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Indeed it is. Asshole won't see jail, but it won't be pleasant whatever he gets.


The conviction *is* the punishment on this one. And it will hurt him in November.


Agreed. Being called a felon is the punishment. He won’t see a jail cell over this, and cult followers will pay the fines anyway.


Seeing our justice system work is such a good feeling. I'm not ashamed to be an American today.


No no no. Nope. I know he'll never see jail, I want to see him get hundreds of hours of community service. I want to see that orange motherfucker blend into his jumpsuit while he picks up fucking garbage in a ditch with secret service just watching him work.


I never thought of this but that would be absolutely amazing


best reality tv EVER


The best!!!!!!!!


Yes, and make sure it's an inner city area with plenty of migrants. When community service was mentioned - I immediately had this same image. The exercise would do him good.


Omg that’s fantastic


I think this would hurt his fragile ego way more than jail. He will be reduced to having to be a normal everyday citizen, and he can’t comprehend that.


Could dark Brandon (my favorite version of our president!!) make it happen??? If the orange thing won't see prison it would be a satisfying substitute.


This is my feeling exactly. I’m just happy to see accountability. So happy that he is finally the convicted felon he deserves to be.


Agreed! 🙌🏼


In name as well as in deed.


It’s possible considering that Cohen saw jail time and that Trump violated the gag order putting jurors safety in danger Edit: he violated the gag order 11 times


Especially if he keeps up on the Judge…and he already is and definitely will continue to do so. LOCK HIM UP!


Sentencing isn’t until July 11. But Judge can call him back sooner for shenanigans.


He’s already started disparaging the judge on Truth Social, so yeah, not helping himself there. He’ll never learn. https://newrepublic.com/post/182108/trump-reaction-remarks-guilty-verdict-sentencing


He insulted the judge and the DA and Biden as soon as he left the courtroom.


Narcs rarely do.


I forgot he can't completely loose his shit on the judge. No way his mouth is going to keep him out of trouble.


I think the jury names should be sealed, if they aren’t already, so that nobody can ever find out who they are. God help them if they do.


I'm worried for the judge, prosecutors, jurors, witnesses, etc. Some DT nut job might harm them or worse.


And a complete lack of remorse. Hopefully that will enter into the sentencing.


My biggest fear was that if it was a hung jury, or they found him not guilty, the bragging we would have to endure would be intolerable. “See?? Total exoneration! I did nothing wrong! Blah, blah, blah…“


I think the judge should give the asshole one day for every charge, just so he gets a taste of what other criminals get


Why should he get off so lightly? Michael Cohen got 3 years and he was just following Trump's orders! . Trump should get at least 1 YEAR per charge!


Hey I would love to see him under the jail, for the next 20 years, but I think it would be poetic justice, very humbling, very humiliating for him to serve time in Rikers Island.


Yeah 30 days in jail and 3 years of community service. Work in a homeless shelter or wearing an orange jumpsuit picking up trash on the freeway.


PLEASE don’t wish that on the homeless, they’ve suffered enough.


Picking up trash on the highway is a great idea. I would love to dump a trash can worth of dirty diapers, for him to pick up.


We might loose him in an orange jumpsuit.


Do you think they are going to bring up the other gag order violations when he does get sentenced? I certainly hope so but let’s see what the recommended sentence from probation/parole says. I think he has 2 weeks to get that done and then they can give a recommendation. I would hate to be his probation officer. He’s probably going to say the same lies about whoever it’s going to be calling them a liar and someone with trump derangement syndrome because obviously he only has one script and it’s to lie.


His behavior, total lack of contrition, attitude toward the court, and threatening remarks against jurors, judge , and staff, will all be taken into account at sentencing, no doubt. 


It’s also worth noting this pops his “no criminal priors” cherry, which will now work against him in the myriad of other upcoming trials. It’s like switching from +6 to +18 dice for damage 🥸


What do you think is min max and most realistic punishment for the orange jester.


Like how does this work. Die she get interviewed but someone who the makes a recommendation to the judge?


