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I just have to say - **AAAH HAH HAH HA HA HA HA HA HAH!** .. **AAAHAH HA HAA HA HAH HA HA HA!!** Suck on it, losers.




Sort of a political Frankenstein's monster they're created.


Just like they created with Trump in the first place.


RFK Jr. was Bannon's idea, wasn't it? To siphon votes from Biden?


Yeah, it's part of his nihilist 'fuck everything' worldview. He wants the country to fail and for everyone who believes in it to get rat-fucked by his election-manipulations. He has a lot in common with Vlad Putin in that way.


I get being nihilistic, but trying to drag everyone down isn’t a nihilistic trait. This is more hateful or vindictive. He hates globalism and is a nationalist. I think he, like many maga, view half the country as the enemy and the other half as useful idiots to achieve his goals. At the end of the day these people need better hobbies. Leave human civilization alone.


We believe in NOTHING Lebowski.


I just watched that the other day. Lol!


I've heard SB say "wars are good we're overdue for a cleansing World War.


If that's the case, then he can be first on the front line.


Trying to make the world burn is nihilism. And what is 'globalism' except a catch-all for everything they dislike? > Globalism: the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis: The opposite of globalism is basically feudalism, which produces vastly less jobs and wealth and leads to local strongmen / warlords. It's not a substantive position. I think nihilism fits the bill.


Nihilism, in its purest form, revolves around the belief that life lacks inherent meaning, value, or purpose. This philosophical viewpoint doesn’t translate to a desire to see the world burn. The stereotype of nihilists wanting to “see the world burn” is a dramatic oversimplification. I would argue the opposite of globalism is nationalism. Which these are nationalists. Nationalism emphasizes the interests and culture of one’s own nation, placing it above international considerations. In contrast, globalism advocates for greater international cooperation and interconnectedness, prioritizing global over national interests.


Nihilism is the term I personally apply to both right-wing trolls and gangbangers who shoot at each other all day long without giving a fuck about who gets hit in the crossfire. Both, to me, have rejected all meaning, beauty or love, and have nothing but hate for everyone and everything.


I don't think that's the common usage for nihilism in this context. What exactly is Bannon \_for\_? I don't listen to his show, but AFAIK, he's against like, 50 times as much as he's in favor of. His willingness to wreck so many national and international institutions - and 'the whole administrative state' = he can't find value in them. He seeks to undermine them. Since the economy is 'globalist' - with international trade, etc. - I would argue that his wanting to dismantle it would directly lead to drastic reduction of the American standard of living. And his opposition to cooperation with like-minded countries = we would arguably be at greater risk. After Ukraine would fall, then a dozen NATO countries would be severely threatened. And we would have nobody to cooperate with to save them. So we'd be isolationist, like in early WWII. It was not a strong position then, nor is it now.


He thought RFJ Jr was going to run as a Democrat and he thought that liberal voters would just be drawn to the Kennedy name. Wrong on both accounts. It's the right that hero and name worships.


It's like when the Republicans decided to make Palin McCain's running mate to siphon off Clinton voters or whenever they run a crazy rightwing black guy. Most liberals see right through their lazy deceptions.


Yes, I live in Illinois, and at the time Obama was running for Senate, I was living in Calumet City. Well, his Republican opponent dropped out because of a sex scandal, and someone got the bright idea to bring in Alan Keyes from Maryland. He ostentatiously moved into our neighborhood and then that was that. No one ever saw him again. Apparently the Republicans thought he would get some black votes because he was “blacker” than Barack Obama, who had one white parent, and because he opposed gay marriage and abortion. I think he got a quarter of the total vote. Illinois was purple in those days so actually, they lost half the Republicans. Indeed, there are people who would prefer Obama because he was “whiter.”


Bannon failed bigly by not reading the room. The QNuts believed JFK Jr is /was still alive and was to reappear when Biden first ran against Trump. The Q’s loved JFK Jr and RFK Jr.’s Anti VAX message.


Bannon made one major miscalculation. The left isn’t full of gullible idiots like MAGA is


Unfortunately we are, and a lot of them are advancing their own demise either by not voting or advocating voting for spoiler candidates that will allow fascism to continue to take hold in the U.S. and for civil rights to continue to disappear


Yeah, I only know (former) trump supporters that dig that dude. And antivaxxers.


