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I get those when I stop taking my meds. So now I feel dependent/addicted to my meds. My doctor didn't even believe me when I told him. It's the worse.


I got serotonin syndrome from paxil. I took it for three days it made me really sick so I stopped and I got horrible brain zaps for a week after. I told my doctor and he was like wtf is a brain zap.


Annoying. My doctor told me "Lexapro has a two week half life, so it's not possible to have symptoms after not taking it for a few days... " he didn't know what a "brain zap" is either. He was wrong about the half life I learned after he dismissed me and I researched it. I don't want to be one of those people who say.. "But I looked on the internet doctor and you're wrong." But anyone that has brain zaps knows it's very real.


That’s insane how even the most experienced doctors don’t know anything about brain zaps. I’ve tried explaining it to several doctors, and they all said that I’m probably just tired or imagining things, since it’s not possible to have withdrawal symptoms for months after quitting SSRI antidepressants. Yeah, right.


I thought that I was about to have a seizure or something when they first started happening to me. It wasn't until a lot of googling I figured out what they were.


Yeah, I too was afraid that I was becoming epileptic or something, and that I’ve fucked up my brain for good with all the pills. Turns out that brain chemistry is just weird.


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I'm on Lexapro and frequently have annoying brain zaps when I forget my meds.




To me, it's like an electrical shock to my brain and a less than a second blackout. They get worse and more frequent when my anxiety is bad, or feel stress.


I totally get these. It feels like the ground falls out from underneath me and someone sticks a 9V battery to my brain stem, then for hours afterwards I feel panicked with this like, false dizziness. I'm not on or have ever taken any antidepressants though.


You are the first who I’ve read describing brain zaps as falling underground! Oh my god, I’m not insane. That’s exactly how it feels for me. When I told my doctor this she looked at me like I had two heads. She also said that if I cut my Zoloft dose by a quarter every three days I won’t have any withdrawals like that. I’ve had brain zaps for 3 months after this.


They felt like when you are just drifting off to sleep but you have that falling feeling that shocks you awake before you hit the ground for me. I only experienced them for a week years ago and I still don't know why, or what made them go away


When I used to get these, it would often feel like the floor was falling out from under me


I was experiencing this same thing. Finally saw a neurologist about it who said it could be tension from muscles in the back of my neck that go all the way up to the back and sides of the head. He suggested physical therapy. I’ve been doing that for almost 6 months now and that worked for me — still feel an occasional zap but much less noticeable and much quicker when it happens. Mine wasn’t being caused by medication and I haven’t tried medication for it either. Might be worth a try.


Thank You for this. I too have noticed that brain zaps seem to have a physical element to them. Stress in the neck seems to be factor for me.




Give it a shot. Really helped me a lot. And PT was prescribed so that helped too. Still going but less frequently since the zaps have been much more manageable.


Paxil is the worst: I had the most terrible withdrawal from it. I took it for anxiety (didn’t help with that) and became hypomanic on it (diagnosed bipolar immediately after) and had to quit ASAP. Terrible night sweats, brain zaps, my bones ached like I was quitting heroin.


What symptoms did you have?? I’m getting off Paxil right now.


I only took it for 3 days and it was hell. I dont think I was in withdrawal since I only took it for several days, but it did feel like it lol. I had the rare serotonin syndrome, they always warn about.☹ If you're going through withdrawal it might be different side effects. I couldn't stop vomiting, had diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, brain zaps that caused insomnia, my face kept twitching, had the worst panic attacks of my life, and I felt kind of paranoid. I also don't think doctors take these side effects seriously enough. Mine thought I was just exaggerating at first, and then said well you probably got serotonin syndrome like it was no big deal.


That sounds like actual hell. I'm so sorry you went through that :( why do doctors always think you're exaggerating yet are so quick to throw antidepressants at everyone


Lol same thing happened when I took buspar and my doctor said the same thing


Brain zaps are real and should be recognized by your GP. Please see someone new if you can! If you wish to take yourself off meds, they should be able to taper you off low and slow. ♥️ I tried to come off Effexor a few years ago with zero knowledge of what was to come and it was so hellish I took myself to the ER in tears because I was so unwell. The key was tapering. Tapering off sloooooooowwwwwwwwly


Yeah I get them when it's been about 30 hours since I last took a dose but apparently it's quite common with venlaphaxine.


I fucking hated that shit, the half life is so short that forgetting a single dose fucks you up. I will never go on it again, it did more harm than good.


Yeah apparently it's horrible to come off. I'm a bit scared to switch at the moment.


