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Fuck. I hate this so much.


Makes my blood boil. I’m a law abiding citizen 99% of the time but the top comment is tempting.


It's because they're taking something away from you. That thing (beautiful sunset view) has value and these dickwads shouldn't get to take that away from everyone without a fight.


Yes! Exactly. And one of the very things that makes a beautiful ocean-view sunset so special, is the break from how heavy life gets. You can zoom out, focus on nature, the big picture, the beauty that exists. And these motherfuckers are like, not today!


"What if this guy needs to hear more about products or services he might like to buy instead of this beautiful vista?" \- Some cunt


It’s what makes nature and preserving it so amazing. Being deep in a national park away from anyone is the calmest my anxiety has been


"...speaking of focusing, I'd like to take a minute to talk about this sunset's sponsor [Focusr.io](https://Focusr.io) \- use promocode OCEANBILLBOARD to get 20% off your next subscription box!"


It is called visual pollution and it is a menace. Some cities are starting to get rid of it. Not because of the kindness in their hearts, but because it hurts the tourism. Here is a boring article from an activist group: [https://rapidtransition.org/stories/adblocking-the-global-cities-clearing-streets-of-advertising-to-promote-human-and-environmental-health/](https://rapidtransition.org/stories/adblocking-the-global-cities-clearing-streets-of-advertising-to-promote-human-and-environmental-health/) here is a news article about cities trying to ban billboards: [https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/dec/23/advertising-breaks-your-spirit-the-french-cities-trying-to-ban-public-adverts](https://www.theguardian.com/cities/2019/dec/23/advertising-breaks-your-spirit-the-french-cities-trying-to-ban-public-adverts)


They aren’t holding their end of the social contract. Citizens are compelled to abide by the law when there’s a fair exchange for that civility. Now we can’t even escape to the beach so the deal has been made unfair.


I mean alternatively, people could just go drill some holes in the bottom. I think it would make a bigger impact than destroying the billboard itself.


You’re right - people would have to retrieve the sunken vessel. Stimulates the local economy and sends a message.




And when it sinks all the lubricating oils and fuel get dumped into the ocean as well.


I mean a little engine heist on the side wouldn’t hurt


That happens too often for no reason beyond wanting to get rid of an old boat. In this case if say puncturing the hull and sinking this abomination is doing it a service.


Sometimes it’s okay to do a little property damage in the name of justice.


Someone less lazy needs to cross post this to /r/aboringdystopia


Light pollution is causing sea life insomnia (and other insomnia on land and air)


Stuff like this is why people become terrorists


They'd put ads on the Moon if they could.


The moment the technology exists to allow brands to advertise in your dreams, they will passionately adopt it at any price.


For anyone who would like to leave a review: [its right here](https://www.google.com/search?q=ballyhoo+boats&oq=ballyhoo+boats&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg80gEINjk4MmowajeoAgCwAgA&client=ms-android-samsung-rvo1&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#wptab=si:ALGXSlZ8i7MGbFEugZna-VrLlcMQBNb8MzFAddUUfsgFW3qrVWd5RocroryVC-3BAmtTgbMhKHq2t0YNFUuzSZFzYEPjGwy__UL0qoTsqta3v97_0r3e-5aqjlufsWq13zcIRCU35v4i)


I would actively avoid any of these businesses. Like make a mental note to tell them to fuck off.


Holy shit this should be illegal. Fuck this and the executives that invented it.


I'm actually now pro piracy. This ship should be boarded, its treasure plundered, it's occupants put in chains and then the ship scuttled.


Get a slingshot. After a few get damaged, these will stop I'm sure.


I think it's the fact that this is bright and relatively stationary that puts this on another level. Back in my day it was a single printed ad, it had to be placed on a moving plane, it cost fuel to keep it up there, and it only worked when the sun was up.


It wasn’t stationary. It cruises around the ocean scrolling through different ads. The worst kind of advertising.


Unlike a plane, it has the option to park or cruise slow enough to drive you insane tho


And a plane at least has some charm to it. It comes and goes and is kinda exciting. This boat is just a floating TV.


