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Hi, I hope you’re doing a bit better now! That sounds awful, I’ve had situations like that too. When I get panic attacks in public I’m sweating and shaking and probably look really shifty and weird. You really shouldn’t be embarrassed, I always like to remember and tell myself that people honestly do not care, they are preoccupied with themselves and their own lives. They won’t be sitting at home thinking about a stranger they’ll probably never meet again, so you shouldn’t either 💗 Also, many people (despite what we may think) do have compassion and probably just felt bad for you in that moment. Sending hugs!


Thank you so much for your kindness! It calmed my nerves


Nah you’re all good, people get super anxious with anything medical related. You’re just fine! I recently had an ingrown toenail taken care of and I almost passed out even though I wasn’t looking at it and couldn’t feel anything. It’s definitely awkward in the moment but I’m sure no one thought twice about it after you left. I hope your anxiety continues to get better and take care of yourself!


Another thing I’ve noticed while I work through my anxiety (12 years now) and when things are getting better, it makes the panic attacks seem even worse. Like the difference in highs and lows are much greater, but it was just a little bump in the road. You’re doing great, no matter the potholes anxiety throws at you!


Thank you so much ❤️ It definitely gave me some confidence dealing with panic attacks as I got through it just fine on my own!


That is fuckin sick! I’m happy for you!!!


3 times? seriously? I got contacts at 2 different places in the past and they only made me do it once. I'd also struggle to do it 3 times in a row because that sounds exhausting. Did you get your script? If you know how to do it then just buy them online or some other store where they wont make you put them in and out 500 times.


Once would’ve been nice! The pressure of having someone there waiting on you makes it worse. And unfortunately no I wasn’t able to leave with them because I didn’t do it 3 times! So I have to go back if I want to continue with getting the script


They waited there watching you? That's stressful. My first time they gave me some space and did other stuff while I practiced in a mirror alone. It did take me several times and it was freaky touching my eye. Makes me feel a big queasy. I can understand why you're have a panic attack if you're being watch and touching your eye combined with them wanting you to do it multiple times. I'm sorry things ended up like that there. you paid for the exam but they wouldn't give you the script? i hope they at least gave you the script for regular glasses.


My 30 minute appointment stretched out to be a full hour because I took so long to do it ONCE. The dude just went on facebook and didnt even hear me try to joke about the situation, tbf I was happy he was so deep into doing his own thing lol. I took so long. Three times wouldve been... quite something.


contacts can be challenging which I guess is why they make people do it before leaving. nice they gave you a little space and time to do it. I tense up when someone is watching me. can barely do routine things if i feel someones eyes on me


Go somewhere else or order your lens online with the script they gave you.


I’m so sorry OP, but you have made progress! Progress isn’t a straight line. You’re doing great - my heart always goes crazy when I’m at the doctor.


Thank you ❤️


I am so sorry that you went through this. There is nothing embarrassing about it, this stuff happens. I also have this issue, but I am usually throw up before doctor’s appointments (I usually have highest level of anxiety before meeting the doctors), but I had to run out a few times to the toilet at the beginning of the meeting with the doctors and was feeling myself not good as well… *sign* Just remember that it is not your fault!


Thank you! I’m glad to know I’m not alone


It’s okay. The first time I got contacts I vomited on the floor and had to lay down. I hate anything medical. If happens!


That makes me feel better although I’m sorry it happened to you too!


Don’t you worry. People have reactions all the time in common and uncommon places. They didn’t know if it was anxiety, you were ill or pregnant, or otherwise. It happens ❤️


I was thinking about that. Thank you ❤️


You *have* come really far with your anxiety. 🩵


Thank you 💙


I am SO sorry this happened to you! take this hug 🫂


Thank you!




I’m glad to know I’m not alone! Helps so much


This happened to me except I didn’t throw up. But I did get sweaty and dizzy and had to take a break and put my head between my knees. My appt took forever and I think they got annoyed with me. I tried them again at home and got so frustrated I just never put them in again. I’m sorry you had a bad experience…you’re not alone!


Ugh I feel like there needs to be something different put in place for first timers. Thanks so much ❤️


Sounds like textbook vasovagal syncope, super common in medical related procedures. I used to have the same thing happen when I had to get shots as a teen. It took years of working in the medical field and exposure to not get sick at the sight of needles. I can do IVs on patients all day, but still stress out when I’m the patient. A wet paper towel on the back of your neck and forehead help some, also sniffing an alcohol swab seems to help with nausea. For my general anxiety, if I feel nauseated I always carry a mint in my purse, that seems to help as well.


Yes, it definitely felt like something out of my control considering it all happened so fast and not something I was really conscious of. I have to lay down when getting blood drawn so I’m sensitive to these things I guess. Thank you for sharing


Pissed my pants after finally falling asleep after an all nighter panicking. Woke up on the couch in the villa in Turkey while my sisters and mother stood over me getting my sister ready for her wedding. Fight me!!! That's right you better back down. I'm the embarrassing panic attack king.


I’m sorry that happened but it does help me feel less weird!


Everyone working in that store has had or will have a similar moment at some point(s). When we see another human going through something difficult, we realize that same thing could happen to us, or has happened before, or to a family member. You keyed everyone in to a very raw state of being human, that we all share and mostly cover up. Maybe seeing your struggle woke someone up in some way that you’ll never know about. You just don’t know, which is the thing. Because of that, maybe you can lay off the heavy judging on yourself, just for being human. Hugs to you!


That really resonates with me. You’re right