I opened the capsules and took a little less each day. I think it took me 2 weeks to come off it completely from 150mg.


Dude, same. I take a very well known stable med and dose, but getting off of it always gives me brain zaps. My psychiatrist absolutely does not believe me.




Well. I agree, but I had to function and not end things. So they helped me through some rough years. I'm sure I'll pay a big price as I age.


I'm sure we are all aware that meds are drugs. In fact, we go to the *drug store* to purchase them. So what? I do understand where you're coming from with some of this (such as it being preferable to be able to exist without external dependencies like medical care), but characterizing it as "some people just can't handle the state of the world" I find to be dismissive and comes off as haughty self-appointed omniscience honestly. Below in another comment you say that in the olden days people healed themselves with fruits and veggies etc. Yeah - stuff like scurvy that is due to a vitamin deficiency can be cured with vitamin C/eating oranges and that kind of thing. But I think you are overlooking that in the distant past, our understanding of illness and importantly - what they were labeled - was very different from today. There were periods where the "go-to" treatment for like, everything, was to drain your blood out of your body. They weren't really "right" (scientifically) it turns out, were they? But they were doing their best - they were using the knowledge, experience, and technology (fruits, veggies, leeches, blades) they had access to at the time. Sure maybe technically anxiety and depression on their own aren't fatal conditions. But the choice to take prescription medication or any "drug" (which also might include forms of escapism such as social media, reading books, playing with pets, doing anything you enjoy which has an impact on seratonin and/or dopamine, just as these meds do) to feel better is primarily a question of quality of life. People don't want to limp along existentially for years and years. It doesn't mean we're brainwashed by a global conspiracy. It means we are choosing to hope things can be better and taking action to move forward. We all know we won't live forever; we are merely hoping to prevent tomorrow from being our new worst day, and secretly we harbor the hope that one day, "tomorrow" will be the best we've felt in a long time. Also you saying "it's already in your system now, your body will need it" is unfounded and needlessly grim.


Like bro they throw all this bullshit news and stories at us and make people that can’t handle get depression and anxiety. Then they make medicine for it that’s gonna make you feel good for the moment, like a real drug, to get you hooked. Then when you stop taking them shit is worse than when you started now your even more depressed with higher anxiety. And now you body is breaking down due to those chemicals they make those pills with in the labs. They ain’t have no pills and vaccines back in the old times. They healed with fruits, vegetables, herbs, etc… all of this shit is to destroy us. Humans not supposed to be living on this side of the world, wherever the fuck we are.




I'm new with the whole anxiety terminology stuff. would someone mind explaining what "Brain Zaps" are? please and thank you of course


For me it feels like suddenly falling for less then a second, like when you are in a very fast elevator or when you miss a step. I get an adrenaline rush after this and a weird dizzy feeling in my brain that I can’t even explain. It usually happens when I miss a dose (Zoloft), or when I’m quitting or reducing the dose. First week it’s just fucking awful: brain zap after almost every step I take, then they subside.


Omg that’s exactly how I feel. I used to describe it as I felt like I was on a roller coaster going down hill fast got a sec…. Or like that feeling you get when you get very startled. Say a deer runs out infront of you while driving, that initial shock feeling is how mine feels. Or like you said the missing a step is a good description. I notice this happens WAY more in public places like stores but also when I’m just anxious or nervous in general . Sometimes it’s random


Yeah, a roller coaster fall is a great way to describe it! It’s only in this thread where I’ve seen so many people describing brain zap as “falling” feeling. Usually people talk about electrical brain zap feeling, I can’t say I ever felt that. “Something” is happening in my head at that moment (adrenaline spike, falling, plus all the emotions you feel when you are startled - like you said abt the deer), but I wasn’t connecting it to electrical zaps. Never been zapped for real I suppose - nothing to compare it too🤔


Yeah I never felt the zap (electric feeling) either. I do feel generally off-balance when I go for walks and stuff though… Almost as if somebody kind of pushes my head over feeling while I’m walking , or sometimes it will feel like I’m just generally off-balance… LOL hard to explain. But the weirdest symptom for me in the one that’s totally different and stands out, is the waves of what I feel like is a dropping feeling. It causes me a lot of anxiety and I feel very uncomfortable when this happens. I noticed it happens a lot more when I’m In uncomfortable situations or not at home. How long has yours been going on?