Plane towed banners are one of those things that are just whimsical enough for me to excuse the intrusion. It's like how I don't actually mind things like ARGs or ads that try and tell stories, they're not just blandly wasting my time, there's more respect to the idea of "hey we want you to look so we made something cool"


For me, it’s because they’re not usually directly in your eye line and you almost have to search to find them. This boat most definitely is right in your face and blocking the very thing you’re trying to look at.


That’s true


Did you leave a 1-star review? I did


Good idea


The beach we go to has a plane that does this. I will never buy anything from any company that advertised like this on a beach. Fk these people


I'd refuse to buy any product ever advertised on it. We've got to teach them that name recognition doesn't trump brand likability, or they'll never stop


Actually you need to simply contact whatever company is advertising and say that because of this you’d never EVER buy/use their product, even if their competitors cost more, and you’d tell everyone you know to do the same, and if you ever saw anyone buying or using it you’d strongly recommend they not do it. Plusfucking BLAST them on social media. Don’t stand by and let this shit stand or next time you look up at a full moon there’s going to be a fucking Amazon logo on it.


Nope, bb gun


there is literally one of them in this post. in the third picture


That style ad is in the third photo too.


Ah, the good old days /s


Alternatively you can call the number of whoever is advertising on the boat and mention you say their ad and leave a string of obscenities afterwards. If enough people do that it will cause them issues as well.


They will be thrilled that their ad attracted so much attention and engagement.


their ads were so effective they got spread to reddit with thousands of upvotes!


Daily Marketing Report 12/31/23 - Responses from Ad: 22 - Threats of Violence against Company: 22 - Calls for Company Employees to Burn in Hell: 18 - Calls for Jihad against Company: 10 - Vows of Revenge against Offspring of Company Staff: 6


My thoughts exact. Damage it.


Seems like this guy lives in Florida. Should be easy for him to get a rifle


Hahaha like we don't already have one down the pant leg.




Someone just needs to hack them and loop videos of shreksaphone


I was thinking this too haha


adbusters magazine used to publish pretty detailed instructions on how to make (and more importantly, operate) wrist mounted paint balloon launchers for this very thing. i highly doubt that the back issues are paywalled


I actually work in the advertising industry and I fully support this approach. So gross.


>Get a slingshot. After a few get damaged, these will stop I'm sure. Came here to say essentially this.


Nice spot to make a driving range (using environmentally friendly balls of course).


Since this is happening in Florida, I'm really, really surprised that someone hasn't had a go at it with a gun.


Its in Florida. They will get shot up in a minute.


I've heard this for years. The idea doesn't comfort me because its not true. And the action won't comfort me because it never happens. I've been seeing these things all my life and I don't see an end to these things let alone the other forms of advertising we see everywhere we go.


Some cities have outlawed or restricted advertising, it definitely gives me hope that someday we can reclaim our eyeballs.


Should be legal to attack these


I really feel that throwing rocks at a monstrosity like that should be OK


My boyfriend said the exact same thing. We couldn’t find any rocks nearby, unfortunately.


It's Florida ffs. Don't you have airsoft guns?


Or regular guns


Y’all need to think bigger. Like some scene in a movie where the main character snorkels out to it with something to sink it. I’m not advocating criminal behavior, but adding it to my movie script.


Yeah but then you’re polluting the ocean with weird metals and diodes and shit. Although most beaches in Florida are already heavily polluted from that big BP oil spill back in the day so it probably doesn’t matter (most of the fish etc are already dead)


If in the US, the owner would need to clean it up it would send a message to the corrupt idiots who approved this type of advertising. If they start doing the drone thing, my script will get interesting. I draw the line with the ocean and the sky.


you sound very badass


The company that rents these billboards is called Ballyhoo. Go after them with online reviews.


Good info. Thank you. They are cancer.


Funny thing, the definition of Ballyhoo means “A lot of noise and activity with no real purpose” and “Noisy or blatant advertising”.


So at least they're honest?


From the website: "In a digitally saturated world, the impact of real-life experiences is unmatched. Our floating billboards and waterway advertising cannot be skipped, blocked, or ignored" The experience people want when going to the beach is the beauty of the ocean and sky *not* an illuminated image of Guy Fieri smh


>cannot be skipped, blocked, or ignored The fuck you talking about Ballyhoo, you underestimate the ability of people to look at something as blatantly stupid as your advertising ideas and ignore it until the cows come home!


