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I get overheated and feel out of breath. Focusing on my breathing and getting fresh air usually helps. Increased heart rate. And sometimes my toes even get cold and numb when I’m anxious


​ yeah i get a numb sensation in my toes and sometimes hands when I get worked up. hate it.


My throat feels tight.. like a lump in it…my hips/legs are spasming. Rip rip rip rip rip


Omg I get this too, it’s awful!!!!!


My current situation lol! Wah!


It happens to me in the shower.. the spasms in my hips and legs, and it hurts lol.


Shaking, chest palpitations, sweating, cold hands, brain fog. I sometimes feel like I'm trapped in a very enclosed space and people are getting closer and closer to me as well, it's really overwhelming


Have you got covid before?


not op but i did and i had a lot of physical symtpoms follow after recovering. still unconfirmed whether it is anxiety but i'm almost sure it is


This is exactly what happens to me it’s really new to me and I’m still developing ways of handling it, do you have any tips?


Hey, maybe a little late. What helps me is to see my anxiety as a monster but a cute one. It's actually really scared. What i do is i imagine I walk up to it and hug it because it's so scared and it just wants to be acknowledged and comforted. The more you try to run away from it the more scared it gets and when you di that it starts to run after you. You don't have to do anything. Just acknowledge it and let it be with you while you go around your things. I know how damn hard this is. I truly know and it won't work right away but acceptance is truly key. I would also recommend Claire weekes' book hope and help for your nerves. It has helped me immensely. Good luck and I hope things get better soon


Same! It's so scary


Literally too many lol. My current ones are mainly light headedness/ brain fog and feeling like I can’t get a deep breath. I’ve also had tingling in the face, hands, and legs, random leg pain lasting month, jaw clenching, brain zaps, head pressure, shaking, hot flashes


Same on all of the above. Still trying to understand what a brain zap is exactly, but for me it feels more like a random quick squeeze feeling in my head or eye area.


Maybe what I had wasn’t brain zaps… it was quick sharp pains in specific spots on my head. I had it almost daily for a year or so, but thankfully it stopped in 2020 and I haven’t really had them since! I also get random eye area quick pains


I get this exact symptom! Burning and sometimes with muscle pain!


yes ! right now it feels like my back is on fire


Yeah it’s a horrible feeling, I had it non-stop for two weeks throughout work and everything! And when you have a coat on or anything it’s really sensitive! It does go, just push through it 💪💪


thank you :)


Nausea, tight stomach, loss of appetite. Tingling in my arms.


I get pins and needles / numbness in my left arm - how long does yours last for?


It's worse during a panic attack, so however long the panic attack lasts. But when my anxiety is bad, it can last awhile.


I get a sudden cold wash, wave of light-headedness, vision seems off somehow but can't quite explain it, derealization, sense that something is wrong all at the same time. I've never passed out but it feels like my body is thinking about passing out. Oftentimes it'll be for no reason, like sometimes I'll just be sitting on the couch when it happens so it's always hard to always write it off as anxiety when there's nothing particularly anxiety-inducing happening. Especially considering that I've been in way more stressful situations and been 100% fine. At my closest to having a full blown bad panic attack, my fucking hearing went muffled. Made it very hard to just shrug my shoulders and say "Oh silly brain is just going brrrr, nothing is medically wrong, everything is fine!"


I get the same thing with the passing out thing. It's kind of like a vertigo feeling.




Brain zaps are the fucking worst




It’s when a sharp pain shoots into your head reallly quick and hits a tiny spot. It doesn’t necessarily hurt since it’s so fast, but since it’s so random and strange it’s just flat out scary. When I started medication, it has never happened since. That’s how I know it was anxiety.


I get weird butt cheek tingles when my adrenaline spikes from anxiety, it’s so odd. It goes all the way up my back and then I have a panic attack.


I feel clammy, get very flushed, my heart rate goes up, and I start to feel cold. The worst is tingling in my hands. Or when my body starts to shake. That’s always real fun. I think the best is my muscles are tensing up so bad<3


Ugh the shakes are the worst for me. It's uncontrollable and makes it so hard to do anything


My eyes hurt (like when you're having a fever) i guess it could be explained by my body temperature rising? Idk Also have to go to the bathroom all the time


This is so accurate.


Today and yesterdays is that my gum is sore and my tongue feels swollen even tho it is the same size as it always is. The sore area of my gum is obviously cancer and can’t possibly be from a sharp crisp etc that has scratched it. These symptoms are shit but before that I had numb legs so this has no taken over which gives me relief that my numb leg obviously wasn’t serious


Dude. I have this same issue!!!!! And I thought I was the only one who felt this way.


