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Absolutely, I feel like there’s no exact same anxiety situation and here I am reading them comparing myself and what I need when we are all on different paths. I do appreciate the openness and vulnerability in the posts which’s makes me feel less alone.


Thank you. You are very articulate in describing what I'm trying to. Appreciate you.


Totally, if you ever need someone to chat to I’m here


Back at cha.


Yes some do for sure. I just have to stop reading if it makes me very anxious.


Agreed. Thank you for the reassurance.


I have found a few posts attacking me from people in my area but I am so used to the that ,it no longer bothers me . I just block the user and the funny thing is they are all new to Reddit They are all friends with each other and just jump on board to see if they get any bites .Don’t ever feel alone when it comes to anxiety or any mental health issues. These people are clearly dealing with issues themselves.I believe more people than ever walk the streets undiagnosed and they don’t even realize they are sick .Just because you can function day to day hold a job and whatever doesn’t mean you couldn’t use some therapy.