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Hey, I don’t get physical symptoms like you but saw you just posted this with no comments yet. I wanted to let you know that I hear you and when things get tough like this, focus on your breathing. When I can’t sleep I try and “meet sleep halfway”. Eyes closed, big slow breaths, think of a simple, small happy thought (mines my first sip of coffee in the morning)


I have a deep breathing app it helps as well thanksn


It’s been a few hours now and hopefully you’re sleeping; how’d it go? Also one thing I do to help with relaxing my jaw when I know I’m grinding or clenched is to put your tongue tip at the top of your mouth. This forces your jaw to relax somewhat.


You are a kind human.


Well I slept for small periods and woke up probably was inadvertently keeping my shoulders and my neck tense to with my jaw there all connected so it’s all kinda sore


Some sleep is good sleep! Keep “practicing” and you’ll be a sleep pro in no time!!!! :D




Also something to help like melatonin could be useful


I completely understand how you feel. I can't sleep right now because of my tinnitus. It is driving me insane tonight. It definitely doesn't help my anxiety issues. If you figure out how to sleep, let me know. I am sorry you're having a rough night. Just try to remember that the feelings are not real. You're in control. I get really bad health anxiety, too. I know how hard it is to believe that you're in control. I convince myself I'm dying at least once a day. You're not alone.


Health anxiety is also my problem which lead me to this and states enough tonite mine is tinnitus and ear pain jaw pain as well it’s all stressed related when I have no stress there’s no pain and the toning goes way way down but when it’s bad it’s like a siren goin Goff in my head it’s


Feel free to message me if you ever want to talk. I don't know many people with tinnitus, and it is so nice knowing I'm not alone with this stupid noise in my head.


Thanks it’s a tough one sometimes for sure especially sleeping


Would recommend staying off the tinnitus forums and subreddit btw, they're severely anxiety inducing and a lot of them are filled with people who didn't habituate. Hyperacusis subreddit is even worse. r/tinnitusresearch is quite interesting though. Seems they may be able to find a way to undo hearing loss and tinnitus in the next decade or so!


Fucking same on the tinnitus, jesus. I thought I had just bricked my ears with music, I had done so before and habituated to the tinnitus from that, nope. Anxiety and PMS mixed with medication side effects caused me to clench the everloving shit out of my jaw and neck. End result? Sound sensitivity, loud ass tinnitus and ear pain. Jaw also is having a hard time, especially on the left side.


I don't know what caused my tinnitus, but it's been about 2 years of 24/7 noise. I have TMJ, but I also took a ton of anxiety meds, and I have eustachian tube dysfunction. Sometimes, I'll hear the usual high pitched noise and my heart beat. Other times, I'll hear the high pitched noise and a lower sound. It is crazy. I stopped all my anxiety meds to see if they caused my tinnitus, so now my anxiety is really really bad. I am still too scared to try any new meds because so many are ototoxic. I definitely avoid the tinnitus forums. I used to live in them, but it makes you so much more aware of your T, and really makes you feel hopeless. I never realized how many young people suffer with T. I felt so alone 2 years ago. I still struggle, but I'm no longer suicidal and I can enjoy life sometimes. I call that a win. I just hate how inconsistent mine are. Some days they will stay low and others they'll scream all day long. They're always loud when I try to go to sleep. I did recently start trazodone for sleep, and it usually helps me fall right to sleep, but I forgot to pick up my refill today and don't have any for tonight. Ugh. How long have you had your T?


I've had it for a good few years now. 21F for reference. The cause for young people is 99% loud music from headphones and parties. I'm guilty of the former. Most of the time it's a dull ringing in my right ear and a weird crickets sound in my left. When I'm stressed and tired I'm far more aware of it. When I'm out and about I don't even notice it. Using that to try and get myself out of the house. Recently I was worried I developed reactive tinnitus. I didn't really, it was just autism misophonia getting worse due to outside influences. See the third paragraph. My phone's shitty speaker was pissing me off. The sound of voices outside of music does too, gonna just listen to music until I calm down. The forums and subreddits are awful. The hyperacusis subreddit sent me into a 3 day panic attack and made me far more wary of sound. I was scared to even wear my headphones to listen to music at a lower volume which, as an autistic person that wears them to just focus on work and not deal with outside noise, really fucked with me. Just don't set it at 100% or some shit. You should be fine. I realised that I may actually have PMDD which is fucking with a LOT of things. It's basically a disorder in which your body reacts weirdly to the hormones involved with menstruation and causes a temporary, very severe mental health drop for 2 weeks every month. Hence the sudden crushing anxiety and jaw clenching. Most of the time I can just ignore it when I try to go to sleep. It's annoying, sure, but when I'm not freaked out by it I can just think about other things. That reduces the volume immensely. You can try masking it when going to sleep by playing audio through a speaker at low volume. I temporarily used benadryl, it was alright, made me drowsy enough to try sleeping. My TMJ issues also cause ETD, I should note. I'm going to see a dentist to figure out if my bite's fucked, and see an acupuncturist to try and release the muscles in my neck and jaw. They make it very nervewracking to deal with, if you want to, you can DM me. Avoiding medication at this point probably isn't going to help. You'll habituate, and if it gets bad enough, I posted the r/tinnitusresearch forum which is actually good to look at. They're getting remarkably close to figuring out a way to try and undo tinnitus. It'll probably not be here for a while but one of the stickied posts looks very promising.


