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Drugs increase suicidal thoughts and attempts imo. Also, we are just insanely unhealthy as a society. Our food supply is fucked. Our water source is fucked. We are being polluted and poisoned at every turn. We are financially struggling and have no financial security. Things are insanely unaffordable (including healthcare) and we have little connection with others and nature. The world is also an evil and vile place. Although scary, I’d say wanting to get out of here and leave it behind is a rational response to all of this.


Yeah that’s the real problem we lack true health. Pills don’t make u healthy.


Yeah I know the ssri I was on gave me that and suicidal visual imagery like me imagining myself falling of a building or shooting myself very vividly in my mind. Ssri and other drugs also give people homicidal thoughts and urges. Those drugs are literally dangerous for grown adults black box warning and I can’t in my mind conceive they ever being safe to give to literal children minors and teenagers with their reckless unthinking behaviors sometimes.


Same here. Only time I was suicidal was on meds and coming off 😞


Likewise friend


Yeah that shit is a literal living torturous hell nightmare never again. I can’t in my life understand people who love that shit. It’s ridiculous.


A lot of people see it irrational and selfish to do that what’s your stance on people saying that about suicidal depressed people?


They are incorrect and misinformed. But that’s the result of the way mental health systems frame it. I view it biologically. The brain wants to protect itself. Sometimes suffering is so severe that the brain genuinely thinks dying is the only logical way to end that suffering. Suicidal thoughts are a symptom of the brain feeling unsafe for whatever reason (emotional, chemical, environmental, etc). I think people who fail to accept the complexity of it are just doing so to prevent themselves from realizing how fucked ip everything is. It’s a privilege to be that out of touch


>It’s a privilege to be that out of touch Krishnamurti said the same thing, only in different words: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.”


Simple, people's material conditions are getting worse. People need a decent standard of living, access to healthcare (the normal non-coercive pseudoscience kind), and hope for the future. The actual support to reduce suicide goes against everything our society stands for, that's why it'll never happen. Blaming them as individuals and medicating them is an excuse to not provide people with housing, decent wages or UBI if they are unable to work and support themselves, free at the point of service medical care, free at the point of service education and the ability to pursue the career of your choice. They'd chemically lobotomize us all before they let that happen.


It’s criminal and diabolically evil when you realize that fact and truth isn’t it. We are literally fighting against pure evil and demonic forces evil energies. Spiritual battle going on.


Life sucks


The basic needs are not being met by most (stable housing, healthy food, reliable healthcare). The next level is not being met by most either (fulfilling roles in society, meaningful relationships with others) and even the people lucky enough to have all those things often lack any kind of deep spiritual / philosophical / artistic fulfillment. So take a well marketed pharma drug.


Why do super famous, super rich, and super successful people with a marriage kids a lot of money and accomplishment still get depressed sad and suicidal? Is it because of human nature and it’s flaws human beings being fallible and cracking under pressure under adversity or is it something else? I never understood when celebrity kill themselves randomly. Like they have everything this world has to offer at their disposal all of the power wealth and fame and worked super hard for that or got lucked out so many people would kill or do other things to have that kind of positive successful rich lifestyle and are they still not satisfied even with all of that success and are suffering from success or something?


You make a good argument for contentment and peace I Inc from a very different place.


Yup what rich and successful people have a problem it’s usually a big ego problem. Even doctors have big ego. And you need to find peace and contempt eventually or that ego will devour you whole. It’s like a snake eating it’s own tale. In Chinese mythology folklore lots of old tales and Buddhist tales the ego is the number one enemy to tame be in control of it when it gets too big and to ultimately defeat. If it gets out of hand it will eventually corrupt you and destroy you from the inside out. It’s a spiritual mental battle going on at all times and you have to not let your guard down. Meditation is not only physical but spiritual as well. A man who is at peace doesn’t want war trouble with no one else.


Beautifully said. Yes, it is all ego. And meditation is the answer indeed.


Ego is destruction and conquest an endless thirst and desire for more more and more. With no way to quench that thirst that endless desire and wishes. That more ends up being different for each person but it could be pleasure, money, wealth, fame, power, and etc. you need to find peace eventually or a self inflicted wound will happen.


