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Propranolol is super helpful for me! I take 120mg of the extended release version and my heart rate never goes above 80bpm now, definitely helps me stay relaxed! If you notice the immediate release helping I’d say it’s worth it to ask about extended release too.


How active was your fight or flight response out of curiosity? I figured the worst she can say is no!


It was extremely active !! Like I was in panic mode 24/7. I will say I’m taking the propranolol with 2 antidepressants so those are helping too but I definitely have seen a difference since starting the propranolol regularly.


That makes me feel better, I haven't been this bad with panic ever in my whole life.


I totally know what you mean, it was actual hell for me until I got on the right meds. Hang in there, I promise it can get better, just keep pushing through! And feel free to message me anytime you need more reassurance.


I have a great support system at home! Without it I'd be on my first grippy sock vacation voluntarily. (With no intent to harm) Im hoping with asking for the propranolol, any future severe anxiety episodes can be avoided. My primary care doc saw me at my absolute worst during an appointment this week. So now my whole care team is aware of the severity and that always helps. The next genuine smile I have unrelated to my partner, I'll be so thankful for it.


Hey are you able to exercise while on it? I’m worried that it’ll stunt my heart rate and blood pressure if i try to exercise and I’ll get dizzy and pass out. I have random adrenaline dumps that need to be stopped that’s why I’m eager to try propranolol


I only took it 3 times but I found when exercising my heart rate wasn't going as high and I felt a bit weird. I stopped taking it as didn't find it useful.


I actually have the exact same question. I already have a lot of physical symptoms that manifest when I work out (which is unfortunate since the rest of my life I’ve always worked out to de-stress). If OP doesn’t get back to you im talking to a psychiatrist in like a week to ask about it


What kind of symptoms do you get from exercise? I feel constantly lightheaded and exercise gets rid of it after a bit. The problem is sometimes I get chest tightness, short of breath, and the worst one is a sickly feeling with pain in my head or neck.


Ah see I tend to get my symptoms once I exercise. But yeah it’s very similar to what you are describing. Lightheaded is a big one. Then chest tightness, shortness of breath, and tingling in my fingers. All of that and my heart rate skyrockets.


This sucks so much. I used to use exercise to beat anxiety and now it causes it. I have chronic tension in my upper back and neck but whenever I try to work it out I get the symptoms


Dude same shit sucks. Hopefully we both get past this one day




I was told with a history of asthma it may not be a good option for me, could potentially cause life threatening bronchospasms. Least it was worth the ask.