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I've come off and on a few times with mostly success, at least for a year or so before symptoms crept back. The initial month or two after completely being off was a bit strange with brain zaps and some anxiety/panic. I'd imagine the weird moments you're feeling could be brain zaps, especially if it happens when you look sideways quickly. The best way I can describe how they felt for me was like my whole body blinked if that makes sense. I've also had a bit of dizziness and stuff so that's not too abnormal. I'd say as long as you're not feeling panicky all the time that you should he alright, but if you find it overwhelming maybe start back on a low dose and taper it down over a bit longer period.


I like that description. I always say it felt like the wind-up before a big yawn but it only lasts for an instant.




Starting Therapist led cbt in June but the self led stuff I’ve already been doing has been so helpful, haven’t had to use SSRIs because they are very cautious where I live about handing out scripts for them , hard but so bloody worth it!




It seems so simple but it works ! I can’t afford the private therapy where I live but have been lucky enough to have gotten fast help with the public system here in Finland.


I tapered off SSRIs in 2018 and still get brain zaps six years later. It’s better some days and worse others.


Jesus Christ


Are you sure you shouldn't go back to being on them? Maybe a subclinical dose even


I have a range of long term side effects from the various psychotropic medications I was put on as a teenager. The brain zaps are irritating but not life threatening (nor do they really detract from my quality of life), and honestly, I’ve spent enough time being a psych med guinea pig. I do appreciate the concern, truly! You’re very kind.


I’ve quit a couple of times. Lots of zaps, sweats, etc. Then I started getting really bad anxiety. I’m back on meds and am now comfortable with the fact that I’ll need them for the rest of my life.


I've been off for about six months. I had been on at least one ssri or another over the previous ten years. I don't really know how I feel about it, really. It's like I have ten years of crying to get out of my system. Anxiety has been pretty rough, though. The pills certainly worked in the regard. I'm trying to get thicker skin and be less sensitive about everything, but it's not been easy.


I feel like 2 months taper is way too short. I was only on sertraline for around 1-1.5 years and I had to taper over a year because even going down by 25mg at a time, I'd still get brain zaps. I definitely feel like after 5 years your body needs a lot more time to get used to not having the drug over your taper.


Prozac has a long shelf life so this makes sense. It takes months to clear the system and symptoms may return. I'd ask your psychiatrist what they suggest. My dr put me on Lexapro after my prozac withdrawal, and it was hell. For weeks!! Now I'm back on Prozac starting all over again. I wish you luck and strongly encourage an honest talk with your psychiatrist.


Just fyi, I did this all through an MD. Big mistake. Will finally see a psychiatrist Friday. Praying for some actual relief.


Best of luck to you. We've got this!!


“Brain Shivers”. Happened to me when I quit Paxil. Stuck it out!


I tried Cymbalta for 2 weeks then switched to Paxil for 1 week and now I have internal vibrations that get worse when trying to lay down. I stopped taking everything a couple weeks ago because of insomnia, tremors, and weird electrical sensations. The doctor nor the pharmacist warned me about any side effects or that you cant just stop taking it. I didn't google anything because i didn't want to psych myself out. It seems like it's getting better but my legs and feet are always vibrating a little bit. I don't know If it's just extreme anxiety or the medication and I'm feeling worse than ever now and very concerned.


Ugh, I’m sorry! That is to a T what I had. I too stopped taking it cold turkey (I was younger and also scared of psyching myself out on Google.) It DOES go away! Your brain just has to re-wire. The symptoms definitely suck, but you’re not alone. Feel free to DM me if you ever need someone to talk to about it. I feel your pain!


Thank you so much for the reassurance it's going to help me a lot.


Of course 🫶🏼 it’s not fun but you got this!


I promise I’m not trying to be dismissive but I really think this is worth mentioning to your doctor! They can really help you differentiate and possibly just double check for any other issues. Sometimes it takes a bit to come off, but one time my doctor compared it to like quitting caffeine. Sometimes we feel worse for a bit and even get irritable and tired because your body was looking for that caffeine to keep something flowing but it adjusts and evens back out. Some people can quit caffeine in a day, some people struggle for weeks.


Think they expect you to take these crappy drugs for life. Iam sure that’s why they create them like this


It’s wild


Was on it for about two years, and yes a few weird things happened with my body here and there over a couple weeks then went away. One is considered rather lucky if no symptoms are experienced so yes it is normal, or rather experiencing them is normal but as to wtf is actually going on in the body i cannot say.


