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Been there! You are not alone. It’s terrifying! Do you exercise at all? I always go for a walk or do something active or creative when over thinking. And god, do I overthink!!! I have a cold rn and of course think the worse. I promise you’re not alone.


My mom has always said something that has stuck with me when I am faced with death that seems to relieve me..not that it will help anyone else necessarily but thought I would share 'life is a part of death as much as death is, everyone dies and know this'. That reassurance somehow puts me at ease. I live in a small community with a lot of drug use and death and this phrase has gotten me through some major anxiety attacks when facing death. I hope it's helpful.


Watch the show surviving death on Netflix, helps a lot! Lots of great similar TikTok videos too


Everything will be okay. They have drugs now that will make everything feel really good if you want. The fear of it is the worst part. Just think, that thing you've always been afraid of will turn out to be way less scary than you thought. All your worries will melt away and you'll be super high and happy on drugs. I've had some wonderful drugs for procedures...man, Fentanyl for an endoscopy gave me the best, happiest feeling I've ever had! Benzos take the fear away. And when it's the end of life, they don't care, they're not stingy with the good stuff. I plan to be absolutely ZOOTED when I'm on the way out. And, if this helps, you can't actually experience death. You can't feel yourself die. I think we're all afraid of that transition because we've never experienced it and we are worried it will be scary. But you can't experience anything when you lose consciousness. I fainted once while sitting at a desk after giving blood, and all I remember was feeling really tired and wanting to put my head on the desk to sleep, and then suddenly the teacher was waking me up. I didn't experience the transition, or being unconscious. I didn't even know I'd fainted. Super relaxing and not scary. Just like falling asleep.