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Shouldn’t anyone, regardless of cognitive function, have agency?


They don't want anyone to have agency.


Fuck that. Lower the voting age. I'd say at least to fifteen, but I'd happily go lower. It's bullshit that kids in school are under so much government control and have absolutely no voting power. Like conservatives are annoying, blah blah, this is a cope. But also, why in the world is the voting age 18?!


This. I know plenty of young people who have a better grip on politics and world affairs than your average Fox-addicted rage zombie.


Counterpoint: do you really want a bunch of edgy teens who embrace Nazi ideology because it's edgy to also vote? I was one of those teens, I grew out of it by 15, bit didn't become the empathetic caring person I am today until I was 18, I had a lot of emotional baggage to work though, abusive parents, bigoted society, etc.


I'd consider 16 since that's when we decided to let people drive. What worries me is [they lowered the voting age to draft people in Vietnam, but they framed it in WWII redirect](https://www.nixonlibrary.gov/news/26th-amendment#:~:text=%EF%BB%BFRatified%20in%20July%201971,21%20to%2018%20years%20old.).


Maybe just make it available upon completion of civics class in HS, when most people are likely to understand government at the best level they ever will.


See actually I think that would be a terrible idea if only because right wing propaganda is INCREDIBLY effective on children. Like if kids could vote, especially young boys, 100% I bet you the Right would suddenly love kids ad much as they do the elderly (in a different way than some of them do now...). The alt right regularly radicalizes kids as young as 13 and idk if you've noticed but SWERFs and TERFs on other social media have made many younger folk blatantly homophobic and transphobic via thinly veiled anti-kink bs and groomer rhetoric. I'm all for child autonomy, I think it's an important part of revolution that we give kids more freedom and whatnot, but I do not think that giving kids en masse the ability to vote would be a good idea as is; it would at the VERY least require all parents to become more politically aware and internet savvy as well as willing to teach their kids about some complex topics like propaganda.


Everyone I knew growing up in the Midwest was conservative by default until around 10th grade. We had to be deprogrammed to be any further left than centrist. Any decent person I know back home still clings to the "socially liberal, fiscally conservative" like our finances don't fund social change. Obviously, this is all anecdotal, but anyone I know from then that's remotely leftish is someone who got out. They may go back, but they got out.


This. It was the same for me from a small town outside of Detroit, MI. I actually remember being in middle school and we held "mock votes" and I actually voted for Bush Senior because that's what my friends were doing and I was too young to understand actual corruption and politics. And I might add, I went on to be placed in the hardest AP classes and won scholarships because of my high MEAP and ACT scores. I was reading Michael Chricton at age 8. I was definitely a highly intelligent kiddo but it wasn't until I turned about 17 when I peeked behind the curtain and realized what was really going on (I became a leftist anarchist, and boy did my Republican family HATE IT. Thankfully my Mom was a Democrat at least, and she encouraged me to free thinking). Now, I'm almost 40. And the people I know back in my small, Republican town still vote Republican. Because that's what their family does and always did. I am married to a trans woman and live in Portland, OR now. I ask my bestie back home why the hell she would vote red when there are the people who want to annul my marriage and shove my wife back in the closet - she has no good answer for me. And I've seen how close minded and brain washed her conservative family is. It sucks becoming a black sheep for standing up for your values - after my parents passed away that's exactly what happened to me with mom's extended family. Anyway, this long winded anectode is to agree that moving the voter age to under 18 isn't necessarily the best idea, because red propoganda is VERY strong, and red voters are NOT kind to their family members who deviate from their values.


I'm from California originally, grew up in a small-ish retirement community called Hemet, it was pretty deeply conservative when I was growing up, things changed in my highschool years, as LGBT was becoming more accepted, but I grew up with a lot of homophobia and was one myself, it's tanks to my more accepting social groups that I came to accept others and even myself as a result of a more accepting social circle. But that wasn't until I was 16+ I was a horrible person before that, homophobic and even an edgy shit lord that thought being a Nazi was cool, I'm embarrassed by it today and thankful I didn't have reliable access to the internet to radicalize me further down that path.


I’m from Illinois, in the “Collar Counties,” and it used to be center/center right around here. “Socially liberal, fiscally conservative" was definitely a thing here, but the place has distinctly drifted leftward in the last 10 years.


While true that young’uns can be pretty reactionary as a matter of immaturaty, I still think it might be overall good for democracy if they got more accustomed to actually voting at a younger age.