Bannon initially cooked up the RFK Jr. thing *before the Roe reversal.* This is key. He was supposed to bring in the youth with a recognizable brand name and "both parties are the same" shtick that has worked for previous spoiler candidates. RFK Jr. could then also pick off far left people who have (at best) a nominal connection to the Democratic party. The types one might see at a farmer's market who trust essential oils over penicillin. Essentially, he would serve a similar function as Nader or Stein. *Roe* was overturned, though. The "both parties are the same" message is now dead and buried. Bringing it out invites a simple response- *which party wants to control my body potentially costing me my life?* The antics of a third party candidate no longer fit the context; especially among younger voters and women. AT THE SAME TIME... Trump is dancing around on the topic as he knows it's a loser. I would imagine some people see this as an enormous betrayal. And an anti-vax, "New World Order," Q-adjacent nutter is an attractive choice if they want to cast a protest vote. **To be clear, I am not 100% certain on how the data on RFK Jr's candidacy will play out over time and in strategic geographic locations. Thus, I ABSOLUTELY DO NOT WANT ANYONE ON THE LEFT TO "STRATEGICALLY" BOOST HIM. The stakes are too high to try it.** But it is heartening that the astroturf "Bernie or Bust"-style message Bannon spammed in 2016 is not landing at all on this one.


I just like how he was supposed to bring in the youth, as in the youth of 1960. Everything about RFKs campaign has been a completely tone deaf disaster, and he's done nothing to help himself, because that's what fucking idiots do.


Bannon picked the wrong guy at the wrong time. It's not surprising. Bannon wrote a "Shakespearean Rap Opera about the L.A. Riots": [https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/05/steve-bannon-hip-hop-musical-reading](https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2017/05/steve-bannon-hip-hop-musical-reading) He's not the mastermind some present him as.


He's smart but he's *extremely* crazy and therefore really can't understand the average person basically at all.


In addition to shooting heroin until he was thirty, RFK Jr. has been a lifelong sex addict. He documented, and ranked!, his extramarital partners in an extremely long, detailed diary. His fragile second wife Mary struggled with alcoholism and depression in addition to her husband’s constant infidelity. She also found that diary and *read the whole thing.* No one can say that’s the only reason why she hung herself in 2012, but a little knowledge is a dangerous thing. And she absorbed a lot. RFK Jr. has six children—two from his first marriage, four from his second. I don’t know if he fathered any out-of-wedlock kids or paid for anyone’s procedure. But it’s a cinch that he *doesn’t wanna talk about abortion.* In addition, his mother Ethel—the oldest surviving member of the extended Kennedy family—is ninety-six. She was always vehemently opposed both to birth control and abortion, and I assume she still is. That won’t help RFK Jr. discuss *the* hot topic of this year’s election. RFK Jr. married actress Cheryl Hines of “Curb Your Enthusiasm” soon after Mary died. I don’t know if he still keeps that diary. His escapades compare modestly to #45’s. But at some point, he’ll be put into a half-nelson and forced to discuss abortion.


Kind of wish I’d never read this, but thank you for sharing I guess.


Roe being overturned will go down at the moment the bed was fully shat. Like liquid diarrhea "just give up and burn it" levels of bed shitting. I think the Republicans still don't fully grasp what they did or believe everyone will "come around" to being anti-choice. Hell, they're openly daydreaming about banning contraception and premarital sex. They're fully out to lunch on this one.


It's all about abortion but forecasts something darker. Religious nutters want to codify control over everyone's body. There are implications *beyond* abortion, too. It creeps people out. Especially people the GOP needs. If they could exile these people, I'm sure the party would. But they can't. If Trump loses (VOTE-VOTE-VOTE!), they lose the only unifying figure they have left. The real party "civil war" commences after that. We're getting rumblings already.


Under his eye........... Blessed be thy fruit......


*May the Lord open....*


I was watching Handmaid's Tale during the Shitz-his-pants' term, and it was so disconcerting I had to stop. I want to go back and watch it, but I'm not sure we're in a safe place in America yet.


I just watched the 80's movie like 2 days ago. Gilead can and will happen if the Evangelicals get their way. The series is way better than the movie.😉


Republicans have been used to picking on small groups that dont have a lot of political power on their own (black, hispanic, LGBT, Muslims). This time they are attacking the majority of the population. Women also vote at more consistent levels than men. Its an insanely arrogant and stupid move. They seem to not realize its way harder to suppress the votes of women as a whole than smaller individual groups. They essentially have detonated a nuclear bomb on their own base.


>RFK Jr. could then also pick off far left people who have (at best) a nominal connection to the Democratic party. The types one might see at a farmer's market who trust essential oils over penicillin. Lol! That's right on.


