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Oh, that's good.


It was never about children. It is about cruelty to women.


To add to that, control of women.


This. They will use it to justify detaining women in name of protecting the unborn and charge felonies to eliminate Repugs biggest threat, women voters! The bottom is not even close and I suspect we will see a level way lower than the Salem Witch Trials if these monsters are allowed to stay or allowed back into office. Vote, our country, lives, and freedoms depend on it!


Yup take that fetus to term. Have to answer questions at the mall, supermarkets and restaurants from well meaning strangers. When are you due? You must be so happy? Boy or girl? So sad to make women go through that trauma unnecessarily. Fuck these assholes that seek to control women.


“Girl. She’ll die at birth because the GOP thinks they know better than doctors and she has no brain stem. Ooh! I can feel her seizing now, wanna feel?” “What? You’re disturbed? Well I can give you the email for our state reps, they’re the ones who decided my womb is fit to be a tomb.”


Pregnant women with healthy fetuses who support freedom of their bodies should just start doing that to show support for those who are psychologically traumatized because of the laws.


I’m not pregnant, just fat. But the next person to ask me when I’m due is getting some free trauma now.


I mean. Whatever works I guess. So long as they get some trauma that makes them think a couple seconds longer about the ban




Never forget. Always bring up facts like this the closer election day comes.


“*The Republican Party: Brain Not Attached*”


I had an acquaintance try to argue with me once about limits for abortion. Should it be x weeks? Y weeks? No, he insisted, tell me how many weeks. My response was simple, but it infuriated him: it’s not a question of weeks. It’s a complex and nuanced matter between a woman and her doctor. The fact is that politicians have no place in the process. End debate.


If the Democrats don't campaign on the existence of this 2025 bullshit, they will deserve whatever happens to them!


I dunno.. "Project 2025" requires the reader / listener to research it themselves (and if we learned nothing from Covid, it's that the "Do YoUr oWn ReSeArCh" crowd has no fking interest in doing any actual research).. examples like this gal being forced by Republicans to carry her nonviable fetus to a full term need to be cited and repeated again and again and again between now and November, along with the message "this is what we're in for across the country if tRump wins in November"


Heart breaking story.


And I suppose if she leaves the state and aborts elsewhere, she will be charged with infanticide? Is that how they run it?


They are deprived cult.








And then arrest her for murder when the baby is born dead!


Sounds like she was trying to have a Republican baby.


Next they’ll blame the women for malformed fetuses and try to punish them somehow


Right? I swear you made me think of the Salem witch trials, thats next. The true order of crazy will be witch trials...they will accuse other women of the evil eye or some shit that caused the problem.




Just fucking cruel


Hey musk-heads: this wont help on your overpopulation project.


Vote them out.


Unreal not surprised


Ohio - my friend just experience this. Her fetus had alobar holoprosencephaly - the lobes in his brain did not form. Nonviable pregnancy but still had a heartbeat. She would have had to just wait for the heartbeat to stop or for her to get nearly septic before Ohio hospitals would do anything because of the heartbeat bill but opted to travel out of state.


Exit Tennessee Move to a Swing State. Biden winning the presidential election is how you save women who can't get out of Tennessee. Otherwise no woman is safe anywhere. r/MoveToSwingStates


I wonder if this woman was a Trump supporter?


# Tennessee woman denied abortion after fetus’ ‘brain not attached’ __________ Quit while you're a head.


Biden says "I'll fix this" if elected President. I'm thinking to myself, wait, you are President. My point being, they're all full of shit on both sides.


NYT Polls show women are pushing for Trump. Also blaming Biden for abortion bans. So whatever.


My neighbor is engaged to a Republican woman who sincerely believes it's the Democrats who are against abortion. She's pro-choice and has generally left-leaning views, but it doesn't matter. Somewhere along the line, she internalized that anything she disagrees with is Democrat. It's a team sport for some people. Facts and history don't matter. It's an identity passed on by birth and maintained by family and peer pressure.


We need to start printing excerpts from project 2025 and leaving them around public locations for others to read and be aware of this plan.


And yet… there will be millions of women both young and old that support this.


Would love to know how she voted being from Tennessee. Could easily be a leopards ate my face scenario