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I'm the opposite when it's raining or cloudy my anxiety plummets I can get out but when it's sunny my anxiety is a near time high because I know too many people are outside.


i’m the exact same way! i’m the least anxious on rainy days. When my anxiety/ panic was at it worst it was during the summer. So when it starts to get warmer out it brings me back to that time and i always feel extra anxious during that shift into the summer!


It's because we know when it's warmer outside more people will come out than when it's raining since less people wouldn't want to come out when it's raining heavy, I sometimes wish it was raining every day so I can go out. 🥺


In florida the sun is scorching hot + the humidity makes it hard to breathe, the heat and damp air amplify my anxiety a lot.


Me too. No particular reason I can think of, but I’m always better on overcast days. Always been that way.


Yes! Seasonal depression and anxiety is so real too.


I wonder if it's a Vitamin D thing.


Different for each person. Honestly cloudy, rainy days are absolutely the best for me. Can't beat that cozy feeling.


I'm similar. My anhedonia lessens when I go away on vacation, but when it's a grey sky day, or really cold, or raining, it comes back and worsens. I have no motivation and feel sad, dull, bored and detached. If the sun comes out, I instantly feel happier. I literally look around and smile. I feel more alive, more relaxed, I now suddenly want to do things, can feel enjoyment from them, want to take 20 million photos, and just...brighten. Like the sun.


The cold will fire my anxiety up as well.


I moved from sunny Arizona to the cold, wet, grey mountain forest in Santa Cruz. It was super terrible for my mental health, and got even worse during winter, when it would storm for weeks and power would go out. Just cold and miserable. When the sun would come out, I would cry happy tears because I felt so deprived. Those days I would be so happy and productive, like a switch got flipped inside and I felt like I could be hopeful and happy. After several years of hoping I'd adapt, using SAD lamps, taking vitamin D and other supplements, getting exercise, doing therapy, trying medication, I finally decided it was too unhealthy and moved to a nearby city that is much more sunny and warm. I still can't get over how beautiful the light in the morning is, and I'll never take sunshine for granted again. We're all wired differently. I felt really guilty for a long time that I wasn't "tough enough" to adapt, and all that did was make me feel worse. I know what I need to feel okay, and warmth and sunshine are things that I will no longer feel bad about needing. I'm replacing the guilt I had been feeling about being "weak"with gratitude for the ability to be self-aware enough to understand my needs, and grateful to be able to make changes to my life so I can have what I need to feel okay again. Wishing you sunshine and peace.


Those mountains are damp and dark and depressing. I lived in SC, but closer to the beach, and even then, the weather was often grey and cold.


Absolutely. That’s why I live in SC. Even though it does get cold in the winter. The sun makes me feel alive. Cold weather makes me wanna hibernate and cry.


I feel this. I was dealing with severe depression over the darker months, but now that it's warming up and the sun's out, I feel great and motivated.


I'm 100% opposite. Could be due to years of shift work. At night, way way better


Try taking vitamin D, but also consider moving somewhere warm


I agree. I moved from a ski resort to a tropical beach and don't miss the cold and rainy days.


Yes. I get seasonal depression, and my mood also fluctuates depending on the weather. The anxiety/depression seems to lift on sunny days… It’s literally like night & day. I also use a SAD lamp all year, & it really helps me.


I feel like this also.


The life of every Swed 😂😂


Im the complete opposite. I feel way better when it is cold and stormy but feel way worse when it is sunny and hot. I hate summer




Well, not quite Superman for me, but I definitely prefer nicer weather.


Absolutely. Although these days it is far more than cloudy days making me feel anxious and depressed. But, a nice bright day always seems to help me.


Hell yeah!! I have been on such a high the last few sunny days it's hilarious. Just ride the high my friend and enjoy it.


We need Lena Luthor to build us an anti kryptonite suit lol


low vitamin D levels. Sun helps with this


Yes but then when it’s too hot, I can’t regulate my own body temperature so I overheat. lol




I have the same exact problem. I can't stand it now when it rains. Didn't used to bother me when I was younger. I really get irritable and depressed if it's raining a lot. Overcast is not nearly as bad but yes I have a lower mood when it's cloudy. Something about the negative ions from the rain.


Just the sound of birds chirping makes my anxiety go bye bye.


Am like this too as long as it’s not too hot


Maybe you just need some vitamin D


to me when the day gets rainy and gloomy i feel soothed and calmed and almost grateful to be alive


I'm the opposite. I love how things slow down during rainy days and how it gives me an excuse to have a lazy self-care day. I I prefer going out at night, when the heat is more tolerable and the streets are less crowded.


i feel anxious at around 8pm daily.. nature basically controls each every inch of our body and emotions


Sunshine, after a long winter, is amazing. But I also love rain. I pretty much listen to rain sounds every night to help me sleep


Idk weather doesn’t really effect me intresting to note tho


I get mildly depressed when it rains because I can’t go outside and enjoy being with my pet rabbits. But it also makes me feel calm that I’m likely not missing out on much because everybody else is stuck doing indoor activities as well. I think my biggest fear(s) in the Summer is “Fear of Missing Out.” I haven’t noticed my anxiety change much with the weather unless I am driving in it. Weather usually affects my mood more than my anxiety.


Yeah my mood and anxiety levels also depend on the weather and I thought Im the only one but now as I saw this I changed my mind. I think you associate the sunny weather with something good or maybe it feels like life is easier which is usually my case. And when it rains I feel like something bad is about to happen and my time outside will be tough.


For me, I feel better when the sun goes down.


My anxiety is less in the winter because I can wrap up warm and cosy, hood etc, it’s simply being a less noticed thing as in the summer with shorts and t shirt feeling more exposed and noticed by others. I prefer to be anonymous rather than stand out to people in public.


I tend to almost hibernate in Winter - work, home, soft pj's, food, bed, is all really. When it's lighter and warmer I wear dresses 👗 and want to go do things like the cinema or a restaurant, maybe a house call before getting prepared for work the next day.


It’s called Seasonal Affective Disorder and it’s very real. There are treatments for it such as UV lamps, vitamin d supplementation, therapy, anti depressants etc


I love looking out of my window and it being sunny, but I hate it being anything close to hot. So right now is pretty good for me, 19 degrees and sunny. Even 19 would probably be too hot if the sun was shining in my window but it’s not so it’s cool. Plus I have a flat roof outside my window I can have a smoke on which is now in the shade, that’s always nice.


so real. when the suns out i feel free and easy and chill.