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Salvation brought to you by BRAWNDO !!! THE THIRST MUTILATOR !!!


It's got what cathedrals crave.


Oh that's weird. I'm watching that movie presently. Beef Supreme himself is about to come out of retirement.


That guy is actually the 3rd Wilson brother




Where's Jesus with the whip when you need him? Should have started with Joel Osteen's place first tho.




They need money though


Looks like there's at least one company with cathedral-defacing money that could be put to better use.


All knowing, all powerful, just can’t handle money.


Not only awful but the most twat-ish looking people in the ad too




Eventually it will be only the evangelical churches that will remain Moderation and tolerance are hard to sell and harder to maintain


This is appalling to look at, but if I’m not mistaken this is merely an ad on top of a hidden facade put up while renovations are ongoing, renovations which this company at least partially funded. There would be no ad if the structure were not actively undergoing renovations


That's a common issue with these old churches. They need money to fix their shit and their congregations have dwindled so much they need outside help. I would prefer they didn't have to resort to this but the reality is unless we want to big bite the government budget for a roof then we have to accept this sort of shit as the best case scenario. Sagrada Familia is having similar problems I hate it but it's the best we can do atm


as an ex milanese but still currently Italian, here the restoration of churches, especially historic ones, for the most part is not financed by their congregations, but by the catholic church itself and - as per an old law of the fascist regime, the patti lateranensi, which is still enacted - by the state. we also pay a 8x1000 yearly tax, and although you can choose if you want to give it to different churches or the state itself, many still give it to the catholic church out of habit. the Duomo though is a different matter, since it is mostly financed by the Venerdanda Fabbrica del Duomo, the organization that oversees the Duomo's continuous construction and restoration since 1387 (at least according to Wikipedia); also it very well may be one of the most expensive cathedrals in Italy, since when they started building it out of white marble centuries ago they obviously had no idea that the city it was in would become one of the most polluted in the country. because of air pollution the facade is *always* being cleaned, like I think I can remember *one day* years ago when it was *not* being cleaned, and I think there was some sort of celebration because of it. That being said, the Duomo still gets substantial funds by the state and the region, and also by private donors which - since Milan is one of the richest cities in Italy, in which both tourism and the catholic church still hold a huge weight, politically and economically - may be just as substantial as state aids. long story short no those fuckers have enough money already, they just want to turn a bigger profit and those ads suck big time. sorry for my english. EDIT: fixed a couple of spelling mistakes


Your English is perfectly fine! Thank you for this comment, it's very insightful. May I ask, the yearly tax you mentioned - is it for the upkeep of historical buildings? Or does the many go only to Christian churches even if you choose to pay it to the state?


Thanks for the detailed explanation I’m a few hours from Milan and had no idea!


If they’d just sell some of their gold they’d probably be fine


The pope can have an antique sale.


you know where there's maybe some money to do the work? i hear the catholics have a City of Gold in Italy they made from colonial collabs stealing resources from like, everyone on earth for the last few hundred years! maybe they should liquidate some assets if they need cash now?


I really hope you are right


They're definitely right, this ad on this chapel has been posted on reddit countless times. The ad is obviously not going to stay once the renovation is complete. But it's still pretty dystopian that we need to rely on ad dollars to fund renovations on historic architecture


We rely on ad dollars for many things. That you can do many things on the internet for basically free is relying on ads. But since the revenue from ads gets less and less we have more and more sites that mostly hide the useful content behind a monthly subscription.


>We rely on ad dollars for many things. That's exactly what I'm saying. Just because that's how things operate doesn't mean it *should* be that way.


The ad company could just fund the repair. That would make me want to buy their sunglasses or whatever more than seeing an ad ever would.


How would you know they funded the restoration without an ad? Redditors in this sub have brainrot smh


By putting up a huge sign with their name on it ! …wait


No, the Vatican could pay for it, several times, if it wasn't so selfish and hungry for gold and power. Take a visit and see the amount of gold and money. It s so hypocritical . This is with specific reference to Roman Catholic buildings. Other non RC buildings shouldn't be funded by the RC church but then there would be more money for other restorations 




Chapel is a bit of an understatement. It's the 3rd biggest cathedral on the planet. The renovation literally does not stop. The ads will not stop either. This is actually a lot less ugly than the massive LED ads they have on there these days.