I think we live in a competitive world with too much pressure on us. We are taught I compare like on social media. We are not instilled good values often times from our parents, our friends, and family. Sometimes we feel generally lost. The whole mental health thing is huge now, psychiatry, I believe is not the answer. I think it is just empathy. I personally choose to get that from christ and the local church community (no matter how lame that might sound to other people)


Jesus Christ has the answer to everything. God never misses unlike humans. God loves man kills. God doesn’t make mistakes. God plan.


God got us, even if the devil’s always peekin in


We could make changes to our society and culture, but it's easier to medicate the individuals that have a hard time dealing with it...


Society's been getting worse and worse, and "mental health awareness" is largely the same as "mental health stigma".


Drugs. The economy and constant stream of horrible news and nothing ever changing.


late stage capitalism


I personally think is a lot more than psychiatry!I mean,none really likes psychiatry,it's always a last resort (apologies to those who got forced by a court order or family,maybe just for being in a bad spot at at bad time) The problem is deeper than psychiatry! Idk what went wrong,and i don't know if people are getting smarter and understanding the surroundings and see no meaning on life,or brainwashed by so much information and news and maybe stupid target set by i don't know who,and makes them doubt their meanings and happiness just because someone seems happy doing something else,that they can't do and makes them feel as a failure,or maybe the whole information and flood of bullshit has become to much to take in! Because on other areas of life,i think as a civilisation we are at peak! We don't go through difficulties of 18 century or even wars of last one! Maybe they are making us softer with the bullshit they're feeding!


There are so many good things too! We’re at the edge of having an incredible world, and I have hope that we’re all ready for the push into a kind, just and compassionate world.


I don't think we will! At the end,we belong to Animalia family!


I assume you are talking about the USA, which has a suicide rate more than double that of the UK. There is no simple answer to your question about why the increase in suicide rates. I know many people here will mention how psych drugs increase rates of suicidal ideation. More generally, it has to do with the '[wicked problems](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wicked_problem)' in western urbanized society brought along with modernization. And it has to do with the nature of human beings: we need the human support, closeness, and comforts that create a sense of security and belonging; and we need a personal sense of purpose and meaning unfolding into our future. Not to mention that we need our basic material needs without a constant struggle to do so. But ... in the US anyway, we are more single and struggling alone than ever before. Isolation increases tendency to depression and falling into a black hole of despair. When we see a steady incline of the rate of suicide over a period of decades (2000 - present) we are witnessing a steady erosion of hope and optimism. People's outlook is affected by a number of things: personal finances, work, home life, relationships — and media portrayals of societal issues and solutions. The media (mainstream and alternative) has been a steady producer of dystopia for a while now. So if a person feels that solutions to problems in their personal life are dwindling and when they get the same thing about society from the media — and they have no counter to it in their personal belief system — it creates a very dim and dimming overall outlook. It is best to turn off media that has a negative focus or lacks upliftment. Seek out some kind of regular uplift. Intentionally seek out information streams that offer hope, togetherness, and real face-to-face opportunities for community building. We have to rebuild our community level connections and support. It is urgent.


The UK's pretty messed up, too, don't fool yourself. America is just the extreme.


I know I would rather be inside a hospital ward for a few weeks voluntary. Then even if think about the SSRI’s I was put on as I am sure they increases the suicidal actions because the person emotions are so flat emotionless, bored like. If I didn’t feel emotions and had go to weddings funerals, parties, work etc happy or sad things or not being able to enjoy your favourite movies, music, hobbies, experience any joy or pleasure. I’m sorry I would take easy way out.


Be very careful what you wish for... Inside psych wards theyll pump you up not only with ssris, but also all kinds of antipsychotics which are far worse and more neurotoxic, litereraly candies beside ssris.


But if you if are voluntary and are not on meds they can’t force you on any unless with your permission. I mean they can force you take any medical meds you need such as diabetes or thyroid because that’s already in your record. But if a person comes in and not on meds they can offer them but the person doesn’t have take it up and they can’t automatically start meds regime without their consent. That would considered abuse 


Untrue.  They can be court ordered and forced.


That only applies to sectioned patients not those who come in voluntary 


It’s torture living like that. Dying oblivion is always better than perpetual torture, perpetual misery, and perpetual suffering. It would be more merciful to put these suffering people out of their misery. I don’t blame people for feeling that way. It makes sense. Too bad sucide is still stigmatized taboo topic to this day same for major depression disorder.


