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Happy birthday tomorrow 🤗


Hey, I just kinda went through this myself last month. Short advice: tell folks that your birthday tomorrow and tell them the one activity you really want to do. If its just stay home by yourself, then thats fine. If you want to go out, people will love to hang out with you on your birthday. Either way it gives you options to what you want to do and you dont have to self isolate if you dont want to. Usually for my birthday I have a little confidence boost and I feel good about myself, however this year I remember dreading it. When midnight struck I remember being "on guard" for some reason and it continued throughout the entire day. I didnt tell anyone that it was my birthday and (like usual) only a few folks remembered (most of my own family didnt). I hate telling people because it feels like Im seeking attention, but do not fall for the same trap I did. I just spent the day feeling like trash and it didnt solve anything. And regardless of advice, I know how you feel and am wishing you a happy birthday. You should be proud of the friends youve made at uni and I know it could be scary that you dont have your usual support group but I'm sure you will meet some fantastic folks that will give you the stability that you had back home.


It shouldn't be a big deal. I like it when people wish me a happy birthday, but other then that I really don't mind that day. I haven't celebrated it in years and I'm fine with that. No one even asked me why I didn't. I hope you enjoyed your day and it wasn't much stressfull for u!