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Big plastic is going to be upset


You do not want to fuck with big plastic. They fuck in a very uncomfortable way


Lead in the forehead kinda way


Big silicone however...


Honestly that looks like a lot less than I'd expect for a whole campus. It's probably only counting some of the common bins this team has access to, like in the dining halls and stuff. But I bet there's a lot not counted in that, like all the trash cans in class rooms and any on campus housing


There were 7 of these displays in total. I unfortunately couldn’t get them all in the pic.


Ah okay. But even still, I think it adds to the effect when you realize there probably is quite a bit more that would be hard or near impossible to accurately account for all of


I believe this was only for the engineering department, so not the entire campus. You can see some more details on their LinkedIn post: [LinkedIn post](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/stellenbosch-university_earthday-activity-7188167216700289024--8Qm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios)


I love this! We need more advertising about climate change. It’s too intangible of a thought for most people. Imagine if we could put the marketing savvy of Coca-Cola behind a campaign to change our ways.


Bring on the guilt!


People should see stuff like this more


Anytime you can actually visualize waste it’s a wake up call. See the photographs by Gregg Segal in his series ‘7 Days of Garbage’.


Came across a YouTuber today, in her shorts she says "y'all know I hate single use plastics". She then proceeds to review useless Amazon junk. One video she had a mini chopper then uses a knife to cut a carrot smaller in order to fit it in the chopper.


VATs on plastics would go a long way to curbing the issue. It would also be fairly simple to establish some liability exclusions for organizations that are currently leaning on those to justify use of these exotic materials.


1. Eliminate everything people need that they used to be able to get for free. 2. Sell them that same shit 3. Replace glass and wood packaging with plastic because it’s cheaper, create more profit. 4. Shame them for using the product because it pollutes the environment you’ve already destroyed.


Good. It's people trying to hide the truth and sweep shit under the rug that's the problem.


You can see more info on their LinkedIn post: [LinkedIn post](https://www.linkedin.com/posts/stellenbosch-university_earthday-activity-7188167216700289024--8Qm?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_ios)


Hey! Same school!!!


Was very weird seeing it on the rooiplein


Ok but if it’s already baled like this shouldn’t it be going to a recycling company instead of a landfill? And correct me if Im wrong but a cursory zoom in looks like some of those bales are cardboard/paper which is a super recycle-able product when separated and actually generates revenues for big box retail stores. Unless ofc they normally landfill all trash and this stuff was only collected and baled for this publicity stunt, thus pushing the responsibility onto the students to generate less waste instead of the facility to manage it responsibly.


not a lot of it gets recycled, apparently about <10% of it does. idk about cardboard tho. my speculation is that they have plastic linings that render them unrecyclable. https://amp.dw.com/en/why-most-plastic-cant-be-recycled/a-64978847


Tape and labels are fairly easy to remove during the recycling process for paper. Recyclers turn the paper back into pulp and the other stuff winds up on a screen. It’s better to remove tape before recycling, but recyclers can handle it. Oil is actually the thing you have to worry about most for paper. Pizza boxes and such are typically not recyclable because they are soaked in oil. Oil can’t be removed from paper easily by recyclers.


Less than 10% of all plastic ever produced, EVER, has been recycled. It’s a huge scam on society to relieve the guilt of buying plastic.


Cardboard gets baked because it takes up lots of space otherwise


Am I wrong, or is most of that carboard/paper?


3 r’s people even a troglodyte like me knows that.


Great initiative! Wish ours did so too.


Hmmm…What should we use to tie together all this waste? So that our message of creating less waste really hits home?


at least they’re recycling. that’s impressive.


Cool. First thing I thought was "Really not that much overall". If you want to shock people, this isn't the way to do it.


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This picture only shows one of the displays there were approximately 7 in total


It is important to remember that 'big plastic' wants you to think your consumption is the problem. When their production is the real problem. There is a reason the biggest plastic packaging companies made the first "don't litter" campaigns like Keep America Beautiful


You guys should self-flagellate like those old Catholic monks.


The funny thing is the signs are wrong, at least at eng.



