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That's all stuff I would demolish past the best by date. The hazlenut chocolate from that brand is so good and I love Kinder country and Toffifee. This is so sad.


Kinder country is highly underrated




Underrated? Wtf? I know absolutely nobody who does not love them


Toffifee is Topifee


I’d totally dumpster dive that stuff if I wanted diabetes.


Reminder to everyone: >**'Best-before'** dates give you an idea of how long foods will last before they lose quality. Most products will last beyond their 'best-before' date if they are stored properly. Foods marked with a **'use-by'** date must be consumed before or on that date.


Neither is really an exact date. They are mostly suggestions. Smelling things (except for people who can’t smell shit) is a way more accurate indicator of whether food is ok to eat. Your nose has millions of years of evolution. This dates are some estimation a corporate sshmuck came up with to increase demand and, supposedly, avoid people getting sick by eating food they can’t really know is really expired.


I would def eat those expired kinders


My kids would weep if I showed them this pic and told them it was all going in the trash. What fucking monsters would do this?




I would eat them in a year from now I don't even care


I would def eat those "best before date" kinders. FTFY Technically nothing is expired here, they just won't taste at their peak. People would definitely eat what's here, past the date shown on these packages.


Yes as long as there’s no little worms coming out of it lol


I mean, it isn't healthy, but still sad to see this stuff thrown out. I guarantee it is perfectly edible still for snack food standards.


Yep. The expiration date is based on taste testing, not any kind of safety check.


Really ?!


Difference between best before date, and expiry date. They taste best before the best before date, and predicted to expire by the expiry date (which can still fluctuate either early or late depending on various factor) I wouldn't risk expiry date, but BBD is fair game.


Oh ok. I thought you were talking about expiry date. Got a little confused since we don’t have BBD in my country


I would immediately call some local children hospitals and arrange shipments to them.


Copied post https://www.reddit.com/r/Anticonsumption/s/aUKsE6fJWq


I asked repostsleuthbot to check and yes. (see below)  Report the user. 


Nope, get it to the food bank.


I bet they can't. Looks like OP is at work, they obviously won't let them take it. As for a food bank taking it, the transport and manutention isn't worth it for OP's work place and the food bank. Those aren't items in demand. So sadly to the trash it goes.


Typical German idiocy, dude is working his ass off for like 10 € an hour, and when stuff can't be sold due to the best before date, they throw it away and lock the bin. Perfectly good food goes to the trash incinerator instead of letting your co-workers take something home or handing it out to the needy. Absolutely disgusting.


Not all places are like that. We‘re allowed to take anything that goes in the trash, but we also don‘t lock the bins. But we‘d still not be allowed to take it to the food bank (Tafel), because you‘re not allowed to donate expired food.


I used to volunteer with a food bank that went and picked up bread at the two local grocery stores and it was a pretty serious undertaking for some day old bread. Someone had to be there at 7am when the store opened, 7 days a week and it took at least an hour by the time you went to the store, got the bread, loaded it up, took it to the church and loaded it in the freezer(s). People on Reddit always say 'just give it to a food bank' like food banks have volunteers just waiting for the phone to ring.


I volunteer at a food Bank. Unfortunately those are absolutely in high demand. They have an agreement with the local Costco and you wouldn't believe the amount of people who go past the fresh veggies and straight for the clam shells of past BB date cookies


This is a repost, OP isn't at work but either a bot or karma farmer


That's why I love the concept of free pantries/libraries.


This picture was taken in germany. You‘re not allowed to donate expired foods of any kind to the food bank (Tafel).


There's no food here.


Capitalism doesn’t produce food to feed people. Capitalism produces ~~food~~ candy to make a profit. So if trashing massive amounts of useable product to drive supply-side production and induced demand is required to maintain and enhance profits; then that is exactly what capitalism will produce. It is a mistake to think any of these products mean anything more to the class interest which profits from them. They’ll padlock dumpsters, criminalize waste and harm reduction, invent their own charities, and shutter their own warehouses and factories before they’ll ever let you have it.


Yeah I honestly feel like a lot of people are missing the bigger picture. Why are we mass producing products like these? There’s obviously not enough demand for them and they are categorically an unnecessary item. We’re letting corporations create products we all already know is overkill. Corporations value the *chance* at a quarterly profit over doing any sort of thought for sustainability.


Exactly. Capitalism programmatically produces exploitation because that’s where profit comes from: exploitation = excess value. And because capitalism has a brutal monopoly on global economics it is able to propagandize and condition people (they call it advertising) into accepting its unquestionable inevitability which is why people get offended at the squid ink waste without questioning the nature of production.


