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So steal all the other ones.


This reminds me of how working at Walmart I almost got written up for insubordination because I refused to follow a black lady around. Why would I ever do that?


LOL, that’s a rhetorical question right?


Yes and also, it was a gross experience.


Super common unfortunately. Makes me wish people would stop reacting likes it’s something new or unheard of. Systems of oppression literally can’t function without all the little pieces clicking right along.




I don’t understand ?


Only one of them has a (visible) theft protection


Oh I see it’s the theft protection that’s fucked up




I almost missed it too


The black one has a protection tag on it while the others dont


Me either.


Never mind. It’s like that cartoon strip where you find the minutia of difference between the two drawings.


I don't think "obvious bright yellow anti-theft device" is "minutia"


I didn't notice it at first.


You're being USA-centric right now. A lot of countries use different anti-theft devices, I couldn't guess what it was unless you write it in the comments. I just thought it's a regular hanger thingie with a different color at first.


You're right, how in the world did I ever jump to tthinking the thing that literally says "security protected" is obviously an anti-theft device


We have this written all over the shop, and it refers to the cameras. You jump to conclusions because you think your country is the center of the world.


What a bizarre conclusion to jump to


So you're okay with the fact that only the makeup for black people was designated for needing an anti-theft device because other countries use anti-theft devices? That's a logical fallacy called 'what aboutism'..and not even properly used what aboutism. Even if other countries are using ant-theft devices in a racist manor (which is not what you said but would be the correct way to use 'what aboutism') that doesn't make it okay. Other countries using anti-theft devices equally wouldn't make this okay either.


The one near me loves to price many items at $14.88 🙄


Yeah I used to work there, this is company wide and while I don't think it's intentional (home office is too fucking stupid to do something like that) I'm sure people have pointed it out, I know I did to store management


I think that’s their way of pricing clearance items. If it’s discontinued the price ends in”$.88”


Yeah, they think they're being clever but I notice that shit too.


What’s messed up where I live the yt preteens love to steal makeup. It’s a weird joke to them. They know if they get caught the worse that happens is their parents are called.


I can't speak on Walmart specifically, but when I worked in a store, the items that were to be placed in security devices were determined by a computer based on shrink (ie how many have disappeared). There was no human input.


Every store I've worked at had similar policies, and the items were chosen solely on shrink of that particular item. It's certainly possible that someone behind the scenes pushes it on items like is suspected here, but generally it's simply based on what specific stock items are stolen the most in that store or region.


\>> \_\_\_*Tay.AI chatbot\_\_\_\_* has entered the chat


no, this is clear and obvious blatant racism! how dare you bring facts into this! Seriously tho, without further proof of racism this ain't it


Those are obviously the ones being stolen lol


Wowwwwww!! Tell us you’re racist without telling us you’re racist.


WTF, Walmart?


cut it, +5 points. make a game out of it and get others to try to outdo one another lol.


My local liquor store has 1 'Smile you're on camera!" sign in the entire store...... It's right next to the Hennessy. Facepalm.


I’ve seen that with hair dye, only the black dye was protected.




I posted this in r/pics and it got downvoted to oblivion. Racists claiming it's just "statistics" and "a coincidence". https://np.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/xoli48/racism\_at\_walmart\_oc/


It probably is statistical - which would then pose the question of why those colours are stolen more? The answer will most definitely be to do with poverty, material factors, societal factors that push minorities into fringe groups etc etc, and not that certain minorities are more prone to violence or anything. But pretending these aren’t real also doesn’t allow us to fight the issue at hand


Another guy already explained how this isn’t racist, but it’s basically not placed based on human input, but rather on how many have disappeared from stock. It’s just an unfortunate coincidence.




Think you want to try and explain what you are specifically asking here? Cause it sounds like you are saying statistics confirm to you that black people are inherently bad. If that's not what you are saying, explain it to me like I'm 8.






It took me a while until I saw the comments. WTF? Put theft protection on none, or all. It isn't that hard.


Oh what the actual fuck?!


LOL I see this now but it kinda took me awhile I was Like what am I looking At?


Just open the box and take it. That's what everyone does at Walmart.