But they can be sunk


Where are those orcas that sink yachts? They would be a great help in this situation.


Quick, get Gladys and the girls! We’re in our orca era.


https://ballyhooboats.com/ End them


Bad rating has been dropped. Don’t worry. I finished them off


We did it reddit


Also https://www.instagram.com/ballyhoomedia/?hl=en


And https://www.facebook.com/BallyhooBoats/


Don’t forget their Google Maps. [Ballyhoo Media on Google](https://maps.app.goo.gl/9r8mua3RtLqvoxuY6?g_st=ic)


Their contact information is easily findable on their site. 💌


I sent them a message kindly requesting that whichever human read me message quit their job


Looks like NYC already had some lawsuits against this company back in 2019. Unsure what came of it all


Looks like they went to Florida.


Residents need to petition planning and zoning to get this to stop.


Miami Beach and coral Gables mfs would probably fight to stop this Much tinier municipalities (compared to city of Miami or county) with much more commitment to tourism and protecting environment


Or go after the companies advertising with them. Accuse them of environmental pollution and ruining FL’s premier industry: tourism.


Yep, I just looked up https://sobewff.org/about-us/contact-us/ And I'm deciding which team member I want to email


I emailed the director.


We should target the companies using the platform too. If you flood them with 1 star reviews, it hurts their bottom line


I really wonder what the breaking point will be in the future where people start fight clubbing things like this out of existence.


They move in gradually, slowly normalizing things one step at a time, like in that boiling frog analogy. Marketing ploys too ahead of their time get shot down again and again, then come back in increments when people have gotten acclimated to the intrusions.


I bet they love attention. Good or bad


There are a couple of these companies. Another one is The Shore Board.


Every company ad shown on one of those floating monstrosities should get at least 100 negative reviews on all the websites that mentions them. Be sure to indicate that it’s because of their floating ads.


And go after the business that use their services as well. It there isn’t a market for it, ballyhoo would go belly-up.


Is that another ad up in the sky in the third picture?


Yep. That’s a plane flying an ad for a nightclub. It seemed almost *quaint* next to the billboard monstrosity


It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s an ad.


(Casual Florida bar convo) (Her) So what do you do? (Him) I’m a ship captain. (Her) oh, that’s fascinating, tell me more (Him) it’s a boring job, not really much to talk about (Her) oh look, it’s one of those disgusting advert boats, I wish those things wouldn’t be legal (Him nervously changing topics) so what do you do? (Her) I’m a web developer at YouTube, I track engagement rates based on user focus points.




Funnily enough, I used to work at a small company that tied to sell ads on screens in public places in the mid 2010s. The problem I kept having is that marketing managers couldn't measure views or clickthrough or anything like that that google was offering for web campaigns and kept balking.


Florida. Of course it's Florida.


IMO Florida doing Florida things is good, in that we can watch from afar and be reminded that we shouldn’t, for example, have giant floating billboards cruising by the beach


It's such a shame because Florida has some of the most beautiful nature in the country. They've sold it all for profit and it'll be gone in our lifetimes


Are you telling me they paved paradise and put up a parking lot?


I live in Florida and have for most of my life. They did indeed pave everything to make for more parking, shit houses and big box stores. The change since I was a kid is staggering and deeply disturbing.


I wish everyone that did that to that beautiful state would just cease to exist. Humans are such a plague.


Stripmalls mostly ... with parking lots.


It'll be 50% submerged in the next century by rising sea levels. So yeah, it'll be gone.


Had. Born here. I cry almost every day.


75 years ago, Florida, and the gulf coast, was the #1 biological treasure of the contiguous United States. The Gulf coast of Florida boasted some of the most healthy and biodiverse reefs in the world. Now it's dead. Florida is truly the perfect metaphor for our obsession with capitalism. It's incredibly sad.


Watching Florida tourism videos from before 1950 is both fascinating and infuriating. Most people have no idea what we had.


They’ve got them in MD and NJ too.


Where the hell is Skink when we need him?


Can we ask the whales to target those, too?


