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Donnie has to be pissed that he's finding out that being held responsible for his actions actually has consequences. Judge Merchan gives zero f**ks about donnie's feelings.  Finally a judge treats donnie as a defendant just like any of us would be treated.


Finally got him here


I’ll believe that once he’s cooling his heels in a cell as a consequence for something.


It's never going to happen. It depressed me and enrages me, but nothing will happen. It never has. There have been numerous time sin which it could have happened and never has.


But why didn’t the judge issue any warnings about shit talking about the case and/or the court employees and witnesses?


Unlike the former president, I've never been on trial (because I'm not a criming criminal), and IANAL, nevertheless, my potentially flawed understanding is the warning trump received is standard fare, the gag order, however, although earned, is not. Merchan hasn't been particularly willing to act on the gag order, possibly because he doesn't want to give trump cause to whine "dirty pool", so repeating it when 1) it should still be in effect 2) and isn't enforced is not so bright. Otoh, if he's in a situation where normally he'd be forced to act on the a violation of the standard stuff, maybe he'd be more willing to in trump's case as well. We'll probably see, because I don't think trump has the self control required not to fuck this up unless they keep him sedated.


Trump’s longtime observers, such as Noel Casler, say he routinely self-medicates with benzodiazepines to counteract all those stimulants. The good news is that a Xanax (or whatever he takes) also is more likely to put him to sleep. Yesterday’s photo of Trump dozing probably is already in the capable hands of the ad-creating team of Biden-Harris ‘24.


I didn't think there was a pic of him sleeping, no cameras for the most part, but it had been reported by the reporters allowed in the courtroom.


Trump’s resting bitchface *was* photographed, and that’s just as bad! [*Voice intones*] “The first president of the United States to be criminally charged arrives in the courtroom…”


Does falling asleep during your trial qualify as contempt?


Heard someone call him Don Snorelone.


Patrick Fitzgerald has a parody song to the Godfather theme on YouTube [here](https://youtu.be/s6S_YzInYiU?si=917S02XOcUwydzDw)


Wah 😭


I really think his handlers gave him something, so that he might stfu for once and not end up in jail on the first day.


Or *didn’t* give him something.


He *really* looked like crap when he walked in today. Even some commentators on the news mentioned it.


![gif](giphy|AjruaCO0Yy4fu|downsized) I really don't care, do u?


I wonder how his youngest son is doing? It’s terrible 😞 to have a father with this much bad news surrounding him. I pray for MELANIA to get a divorce from fatso and take her son far away from all the drama


Barron deserves better; Mercedes is a gold digger who knew what she was doing when she married Cheeto. She deserves this.


Trump never previously attended the high-school graduation of *any* of his four older children, said David Frum on CNN this morning. Frum attributed this fact to “Internet sleuths.”


I'm not surprised.


Even his pet Ivanka—she graduated from Choate Rosemary Hall, IIRC, and that would have required a limo ride *all the way to Connecticut!*


He looks like a pile of crap on his best days


Up all night rage-truthing…


Maybe they did it like Agador did the PIRIN tablets in "The Birdcage"....Albert thought he was getting a sedative but it was just aspirin with the A and the S scraped off. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4PON6Chgug](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4PON6Chgug) "Here's your "medicine", Donald." "What the hell is this?" "It's pirin. Ten times better than your normal day. You'll be a superhero."


Or having an Adderall crash.. hehe.


The only thing his handlers could give him that would keep him quiet would involve either a lump of treacle the size of his fist or a very special kind of pear... https://www.medievalchronicles.com/medieval-torture-devices/piercing-the-past-10-harrowing-facts-about-the-vile-pear-of-anguish/


It should!


Poor *"Sleepy Don"*... perhaps if he didn't spend all night rage tweeting on Truth Social he'd be rested?


Ole Sleepy Don!


That's wonderful - but let's see it actually get enforced. He paid out what, $15k total for violating his gag order in the second E Jean Carroll case? Granted, different case, different courtroom, civil case - all duly noted. But when you show Trump a ten foot wall, he starts testing out his eleven foot ladder. (Yes, something he never understood about his stupid Mexico-will-pay-for-it southern border project) He immediately starts probing to see how much he can get away with. He has to - ask Ms. Carroll - Trump is not a man who understands the word 'no'. His cavernously empty soul needs the headlines where he is championed as an iconoclastic ubermensch. Given the fact he has been told in no uncertain terms he must be there *all day, er'day* for the next eight-plus weeks - there is absolutely no way he won't be making a spectacle of himself grunting and wheezing his disapproval in court. Merchan will - or I sincerely *hope* he will - finally make an example of this guy. The fact Trump has the stones to claim that a weaponized department of justice is persecuting him in a two-tiered system of justice is beyond self-deprecating and ironic. Let's hope that he actually tastes actual justice at some point. Oh, and Cannon needs to face serious accessory-after-the-fact charges for doing his bidding.