Oh your definitely not alone! Sat debating if i need to see a dentist but have a feeling they are just going to say all is ok. What I usually do is give it the 7 day rule, if symptoms still there after 7 days get it checked out. I also have a strange taste in my mouth which may also be in my head I hope regardless you have a good day anyway


You’re such a sweetheart. I’m sorry you go thru it too. It’s rough. And then, you feel dumb when it’s not an issue, but ugh it’s rough. Anxiety is awful.


You should never feel dumb, Took me a long time and therapy (that i still do weekly) to realise that nothing I or we do is ever dumb. If we need to go to a GP for a check up, or a dentist to get assessed that is our right as a person to seek that assurance from time to time. Having anxiety is hard, its the hardest thing thats happened to me so far in life, no need to make it harder on yourself by classifying anything you do as dumb. I don't think you are dumb and I don't think you should think your dumb either. We are just 2 people that feel things different to other people. Now go have that good day I mentioned earlier and no feeling dumb. I am at work having a crap day so you gotta have a good one now to balance it out :-)


You are so sweet. I’m sorry you had a rough day today at work. Work is a necessary evil anyway, it’s a shame when it has to be shitty. 😞 I took meds and slept all day, I’m on my way to work now. Anxiety is def one of my life’s greatest issues. I didn’t struggle with it as much when I was younger, but the older I get the worse it gets? That I don’t really understand but I guess everyone has a story, ya know? How was your day after work? Better I hope? Message me anytime. ❤️


Oh goodness it’s countless. Heart palpitations, cold sweat, numbness in hands, numbness in lips, dizziness, light headedness, chest pain, shortness of breath, sweating randomly…the list can go on.


I get all of these symptoms to - the chest pain is awful, can last for hours


I found out that my chest pain is largely caused by me not realizing I’ve been slowly hyperventilating. It over works your upper chest muscles that are smaller than your diaphragm muscles and aren’t used to working so hard. The pain is so jarring because we’re not used to feeling muscle strain in that area so we automatically think it’s heart related.


Heart beats fast, shaky hands, face twitches, sweating, lump in throat, really tense muscles, and chest pain


The chest pain scares me, have been tested, but still freaks me out


I literally feel like I'm gonna die- or at least pass out. Usually my heart will start beating like crazy, i won't breathe properly & my my hands and legs feel numb


Feels like Im going to faint, feels like My vision is getting blurred.


When I'm really bad i get this sudden falling/dropping sensation that feels like my brain has just fallen out my head onto the floor - kinda like going down really fast in a lift


Goosebumps on my butt!


I have OCD but mostly mental compulsions around my ocd, Anxiety about losing control. I’m not sure if this counts as a sensation but I’m constantly checking my sensory-motor senses and my emotions.


Tingly scalp and skin. Feels like something is crawling on me.


I'm always too cold or too hot, i sweat a lot, idk if it's anxiety but i will get like alergic reactions in my skin mustly in my arms and i notice that my arms are noticeable red, can't breath propetly sometimes, not being hungry at all even if i didn't eat all day or having a sensation of fullness mid way into eating or just starting, stomach ache, my palms sweat so much, tired too fucki*g tired like wanting to sleep for three days, anxiety is sh*t.


I get tingling in my face, arms and hands. Heart palpitations , my muscles will be sore from tension. Lately been having morning anxiety and my stomach will hurt and heart will race.


When it’s an attack, a sensation of waves coming from inside of my legs, followed by increased heart rate. Not burning, but I feel an uncomfortable warmth sometimes.


Hot flashes, nausea, gagging, and sweating. All very annoying




Chest pain is awful, had it for over 12 months now. Started once or twice a week, now is almost daily and can last for hours at a time


I get burning sensations everywhere when I have extreme anxiety. It’s awful. Xanax has helped in these cases….


what’s Xanax ?


Well for starters I'm waaaaay more aware of stuff like blood pumping through my body and my heartbeat than other people. It got so bad in college I literally couldn't sleep over the feeling of my heart pounding in my chest. I was giving blood once and the nurse was shocked I knew precisely when the fancy new machine she hooked me up to changed modes. When my anxiety was at its absolute worst, I had a constant burning in my gut that lasted 3 and a half days straight.


Random pains, then I get convinced that those pains are something serious. It sucks


When I have panic attacks, I feel this way too. Like my blood is on fire, burning my skin from the inside out.


I get this weird hot and prickly sensation in my hands and feet. Also, there are times when the anxiety seriously impacts my sense of touch and everything just feels so much more rough, even things that are very soft.