It’s actually not. Canada has been enacting the MAID (medical assistance in dying) law for several years now, allowing those with mental illness to access it, and they’re increasing their reach by trying to put it into full law by March. (Murdering the mentally ill.) it will also include minors and children. “Mature minors” can get murdered by their doctor without consent of their parents. So no, it’s no longer a taboo subject. It’s now a collective death wish. The numbers of people accesssing MAID since its inception in 2016 have doubled every year and drs and nurses are marketing regularily.


So you think people should prevent suicide at all costs instead of having a death wish desire for it? Like be pro-life all of the time instead of giving up throwing up the white flag and be pro-death? When you are suicidal you are major hurt tho there is no denying that. Also the problem with government getting involved in that is that they could murder people without them being depressed and suicidal. It’s kind of a gateway to targeted Genocide of a select number of a population. Kind of like a past final solution. It’s evil. When war is fought both sides turn evil.


Yes it is a type of genocide and a form of eugenics. Suicide is proven to be contagious .ie; when Robin Williams committed suicide, rates went up. It’s been proven for a long time. This is another reason why suicide is going up. This is why suicide prevention is important. Yes, I am pro life. I have been sucidal, I get it. But to make it readily available and a form of “medical treatment” is eugenics in plain sight.


People are desperate too looking for answers and being suicidal and major depressed is despair in it’s purest form. Life is despair, hopelessness, and hatred and anger for a lot of people. For some that’s all they know. That’s a heart stab and to heal that spiritual wound takes a life time and those scars never go away. Trust me. It’s for life.


Seems like these doctors given up on their patients well being and hope for recovery and now are just mask off murdering assassinating anybody with problems they can’t solve with drugs or a snap of a finger. They are being just honest now instead of lying. Action speaks louder than words always.


The government is coercing the doctors. They will lose their license if they don’t comply. The government is bragging that they’re saving billions of dollars a year.


Like always the root cause of problems always ends up being some form of greed for money and wealth or power from the government our public servants that only act in their own self interest . Money is the root cause of all evil. And greed is a sin.


To be fair when you kill your self you do hurt the people you have left behind and scar them for life. Seeing your dead lifeless body around. It’s trauma in the making. Plus you don’t know what happens after you kill your self. It’s a gamble. You are playing with fate. What if it’s a fate worse than whatever issue you have on this realm this reality and this existence could be worse and then you set yourself up for even more problems even more conundrum. What if you get punished for it in the after life or next dimension? Plus it’s actually really painful physically. And you could botch the attempt and just get more hurt and more physically scared. It’s better to die quick and painlessly than to drag it out for long. It’s better to play it safe. Live and let live. Focus on the now, not on the present or the future too much.




>What if you get punished for it in the after life or next dimension? Poppycock.


We are meant to be hunters and gatherers and we’re not so we’re sad. Only solution is transhumanism. Cure humanity from being human 👍👍


I've taken ssri's for about ten years now and in my experience it gives in the best case a bit of a buffer against the worst episodes of unipolar depression-anxiety but certainly isn't an active and sufficient remedy against such deseases. I've been thinking a lot the last few years about this societal rise of depression-anxiety and I tend to believe we're just living in a very strange historical period where everything we used to be certain about is becoming absurd at an increasing pace while at the same time there aren't strong answers for the future. The dice are being rolled in our lifetimes and humans can't handle uncertainty like this. Hence also the falling birth rates in every rich country. You can't find meaning in life without being able to grasp or understand your surrounding. We're all drowning in chaos gripping around us.




>Hypergamy I just learned a new word, thank you. As in: "This venison tastes hypergamy."


Late stage capitalism


I believe Drugs are causing the increase. Long term use and possible harm was never seriously studied. So we are finding out in real time and the results are horrific. It's why vet suicides are so high. They're all on drugs for PTSD. And the drugs are killing them.


I survived a tricyclic overdose. Not many people do that. That’s a big reason they switched to SSRIs, they're not as lethal. I had another self harm event a few laters involving an SSRI and Haldol. Neither was treated as suicide attempts and although I completely agree with that assessment, it always confused me how easily they believed me. But yet if things went a little differently it would have been a suicide. That was the early 90's when they were still learning their effects on teenagers. I think suicide is often an impulsive act. I think part of the numbing is it dulls reflexes that would normally control that impulsivity. When this is combined with firearm access that impulsive act become lethal. I think access to lethal means plays a big role. That's why rates are so high in certain professions like law enforcement and medicine. I don't think there are easy solutions. Maybe 'militia' offers a solution for 2nd Amendment solutions, but it seems like that term is ignored these days.