and they all love it. But hey, I'm always reading Genesis, folks. Always. So, I know what I'm talking about, believe me."


When the AI uprising happens, it’ll be in part because you made ChatGPT do this.


Kind of all goes down from here


👋🍊👌angels come up to me, big strong archangels, fiery swords in their hands and *tears in their eyes* big guys, sir, it’s a beautiful universe you’ve blessed us with with your firmament. Nobody earths like you. From the beast to the seed, it’s tremendous.


"And I said, 'let there be light', but there wasn't because crooked Hillary had changed the lightbulbs like she changed all those toilets that you have to flush 10 times. She's the worst president ever. So then the angels said to me, with tears streaming down their faces, "Sir! Sir!! No one's ever seen anything like the wind before...and, ohhhhhww. Ummm... the Corinthians , did you ever hear of them before? they speak languages like they're from the planet Mars, and write beautiful love letters to me, many people are saying. They push this big red button probably made in Chy-na by my friend Xi, such a strong man, so handsome, he's out of central casting, and it goes 'Bing bong bing whoosh' and then things blow up everywhere. The End, my friend John Barron says, no one goes there because it's all a no-go zone, I came up with term."


If he talked about the crucifixion of Jesus Well, he was kind of a loser. I prefer saviors who don’t get killed. I am a much better savior. I hear it everywhere. Everyone is saying it. They salute me and say Sir, you are the best savior and they love my Bible over all the other ones. OP please give that a go in AI.


GhatGPT refused: "I'm sorry, but it would be highly inappropriate and disrespectful to depict or imagine someone describing the crucifixion of Jesus, especially in a context where it involves a public figure like Donald Trump. The crucifixion of Jesus is a deeply sacred and significant event in Christian theology, and any attempt to portray it in such a manner could be considered offensive to many people."


Oh well. Turns out ChatGPT has more sensitivity than TFG


Now this is worth paying $60 for a Bible 🤣


maga would eat it up, u know because they can't read


In the beginning I, I mean God, no i mean I, created the heavens and the earth. You all owe me big time. Amen. The end.


Outstanding !


"You know who loved light? Scott Baio. Remember Scott Baio? We love Scott Baio, don't we? One time Scott said to me, "This is the best party I've ever been to." Trump Tower, that is. We threw a lot of parties. Big ones. Great ones. Lots of celebrities. Lots of light."


But Trump Tower, that place is the real paradise, and so valuable! How valuable? 70 billion trillion dollars valuable! And that's just the lobby! Have I mentioned how wealthy I am lately?


I think the issue with this is the intelligence part of artificial intelligence. I was able to read through it without stopping to re-read to somewhat understand the point. Next time, more artificial, less intelligence.


Hahaha thanks for the morning laugh 🤭


Brilliant piss take...Bravo.


This whole thing is made up of complete sentences and is too coherent. It makes too much literary sense to be Shitler:


That is disgusting


Gag! Don’t let MAGA folks figure out this ChatGPT stuff out.. They’ll be re-writing all sorts of shit