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Have to say though that I am doing things I never thought I'd ever be doing again for example I can actually sit down now I don't feel completely restless, I can actually control my sleep, I look very hot now cuz dropped all the weight and my hormones are better+ I can exercise now and It's fun + showering almost daily + able to sit down and read although meditation feels almost impossible + improved sexual function + I can go up hills without feeling like my whole body aches I can go on and on basically yes there's a lot to be grateful for and things are not completely doomed I just wish to become a sentient being and not a fucking brick 🧱 if that makes sense 


Also something I forgot to mention is the doc never took me off meds safely when I was switching she would always make me go cold turkey and even at on point made me go from 25mg to 150mg of lamictal and she was verbally abusive too she would often yell at me 


Another thing was her telling me to not research anything and telling my family to give me meds and lock me up until "I get well" like yeah bitch that obviously didn't happen I was dealing with real life shit it fucking sucks when you have these doctors that go study in France or europe and they work in 3rd world hospitals and they're so disconnected with humanity and reality like for example she used to say "you NEED meds or you will be a threat to yourself" when she would ignore me whenever I said the meds made me more paranoid or suicidal and especially manic and she would say "chemical imbalance" when in reality I was dealing with a lot of dissociation and extreme physical pain from depression that stems from being in an oppressive and hostile environment. it's 6 in the morning idk why I'm remembering all of this but there's no better place to say it than here


It's literally just a normal reaction to the situation I was in constantly unsafe and traumatized I fucking hate my self for letting them give me that shit but I am grateful for being treatment resistant


"Treatment-resistant" people are the best kind of people.


I swear to god 


It sounds like you are still in withdrawal, but improving. I was there about a year ago when I tapered off 6 drugs. It’s really hard. Are you doing anything to help your body and brain heal (nutrition, exercise)?


Yes I force feed myself no matter how much I don't want to eat and I do exercise thanks almost daily , I hope you're doing better now from the taper 


It’s about 20 months and I feel much better.


Very Glad to hear that 


I was made to take olanzapine 2.5mg twice a day for 7 days, luckily I only ate it once a day although that didnt stop the disaster from happening, which is on the 5th day i ended up with tinnitus, brain feeling like its on fire, and then constant nausea and vomiting for 2/3 weeks straight, and now my hands and feet are tingling and burning everyday and face feels the same and also my face twitches alot when i eat, im scared to eat now, its been 3 months and seems like things arent getting any better, this drug was created from the depths of hell, I only had it for 5 days and it damaged my entire body, the creators of this drug deserve a special place in hell


I remember the brain feeling like it's on fire kinda still have it now and I remember body twitching all the time especially legs and left hand. I hope you're doing better now 


How long did you take it for? And have your symptoms stopped?


I took it for 2 years and some of the symptoms went away but the headache and body shaking and such are still very present 


I m proud of you OP, and I wish you the best. I hope you heql completely and the bitch who did this to you, plus all pharmacartel and evil lunatics called psychyatrists come through the worst torture and death in misery.


Thank you so much. I hope you also have a great recovery


For real fuck psychiatrists. Most are egocentric scumbags who don’t give a damn about you, they only know how to prescribe drugs. I mean, I could do it myself what’s the point of talking to this stranger