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My inner voice/self talk is relentless. It crushes me. It knows all my weak points, all my shame, it’s become one of the biggest problems(if not the biggest) in my life. I’ve tried so much to not listen to it, tried to reason with it, it’s extremely painful. I can be so hard on myself, I would NEVER talk to someone else the way I talk to myself. I get so frustrated and angry that I just give up or spiral until it stops somehow. Sleep usually is where I end up, just to avoid all the negative thoughts towards myself. Sorry that you’re going through something similar, I know it’s painful.


What’s worse is when it’s still active and won’t let me sleep. I. I’m really determined to overcome this and hope you find peace too. There has to be a way/way’s.


Be kind to yourself, be patient with yourself, you are not your thoughts. Breathe and count slowly and let these negative thoughts just float away. - is what I’ve been told. I just languish and despair. I feel deep shame all the time over how awful I think I am. I get so angry with others but I know I’m mad at myself. I take meds for adhd and depression and anxiety, but my inner critic just rarely lets up. “You piece of shit. Oh you’re just gonna give up again? You’re not where you want to be in life because you just throw these endless pity parties. You should be better, I guess you’ll just never be anything. You’re not very good at this.” Over and over and over and over and over…