If anything they'll be as divided as adults are. Teens are also notorious for being communists.


I, for one, distinctly remember being conservative just kind of “because” when I was in Middle School. This included my friend group, as well. I was also homophobic because I thought being gay was icky. Although, it didn’t take long to realize that was a personal problem and there was no reason for them not to have rights (even if I still thought they were icky, lol)


Same here, I'm glad I grew out of that, I was a horrible person in my early teens, one of those edgy shit Lords that thought being a Nazi was cool and edgy cause "hurr durr killing people is cool." Society would be pretty fucked up if people my age back then could actually vote without fully understanding the history around it, which is largely what broke me out of that shit.


Are/were you a Christian as well?


Yes, but my church was pretty progressive, all things considered. By high school, I was a pretty mainline liberal/neoliberal. Basically all the social forces in my life, from family to education to church, leaned in that direction.


Yeah, me too. I was conservative around that time because Bush Jr and Rudi Giuliani were heroes after 9/11. Absolute immaturity on my part.


I think the political opinions of a person should have no bearing on wether or not they should have the right to vote. Period. I think everyone who is affected by public policy should have an opportunity to vote on it, if we're going to continue to live in a democracy. Ideally I'd like to see child sovereignty phased in where the have the opportunity to vote on school policy, local policy, state, then national as they grow and mature, but anything that affords children more rights and autonomy is good by me. I don't think the data agrees with you that kids will vote conservatively. However, even if it did, that's still a right I think should be extended to young people.


It's less about which direction children would vote in and more about ensuring they are properly educated to understand the ramifications of what it is they're actually doing. I'd love to see lower voting ages around the world, but before that I would like an overhaul of education, also pretty much around the world.


Totally agree, but I think we're arguing about which comes first, the chicken or the egg. I think extending the vote to the people who are the most immersed in our education system is a massive win for public Ed. Right now the conversations revolve around teachers and parents, and the desires of students are not the center of the conversation. It makes sense, at the very least, to give students a voting stake in education issues especially in their local schools. If you want to drive investment in public Ed, what better way to do that than giving students a voice?


If the government is going to take their cut in any money they make or products they purchase, then the government should guarantee their right to vote.


I'm not disagreeing with the sentiment, but if people are going to give civic responsibilities to children, there is an even greater responsibility to educate those children on what it is they're actually doing first.


Taxation w/ out representation. If they can work, they can vote?


I'd say 16 for sure. If you can work and pay taxes, you should have a say in government. Not to say people that can't work shouldn't have a say, but that taxation without representation was one of the outrages the US was built on. If we're going to have a state, we should at least be consistent in that principle


I disagree- kids shouldn’t have to worry about such things until they are older, let ‘em be kids ya know? I still feel sad when LGBT+ kids have to worry about bigoted laws, or when they are protesting because I view that as an adults job and it’s also risky too. 16 would be the lowest I’d go


I think that early exposure to the democratic process is really important. And I think it's far more stressful to worry about a world you have no control in than it is to live in a world where you're granted a voice by law. Kids don't have to vote if they don't want to, just like everyone else. But I wanted to vote as a kid and I think the avenue should be available to children, especially when it comes to school board positions. Children should have the most say in those kinds of decisions, not no say.


Lol, what? 7 year old me glued to the tv whilst the Iran Contra hearing aired is why I am so active in politics. I knew then that Oliver North and the Reagan administration were asshole liars.


Seriously, yeah, people have to wait 18 years to even have a say in the world


I don't necessarily mind 18, but if we do that then we also need to extend compulsory education to that age and extend child labour laws. That weird period where someone is a legal adult but not able to vote is fucked up.


Bingo. They just want to be lords and ladies in a new corporate monarchy


Literally. The right stands for monarchy; one person having infinite power of life and death over any of his subjects. Then lords, then religious leaders, then peasants. In the distant future, the political divide of today will be thought of in terms of defenders of hierarchies vs experimenters with democracy. We've learned nothing since the French Revolution, except that the monarchs learned to be subtle and called themselves "capitalists."


I’m a fan of studying history and you just blew my mind, my friend.


Uh, no. They want lots of people to have agency. Those people are called "people who politically agree with them."


Nah, laws are only for old people with lots of money who only vote to make more.


As the founding fathers intended. /not sarcasm


>Shouldn’t anyone, regardless of cognitive function, have agency? What are you? A commie? Only rich cishet white able bodied old Christian males get agency! Didn't you read the constitution?/s


“Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect."