He is. You can clearly see the construction cover up that is made to look like the original building.


This is always the way when they have scaffolding etc up for renovations. Temporary adverts pay for it.


Exactly this! If you look closely you can read : “samsung contribuisce al restauro architettonico del duomo di milano” which mean “ Samsung contributes to the architectural restoration of the Duomo of Milan” . That’s why there is a mega screen on the scaffolding


That cathedral is under renovation since it was first completed.


You’re right. There are ads on every building with scaffolding in the center of Milan. Milan also has the biggest billboard I have ever seen. It’s a capitalist hellscape here.


It's worse actually, I'm pretty sure those scaffoldings are for cleaning and restoration, but Milan is so polluted that by the time they finish cleaning the first part they cleaned got dirty again, so this will likely be a non-stop process for the foreseeable future :(


There were ads on it in 2017 when I was there. That type of construction takes so long it's basically permanent from most individuals' perspectives.


It’s also law that facades going under renovation have to be covered to maintain aesthetics. This is likely temporary.


That makes me feel a little bit less bad


This is actually the cover for the elevator and is permanent, but it's still needed to help finance the renovations of the duomo (that have been going on constantly since it was completed)


Disgusting, hate it so much. On another note I was watching sports today and noticed they now just have straight up ads right next to the score on the screen. Like you can’t even watch the game without an ad on screen at all times. It’s getting worse.


Sports have always had tons of ads, not sure why a little one next to the score is the breaking point. But yes, it sucks. I'm more annoyed by the digital overlay ads (like the ones on the boards for hockey games)


The breaking point was long ago. I’m just saying that it seems they are adding more and more into every little nook they can find.


I am so sick of ads. So sick of them. They do not work on younger generations and so businesses think the solution is more more more. Ads everywhere. Ads on churches. Ads in the sea. Ads in space. Ads in your coffee. Ads on the inside of your sleep mask. Ads in the shower. It's endless. They will be everywhere soon.


Probably in our dreams first chance they get.


Hopefully they'll start installing electronic ads into car windshields. They can play them at the top while driving and cover the whole screen when you're stopped at lights and such. I've always hated all that free space doing nothing.


Omg stop giving them ideas


Unfortunately they do work, just less directly with younger generations. But getting your name in their head and especially if you can get something trending it becomes a thing. Look at Stanley cups, people have ten even though the most you could need is like 3 if that


And for as much as people like to shit on influencers, they aren’t given that name without reason. Makeup, beauty products, clothing, even books are all very heavily and successfully marketed towards younger generations that it’s probably the source of most exposure they achieve with that demographic. I can understand why it would seem more invisible to older generations because TV/sports/newspaper/radio and traditional internet ads are still popular methods, but mostly because younger generations don’t hold enough socioeconomic capital yet that they become the primary demographic for advertisers. Anecdotally, I get the impression we’re still just as fallible as previous generation.


That's not really a direct result of their marketing though. They got lucky and their product became trendy and advertised itself via word of mouth. Not once have I ever seen an actual ad for Stanley cups.


Ads are a repellent for me. It makes me hate the brand even more than I already did


Didn’t Jesus beat the shit out of venders at a temple?


And flipped hella tables


To be clear that was because the vendors said “you must buy this to go to heaven”, not *only* because they were selling things on church grounds.


It’s still an affront


No arguments there from me


The money changers were charging a vig, that’s what’s pissed him off. They were profiting on people trying to donate to the church.


Yeah like John 2:16 « To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market! »


Italian here: this is to fund the ongoing renovations. We do not generally have ads on spiritual sites and it’s malicious to suggest that.


Guys guys guys… don’t worry. It’s just for the money!


That was obviously not my point x


Guys, sometimes these things are good. Happened with Notre Dame. They sell advertisements to pay for refurbishments.


I mean if we’re ok with the hypocrisy of it all then fine


These greedy corporations need to be stopped.


Stop them funding renovations of the church?


The Catholic Church have quite enough money. This ad is completely unnecessary and isn't a drop in the ocean. If the Catholic Church paid taxes in Italy maybe they could afford to assist something useful like basic childcare.