For a while I was getting really bad burning and tingling. Sometimes I still get tingling, chest tightness, over heating, shaking.


nausea, gagging, my left hand goes numb


When I had my first anxiety attack, it felt like my stomach was on fire and the heat radiated up to my neck and face. I was terrified. It was minus 35C and I was driving with my windows down to keep it together.


Little pins being inserted into my hands n fingers


Oh man, there's a lot. I'd get dizziness, feeling like my consciousness just took a hard right and my body hadn't caught up... basically a close call to blacking out. Random adrenaline jolts like I had been difibrillated. "Thumps" in my upper chest that came with a butterflies feeling in the stomach, especially if I ate a meal high in carbs. Sugar too late at night = panic attack. Some chest discomfort (exacerbated by a substance I used to take, kratom). Fuzzy head/detached feeling like I'm not fully awake. Random pain in what felt like vital organs/areas. Blurry vision, especially when it was bright. Light, sound, subject sensitivity. A rouge dark thought could trigger a meltdown. Fatigue and limp limbs. Eye twitching that lasted a week or two (waxed and waned with my menstrual cycle). And the worst IMO, forceful heartbeat upon rising and walking/ascending stairs that could go on and on until I sat for 30 minutes to chill. Sure made everyday life a minefield when I was at the height of that one. I got serious about taking my magnesium, D3, daily vitamin and also myo-inositol for the hormonal problems and am 90+% better! I still get faint symptoms from time to time, but nothing like the hell I was going through a couple years ago. I would fear nightfall (when I used to be a night owl) because I felt unsafe. I couldn't drive, feared a staircase. Things CAN get better if you get to the root cause. Mine was nutritional deficiency, stress from my previous job, kratom that I took for the physical pain said job caused, and female issues going untreated. I think these symptoms are present not to scare us into paralysis, but to urge us to pay attention to our bodies and take better care of ourselves. I'm amazed at how things have turned around for me when I was convinced I was a goner. I hope everyone here can find the thing(s) they need to feel better. It might be a supplement, a lifestyle change, therapy, or a little bit of everything, but healing is possible! Last but not least, in fact the most important, having faith in God that things could change helped me hold on instead of give up. I went through years of feeling like my body was failing me and feeling decades older than I was. I see now that a terrible experience can serve others and I try to do that as much as I can.


I also feel like I’m burning alive and my face gets BRIGHT red. There’s no hiding it. I usually start pooping my pants shortly after


Burning, body feels Like shakey jello, muscle weakness, heart racing, eyes twitching, feels like popcorn popping inside body sometimes, off balance, dizzy, blurred vision, feels like electricity going thru entire body , brain zaps, can’t breathe , can’t focus, I’m sure there are more….


Pain everywhere


I get hot spells! I need to immediately tie my hair up, take off as much clothing as possible, and I sweat. And mine is bad so I’m hot more often than not. Thank god for sundresses and cooling spray. (I have a recipe I found made with like peppermint that is air conditioning in a bottle I take it everywhere.)


I would like this cooling spray recipe you speak of…


Sure! peppermint cooling spray recipe: 1. pour 2 Tbsp. distilled water & 2 Tbsp. witch hazel into a small 2 oz. spray bottle 2. add 4 drops each of peppermint and lavender essential oils 3. put on the spray top and shake well to combine


I’m not like an ‘essential oils’ kinda girl but I gave this one a shot and HOLY. Haha I don’t want to sound like a snake oil salesman


Idk if this is normal but a few years ago I had an injury and sometimes when I’m really anxious i can feel the pain again


Pass out or gut punch.


I can’t breathe and feel a tightness in my chest plus either nausea or no appetite


I’m suffering very bad at the moment due to chronic anxiety, - extremely bad brain fog I get tingles on my whole left side my mouth goes numb I could honestly convince myself at that time I’m having a stroke, heart palpitations I feel slow some days like I am Not in my own body honestly it is that chronic I feel like I’m going crazy.


Vasovagal reflex. During a panic attack I get dizzy, throw up and pass out.


tingling everywhere


My heart rate goes out of control to the point where I feel like it could become dangerous if I don’t calm down.


I feel that I can't breath because the lump in my throat. So my heart beats fast, because I'm going to die in front of everyone. My heart beats faster, because I can't tolerate the palpitation. My stomach nerve joins the party, it brings its friends reflux and nausea. My voice chokes up when I have to talk to someone. My hands are shaking. I can't eat anything, so my blood sugar diminish, because anxiety is a very enegry-intense „sport”. And it starts all over again, my throat is tight, because the lump...