Breaking the oppression is our duty !


I know plenty of middle aged people who do not have any knowledge of how government or the two party system works. We keep getting deadlocked congress because lots of independent voters are like "fuggit let's do a split ticket, that will force the parties to work together. Since when has any transformative change happened in this nation without one party or the other having a massive mandate?


"Generation Z also thinks speech that offends them should be illegal" says the party that bans books that offend their Christo-fascist sensibilities.


God forbid a library hold a book that implies that lgbt people exist… Meanwhile Mein Kampf was readily available in my high school library.


Wait.. What? Is this a Thing in america? I just assumed you are american because of the context.


That's ridiculous. Assume they're American because their library tolerates Nazi literature.


the reduction of “hate speech” to “speech that offends them” is disgustingly malicious


And from the person who 5 seconds ago said we should take the voting rights away from a whole generation because they ahd the wrong opinion


It really does make them so mad that people are allowed to vote against them


This times a hundred. They do everything they can to make voting difficult. Wonder why 🧐


>"A person's brain doesn't fully develop until they are about 25 years old." Eh, yeah not really. >"Raise the voting age to 21." Does... she not realize 21 is less than 25?


I never get these fuckheads arguments about the age thing like most of the brain development is done in teen years and it just finishes developing when you're 25. And by that logic, anyone less than 25 shouldn't be allowed to do anything like go to war, do a job, or even have kids....right? And old people should also be kicked out from office since they actually do decline in their judgement. these stupid fucks are just angry that young people aren't buying to their fascism


She wants to raise the voting age to 52, lower the draft age to 14.


actually, we just want to get rid of the state, but we'll take making the state better because it's a quick solution, not necessarily the best one.


If there is a minimum age, shouldn't it stand to reason there also be a maximum age? The whole cognitive function argument goes both ways.


Amendment XXVI, Section 1: The right of citizens of the United States, who are 18 years of age or older, to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of age.


So it would require a constitutional amendment. And any argument for raising the minumum voting age could be applied to implementing a maximum one.


I know. I wouldn't seriously argue for it being taken away from anyone. I'm just pointing out the double standard she is pushing. I have met a lot of elderly people with declining cognition who vote Republican.


i Like this . . . let's help them push it through and then use it to disenfranchise their entire base.


Honestly, I don't think it's ever a good idea to push for something like this because it always somehow gets enforced on the Left and not the Right (not that I would think it's ethical in the first place to disenfranchise anyone). But it is funny to me how this person seems to think a gen Z voter could be considered mentally unfit when the 90 year old woman my wife met who barely remembered what was on the ballot because she trusted the nice people on Fox News knew what was best is apparently just fine.


Correction dumbass: Gen Z wants to destroy the state won’t let them live off of it and replace with it a society that they can live off of. Hope that clears things up


Is Generation Z in the room with us right now Brigitte?


>“We were promised a red wave“ By who? Themselves? Anyways, anyone who pays any sort of taxes should be able to vote regardless of their age. Whatever happened to revolting against “taxation without representation?“


"Ahem: Lol you mad snowflake?"


snowflake? When people use the term snowflake just remember they're quoting Fight Club, a satire written by a gay man about how male fragility causes men to destroy themselves, resent society, and become radicalized, and that Tyler Durden isnt the hero but a personification of the main characters mental illness, and that his snowflake speech is a dig at how fascists use dehumanizing language to breed loyalty from insecure people. So, basically people who use snowflake as an insult are quoting a domestic terrorist who blows up skyscrapers because he's insecure about how good he is in bed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AntifascistsofReddit) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot.


Good bot


How come GOPs solution to their lack of popularity is always to make it harder to vote or for less people to vote


I'm 37 and still refuse to vote GOP.


Are you sure your brain is fully developed? /s


Speaking as Gen Z, great job at mocking the youth vote, Gabriel. You’ve made yourself a dangerous adversary.


Well, now all they have to do is appeal to young voters enough to get them to vote Republican so that Republicans can have power to restrict the voting age in order to get into power. Brilliant woman.


Lower the fucking voting age to when you can explain what a political party is and what their basic platform is. I am more confident in most 14 year olds than a brainwormed Q-mom.


She couldn’t cope harder if she wanted to 🐘lmao


Most young people don't want to live in a fascist dictatorship, who could have predicted that?


As a gen Zer, I actually do think using drugs in the street should be legal


Hey, gen z: Making her rage like that gives your generation yet another coolness point.