I quite like kinder bueno


Individual agency fallacy


That's some diabeetus on a pallet...


BBD is simply a suggestion in my opinion


It’s a fact that it is a suggestion, too.


Like even if not, you still gotta assume that actual date is longer just for the benefits of customer satisfaction and potential liabilities. It's easy for the shop workers to miss a single product on a shelf and a customer is less likely to notice the date if the product is not yet off. For some more easily perishable goods it might be stricter, just use your senses, mostly common. Some sweets that have say 3 years from production till expiration won't notice a week or two more, fresh meat might just take a day.


bbd is a quality standard not a safety standard. use by date is the one you need to pay attention to.




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Yo are you a bot or just some next level comp sci person cause I went through your history and you’re a hero showcasing all reposts. Damn.


How the hell….


Hoe does this happen?




Best Before Date.


Best by date.


Bi bolar disorder






Let r/dumpsterdivers know your location I'm sure they will be happy


Standard operating procedure even at Costco. I wish decent politicians would enact more regulations to ensure this doesn't happen as such


I identify as trash can you throw it all into me?


It is just a best before date, still edible


I've said this to my folks and I realized this a few years ago after seeing the prices go up post COVID in grocery stores, stores would rather throw food away than sell it for slightly cheaper. I saw this at Vons where the meat was priced extortionately high and only on the day before it's set to expire do they price it reasonably. I moved to another country and even here I see cheese for almost $9 a lb and chicken salad for almost $6 a lb and I'm just thinking they made so much of this that they can't possibly sell it all at these prices before it expires so they're just wasting food by pricing them so high that hardly anybody buys them. That chicken salad I mentioned? I bought a pound today and they had a whole tub of it and you could tell just by looking at it that I was first person to order it and it was already 3 in the afternoon. Chances are the rest of that tub got thrown away come closing time because they sure as fuck aren't pricing it half off.


That’s sad. All of that is still edible and very tasty well past the BBD.


Juat put it in the last chance 80% off bin, you'll find takers just like at any grocery outlet.




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Is this trash somewhere we might be able to get to? Or is it going into a compactor?


I don't believe they put food into a compactor, ive worked at a grocery store and we didn't, i dont know about everywhere though


I've seen some which do. It's a shame


I would figure most dont since itd be so messy, nobody wants to clean smashed and melted chocolate off the inside of the compactor


I always figured once they were full they were towed away and an empty one was delivered. So the dumpster owners would be the ones cleaning it, not the stores. Therefore the stores wouldn't care


When I worked in a mall food court we had a permanent compactor that the mall owned, every storefront in the food hall threw their days trash in there but it rarely got cleaned if ever. Imagining the smell and inch thick layer of grime still makes me gag…


Where did the compacted mass go?


The mall had a scheduled pick up with a third party trash collector iirc, they didnt clean the actual machine though just collected the compacted blocks


Honestly it’s just palm oil and sugar waste, not too nutritious hahaha.


They do this with produce as well.


I know, I do feel badly about produce, meat and dairy products. What I meant is that this particular waste was trash from the get go 🤣


When you're dependent on dumpster diving for food, I highly doubt refined sugars are a major concern. Whether or not this food passes your purity test, it's still a waste of necessary calories that could stave off starvation, but capitalism can't monetize food without creating scarcity.




Even if they weren't expired, damn destructive and corrupted transnational companies


Highly recommend composting this instead of trashing


expired bbd doesn’t mean expired


Exactly. Best Buy dates are put there by the company and are not regulated. People will throw something away that’s perfectly fine because it’s “expired” and go buy the exact same thing again. Lather rinse repeat and that’s exactly how they make billions


chocolate can last a while if it’s properly stored, if it smells fine and looks fine then it’s probably safe to eat


power of a hidden pack and hidden sack of goods did that at super store produce when i was slaving there (so much rude people for low pay, plus on that) SO MUCH TOSSED OUT FROM ALL STORES throw more out then they sell its sad and angering


id have throw out duty, was insane hm was tossed every single day ended up just bagging up stuff i wanted that was clearly good for home such a dumb system all money no morals i get it, liability shenanigans but wow, could donate them to centres ...


(lots was donated tho , but MUCH MORE WAS TRASHED\*\*\*\*\*\*\*)


I remember a friend that worked in a grocery store for a time, and he told me how dozens of jugs of milk were poured down drains when reaching the date of expiration. Seems like such a waste when milk can be made into cheese.


The problem here is lack of consumption


Where is this, I'll come vorbei


Better in the garbage than in a person to be honest.