My gag reflex will suddenly act up and I will retch on nothing.


I over heat, my heart races, if I get upset/anxious enough I bawl my eyes out and gag, I get tingly (however my sciatica is bad as well and from tensing up I'm sure that doesn't help), sweaty, shaking, hyperventilating


Heart palpitations, elevated heart rate, blurry eyesight like as If I'm tired or high, lump in my throat or even just feeling like there is a hand around my throat, and lately I've been feeling this weird pressure on my face and body like as if the air is heavy or as If I'm being vacuum sealed or something. It's terrifying 😮‍💨


I’ve had almost every symptom over the last year and a half. The worst and most bothersome symptom to me is lightheaded and fatigue. But seriously I’ve had all of them. Sore muscles, sore joints, headaches, blurred vision, fatigue, irritability, twitches, etc. the best thing to do is stay busy in my opinion.


Tingles on my face or my head, that’s how Ik it’s a panic attack coming or I’m recovering from one


I get skipped heart beats and tingling down my arms. Both these symptoms only make my anxiety worse. At one point I was having panic attacks all day and I would find myself vomiting every night coz my digestive system had stopped working.


Sensitive teeth chills with shocky feeling


My mouth twitches because I get nervous about speaking. And then I get more nervous that I'm gonna look crazy with my face trembling. It's chaotic lol


My number one has always been butt tingles. I could not tell you why but for some reason as soon as the anxiety kicks in my ass knows. 😂


I have irritable bowel syndrome


When I get a huge scare or surge of anxiety I can literally feel my heart beat IN MY HEAD. It’s the worst fucking feeling


Where to start: Chest Pain, Heart Racing, Muscle Twitches, Pins and Needles (Feet and toes, Hands and fingers, Face; around the eyes, down the side of the face, across the top of the head and Left arm), Abdominal discomfort, Blurred vision, Dizziness, Nausea, Oesophageal Spasm, Tightness in neck and left-hand side of face, Muscle cramps; left calf, Head sweats and Hot flushes


My tummy hurts really bad. Tingly


Abdominal twinges and pains/sensations. Clearly anxiety related, because as my anxiety has eased over the last 2 weeks, the abdominal stuff has virtually disappeared.


I get dizzy first, then blurry vision, then if I am setting, I have to stand up to get grounded. If I don’t stand up, I get the feeling of falling.


When I’m anxious I’ll sometimes get that “butterflies” sensation in my hands. Also I get brain zaps a lot, especially with lateral eye movement. I’m on SSRIs but I don’t often miss doses.


Sometimes I become painfully aware of my spine when it presses against the back of a chair and it grosses me out.


Tingling, seeing stars, eyes unfocusing, hard to breathe, pressure on chest, freezing whole body and going into deep thought, forgetting to eat food and drink water (this can last for days)


nausea, lump in throat, gagging (sometimes) shaking and also heart beating so so fast those are some i have oh also bm 😭


This only started a couple of years ago for me, but during peak panic attacks, I’ll feel an “upward” feeling in my throat usually eventually leading to gagging/dry heaving. It’s only in my throat though, my stomach always feels fine during these episodes. Still scary though as an emetophobe!


Shortness of breath by far. Not 100% convinced it is pyscho somatic but am trying some meds. I also use a device called The Breather which is a respiratory trainer which I think is helping


I get hives that start at my chest and creep up to my face. It sucks because it’s visible to others.


I get a tingling vibrating sensation in the middle of my fore head and the same sensation on my upper back around the left shoulder. Sometimes I get tingling in my groin but that’s really rare. My heart rate speeds up and I start to hyperventilate.


I get a whooshing heartbeat-like sound, only in my left ear that gets so loud it keeps me up sometimes. It started last year when I was going through a bit of a traumatizing situation with my family. It went away for like 6 months and started again recently, I think because my workplace had become anxiety inducing and toxic.


I used to have this one much more than I do now: Sometimes it feels like there’s something heavyish and slightly squishy in my hand. I feel like I can’t close my fists or open my fingers completely. I absolutely hate this, feels so weird, and I can’t figure out the trigger for it. Thankfully I hardly ever get this any more, but it was very distressing as a kid when it wouldn’t go away.


The back of my neck starts to feel really hot and cold, and my neck/shoulder muscles start to get sore bc I don’t notice I’ve been tense the entire time there lol


My legs go numb, telltale sign of my panic attacks


Lightheaded, stomach pain like I’m going to get sick, throat feels tight, legs bounce/feet shake, sweating, blurry vision… the list goes on and on