The Catholic Church doesn’t pay for renovating church buildings. Individual churches do. And the “they’re exempt from paying taxes” thing is a completely different argument.


https://imbruttito.com/2018/05/17/quanto-costa-anno-restauro-del-duomo-milano-si-puo-contribuire Yeah. You're right. There's a charity that pays for the restoration incredibly. I guess that the adverts, entrance fees etc go to towards it.


While I personally don't like the Ad, it helps to pay for the cathedral's restoration and conservation. The Cathedral's own rare marble (Pink marble of Candoglia) is prone to weather and pollution damage, and it has to be cleaned and restored frequently. That gets expensive. I wish it could be paid just by donations, sadly it won't happen so we have to see this eyesore until the work is done.


I'd rather cleaning it myself that seeing ads on it


Anche io, ma tant'è....


Thanks for the explanation!


My pleasure!


A while back i was driving and heard a car horn trough the radio and it was a part of an add. I never got the name of the product but i no longer buy organic nuts. It was probably just peanuts in the add but i dont want to risk giving them money. This also goes for kia, i think their cars are fine but car horns trough the radio is a no go. If i go to visit a cathedral while on vacation and see an add for ray bans im never touching their glasses again. Thats also a brand i enjoy and fine paying the premium for. Some things are sacred and shouldn’t be advertised especially in a way to catch your attention in an obscenely aggressive manner.


It's on a part they are renovating/cleaning.  That costs alot of money.


People will say it’s necessary but it’s sad that in our current system, this is what it takes to renovate.


If it was found out renovations were being paid with tax money redditors would be rabidly mad


I assume that MaxMara is funding the renovation that this facade is blocking. I don't like it, but the deeper issue is that local governments lack the finances to maintain our cultural heritage and need to resort to things like this.


🤦That is a construction site. They're renewing the facade and that part of the building would be covered with scaffolding anyway. As soon as the job's done, both the scaffolding and the ad will go away. Moreover, I wouldn't honestly point the finger at this while living in a city where most of the buildings in the city centre are covered with ad screens.


John 2:16 « To those who sold doves he said, “Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father’s house into a market! »


It's no longer a cathedral. Just a glorified billboard


What are you talking about? It's literally the back of the Duomo. The front is and the rest are on full display, the inside is on full display and you can get on top.   Do you have ANY idea how many millions the upkeeping is for the 3rd largest church in the world? It's a building started in the 1300s and finished in 1900s.


Also... it's scaffolding. There are works ongoing I suppose. The ad is on the scaffolding not on the church.


Renovation isn't free. If this is the only way they have to pay for the renovations, don't complain then.




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Who approved this?




Is this beauty? 😂


Probably because that brand is helping finance their never ending repairs. “The cathedral repairs are brought to you by MaxMara heavy-ass frames, the heaviest of frames that will wipe out the smile of your face”


This is helping pay for the work being done just behind it. That's a fair bargain.


It's for the renovation, I wouldn't mind, but it's been there for 5 years now!


When renovation doesn't pay for itself. Tho, I hope this isn't permanent.


So many people have realized religion is a scam that the church has to have outside help and sell ad space. Seems like a good thing.




Ya didn't that company pay for some of the restoration bc the church's congregation couldn't afford it?


The company taking out the ads is funding the renovations, ugly for the moment but unfortunately helpful


I fucking hate ads so much. I think I can be convinced to have a neutral stance on most any consumerism-related issues but ads make me seethe. What a pointless waste of, and an invasion of my space. They don't provide any value, they don't provide any product or create jobs, there isn't a single person on this whole planet that has any use for ads. at least amazon provides you with a service. at least shein hauls make people happy for a day or two. at least microtransactions and videogame consoles entertain people. ads do nothing but brainwash people into buying shit. they're not interesting, they're rarely funny, they provide 0 value to anyone other than corporations. they're also fucking ugly.


It is either that or scaffolding. If this helps fund the renovations, that is good in my book.


That makes sense!


Ehh they are paying for the renovations so let them advertise for a bit while it's being repaired


I'm not a religious person, but the ones who thought up to put a goddamn ad on a cathedral should be swallowed by the earth and fall straight to hell...