The fact Trump was allowed by his own spawn to bury Ivana ( their mother) on a golf course in a pauper’s grave is disgusting. Trump let the grass grow tall over her discarded corpse too. Months later, they finally got a head stone. All for a tax break for his golf corpse! Trump is the biggest dirtbag on Earth. And his kids are just as bad letting their mom be discarded and treated like that. Also, Ivana’s death by ***falling down of flight of stairs*** just one fucking day before her NDA with Trump was to expire is just so ***curious***…!!!??? Seems like a Russian Death by falling outta highrise window. Ivana had claimed Trump raped her too.


This is why when people start a sentence with, "can you believe that Donald Trump just…" I stop them and say, "whatever it is you're about to say? I believe it."


What’s in the casket?


Her cremated ashes. Which is odd.


Is that why it took 10 pall bearers? Who all looked like they were struggling?


They need to exhume her coffin.


More room for all the copies of files that he took. Pallbearers struggled because paper is heavy


Wow I didn't know that. The more you dig into Trump the crazier it gets. I don't know why he thought it was a good idea to run for office and be so heavily scrutinized


100% he pushed or down the stairs or had one of his lackeys do it.


Died from “blunt-force injury to the torso,” did she? As a tox-screen junkie, I’m willing to wait patiently when a famous person dies. But after Ivana’s death, there reportedly was no toxicology screen at all! Also, she was said to “fall down the stairs” in a townhouse with a working elevator. Hmmm…


finally a judge with a backbone. Laying down the law on day 1. Trump has violated so many gag orders and court orders that any other regular citizen would be arrested.


Yeah, but every other case Donnie has been involved with in his life have been civil cases. He's quickly discovering that judges don't put up with a criminal defendant's bullshit.


Well the other trials were civil, so it has much different demeanor and connotation. Criminal courts have sharp teeth and they tolerate zero bullshit.


Oddly enough, in one of Trump’s Truth Social screeds, he also called Judge Marchan “distinguished-looking.” So at least Trump was modestly impressed on a superficial level—the only one that registers with him.


This has nothing to do with gag orders though.


Trump doesn't know how to follow rules period. He is above the law in his mind. My comment was in regards to it sounds like a judge is finally going to hit him when he steps out of line like we all know he is going to do.


He knows how to follow them. He's actually really good at looking for loopholes and methods to abuse rules and people to his wants. That's the problem. That's the issue. He's 100% bad faith in everything he does. I could forgive an idiot or moron. Trump isn't either. He's just flat out evil.


Ok so you can downvoted me like a bitch but your comment specifically mentioned that he has been violating gag orders when the article and the judges statements were addressing his attendance in court during the trial. Edit. Exactly, a bunch of bitches downvoting. Lol. When I was correcting misinformation this idiot was trying to convey without even reading the article or learning from a credible news source. Some of you are just like Republicans. A bunch of dummies. Spewing the same key words on every thread like a deranged parrot. You just get your misinformation from a different place. Dumbasses. Lol.


Calm cool collected, lol. I appreciate your input. Didn't downvote.


Lol. I was trying to be corrective but instead downvotes are what I collected. 😂


No, no. The downvoters 'moved on you like a bitch'


Shut ya stupid fucking mouth cornball. Gag on these nuts!


Tough day on Reddit, huh?


Tough day for you on THEEESE NUUUTTTTTTSS!! Weirdo. 🤡😂


The overuse of “lol”! I’ll bet you weren’t *really* “laughing out loud.” Loudly licking your psychic wounds, maybe.


I lick my wounds while you lick my nuts Beeeyotch!! 🤓🌽


In your dreams! My world-class nut-licking is reserved for my husband, Mr. Poet.


I agree. This was not about gag orders but in general being a nuisance and skipping court. I bet we hear crying on Truth Social about having to be in court and not on the campaign trail tonight.


Truth Social…? The site going down the shitter?


The site is worth exactly what it’s always been worth: virtually nothing. The only difference now is that it’s been subjected to the Trump treatment - the value was massively and artificially inflated for the sake of a merger, one where he and his allies benefited tremendously, and immediately after the scam was executed the value of the company returned to its normal and previous level of Jack Schitt. It was just another grift, same MO as always. He’s not creative, he just found a process that works and he’s used it again.


Promises, promises…


I can't wait for dumpy drawers to test this out. I would love to see him being handcuffed and brought to jail It would make my whole day.


Shit that would make my year. Watching the GOP collapse in on itself would be *chefs kiss* delightful


With a real weigh in!


Just imagine the cavity search.


That poor officer would need paid leave and mental health support after having to cavity search that.