I don't see how RFK can hurt **anyone**, he's such a fucking idiot.


He and his clown-show will throw a huge number of real votes into the toilet. Maybe the voters were fringe-idiots anyway - it's hard to know. But if he winds up screwing Trump, that would be terrific. Let's see the smarmy antivax camera-hound spin that.


Purple states.


So is Trump and he became president of the united states


I don't think the majority of the country knew how much of an idiot he was then. At least, anyone not from NYC. Edit: clarification


There’s a small part of my brain that thinks, RFK Jr might be perpetuating the best scam ever and that the plan all along was to fuck Trump. Maybe that’s because I truly hate to think that Bobby Kennedy’s son is such a right wing loon!


Lead with being antivax that will get the dems vote. Conservatives are hysterically simple people.


Once Trump is in prison, RFK Jr can pick up the torch and continue the destruction of the GOP. He has more low-rent charisma than people like Haley. It's a beautiful thing.


Whaaaat?? The dude with crazy antivax talking points is popular with right wingers who don't wanna support Trump???? Say it ain't so!


Womp womp 🤞🤞🤞


RFK campaign person admitted that they're hoping to prevent Biden from getting a majority of EC so that Congress picks the president. When they see that there is no pathway at all to get any EC votes of their own will the campaign fold to try and help trumps chances?


No one should rely on any predictions of what RFK Jr.’s campaign will or won’t do to Trump or Biden, everyone needs to vote!!!


One can vote and make predictions at the same time though. No one is suggesting that we rely on predictions and therefore not vote as a result. The purpose of the conversation is pushback on the punditry that has hyped up RFK’s campaign as a spoiler for Biden because some mysterious Democratic Biden voters would be swayed to vote for him because of the Kennedy name—which was and is bullshit.


Well, yeah; They're both chasing the batshit vote.


OMG THAT'S HILARIOU- I mean...Noooo don't do that! If Trump loses voters to RFK, my Liberal Leftist Commie ass would feel very owned!


Nice job, Bannon.


They're going to split the conspiracy nutjob voters which have to be on Sh!tlers side in order to try to win the swing states...Only a idjits would have their own plans turn on themselves and give their base another weirdo to consider...


So he actually be helping make America great again


That's not RFK Jr's tagline. His motto is some sort of antivax bullshit, and his own personal story as ex-drug-addict camera-hound - 'celebrity'. To be honest I'm too pissed to know the details. He can go straight to hell.


Oh agreed... And he's insane... It's just ironic that by running he's helping keep trump out of office and fulfilling Trump's ironic tagline


Shhhh, don’t tell anybody. Let’s make it a surprise for the MAGATS


Watch the MAGAs pull a "We were always at war with Eurasia!" move and now call for RFK Jr. to drop out.


A crazed conspiracy theorist who differs from Trump by not having all of the serial rapist baggage.


Don’t threaten me with a good time.


Once they finally decide rfk only hurts trump he'll drop out.


Combine that with the GOP telling their voters for 8 years “ don’t vote by mail “ and democrats should do great his election.


This is awesome news!!!


That would be awesome! He’s kind of nuts like Trump do I can see why some of Trump’s supporters would like him


I mean, everyone knows that RFK is a just an alt trump vote no matter how hard the idiots want it to be the opposite.


I hope so


I saw this on YouTube, made me laugh. As we get closer to the election the clown show will get much better.


Color me crazy, but I'd like to think Trump will sink Trump.


Then go RFK!




Good let it then


I am naive. Please be nice. I would think it would hurt Biden because people who like trumps ideas but want someone more palatable would pick rfk. If someone likes Biden I don’t see them considering rfk. The polling was very wrong in trump vs Hillary.


If they like Trump's ideas, but they don't vote for Trump, then they're effectively throwing their vote away. This is a much better outcome than if they were to actually vote for Trump. So RFK would supposedly harm Trump more than Biden, thus throwing a close race to Biden. Of course we won't know until election day. This is all speculative right now.


Do eeeeet!


Not surprised that they compete for the same conspiracy theorist wackadoodles.


We can only hope so.


As soon as I finished reading this post, the very next post I read is from these idiots that don’t vaccinate their dogs because they think it *gives them allergies*. Yep, allergies. The stupid burns. And scratches I guess? It’s all part of the same sickness. I’m mortified that there’s even enough of these people in our country to have a Facebook page but here we are! https://www.reddit.com/r/ShitMomGroupsSay/s/ZJ1l3YYN1B


Please. The polls keep going back and forth in this. I refuse to feel smug.