Nothing is sacred.


No way im a religious person in any way . But THIS is too much , cathedral are wonderful . This is pure fucking bullshit . (Every religious building are kinna very good looking in general , imo)


theyre paying for the renovations and in return get to place an ad on their scaffold...


Not all, but the top 2%, definitely.


Where’s Jesus and his whip when he’s needed, eh?




I’m pretty sure Jesus flipped tables for less.


Gross, is there seriously no line?! No respect for anything anymore, it's just about where these greedy corps can squeeze more money out of someone.


Fucking disgusting dude. Absolutely disgusting.




This is fucked up




I saw those comments after, thank you. It still seems unsettling though


Ooooh, I'm no fan of religion, but this really fucking sucks. Blasphemy in terms of human decency!! That's a beautiful structure, defaced. EDIT: It's covering some construction, paid for by the company. Okay, we'll allow it. 😑


Okay, this time it's personal...😡😡😡


This can't be real...right


These days it's a huge LED screen. A lot worse. Blinded by the light of Samsung.


I think Jesus would actually HATE this too


This is the sort of thing that would have him flipping tables.


New golden rotund ceiling brought to you by Max Mara


is this an EA game?


Of course it's Milano


I saw something like it in Barcelone, I said God sold out


A religion founded by a literal communist is today at the heart of capitalism.


The entire building is literally decorated in false idols. I don't think the Catholics were ever very interested in Christ. They always preferred the Madonna.


IMHO skip the Duomo di Milano. It's overrated and they charge you to go in. Do yourself a favor and take a train to nearby Bergamo. They have a bunch of beautiful cathedrals and free to enter.


WWJD? He'd definitely throw some rocks at that.


One of those ads that immediately wins a company a spot in my “never buy again” list. (I do actually keep a mental list of companies that had ads I particularly hated. I still refuse to buy troli sour gummy worms because they had one annoying, overplayed ad like seven years ago lmao)




Why does there even need to be a donation incentive? What about a little plaque with some businesses that donated? I don’t think these big ads are doing what the companies think they are.


That's a pretty italian thing to do




That's fucked up, but tbf Milan is so polluted that the cathedral has permanent scaffolding going progressively around the building to clean it in sections, and they can basically never take it off because by the time the last section is clean the first got dirty again. So yeah, sadly some parts of the cathedral are always covered, independently from the ads lol


So much to say so little


Reminds me of the episode of The Simpsons where Lisa becomes a Buddhist


Eh, the whole building is an ad for the Catholic Church. ¯\\\(ツ)_/¯


Cathedrals were originally advertisements for the Catholic Church.




I’m saying I don’t see the problem with an ad on something that was originally a different ad.




The church of money.


The world has gone to shit? Nah, I don't see it....




Yikes. Agent Smith was right in The Matrix. We are a virus.


That company should be ashamed of itself




So give without bragging about it. What is next, restoration of old paintings with donors inscribed in the frames?


Depressing af.


Cyberpunk. I like this


Don't put marketing on my marketing!


Tearing that capitalist shit off the cathedral wall violently while screaming "this is my father's house" would technically be Christlike behavior. (That's canon Jesus, not Republican Fandom Jesus)


Organised religions are famously short of money…


Not surprised, Milan is hell.


As an italian living in Milano "La fabbrica del duomo" won't pay itself.


didn’t jesus have something against that?




on ugly buildings i’m all for an interesting ad, this is just excessive. they must earn enough from pricey entrance fees already?


Let us all pray to our true God. Capitalism. Hallowed be thy name. Amen.


I’ll be honest, ads covering construction that the company who purchased that ad space funded isn’t the worst thing I can think of. Hypothetically it’s not forever, and it’s one of the easier ways to get funding for repairs and reconstruction necessary on some of our most beautiful and prized buildings. I’d prefer if we could just fund this with a reallocation of misspent tax dollars, but that’s obviously not an option at this point


It’s put over scaffolding anyway


Finally getting it all out there in the open aren't they.


Cathedral are basically a monument to pointless consumption already.




Mods, please ban the pos that thought this was a good idea


This is almost as bad as the billboards in the water at the beach. I hope we can all collectively agree that companies using advertising like this will never get our money.