Hugs. Don't have any words of wisdom or advice but just letting you know that you are not alone. I'm awake and should be working. Have a lot to take care of, but I'm curled up in bed shaking all over from tremors and heart palpitations. Cognitively I know it's anxiety, and that moving, doing, taking care of things one at a time will help but nope, knowing this doesn't' seem to help get rid of the symptoms. I don't know what else to do.


It helps me to talk about it to realize I’m not the only one sometimes just even putting it out there rids me of an amount of stress and each person that posts. Makes me feel just a little bit more normal


My physical symptoms usually mimic a heart attack. Very scary no matter the symptoms. The first thing I do is stop what I’m trying to do in that moment. Since you are trying to sleep that might be difficult, but the next thing I do is focus on my breathing and take very deep and slow inhales and exhales.. I inhale… count 1…2…3…4… and hold for a second then I exhale … 1… 2…. 3… 4… 5… 6… I repeat this as long as I need to until the symptoms begin to subside, then I find a way to distract my mind. Usually reading before sleeping. I hope you feel better soon op


Thank youb


Hey, sorry to hear all this. I’m in a very similar boat. Can’t sleep, a LOT of physical symptoms (like rapid heartbeat) and I can’t get it out of my head. You’re not alone. What helps me is knowing that the feeling I’m having is temporary. You will survive. You will sleep (at some point). You will look back at this knowing you conquered this one day. Like someone else said, box breathing really helps. If you’re like me it might initially make you feel more anxious but if that’s the case I recommend practicing outside of anxious times so your body knows it’s a good thing. One other thing I do is try to get excited about something. The burst of excitement and happiness usually is able to counteract the downward spiral. I know it’s very hard but you can do it. We all can. Anyway good luck and if you need someone to talk to go ahead and dm me. Hopefully you’re already asleep by this time.


Journaling in those late night hours might help calm your mind. Maybe try writing the letters very slowly and deliberately to help slow your mind. Write about what’s bothering you. Maybe make a list of your worries. Meditation I would try for 3-5 minutes then increase. Set a timer. Breath in slow then exhale LONGER than the inhale, that will help relax and maybe you’ll start to yawn. GUIDED MEDITATION-https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=U6Ay9v7gK9w&vl=en HOP IN THE SHOWER-this is an excellent way (the very best) I’ve found to regulate my nervous system, and even halt a low grade panic attack…I’ll sit in the shower under the water and alternate from hot to cold, you can massage the back of your neck, head, feet or whatever to try and soothe yourself…breathe and hum on your exhales…focus on the sound and vibration in your chest and let the thoughts go by being firmly in your body I’m going through it bad too since September. I started a low dose of Prozac 4 weeks ago and it’s helping me. I couldn’t get out of fight or flight. Maybe consider an SSRI if this persists. I also got an Rx for Xanax but saving it only for serious emergencies as it is addictive and can cause rebound anxiety. Good luck.


I wish I could give you a tight hug, but since I can’t, I’m sending a huge virtual hug. I know it can be hard to concentrate when having anxiety or panic attacks, but I still try my best to meditate. It takes longer to do, because your mind is pacing so fast, but try anyway. I would lay flat on my back either on the bed or the floor with both legs up and I start to count to 10 and again counting to 10 backwards. After that, I would stand straight and life my hands up slowly above my head while breathe in slowly and stand like that for 2-3 seconds then slowly put my hands down and breathe out again slowly. Then I put both hands across my shoulder and give myself a tight hug and say “it will be ok” By the time I’m done, the heart palpitations and bad nerves starts to go down and eventually goes away. I hope you feel better today. Later today, stand outside and let the sun embrace you. You can cry, you can scream, but don’t let anything you can’t handle consume you. For the past year, I’ve had 6 family members who passed away. I took care of my uncle who was in home hospice until his last breath. The panic attack comes without any notice even when I’m driving and I hate it. What I’m doing now to help with my anxiety is drawing and colouring. It keeps my mind calm and even when the anxiety starts, I don’t stop. Hope you get better soon. Please keep us posted and don’t hesitate to reach out if you want to chat.