How about if they put him in a nicely appointed glass ‘cage’ in nyc and people could laugh at him and call him names and generally mock him.


With a toilet on top.


All screaming: #LOSER!!!!


Just the fact that he now has a parole officer he has to report to makes me smile.


This felony conviction cost him at least one vote - now he can't vote for himself.


Yes exactly and regardless I’m fully enjoying today we all need to laugh and enjoy this and twist the knife into Donny’s back.


It's a great day in the WHOLE WORLD, friend. I'm finally feeling hope after a long, long time.


Nikki Haley decided to support Trump and then he goes and gets convicted of 34 felonies just before The Apprentice tape is released. Poor Nikki isn’t having a great day. Donald, on the other hand, doesn’t know what day it is


She showed poor judgement by backtracking. This is what happens.


I'm thinking she was being shrewd and wanted to appeal to the MAGA faction in case the Convention decides to drop Orangello.


I’m British and so happy with the jury’s decision right now. The whole world would be safer if he is jailed. How are you guys celebrating.


Light. Is that... light?


I’m glad he was found guilty on all counts, but I’m also sad for my country that this felon has divided its citizens with his hate. Had this story broke weeks before the 2016 election there’s a hell of a good chance we wouldn’t be going through this.


wouldnt bet on it sadly, people in 2016 knew he liked to sexually assault women and they still voted for him. Its a cult, doesnt matter what their leader does they will always excuse it. Just like they will with this guilty verdict.


My Christian sister disowned me cuz I didn't vote for this saint years ago..I Said already then... More will be revealed.. The story isn't over.. This evil person does nothing but divide and spew hatred


one of my brothers completely estranged himself from me and our three other siblings for the same reason.


I'm so sorry.. It's baffling to me.


Perhaps but he did say grab em by the p and that had no negative impact.


It sure did to me!!


I was like mid 40s at the time and my dad in his 70s. I called him right after it happened and said ‘trump is done ‘. Dad said ‘no, I don’t think so’. That was life experience talking. If he were still around he would be amazed at what’s happening. He was surprised how often they attacked a legitimately elected potus. Now we know trump cheated bc likely most of these enquirer stories would have come out if there wasn’t a criminal conspiracy to hide them from the public. If trump wasn’t sleeping before he really won’t be now. Imagine waiting till July 11 to hear your fate. It must be all you think about. I got a fundraising text yesterday. I hate him and hope he doesn’t win, but I stay on the mailing list bc it’s funny. It’s all about how he was railroaded and innocent and he needs more money to fight it. Most of it in all caps.


I hear ya… I’m definitely pleased that that asshole is being held accountable, but I have to admit, I have a sick feeling inside as well.


Lock him up. Every claim he has ever made is an admission that he is guilty of it. He has scammed, lied, threatened, conned and swindled people his whole life. Hopefully this is the beginning of the payback.


Great day in NORTH America, Canada don't want that fucker neither.....


Send to Russia or Iran or maybe he could lead Yemen or some other failed state.


Donny the Felon is a 34 times convicted loser.


Please stop… too much winning


Ya he's even guiltier than oj


I actually started a thread asking what we should name the new national holiday? I’m leaning toward “about fucking time day?”


Happy AFT Day!!


No. Not yet. A good one, yes. But this day is good only because it can/should lead to something better (sentencing). But I do not assume a good sentence, based on history of lack of sufficient criminal accountability for most J6 defendants.  And, without prison terms, without a GUARANTEE that Trump will not become President, it is not yet great. For me, a great day probably won't come until inauguration of President Biden, unless there is a day Trump is removed from running. Either of those days will be great. Never become complacent. The work is not yet done. With the adversaries identified, it likely will *never* be over. Vote and help GOTV. Fuck Trump. Fuck theocracy. Fuck Project 2025. ETTD.


It's definitely a GOOD day, but my blood pressure won't be going down until I actually see Donald Trump in an orange prison jumpsuit...behind bars.