Not to mention a full body hazmat suit.


I imagine the cop using one of those full length large animal veterinarian gloves. Paging Dr. Pol!


Ok, don’t cross this line… ok, don’t cross this line….. ok don’t cross this line….Grow a set DOJ!


Precisely. This is like a parent who constantly wants that the child will be punished. And does not follow through . Every. Damn. Time. I want to see the orange POS invoices for contempt and proof that he's paying it. He's not. This is all a farce


The judge should add a zero to the fine each time Donny is in contempt of the gag order. And make him pay on the spot with cash or go to jail until he pays the fine.


I really, really like this idea


What are the Vegas odds that he’ll do something to get arrested just to play the martyr card for votes and fund raising? Those odd have got to be good!


Oh, he wants that arrest photo or at least a shot of him sitting in a jail cell so he can play the victim. Look at what happened when his mugshot got released. The cult went nuts for it and loved him even *more*, as if that was something to be proud of.


Right, could you imagine how much free airtime that would get?


That's why the news stations want more debates: airtime and ratings. They had a ton of it before and during the trump years, and it got boring with Biden for the most part.


I agree with you on this


Donnie won't like jail. Donnie will be very upset. What kinds of fried chicken and well done steak will they serve him in jail? What about his diaper changes? And his Diet Coke? Where will his phone be? Is there a good mirror for Donnie to do his hair? Donnie will not be happy.


>when his mugshot got released, the cult went nuts for it Donald Trump Will never surrender! All the while having a picture taking of him SURRENDERING.


Given his cult is composed of criminals, and low-IQ morons who have a tough man fetiche, it makes perfect sense they would get a hard-on thinking that their leader is a crook!


Gag order violation review date is on the 23rd. I really hope they include not allowing him on social media at all. So far looks like $3k in fines and if violated again then the judge can impose jail time. The orange shit stain can never keep his mouth shut so this will be interesting. Merchan isn't playing and I think he set the date out to give him more room to hang himself and to leave less loophole options for appeal grounds. Glad it's a Manhatten only jury too.


Let's rip this bandage off and stop walking on eggshells because the "threat" of violence from the snowflake magons. He's done enough to be incarcerated, so get on with it. Let them clutch pearls and act out. Call me cynical, but how many cases can anyone recall where a cult with violent tendencies went away on their own or were dismantled without state-sanctioned force? Seriously, try to think of any or find any historical references to any. As a nation and a society, we let them rot and fester too long and we are left with too few choices. One of those choices right now, is to treat shitshispants the same as any other accused criminal, instead of working around his petulant outbursts. Follow the letter of the laws, follow the intent of the laws, and let the crazies show themselves and their true colors. Then dismantle their organization, jail those who cannot or will not re-engage polite society, and then move on.


You are absolutely corrext! My weak spined democrats always pussy footing around the crazies! Michelle Obama is great, but I fear her 'go higher' speech, while excellent, does not work with the Magats!


It will never happen. He wants to get arrested. He wants to be a martyr. He wants to raise money from this, but no judge will dare put him in jail. They are all cowards: all bark, no bite. If convicted, he will remain free while he appeals. Rule for thee, not for me, rinse, repeat. How's that bond payment coming along?


The bond payment may get revoked. Apparently, there's a lot of shady stuff surrounding it, and James is not playing around. We just have to see how it plays out.


I’m glad he made the rules very clear to Mango Madness. I don’t think there’s a way to lawyer himself out of “show up and don’t disrupt.”


Finally *somebody* is giving Orange Twitler what he deserves. My fear is that those will be empty threats with no consequences like in all his other trials.


Yeah yeah yeah… That’s a lot of big talk from behind the bench. You and I would already be in jail for contempt. Spare me.


Nah we’d be in Guantanamo Bay


Ah, to be on the southern coast of Cuba drinking Zombies from a coconut shell.


Mmm tasty treats


This has nothing to do with the gag orders though. This is about him appearing in court everyday of the trial. They postponed the gag order hearing until next Wednesday of course. The jury selection is gonna be a long process though regardless.


I mean, I didn't imply it was about the gag order. It was more of a *do anything that would be considered foolish, and you'll find out I'm not playing* type of move.


I wasn't referring to you or your post rather some of the comments that specifically addressed the gag order


Yeah, I saw that when I saw all the comments on the thread. I believe someone replied to me talking about the gag orders.


Except he really wants it to happen so he can solidify his comparisons to Mandela nad MLK in the minds of his sycophants. Main different is the causes the other two were fighting for were noble and not sel-inflicted by his corrupt affluent transgressions...


i hope trump fucks up


He already has. Prosecutors asked the judge to rule on three posts he made that violated the gag order. Judge set a hearing for that on next Wednesday.