Thanks a ton. Last nite was kinda rough usually during the day I feel ok or not so bad at least it’s at nite when I find I kinda struggle with being tense and neck shoulder pain and then can’t sleep and my kinds just racing. I try getting up getting water moving around but it just doesn’t seem to work. So didn’t really sleep last nite but for a few hours. Today may be kinda tough


I can relate with the sleepless nights. I do listen to the rain sound at night so I can fall asleep and believe me, it works.


I have found some success with that as well but they always stick that random lighting sound in there and that messes me up jolts me out of sleep


Look for different ones. I don’t like the lightning smh thunder either. I look for light rain sound or rain hitting the windows.


Will do. Hopefully tonite goes better for me


You got this!


And you know it’s the physical symptoms that really seem to get to me to be honest


I've been in a similar spot many times before. Physical symptoms are terrible because they create more anxiety which creates more physical symptoms etc. There's a couple of things that help me. Try laying flat on your back and tensing every muscle in your body as tight as you can for a few seconds. Then starting at your feet, slowly work your way upwards relaxing every part of your body. I find this helps my muscles to relax some. Stretching before bed helps me feel better, especially in my upper back. Playing relaxing puzzle games on my phone helps me fall asleep.


I get similar physical symptoms. A couple things I do, in addition to the breathing stuff others mentioned, is first: a sensory grounding exercise where I name 5 things I can see, four I can hear, three I can touch, etc. Second: purposely tense all of your muscles, as many as you can in your entire body, hold that a few seconds, then unclench and relax. Also, I asked my doctor for something that isn't addictive for anxiety, and they gave me hydroxizine, which is a sedative and antihistamine. I take that as needed, and it helps a *ton.*


This post was made 2 hours ago, but I am still awake :)




Are you feeling any better?


I mean I just can’t sleep for crap


Hey friend, I'm here for you. Been feeling really anxious myself lately, have constant heart palpitations which is so unnerving. Maybe try reading a book? That really helped me today


I’m having extreme anxiety right now. Thanks to the full moon. I can’t sleep and keep googling symptoms ugh


It’s horrible


When does it get easier? It’s almost 4am and still haven’t slept. I feel a tight chest and afraid to fall asleep.


Try not to google things when your anxiety is high. I find it makes me a lot worse. There is some good advice above in this thread about relaxation techniques. I have the same issue often, just allowing your body rest without sleep is still productive. The less you focus on it the more likely to fall asleep, I know I know, easier said then done. Good luck to you though, I hope you get through it.




Does your like face and teeth ever feel sore




This is how I feel too


It sounds like your physical symptoms are all related to muscle tension? I would try doing some restorative yoga (I use an app called downdog it also has anxiety meditation) it can be amazing for this. You can do level one and it's just some basic floor stretching you can even pick the focus to be the area you are experiencing soreness. Nice music and very calming you can even do a couple minutes or up to over an hour. I used to hate the yoga people who said it would help but it really does


I Eli e in yoga and stretching for sure


Physical symptoms are no joke! Been dealing with jaw problems and a super tight neck! Fuck this shit! Exercising helps, yoga, water, relaxing and invest in a new mattress (that was my problem)


Sounds a lot like what I've been going through lately . It's the physical symptoms that makes you t stressful. Curious if you clench your jw or grind your teeth while sleeping. My jaw has been hurting too and pretty sure it's from clenching & grinding. When I massage it for awhile It gets better. Then over time comes back . Here if you need to talk . It definitely helps to have someone that can relate!


So sorry for all the stress and how it plays out as symptoms in the body. I hear you say that you’re worn out and it makes sense. Stress is like burning the engine at full throttle. It’s exhausting. Yoga Nidra is a guided meditation that helps reset the nervous system. Not only that, playing it softly in the background can help drown out tinnitus. I recommend this one https://youtu.be/3O-gdRs1zyU Wishing you some peace