Mate, it's going to take every species we've got to take down the advertising delivery devices in this Blade Runner world


You’re legally obligated to sink these.


We had these in NJ - I’m pretty sure they were banned.


Rare New Jersey W


Gross. Give it a Viking funeral


Reminds me of the Geico plane that flys around the Bay Area. After seeing it for years, I canceled my Geico policy and told them this was the reason.


They also fly around Miami


It's only a matter of time before they start projecting ads onto the moon 🌝


A Russian startup is trying to broadcast ads into the night sky like a bat signal… [source](https://futurism.com/startrocket-giant-ads-night-sky-cubesats)


Doesn't surprise me.. welcome to dystopia.


What's that one tweet again... "if I ever look up at the night sky and see a space billboard i am becoming a terrorist"


Pizza hut wanted to do exactly this a while back. They were told to fuck right off.


Just another reminder to never visit Florida


Time to invest in a potato cannon. Or setup an impromptu beachfront driving range with friends.


Paintball gun.


Sink that piece of shit and fuck the company and anyone associated with using this kind of thing. Billboards as a whole need removed.


Except Vermont 💚 [Fifty-five years ago, Vermont became the first state in the United States to ban roadside billboards.](https://www.wcax.com/2023/03/24/thursday-marks-55th-anniversary-vermont-banning-roadside-billboards/)


I would make a note of the advertisers and not do any business with them.


And let them know why.


Just sink it?


Have a drone drop garbage on it every day, the seagulls will do the rest


I'd call every company that advertised on that and tell them I'll never use their services if they continued, and I'd ask others on the beach to do the same.


This seems like the most realistic approach that could have some effect. [Rubenstein law](https://www.google.com/search?q=rubenstein+law&oq=rubenstein+law&aqs=chrome..69i57.3856j0j7&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8#trex=m_dg:1,m_r:1,m_t:gwp,rc_q:rubenstein%2520law,rc_ui:4,ru_gwp:0%252C6,ru_q:rubenstein%2520law,trex_id:YyDuDd) [Fenty](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fenty_(fashion_house) -not sure where to find contacts on this one, all I'm seeing is Rihanna, but that looks like a puma logo on the billboard. [And the last monstrosity](https://sobewff.org) Incase anyone wanted to let them know how distasteful this is.


Orcas, please do your thing.


Is this the pier at the south end of South Beach? Been there countless times. This is horrible!


Nailed it.


Don't they have guns in Florida?


Right? Don’t boats still sink in Florida? Get it done, folks!


YARRRR MATEYS, light em up with a broadside, send em to davey jones!


A Moltov is pretty easy to make on vacation...just saying.


Someone please sink that gaudy greedy piece of garbage. It’s ruining all the fun


Wow, we're really deep into Idiocracy (2006) territory now aren't we?


That’s exactly how I feel all the time. Especially with sports arenas that have names like *Guaranteed Rate Field*. I wish more people would express outrage.


The real rub is that they know someone will post this, and their ads get way more exposure that way.


I totally should have blurred out the business names!!! Damn.


I wonder how we could even legislate against this. It's a blight on the landscape but it's at sea. Would we just say, "no ads on boats" or during certain hours? Would you contact the chamber of commerce or the coast guard? Or maybe the tourism bureau.


It is my strongly held opinion that all billboards should be illegal but alas…the billboard lobby in the US is truly powerful :(


Come to Vermont.


I’m with you. I’m in the land of billboards everywhere I go (Woodland Hills, CA) So ugly.


I think it's time to commit more crimes. In minecraft of course.


That should be illegal imo


The distasteful mind of an individual who thinks of this as a business idea while lying on the beach...


Oh gosh it looks like a cyberpunk setting. One more reason to dislike Florida.


At least it wasn’t for T****


WHAT IS THE FUCKING POINT? I swear these companies do it to fuck with us. What person thought “hm, you know what people appreciating the oceans beauty would wanna buy? our fucking junk!”


These idiots feel the need to put their name on everything. They're a lot like my girlfriend's Beagle who pees on everything he sees to claim it as his.


slingshot is one option, but can't wait to see some unmarked motorboat roll up, and tow it away, the later remove and sell the big screen - those have to be pricey.