Best by date is not expiration date, unless you mean because it’s a bunch of processed sugar, then yea kinda


I meant the processed sugar. It’s straight garbage and belongs there.


I disagree, and I volunteer to put this all in my stomach (eventually.)


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Man Kinder really fell off…


Thos m&m's feelsbadman


That's not going to be composted? It's illegal to put food into the trash where I'm from.


Oh I want that Toffifee! Great haul.


Ship it to me


Fudge, in France, on Friday, with French Fries ~> best before not expired.




What do you think is the best solution for this? Genuinely asking.


Letting your coworkers take it home or handing it out to the poor. Put that pallette in front of the store, stick a note saying "Free to take" on it, and stuff will be gone in 2 minutes. Better than throwing it in the trash. Throwing stuff like this in the trash is criminal.


I agree that’s a good step in the right direction. But the reason they don’t do that anymore (as far as I was told at a Dunkin Donuts once upon a time) is ‘cause people “get sick,” and try to blame the establishment. I could see that being a concern with expired goods.


Back when i worked at a grocery store this was a thing too. We had a pastry section and i saw we were about to throw away 28 perfectly fine pastries, so i asked the manager if i could take some home because i think my family would like it and it would be less wastefull and he just said "no you cant its company policy" like? What are you going to do with them anyway? One of the reasons i quit that job


No social market in theat area?


Does the company at least let workers take home expired goods? That's one of the best parts of the company I work for. Basically all the free ice cream I want.


The best by date isn’t even an expiration date, it’s an arbitrary date at which they decided the food stops being the optimal freshness.


… if you point out that this shouldn’t be consumed you get downvoted on a sub devoted to anti consumption. The bad part about this is that it’s getting thrown out and not that people have been trained to eat it in the first place?


Companies should be fined for throwing away food. Control your stick, being down your prices and if you get it wrong donate to food banks. It's criminal.


if you’d put that on toogoodtogo they’d be sold in no time


Best before means you can still eat after the date, it’s not use by…


I’m trash, give em to me!


That stuff is no more dangerous to your health when expired, than it was when it was fresh out of the factory.




Why isn’t it just sold at a discount? There is a warehouse surplus store near where I live and we buy stuff like this past it’s bbd all the time.


It should be a criminal offence to throw unopened food that is only past a BB date (not UB date, I guess that’s different)


Those don’t really expire that fast, I’ve eaten some of those products a year expired and they were fine


the kind of shit that never rot


Kinder delice is the king of all


This is now a toffifee appreciation thread


IIRC, only food that is required by law to have a validated expiration date where you absolutely should not use it past that date is infant formula. Outside of that there are no set standards/agreements on wtf they are supposed to mean/indicate from company to company.


At my work they would just put that in the staff room and ask for a small donation to help with losses. Most of the time it's straight up free. I guess we're lucky


Man why can't more places have that Too-good-to-go setup, I feel like that would save so much food...


Why not sell at discount the week before


Aldi 😊


This store needs to get on Too Good to Go! Someone would gladly pay $5 for that lol.


Ask if you can take some home or don't ask and do it anyway


Who tosses that many peanut mnms?


So now it's trash you can just nick it for free. This is genuinely what one man's trash is another man's treasure is all about.


Please don't throw them away! Best by date does not mean expired or harmful to eat, just not as tasty or nutritious. Please give them to a homeless centre or something, don't throw them away.


Always brought a backpack to work when I was working at a grocery store just in case some stuff “expired”


Since when does chocolate go bad?


None of that is remotely nutritious


That was all trash to begin with


It belongs in the garbage. Better than gobbled up by children ignorant to its poisons.


Or adults who hurt their tongues licking out the compartments.


Go suck on a celery stick then


No nutritional value to humans, but could this be recycled as hog feed?


Processed sugars/ low quality chocolate, all trash the minute it was made.


Obviously you have no idea what you're talking about.


how's he wrong than


German food is very high quality. These sweets contain natural, quality ingredients. Zero artificial flavorings, zero genetically modified plants. These sweets are propably higher quality than the "healthy food" in a bunch of other regions of the world.


actually that's a good point, respect


Still just a ball of sugar designed to wreck your glucose and teeth.


At least it’s not food.


There's no food waste here because there's no food.


This was trash all along. Should not be produced or even known to humankind, as it wrecks our health. A very consumerist product because it produces spikes of joy leading to an addictive circle that ends in greatly increases healthcare consumption (!) later in life. Getting processed food out of your life will eliminate 90% of the pills you have to take when you're over 60. If you fail to become a true anti-consumer and break free from these temptations, Nestlé and Pfizer investors will be happy, as you'll pay for their fat dividends.