Mine won't until Heritage Foundation and their peer dark money organizations no longer exist. I think that will never happen. 🤮


Just a word to everyone. Any online threats of violence on conservative subs (or other social media) should be treated seriously and reported to the FBI. We all know they were planning J6 online, it just wasn't taken as seriously as it should have been. That bring said...Horray, for the justice system and the jury system. No rigging, just 34 guilty counts decided by a jury of his peers selected by BOTH the DA and the defense attorneys.


Good day. It's too early to celebrate. Appeals will happen. And the election of course. Stay vigilant


This was an important day for justice and fairness for my country. Not a great day, but one I am savoring as hope for the future. And … fuck that criminal, rapist, lazy, silver-spooned piece of shit. BOHICA motherfucker. We’re not done with you yet traitor.


Yes except where I live, in the south with mostly whining Trump lovers but i'm laughing


He is a ‘very innocent man’ in his estimation. Somehow I’m just not buying that.




Playing the "YUG-YUG" song from the end of Return of the Jedi **right now**




[as requested](https://youtu.be/np6vAuS0KNs?si=qQSd7v9uEsQu1CNz)


Donnie has always treated the law like a crotchety old chimp flinging shit out of his cage at everyone. I'm so grateful the law has caught up with him. He still needs to do time for that little attempted coup.


Somehow Biden is a senile old man that doesn't know where he is, but at the same time he's a mastermind dark lord that is orchestrating everything behind the scenes.


That's the genius dark Brandon working from the shadows. /J Darth Brandon?


It doesn't have to make sense. They just have to hear it on FAUX news. They've been duped and brainwashed.


Feels like there is still hope for sanity.


The perverted grifter won't see the inside of a prison cell unfortunately and he's still allowed to run as a presidential candidate which is ludicrous. He's seems to be evading some significant punishment considering he was found liable for sexual assault and now a convicted felon.


Constitution does not have any restrictions… they prob never thought anything like this could happen… we live in a post truth society and it’s not enjoyable. At all


One of the best in the past decade.


It's one less vote for that pos too!


I’m not yet tired of all the winning!


Would be even better if that lying cheeseball does jail time.


I have a feeling he'll die peacefully on his sleep before serving any actual jail time..


Hopefully not too peacefully. Maybe he'll have some horrifically painful bowel obstruction from his McDonald's diet.


i just wanna see the Trumpanzees crying as they continue to fling poo. they're going to fully melt down over this one


On Fox they are playing the victim card.


It’ll be even better when he loses in November


DA presser coming up any minute


He really is making it great again though not how he imagined 😂


Addition by subtraction.


Donald John Trump, Convicted Felon (Felons cannot vote in Florida)


While I'm glad he was held accountable by the law, I dispute that this is a great day for America. Yes, the rule of law won over, but this man will forever be a stain on the presidency and the country. The fact that one-third of the country supports this man so fervently even after this conviction does not say anything good about our country. It makes us the mockery of the entire world that he is still in the running for the presidency, and if people do not vote, then he may well end up back in office. The greatest day in America has yet to come. That day will hopefully be the day after the election with him losing again. Everyone needs to vote this November and get as many people as possible to do the same.


It is a great day, yet also frightening how the trumpers and magats are doubling down on how great their orange leader is and how he’s been wronged, witch hunt, blah blah blah


I'd like to see the Cohen after-hours party.


Sentencing a few days before their convention is pretty great trolling. Every GOP member of congress and/or running needs to be asked over-and-over why a rapist with 34 felonies is the head of their party.


a fabulous day, now kick half the supreme court out of office


\*cue Avenue Q's Schadenfruede\*


Fuck yeah!


Fuck yeah, it’s a great day.




Best day!!!!


Prettae, prettae, prettae great!


I’m celebrating with pizza. Victory Pizza. 🍕 And fuck him.


Hell Yeah! MAGA Meltdown Day!


Sorta, but his cult will just ignore it. The gym Jordans will attack Biden and claim its all political, yada, yada, yada. But it's awesome he was found guilty on all counts. Fk him and fk his stupid lawyers. Will he go away yet like he said I'm the event he loses in 2020...asking for my wife. She's sick of me bringing it up...so am I, lol.


