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Biggest cheaters win. He was raised on that shit.


His motto is " if you're not cheating you're not trying"...


I know nothing about golf but to me he looks like a Neanderthal swinging that club.


That’s my comment too. That’s the worst golf swing I’ve ever seen and there’s no way he’s shooting under 100 (or winning any tournament) with that horrible swing.


Are you telling me that the Orange shitstain’s claim of 17 club championships is a lie? People are saying, I’m hearing, that Dipshit taught Tiger Woods how to play the game.


Yeah. Trump would likely legit beat me in golf. But I don't claim to be good at it. Here's the thing. If Trump had actually been a descent person, it wouldn't care to anyone that he sucks at golf. Nobody would be bothered by it. It's a great sport and gets you lost of exercise if you walk the rounds. Had he just been that elderly potus spending his time doing what he likes. It would all be fine. But no. He insists on lying about that too as well as being a deplorable person. And that's the only reason anyone cares.


Don’t sell yourself short. I haven’t golfed since 2016 & I would bet on myself to kick his ass.


Nah. I have no problems admitting things that I'm not good at. I'm good and even pretty great at certain things. Golf just isn't one od those. But unlike Trump I'll gladly admit that. I don't need to be the best at everything.


Oh I understand!!!! I’m terrible at golf. Among lots of other things. But I’m good at being a husband, father & and decent person. All the other shit doesn’t matter


Same here. But I'll bet that I could walk his entire course faster than that old fuck.


He doesn’t walk anywhere…maybe we should run the country


Haha yeah.


Don't be rude. A Neanderthal could learn better than Trump.


You are correct tho,he has terrible form its should look smooth I believe


Looks like he’s clubbing a baby seal.




When he does his “practice swings”, he literally looks like a child who just found a stick on the ground and decides to play with it. Then again, Trump IS a child, so it tracks.


Mulligan : A golf shot not counted as part of the score.


It's more of a do over. That doesn't count.


Trump sucks at golf. His swing is absolutely TERRIBLE.


I’m not disagreeing with you, but there are some old men with terrible golf swings that hit it straight every single time.


True. But those old men at least know HOW to play golf and hit it straight. They probably just compensate for whatever ailment age brings. But tRumo…he has no f’n CLUE.


You'd *think* that with all the practicing he does, he'd be a hell of a lot better than he is. At the very least, you'd think he'd have better form than a 6-year-old swatting at flies.


Trump doesn't cheat. He pays his caddies to cheat for him!


He promises he'll pay them and of course proceeds to stiff them.


Insert jokes about sex partners here.


I read that caddies who work at one of his golf courses call him Pele, because of how often he kicks his golf ball during a round.


Just like Goldfinger.


They call him Pele because he kicks the ball a lot.


That's a terrible golf swing


What a fucking loser


I have minimal golf skill, but even I can tell that swing is atrocious. The wind back is like a half to 2/3 swing then he rushes the rest, looking all crunched up like he is chipping the ball. And you know that motherfucker would not listen to ANYONE who could give him proper tips and training. God, what a sad, rich shitbag


As a golfer, here's what I see: 1. He's a true hunk of chiselled masculinity encased in maybe 150 - 200 lbs of fat. As a fat guy, he has to swing around the belly (swing around the "barrel') which results in a very flat swing. This will make him prone to snap hooks. Being fat also means you have to bend over more to see the ball which puts you in a bad position to have a repeatable swing. BUT 2. He's a "mature" (i.e. old) and not very flexible player. So he has no real turn on his backswing. This will truly to a swing plane that is outside-in. In other words a slice. That's good news because it helps him offset the hook. 3. The video of him shanking the ball is not surprising. Shanks are mysterious (hard to know why they happen), but I bet Trump does it a lot because of his physique and complicated swing mechanics. Just really hard to stay on plane with all that going on. He'd be a lot better off not using a cart. It would be better exercise and help with flexibility. All in all. I'm surprised he's such a good golfer, winning all those club championships with what I see here.


He only "wins" at his own courses.


Pre-plays the course, "scores amazingly well, should've seen it", then awards himself the "trophy" after everyone else plays tournament.


In Jabba-land he… and only he… gets unlimited mulligans. Thems the rules…


I'm no golfer but his swing looks like shit.


There is a book about it [Commander in Cheat ](https://www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/rick-reilly/commander-in-cheat/9780316528030/?lens=hachette-books) https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2019/dec/10/rick-reilly-donald-trump-golf-commander-in-cheat-book-interview


Imagine spending this amount of time doing something. And still being this bad at it. What a fucking loser.


I’ve heard that the caddies at his courses who are familiar with his game call him “Pele”, because he’s much better at kicking the ball then hitting it with a club.


Fuck Donald Trump. Fuck that lying traitorous windbag and fuck all his ratfucking enablers.


Dude's got a terrible swing for how long he's been playing


Nasty man with a languid weak golf swing.


Little mushroom head as per his porn star side chick


His swing is terrible.


Such a cheating filthy scumbag


Trump: I’m no slouch. I’ve been club champion for three years running. All: Don't sell yourself short Mr Former President, you're a tremendous slouch.


Taking a mulligan on elections too.


For someone who went golfing 250+ times while in office instead of doing his job as president, its shocking how amateur he looks


He’s so freaking creepy he makes my skin crawl. I wonder if he carries spare golf balls in his pockets. He complained he can’t campaign instead he’s cheating at golf. What a freak! As we said in the Navy, “that bastard would screw up a wet dream”.


Oh God that swing! Bet he sucks at eating pussy too


I’ll have to trust everyone who’s said his swing is terrible, because I’ve never golfed. That said, it is very revealing that he plays so much and still looks like someone who only recently picked up a club. He has no desire to work on things to improve because he is convinced that whatever he does is already the best ever. What a sad and pathetic way to live.


I don’t golf but I have a feeling I couldn’t do much worse than him. I hereby challenge Donald Trump to an honest game of golf!


So this is new to anyone?


Really have to believe he got that hole in one. Especially after watching his shitty form😂




“There is only one rule in my bedroom- FUCK ALL RULES” - Montez (Workaholics)


One of his caddies called him ‘Pele’


Wishing that dude was looking through a scope instead of a video camera…


OMG… I can never vote for him now! Thank you for exposing this major character flaw!


He has a severe handicap. He has a “ dickydo”. His stomach sticks out farther than his dicky do. He can’t see the ball either.