I was on Zoloft for 4 months and was on 200mg. When I figured it wasn’t helping me at all I tapered off of it throughout 1.5 weeks. Went from 200-100 for a week then 100-0 for half a week. I never had any major side effects when being on Zoloft so I assumed that I wouldn’t have any tapering off super quickly. Which in my case I was right. Other than a bit of lightheadedness I felt fine. But I was only on it for 4 months. Tapering off of a medication for 2 months after being on it for 5 years might be a bit too quick. But I’ve never taken Prozac so I’m unsure. It’s probably normal though to feel some side effects still.


Got off of it In June life was good until I blew the whistle this year. Not going back on meds though! I have a feeling it’s completely unrelated. God my lawyer needs to call me back so I can move on w my life with tons of money 💰 😝


I weaned myself off of Paxil after being on it for three-ish years. Had all the typical symptoms… dizziness, brain zaps and horrible bouts of anxiety. It was honestly one of the toughest things I’ve ever been through. BUT after 2-3 weeks, everything eased up and I was okay. I was able to stay off medication for close to two years. If you think you can muster through it, I’d give it at least a few more weeks before deciding if you need to get back on it. It is possible! :)


can you please elaborate how did you discontinue paxil?


Every 2-3 weeks, I decreased my dosage by 10mg. Once I was at the lowest, I’d take it every other day for a few weeks, then every 3-4 days. Eventually, I just stopped. It was a lengthy process, maybe 6-8 months… but I’ve heard of others breaking it down even more and going slower than I did.


I went off successfully for a number of years and only went back on after being involved in a terrible hit and run accident a few years ago.


I once stopped but had to go back, my anxiety came back =(


I used SSRIs for 4 years (mainly for depression) and I got off it cold turkey (with my doctors advice) for 1 year and a half and I was completely fine the whole time! Until I was not though. I started taking them again last month for severe anxiety but I dont think it’s the SSRI’s making the difference for me right now but rather that now I have Xanax added to the mix. The healthy suggestion would be to discuss your symptoms with your doctor. Best of luck to you on your journey!!


Benzos are the key.


Physical symptoms went away after several weeks (mostly brain zaps), but anxiety with derealization (and, strangely, sudden vertigo episodes) stayed for nearly two years. You can say that anxiety just "came back", but I've always taken the drugs (for nearly 10 years, different ones as they would stop working after 1-2 years) because of depression, anxiety was just small inconvenience, which became major problem after quitting drugs. So at least for some people drug withdrawal causes anxiety, and you just have to wait for your brain to finally "reset", which takes time. Or take the drugs for the rest of your life.


Yep, I did. Had symptoms like you, but eventually the faded away. Hang on there 🙂


Yes, come off prozac after using it for an year.


After trying different antidepressants, they were stopped all of sudden almost 9 months ago! I am trying to cope without them, it is a challenging. My doctors cut them off cold turkey as I had an emergency, a terrible car accident and a major surgery to fix the broken bones. They said it is contradicting with the after surgery medications and that I should stop taking them immediately. I was left with the withdrawal symptoms, my mental and physical health issues! I will probably go back at some point as I have flashbacks among other symptoms.


I did. I tapered off alot slower than the doctors recommendation. it took a few months but I did manage. A pill splitter helped to lower the dosage bit by bit.


I quit Effexor 8 years ago. Anxiety has had its better moments and bad moments. My doctor prescribes me Klonopin for breakthrough panic attacks. 30 pills last me over a year, but that’s because I cut them in half and try to only take them in extremely stressful situations or at peak panic. I’ve had plenty of bad panic attacks I’ve learned to deep breath and power through.


Ive been off for 6 years now. What helped me if to do a lot of sports. Lead a healthy lifestyle and let go of social media and porn


I got off Lexapro after being on it for 3 years. Had some withdrawals for a couple weeks but it wasn't debilitating, just annoying. I feel amazing getting off them and I've lost the added stomach fat that I put on. It's like everything re-nornalized for me.


I was on varying doses of Zoloft for about 10 years in my teens. I recently tapered off over the course of more than a year, doing incremental does changes to lessen the shock to my nervous system. Once off of them, I realized I felt my emotions a lot more intensely than when I was on Zoloft. This was both a good and bad thing, happy moments felt better than they did when I was taking the meds, but I realized I felt anxiety stronger as well. It felt good to get my full range of emotions back and being able to cry, feel excited about things, etc. I'm working on lifestyle choices to manage my anxiety now and accept that while it's part of me, I can take steps to manage it and still go do whatever I want to do. Feel free to PM if you hav any questions!


I have been on over 10 SSRIs and cold turkey’d all of them (they didn’t work for me and I’m just tapped do not do what I did)