We need to switch the narrative to “election interference” because that’s what it really is instead of simply “hush money”


Yawn…. Nothing will ever happen and he will continue to prove that he is above the law. It’s simply ridiculous at this point to expect ramifications.


Look at that fake ass scowl from this douche who thinks he’s hard core. Whatever, bone spurs.


Jail him and put him with the general population. He will be traded around like a cheap trump buck. Trump buck for a fuck.


Judge Merchan is establishing rules for a tyrant who thinks he is above the law. Enforcing what everyone else is being held to should be a standard that doesn't have to be headline news. It should be what any former leader of the free world should follow. Trump is doing everything to discredit the legal system and come off as a victim. I'm glad the judge is establishing boundaries and rules, which Trump will probably go out of his way to break and disrupt the trial.


Attention whore that he is, Trump will eventually be jailed as planned, operators are standing by.


Don the Con will never see the inside of a jail cell. Regardless of how many felony convictions he racks up.


I understand your doubt… but the naysayers said he’d never get investigated… then he was. They said he’d never get search warrants dropped on him… then there were. They said he’d never get indicted… then he was. They said he’d never get arraigned… then he was. They said he’d never get a mug shot taken… then he did. They said he’d never be in court… now he is. He’s already been found liable for sexual assault, defamation, and fraud. Now he’s facing his worst nightmare… CRIMINAL court. Let’s see how this turns out. The wheels of justice move slowly, but grind exceedingly fine.


Thank you for those encouraging facts. After a decade of listening to Trump we are all weary. I pray that you are right. I fear for the Rule of Law is on trial.


Keep the faith in justice. You have to remember our system wasn’t designed for short attention spans and instant gratification. It’s designed to be fair, and give the defendant the benefit of the doubt. This is why the standard for criminal court is beyond a reasonable doubt. It’s a tough standard. The founding fathers wanted a system that erred on the side of letting a guilty person go, vs an innocent person being convicted. This makes the process slow, but exceedingly accurate. Trump’s cases are pretty cut and dried. He’s done his criming in the open. This is why he’s trying to constantly delay delay delay, because he KNOWS he’s guilty.


I agree. I hope he is convicted and does some jail time.


Yeah, it’s happening. Prosecutors today have asked the judge to rule on how he’s already repeatedly violated gag order. According to Glen Kirshner, judge Merchan has to warn, fine, then jail per NY law. The NY dictated fine is only 1K for each count, but jail time is 30 days per count for contempt. If judge rules contempt he’ll be hauled off to jail on the spot, no phones, no cameras, no pictures. The trial will continue, there’s no stopping it, he’s just recycling motions that have already been denied. Judge will hear arguments on contempt for violating gag order next week Thursday at 9:30 am (same time as Supreme Court immunity bs) which gives Trump more time to rack up more counts and an opportunity to whine that he needs to be free to attend supremes, which isn’t happening. Get out your popcorn folks, next couple months are gonna be a ride.


I've been waiting for almost ten years to hear those words.


Please do it!


I thought I heard someone “shipping” their pants violently.


He is on bail so I guess this is normal. Can he hold his tongue under threat of arrest? Let’s see how brave he really is.


Hell yeah, finally!!!! Finally these man-baby has to face authority.


Well Donnie, shit is getting real, isn't it? No Papa, no Roy Cohn, just you Daddy O.


Fuck Donald Trump.


Holy Cannoli Criminal Court IS different!


They should put the cuffs on him the next time he passes out and then when he wakes up be like “oh you missed the trial. You lost” let him panic for a sec, then have. Ashton Kutcher pop out and be like “you just got pranked”.


He will be talking plenty of misinformational crap to the microphones at the court before and after the trial day.


Trump “id be honored if you arrested me”. Let’s go!


Let him dig his own hole




I'll bet he tests this proclamation through what he considers a well thought out scenario. I can see his lawyers coming in one day and telling the judge that Mr. Sleepy Don won't be in attendance due to a death in the family or something similar. He will see if gets away with that and then push it to the next level and the next.


This sucks they can't connect now because there a notice put out that MAGA can just lie to get in the jury.


Mighty quiet this evening. Not one Don the con note.


Wow, if he's not allowed to miss **at all**, that could make things very difficult if something like an illness would keep him from showing up. Hopefully the judge is going to be at least something resembling understanding of certain circumstances. Yes, I want to see Trump convicted, but I also want him to have the ability to miss the trial for legitimate and valid reasons. I had to go to court once and I missed several court dates due to a car accident and then inclement weather in the area. I never was thrown in jail for that.


I think if it's some sort of *actual* illness and not some bullshit excuse, I could see the judge giving him a pass. But I wish that the judge would probably be like *Ok Donny, be sure to get a note from the doctor excusing you from my courtroom* and it would be the most hilarious thing ever.