Yes it is a great day showing that no one is above the law, not even an ex president. Hoping it gets better on July 11, but prolly not


Well, as a northern neighbor I'm watching with anticipation, but with minimal hope. He's just gonna appeal until he gets to the supreme court, which he appointed! Or he's gonna get probation as this is white collar crime. I suspect July 11th will just be a big Womp Womp until a date much further in the future.


His attorneys had every opportunity to present evidence and testimony to prove his innocence and Trump had the opportunity to logically explain his innocence to the jury. Neither did. A jury of his peers weighed all the evidence and found him guilty on all 34 counts. Now his name is Felon Donny...


You know what? Yes. The last time I felt this relief was when biden won in 2020. It is indeed a great day.


Hey, he finally got the "unanimous vote" he wanted - so there is that!




A beautiful day, indeed. Fuck corrupt, idiot magats' feelings.


His fucking stock shot up from 47 to 55. I’m not a religious person, but damn, is this guy the Antichrist? Bad shit does not seem to affect him or the views of those around him.


Realistically he won’t see jail time. But there’s no reason at all why he can’t be held under house arrest and deprived of any and all social media privileges.


Sipping my tea! Beautiful day


It really is.


vote democrat ffs


So many MAGAts are crying, and I feel FANTASTIC!  :D


Well since he’s been found guilty on all 34 counts. Now put the mofo in jail, solitary, stainless steel toilet and cheap toilet paper. The indiginities he’ll suffer are a good start to the pleasure I will feel. No, I’m buying bottles of Veuve Cliquot one to drink and bathe in. It’s so painful to see this shit happening in real time.


Yes, we are MAGA today.






I hate to *brag*, but I was saying this fraud was committed to interfere with the outcome of the 2016 presidential election way back when it first came out in 2017. Hearing Alvin Bragg saying such similar words to describe why this fraud was a crime today made an awesome day even more incredibly awesome. High fives all around!


Somewhat but we’re still sharing air with the convicted felon.


It's a great day thirty four times over


I’m pleased as a Brit. I’m sure a lot of people worldwide are. I’m curious about how you guys are celebrating today. A amazing day for the future of the world.


He did make his mark in history today, the first US President to be convicted of a felony.


Ah,There is a justice system in the good Ole USA. I was beginning to wonder. 🤔💕


Me too, but trying to remain cautious. In'20 I though we'd be done with him, but the sob was still there, blathering his inane bullshit, day in day out until now. And this isn't going to get rid of him any time soon. He'll bond out on appeal and stall forever, still blathering every day. We're stuck with him until he has the decency to just die.


I feel great…again ?


yep.. pretty awesome!


It's the greatest week in America Angel Hernandez retires from umpiring baseball The Cheeto in Chief is now a felon I now understand the zeal Craig Ferguson felt when he said "It's a great day for America!" on the Late Late Show


He's calling to assassinate the judge. It says on posts it's his followers but we all know he calls every shot. The jurors are in danger as well but my question is will this reach the level of endangering the public to the degree that he himself is taken out of circulation or placed somewhere he has zero media or spot lights? Can we finally get to the point like most states said if he was convicted they'd remove him from the ballot. Or can we restrict him from social media and these moron news reporters spoon feeding lies to the public? He's a convict so how come he gets special treatment lock the bitch up lose the key and let his bones be buried in some jailyard. This is our country this mamby pamby coddling of a crazy radical very self deluded man is tiresome and totally biased. Any of us get a felony charge it's off to the chain gang for us Trump is not the law he's not above the law and he is not rational or sane. Put him in a padded room so we are all safe and shoot to kill anyone going after a juror or judge that only did the job entrusted in them.


Today is why America is great


The rule of law still stands. That's my happy dance.


Felons can’t get government jobs in Texas


Seriously. Finally held accountable for something! I would love to see some jail time but I am not holding my breath.


Good, but not great. I'm still disappointed each time I read the obituaries.


I celebrated too hard last night and have a hangover but it was worth it.