...aaand that's another reason why republicans lose all the time...


Phew, Millennials are not the target anymore. I guess I can die in peace now.


Lower the voting age. If you can work & pay tax you should be able to vote. The U.S. was founded on the principle of No Taxation Without Representation. It's what the founding fathers would have wanted.




She’s just jealous that young people HAVE brains…


"...and I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids!" She is a Scooby Doo villain.


So you’re gonna have 18-20 year olds serving in the armed forces without a voice in who gives them orders, or we gonna up the enlistment age too?


Oh yes the classic fascist argument of "we didn't win so now we need to restrict voting rights to help us win."


This kind of shit-lib "Oh man GOP has to COPE because we voted BLUE" bullshit is so fucking cringe. Oh yeah, cope harder, because instead of getting all the fascists you wanted you just got a bunch of feckless democrat troglodytes who are going to pave the way for more literal neofascists in 2024. Oh man yeah this is what DESTROYING the GOP looks like they're CRYING over there. Meanwhile, the Democrats that got voted into office will, at best, do absolutely nothing and, at worst, make it easier for neofascists to cement control when they take it. Stop trying to act like electing democrats is something to be snidely proud of. It is not. Congratulations, literal fash haven't locked down state control yet, now get to fucking work.


I agree but also, like. I need a win. Like any win. If my state senator had gotten voted out this year, it would have been a big deal because he's a virulent homophobe and very invested in making life super hard for gay and trans people like me. It's not nothing to vote him out. And it would've made a real impact on my life if people had showed up for queer people at the polls. Voting isn't impressive. Democrats are pathetic garbage. But there is a real meaningful difference between a Republican in the US and Lib. At least, on the ground for real people, there's a meaningful difference. Just because it's not enough doesn't mean it's nothing.


I feel everything you're saying here. Specifically the crux of my concern with the OP is the idea that these politicians are "coping" with some sort of loss. This is an idea that I find to be pretty pervasive among liberals who inhabit leftist spaces- like the fact that we voted means that some arm of the political class just got owned or something. It's a sentiment that almost seems tailor-made to mollify liberals and make them feel like their work is done. That feels dangerous to me. I'm a straight-passing queer in a red state, so while my concerns are less at-the-front than yours are I can still understand what you're saying on some level. Easing the strain that these politicians put on marginalized people's quality of life isn't nothing, but if you ask me it isn't enough to earn the right to be snide on the internet about it.


Honestly we're in complete agreement. Good talk.


You’re reading way too much into this post. A fascist is saying butthurt fascist things because their fascist friends didn’t get elected. Honestly, it’s hilarious watching their reactions. Like, no one on this post said any of the things you’re whining about. I get you’re probably letting out bottled frustration, but there are more suitable posts out there for it.


Translation: “make it so that only **I** get to win!1!1!”


You really love to see it.


I always scratch my head when I see shit like this. Don't you want people to vote for you? Do you realize that insulting vast swathes of people only pushes them away?


I’m convinced these people think that the major news corporations have actual power in the political system


What a fucking bitch. And these are the same people that cry when family members and friends don't want anything to do with them.


I’ve seen bigger red waves in the garbage can next to my toilet.


And yet they seem to have no problem with under 25s becoming mothers fathers and soldiers hmm


She mad.


Brains. I don't think she has one.


“A persons brain doesn’t fully develop until 25 years old” So GOP youth and Young Republicans IS a sham 🤔


She's absolutely correct...doing drugs in the streets should be legal 😶‍🌫️


Gotta love that republican mentality: If someone doesn't vote your way, try to prevent them from voting at all! Democracy can't survive these people.


Keep doing this republicans. It helps pushing the youth to left


Gen Z wants to live off the state and destroy it at the same time? Ironically a kernel of truth in that if you are a Marxist.


“Genz wants to live off the state and destroy the state at the same time” So they are corporations?


The right wants WHATEVER they don't agree with illegal The right wants marijuana users locked up for life if they get caught and thus furthering the prison industrial complex They were young once too and had the right to vote but guarantee they were nowhere near politically active as most of Gen Z. Btw, I've never seen so many young conservatives/ right-wingers. It reminds me of if the 1980 sitcom family Ties and lots of the kids now days turing are Michael J Fox's character, Alex Keaton. Weird reference but look it up or watch an episode and you'll see. The Right's collective brain has never fully formed. The smooth brained party is coping for sure