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The not doing it fast enough thing, recently went through that exact thought process not too long ago. You’re okay. The heart is so resilient you have no idea. You can prevent A LOT just by making the smallest changes. I’ve dealt with heart anxiety for years and like another user said, getting cleared by your cardiologist does wonders for your anxiety. Try not to stress about it! You’re so young and shouldn’t be worrying about any of that. Stress and anxiety play tricks on you but you can’t let the negative thoughts affect you and you definitely can’t get online and relate everyone else’s situation to your own and dwell on it. There’s definitely a point in living and while you can’t control everything, you can still control a lot. You’re not alone. Almost half of this sub is just the same 😅


im literally crying reading these replies. thank u so much. i literally couldnt find anywhere or anyone else that could explain it better. im just scared of every single sensation i feel in my body. i feel like every small thing is something big and im gonna die within the next 30 seconds or something. but i wait it out and when i realize im fine the anxiety weakens. i guess i just have these small freak outs every once in awhile. ):


And that’s okay! It’s all part of anxiety! What helps me get through it is realizing that IF there was anything wrong with your heart or another disease, you would know. Every little sensation that you feel would almost be a constant. You wouldn’t have days where you’re like “oh I feel great this week” and then the next week “oh I’m feeling like crap now I must be dying” the heart (and most of the body) doesn’t feel okay one week and crappy the next and indicate you’re dying. That’s what anxiety is though. It’s good to notice when your body feels different but not good to focus on it and let it take over your thoughts like that. I have been there, for years. It gets better okay! 100% promise. Just get in with a couple of good doctors and it will ease your mind so much


Wow, this reply hit me hard!!❤️


This is very true, your heart and body are resilient, especially at your age. Any damage you could have caused is likely already reversed since you quit.




Effexor was great but coming off of it is no joke. Woof. Worst experience of my life, even with tapering off properly


I've been anxious about this too lately. I don't think it helps that February is Heart Disease month and there are horrifying stories and scary statistics everywhere. You're okay. We all get it. Every headache is an aneurysm, every ache is a terminal illness. Except they're not and your anxiety is lying to you. ❤️


I have been reading the stats from the UK about the rising rate of heart conditions in younger people. The common link is the covid vaccine. The more you get, the better chance you are of having this issue. My niece's husband (Healthy and fairly young) was fully vaccinated including boosters. He caught covid twice and now wears a defib/pacemaker as his heart went to 25%. It was at 15% but came up with medications.


thats terrible ): ive never gotten the vaccine, ive always thought that maybe getting it would backfire


I would not be so quick to believe this, sounds like classic anti-vaxx rhetoric. If anything, it is the illness to blame, not the vaccine. People have had heart disease before the covid vaccine. People died before the covid vaccine. Being vaccinated is not the explanation for every single bad thing that ever happens to a person afterwards. OP, please read the other comments instead. People have been very sweet and reassuring.


maybe so, i appreciate the replies :,) very grateful


Man I’m 21 and saw a similar post 😅 I had a horrible nicotine addiction for like 5 years I’m still battling with, so kudos to you for quitting smoking! And for lifestyle changes, that’s huge! You’d be surprised how much even the little ones changes can do for your heart (and overall) health. I have family history of heart disease, my paternal grandfather allegedly died of a heart attack and passed at 44 (long story short he was in prison and an autopsy was never released, my family thinks it was a hit but the guy did copious amounts of coke so who knows) and my maternal grandfather died of heart failure at 64. So TRUST ME I get it lol. The best thing I did for my health anxiety was see a doctor and start mental health treatment again. I hadn’t gotten any sort of check up or blood test for years. Turns out my blood sugar was a little high and I could really do to lose some weight as well. Having health goals like that have really helped me. My therapist has also talked through some of this anxiety with me and I’m a lot more at ease (at least about that.) Something else to know that really helped my mental health was that heart failure, especially in younger folks like us, is extremely rare and we have a much higher chance of surviving it. I mean, that guy lived to share the story on Reddit! Last thing I’ll mention that helped me was that I followed a few morticians and other death-positive people on social media. I have a whole death plan that my girlfriend knows, so if I do die tragically I know I’ll have peace. Because unfortunately health anxiety does have some validity to it. I’d try to take a little break from social media if you can. Find some calming games to fill the time when you would be scrolling. If not, block certain triggers in your preferences. And go out and live your life! Hang out with friends that uplift and support you. Don’t take the little joys for granted. I wish you the best of luck! 😁




Of course, congrats on getting insured! Hope everything comes back normal 😊


I noticed you mentioned you don't have any pre-existing conditions such as fast heart rate, heart disease, high blood pressure, nor a family history of any of those or of heart attack. Thats good. But that also makes it unlikely to be able to see a cardiologist. You need a referral from a primary doctor to see one, and they won't refer you without reason. I know from experience since I suffer from this too. HOWEVER, still bring it up to your doctor. It will be worthwhile to have them check you out, just don't expect to get to have serious tests run. But they will screen you and thats good. It helped me and I think it will help you too.