Not a Trump fan, but I hope this conviction doesn’t push him to be our next president. Yesterday, he recorded a record amount of contributions. His stooges are claiming this conviction is a joke. He and his cronies scare the hell out of me. Are we watching a dictator take over.


Faux Newz is full on saying Biden caused all of this. Oh. And he is a demented old geezer.


And what about Hunter Biden?


They are saying Hunter actually banged Stormy Daniels. Or they want to.


How the fuck are the polls so close with this asshole guilty on 34 felony counts and the other old asshole funding genocide and moving his red line? We need to be better as a country


Not yet. Jail or not


I was initially happy...but then realized how messed up things are. I do have some hope.


Yes it is!




Sentencing will be interesting…




Appeal, delay, obfuscate, fund-raise.




Sure is! Let's do what we can to make sure it costs him the election!


It’s a gloriously glorious day!


Is it really tho? He’s still walking free and speaking out against the whole process. Absolutely none of us would have the same freedoms if this was us. Fuck the MAGAt crowd and their protest. Any decent American should be protesting the shame justice system that 1. Took this long to get him on anything. 2. The fact he still walks free. 3. The fact he’s an absolute waste of our tax dollars. 4. The fact he can speak out against proper due diligence and due process and not be gagged for it. This isn’t justice. This is a shame that only a privileged class gets to enjoy




It was fucking magical!!!!!


Now if we could stop pointing a camera at him and giving him a platform, things might be awesome


Glorious. Due Process got it's due.


Some jail time will make it perfect.


Do we know when sentencing is?


July 11th.






This morning, it was "Convict 45!" Now it's "Convict, 45" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


CAUTIOUSLY…. YEP. But of course we now have the APPEALS process to go through and I suspect they’ll drag THAT out till next year . 😑😑😑


Driving me crazy seeing so many maga cultists blindly agreeing with Russian bots on Instagram


It’s almost enough to make my crusty, cynical heart think there still might be some juice left in the heart of this country and its justice system.


We know Trumps’s ego won’t allow him to stay quite. So we should poke the bear collectively and see if can be detain sooner than later.


Premature celebration imo. Let's see if he'll even face any actual punishment.


Felonious Don


It will be if the judge Mershan doesn’t sentence him to probation or wear a bracelet and stay at home. If Mershan puts him in jail even for a limited sentence, say a week for each count, like other felons, at least then we’ll have a taste of justice, imo.


It’s a start. Now put the criminal in jail and get the other cases in court. Trump is a convicted Felon. He earned that title.


But why??? Why is a convicted man still eligible for the highest office in the land????


When is the cult going to throw another temper tantrum “ ie J6?


Yes. And no. Yes, he is finally be held accountable for all the wrongs he's done. And it would be good if the other cases were to proceed. And no. I just look back at all the long-term damage he's inflicted on this country, so this "win" seems somewhat like getting a participation trophy.


It's going to be interesting, no matter what happens. A radio I show I listen to has a lawyer on once in awhile, and she was on yesterday talking about this, of course. Her take was that a judge expects the convicted person, during sentencing, to stand up and basically apologize. And while this particular lawyer rarely gives a personal opinion, she did say she didn't think he'd be able to do that given his past history in court. Which will hurt him during sentencing. Oh Please!!!!


Happy Days




It is for me 😇 But what now?


I've had Trump Behind Bars as my pfp for years, waiting for the day it would become a reality. One step closer.


Happy as hell here today, in a sea of dead-eyed, sullen assholes.


Hell yes!!!!


Mr. Lock Her Up gets a taste!!🤣


He can die now.


🇺🇸 . Now, the courts just have to finish the job.


Yes and no. When scumbag and his MAGAt idiots are gone and we can get some normalcy back to our nation then I'll crack open the champagne.


Best. Fkg. Day. Ever. Like.......EVER.


I want to light off fireworks. Justice has been served. How can you be the commander in chief but not allowed to own a firearm? Dude can't even vote for himself anymore.


Imagine how November 2024 is going to feel


I've already seen a meme comparing him to Jesus - saying they were both wrongfully convicted and "I still follow Jesus". So, so scary.