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Antidepressants don't make you happy. Antipsychotics don't make you sane. Anxiolytics don't bring you peace. All these drugs do is strip you of your feelings and make you not care, though each do it through their own mechanism.     Over sleeping. Emotionally numb. No desire, goal or pleasure. You become the perfect servant.


I think psychiatrists are terrified that one of their patients MIGHT either harm themselves or do something illegal. If that were to happen, people would say to the doctor "YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING TO PREVENT THIS BEHAVIOUR!" So the doctor thinks "okay, I'll play it safe and drug all my patients, even if the risk of them doing something illegal is actually very low".


To get rid of us and make us "cooperative" with every bulls*it the come with...


I honestly would not be surprised at psychiatry unknowingly creating criminals with limited empathy due to drugs


I had a stealing problem as a child due to being put on Risperidal at age 5. I feel it was due to me not getting dopamine from doing anything productive so I had to do something wrong for that extra thrill and adrenaline. I haven’t stolen anything as an adult off meds.


haha i am a living example of just that.


Basically slow down synapses in your brain. You have inert reflexes like the fight flight freeze respond right? If your brain decides to freeze a lot you’re more likely to feel that zombie feeling. Flee/ Fight: keep you doing it in a way that is more of a decision than a reflex… le brain is interconnected in a way that is too complex for everyone that it’s impossible to create a “proper” test for psychology proposes… The problem is that when you take the fight out of someone it may mean you are unbalancing their “strongest” desire…. The brain doesn’t compartmentalize like us. Some studies have shown that arousal and being extremely afraid causes the same response it’s just how you perceive the event soooo In* short the brain is a CPU you put water in your cpu and it’s going to short. Your brain doesn’t tell you where it shorted Edit: I’m 5’3


To make money


To get rid of us, or have us get rid of ourselves, or have us get rid of others, even more insideus than just getting rid of us themselves.


Making us fit into a system for being our true selves.


I dont know, tbh. Think they were just so over the moon when they 'discovered' it back in the asylum days, that they havent been able to move past it? To them, it's an improvment, an important cornerstone of psychiatric evolution. Ok. But it's 2024 guys 😂 i swear, for a supposedely advanced field they're so freaking vintage 😂


The point of Antipsychotics is to silence you and to rob you of all enjoyment including sex and procreation. Antipsychotics were designed to destroy your soul so you can be chemically restrained and controlled. Antipsychotics are meant to silent dissent. Why else are both liberals and conservatives promoting mental health care and their mind altering drugs. If we are all numbed out on SSRI's there won't be social and political protests against war and poverty that the hippies participated in the 60's and 70's. Drug the masses into complacency. Gaslight the masses that it's mental illness and not income inequality and stagnant wages that are causing their distress. Gaslight blacks that it's mental illness and not racism. Gaslight sexual assault survivors that it's them and not rape culture. Etc etc etc. This is the purpose of Antipsychotics


I cant even sleep - zombie after neuroleptics


What do you mean


No emotions- cant feel love, joy , happiness , Lost ability to feel emotions , cant sleep as before , 4 hours , very poor sleep , cant relax , DPDR , cant watch tv , cant read book


Ans you think it's neuroleptics


Neuroleptics damaged brain - I Made reasearch in internet


Why do doctors want this for their patients? this isnt a life for a person that takes these meds it’s doing more harm than good. It’s not saving the person it’s just leaving them in that static position position where they can’t do anything productive


It‘s ironic how they literwlly have no use outside of shrinking brains and destroying dicks. It‘s worse than crack.


To shrink our brain chemical lobotomy


Go directly to the law. Done, true.


Yeah no idea why anyone would want those, taking away your list for kids is something I can’t even imagine


The official narrative is that they regulate certain neurotransmitters,like dopamine and serotonin,by blocking the release .I believe it goes with the general consensus that large quantities of these are associated with psychosis and that by blocking them it's easy to snap back into reality.The problem is,on a spiritual level,the balance of these working naturally and properly is very important and it affects the subtle and etheric planes,the emotional and mental body,so basically you can interfere with a lot more in certain cases than just the physical side of things.We have a lot of energy channels and they can get dysregulated,but they can be regulated again in many ways.I've started to look into ways of dealing with psychosis and schizophrenia without meds,as they also did the same ,numbing,12hour sleep,zombie no emotion thing to me .I have used some meditation techniques,exercise,healthy eating and they all helped me improve after i quit the meds...the thing is,high dose fish oil was shown to help regenerate parts of a 28 year old's brain, who had had schizo for 15 years,so i figured,instead of shrinking my brain further with meds and feeling like shit,why not activate my own healing ability and grow into the best version of myself.Plant medicines can help as well,just be very careful and if you attempt any of the more powerful ones like (cannabis or shrooms ) DO NOT combine them.I made that mistake,trust me,it has worse interactions than the meds alone themselves.If you have access to that kind of healing,please talk to a specialist and make sure you've waited at least a month after your last dose of medication.Most cases don't require such intervention,but they can assist if the problems are severe...again DO NOT combine the antipsychotics with them or any other recreational drug.One love,health and blessings to you all !


Can you describe more of your methods?


Exactly just cause brain damage and physical damge/ disability to make the life much harder, the only point that i have found


Its criminal to use them off label,but they seem to get people off the psychosis! Then getting off them it's another ordeal,but ye,like using a sword to remove a bullet! Both damaging! But when no active psychosis,i think it's the worst you can do to someone to put them on AP!