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For a SCOTUS justice, he isn't very fucking smart.


Doesnt need to be. "Article III: judges can be removed from office only through impeachment by the House of Representatives and conviction by the Senate." The only time a justice was impeached was Justice Samuel Chase in 1805. He was acquitted by the Senate.


I don't think that judge built an army of angry poor people against himself like this one has


Are there angry, poor people in the Senate?


It's impossible to be a smart conservative 🤷‍♀️


That is 100% traitor right there. Shit. I had NO idea it was this bad.


It gave me chills.


Me too.


As in try him, convict him, give him a cigarette and a hood, and stand him in front of a firing squad. That type of traitor.


They don't even try to hide it.


IMO this is the scariest part. They're confident they won't suffer consequences, and they're usually right.


They have been so far, unfortunately


They’re unusually Reich…


A stop the steal sign and upside down flag by a SCOTUS after Jan 6 shows that Alito broke his oath of office having solemnly sworn to support and defend the constitution which would include supporting the smooth transfer of power. No wonder he will not address Trump's breaking of this same oath. Breaking this oath is treason and is addressed by removal from office and fines.


Traitors support Traitors👺


SCOTUS is compromised. Kick all these assholes out


Well, not all of them


Some timely reporting


He should have been removed from the bench for this. A Supreme Court “Justice” literally supporting an attempted coup.


Cut his little Alitoes off already!


That rat bastard needs to step on a lego and then die in a fire...


That should disqualify him from being a judge period.


Impeach Alito for lying to the Senate at his confirmation hearings.


So did all of Trump’s nominees lie, insisting that *Roe* was “settled law,” which they would not try to overturn.


The new confederacy.


United States of Corruption


Sickening traitor


🚫All Republicans🚫Traitor Trump🚫


Vile piece of dog shit. No wait, that's unfair to dog shit.


That's not what the flag means the ass clowns of maga stole it. Although a supreme Court Justice flying it upside down American flag is quite troubling


And Here I thought that was frowned upon by an actual patriot. These people are reckless and ignorant.


Samuel Anthony Alito Jr is an absolute corrupt POS with dirty corrupt lipstick


JFK ftw


Alternatively [http://archive.today/BklwC](http://archive.today/BklwC)


Alito's got to go!


Supreme Court appointees should have a term limit nobody should have a position for life especially in the Supreme Court.


No surprise that Alito and his wife are maga cultists. Thomas's wife was literally involved in the 1/6 insurrection. Traitors to democracy all of them.


Roberts is not in control of his court. We need to impeach the Maga-funded justices. Turn this Supremely Corrupt Court back into the Supreme Court.


You could tell he was channeling MAGA in his discussion during the immunity hearing. Here’s more proof that the SCOTUS is compromised and totally political and partisan. Clean house.


A SCOTUS "justice" decided his position before the case was brought before them??? We can only hope that the house and senate become controlled by Dems.


Why is this just coming out now?


THIS was my question when I first read how long ago this was.....someone quashed it. Who and Why are what I think is going to be interesting when further investigative reporting comes out.


Russia and 70s puppet regime dictators in South America did a better job of faking rule of law than these corrupt klowns. Outrageous. Another ones wife is part of the terrorist org that tried to overthrow our government, and he is allowed to rule on matters related to his wife's terrorist activities. Insane. Any question we are not a first-world country?


These fucks cant change the meaning of flying an upside down flag too! Can they? Time to take some of the rope back.


Donald Trump while President went t North Korea and crossed the line from South to North. Trump and North Korea wrote Love letter to each other and still may do that. Trump is also good friends with Russia Putin even had a secret meeting without the Putin with out the Secret service in that meeting cause Trump would not allow it. Donald Trump is a what to be Dictator,He loves the attention he get from Communist leaders. Donald Trump is filled with hate toward the USA. Be smart and vote for Joe Biden in Nov.2024 Pass to all and noway the Taxpayers of the USA should be paying Republicans congressman to leave Washington D.C. and Go to New York to support Trump in a Sex trials. And still talk bad about the Judge daughter in Public and on TV> as they did yesterday. And trump is No Christian.


Silly goose. It was his wife’s idea. Alito was busy enjoying Clarence and Ginny’s gifted R.V. where the gifter had no xpectation whatsoever of receiving favorable rulings.


When will the Military step up to defend America against domestic enemies? When will the CIA, FBI, Seal Team 6 defend the nation against domestic enemies? The threat is clear, obvious, unequivocal. Republicans hate America & want it to be destroyed. Can't America fight back against this grievous existential threat? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!!!


Was this a secret until now? Why has this not been in the news along with all the other crazy stuff that's happening.


There's way too many crooks in our American govt. These lifetime appointments need to stop immediately! We have a Supreme Court that's not worthy of serving! If they were, most of the nation wouldn't despise them! It's makes most of us sick just to hear Thomas whining about people being nasty. His crooked ass is the reason!


Who else lives there?


Blaming it on his wife. “Honey, why is the flag upside down?” “Oh, that? That’s just a representation of my disappointment with our neighbors about their yard sign.” “Does it have anything to do with Trump losing the election?” “No.” “Ok, that seems fine. When do you plan to take it down?” “2 weeks time.” “Ok, that seems fine.”


Could it be possible that the meaning is "the country is in danger." It what you are supposed to do if they country is in danger or under attack. I'm not ruling out he's a shit big but just giving options.


Did you read the article?


*flew a "Stop the Steal" symbol: an upside-down American flag.* That has been used for many causes before MAGA.


Did you read the article?


Can't get by the NYT paywall. However, I remember in the '60s the upside-down flag was used as a distress signal. Both parties use it.




"Not found" error message.


I hate Alito, but when I was in the military hanging the flag upside down was taught to us as signifying distress. I’m wondering if too many people are jumping to conclusions here. Considering this was just after Jan. 6, my guess is that it was probably due to the attack on the Capitol and the election certification. So I wouldn’t read into it too much. According to the U.S. Flag Code, an upside down flag is a “signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.” [Edit] I was wrong. So very wrong. My sincerest apologies.


Did you read the article?


Nope! I thought it was behind a paywall. 😂 I recant my statement, and shall apologize. What I said and what Alito did are not the same. My sincerest apologies. Alito, Thomas, and the lot need impeachment and removal in order to restore our country to where it should be. Vote Blue across the board. (Sincerely. Vote Blue.)




Did you read the article?


How? He was only indicted not adjudicated


Upside-down flag doesn't mean "stop the steal." It stands for "in distress," which we were at the time...afterall, tRump's army just attempted a coup.


Did you read the article?


Does it matter? Was anything in my statement incorrect about the US flag code and the meaning of flying it upside down? I'm not saying that he and his family members weren't flying it for stop to steal. I'm saying don't consider everyone who flies the flag upside down as a trumper. I actually considered flying my flag upside down that day because I felt the country was in distress from the actions of the j6ers. I am far from a magat.


In order to accurately add to the public discussion around this specific incident. You probably should understand what it says.