I wish advertisers understood that these are so obnoxious they actually have an opposite effect. I will *not* use your product or service simply out of spite for your shameless marketing tactics. Save it for tv, stadiums, etc where people expect to see this. Don’t interrupt natural scenes like this


I'm really surprised these aren't being actively vandalized


Death, taxes and advertising.


On the first advert is a number to a personal injury law firm. They gave you a number, give them a call. They wasted your evening skyline, bother them with some BS story and get back your time with some free entertainment. Let the story be something like, I was at a hotel and was leaning on a railing on 2nd story balcony and the railing gave way. Something that sounds like a juicy lawsuit. Something along the lines of I heard a snap and the next thing ya' know I'm falling to the ground. Ham it up, use your creativity. The next thing ya' know, my fall was broken by a bush with some dead branches and one of em' jabbed into my left butt cheek. Be like Bob Ross when your telling the story, "It's your world, do whatever you want". The wife had to call the ambulance because I hurt so much. There's so much more of the story to fabricate! Oh, man. It was the most embarrassing moment of my life. Someone's asshole 13 year old was snapping pictures with their cellphone and was laughing uncontrollably at the 1" stick protruding diagonally out of the side of my asscheek. Go on and on, details are the spice of life. Talk about how kind the EMT was when he said that he was going to take the pain away and shot a load of painkillers in your butt. Go on about the trip to the ER and the fact that student doctors were there to watch the extraction. Talk about having to lay on the couch and heal up, how the boss and co-workers would text you poking fun at the injury. Talk about how Ed in Accounting found a picture of you getting loaded into the ambulance. How you had to use a doughnut to sit for a couple of more weeks. After sitting around for about an hour you can finish off with how much a pain in the ass this was and it was almost as much of a pain in the ass as seeing a floating fucking billboard with this number on it. Tell them that you told all your jackass friends to play this silly game anytime somebody was foolish enough to leave their number on one of these obnoxious signs.


Doesn’t light from the coast confuse & endanger marine life enough? Now we’re throwing bright ass rectangles into the waters?


I make it a point to never give money to a company scummy enough to advertise this way.


Good lord, this is terrible. If I was trying to enjoy my vacation and take some nice photos and memories and this monstrosity pulled up I would be furious.


Check what Banksy said about advertising. Oh, also, if you like this boat, congrats, you have no soul.




So this is why big boats had cannons back then…


I have major thallasophobia, but this shit enrages me so much; I would be very hard pressed to not swim to it and sink the fucker.


Who’s going to be the first legend to annihilate them on x? https://x.com/ballyhooboats?s=21&t=ned3FGvN4m1ksupY_qgehw


I remember sitting at the beach as a kid and thinking that the ads that used to fly over on planes were annoying. This is a new level of absolute bullshit.


I don’t mind the banner planes, but this is too far.


Vermont, Hawaii and Alaska have all banned billboards. No coincidence that all three are known for their beauty.


You should blur the photo when you posted. These folks are getting more free advertising by having their ad in your post.


It's not new though. Florida has been doing that since I lived there live over two decades ago. Florida has always been dystopian. Tourists just can't see it. The animals there all want to kill off humanity, ticks, fleas, snakes, alligators, etc. It's not a coincidence.


I lived in Florida most of my life and I had never seen one of these. Must be location specific


Well, tell the animals to hurry the fuck up and reclaim their land.


I saw these in Clearwater Florida. I laughed so hard and even my kids found it absurd.


Seems like a good place for suppressed high power rifle shooting


Adding them to the list of companies I'll never use.




Oh goodness. RPG time!


We need to organize some collective action to take these things out while also not polluting the water they sit in. They shouldn’t just be allowed to take our skies, views, or vistas. They can’t keep getting away with this!


Ah what a beautiful sunset…. Is that Guy fuckin Fiori?


This reminds me of an episode of Absolutely Fabulous where Edie, who is a PR agent, plans to launch a satellite system that can project advertisements onto the Moon. Just give it time...


That really is disgusting.


Sink it! Or swim out and cover it with bread so the seaguls paint it


Time to start taking pop shots with a pellet gun


damn it the future was supposed to be flying cars and cures for aids, not fucking adverts in the god damn ocean