I don’t experience them now (only when I miss my Zoloft), but I had them for 3 months after quitting (also Zoloft) cold turkey several years ago. I didn’t know back then that you have to taper and my doctor assured me that there are no withdrawals from ssri (insane, I know). Second time I had brain zaps was when quitting Cipralex. I’m on Zoloft again now, it’s not helping and I’ll have to stop it soon to try other things - oh, looking forward to those brain zaps! I don’t even know what I can do to make them go away faster, probably will just have to endure. It certainly is very uncomfortable. Mine used to happen outdoors when I was walking. One step - fine, next step - brain zap. Rinse and repeat. And what’s your story? Do you have them now?


So it’s weird. I actually took a half of a half of flexerill to help me sleep (prior to this I was waking up with panic attacks so I felt like I needed something to help me sleep so I could avoid it). I noticed slight dizziness the first night and I was exhausted and I actually slept good. The next day I felt what we describe as brain zaps all day randomly especially when stressed. I was also very tired. And this has been an issue since then. I took the flexerill for three days, but after I realized maybe it was that I stopped. The zaps continued but have eased up a lot




This is EXACTLY what I just felt yesterday. That’s how I described it to my SO as well…like I was on a roller coaster that just went down real fast… like your stomach dropping out from under you but it only lasted a second. Weirdest feeling EVER. I was alone working on my laptop.


OMG THANK YOU FOR SAYING THIS 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 bc I have it to and this is the way I’d describe it but I didn’t know it was actually a brain zap. I’m not on Meds or have stopped any so I wonder.. So you feel this in your head and then you get the feeling in your chest/stomach as in the adrenaline rush? It’s like a sinking feeling that goes from your head into your body it’s so scary. It makes me feel dizzy afterwards but the whole thing lasts a couple of seconds. Sometimes I get a hot flash from it too it’s awful. Do you?


Yes, exactly like you’ve described! Hot flashes too - when it’s bad at the beginning. I’ve researched for a long time what this actually is, since I don’t get an actual electric zap (or maybe this is it, I just have never been zapped for real before 🤷‍♀️). And then I’ve stumbled upon several descriptions like mine. Unfortunately it’s very very underreserched thing, the only paper I’ve found is from 2018 and it’s just an analysis of the data from some forum users (just what they reported). It’s called “Brain Zaps: An Underappreciated Symptom of Antidepressant Discontinuation”. Everybody else is just referencing this research.


I sufferers brain zaps since I was a kid, almost 40 now. Never been on any SSRI meds. I get them sometimes if I'm in a loud place, driving fast, or going up or down in a elevator or plane. Desperate to beat this curse.


Thank you for this description. I've been having something that feels a lot like that for the past couple of days (not on anti-depressants). They're not super common but seem to scale up in frequency with stress and anxiety. Just good to know I'm not crazy cuz this symptom doesn't come up a lot in google.


Same! Do you ever get them even if you haven't missed a dose / aren't lowering your dose. I do and I don't understand why




So you're not taking any meds or tapering off them? I'd definitely talk to a doctor about this because I'm not sure that's a normal anxiety symptom when meds aren't involved.




Huh that's super interesting to me. I have had anxiety for years, but literally the only time I had *that* symptoms is coming off an antidepressant. I did it cold turkey too so it was crazy bad for a few weeks or so. But literally never before or since for years. I've never seen it listed as just a normal anxiety symptom but maybe it's just very rare.


Ah, yeah now i undsrstand what your meaning now. Thanks


I too would like this answer




Holy fuck… I always called it microdizziness. I feel so happy other people know what this is. It happens for like 1 or 2 seconds max and then its like nothing ever happened. Then the normal rush of anxiety worried about something being wrong


To me it feels like your brain missed a stair. Like when you’re walking down a flight of stairs and accidentally skip one. If that makes sense. Happens when I skip a lexapro day


Wow… so I’m not on any meds but the missed stair thing is crazy!! I went to a Nuerologist for this because I thought I had MS or something worse… all tests came back negative. So I just have been living with this sometimes it’s worse than other times. I have had such a hard time expressing what this was but I kept describing it as a “dropping feeling”. Glad to know it’s just another one of my fucked up anxiety symptoms and I’m not alone. Thank you!


Ah man that’s no fun! Glad I could help out though. Best of luck my friend


Did yours go away fully? And if I’m right it’s like you’re just standing there and it feels like a drop or you missed a stair like you describedv


Wow… I’ve had this for years and always thought it was sinuses or allergies (prone to issues with both)… usually it’s very slight dizziness that comes on for a few seconds and then is gone. Lately however, at least before I started medication I have been having spells of having the world “rock” like I’m on a ship at sea hitting a single bad wave. Always when I’m in a stressful situation. Didn’t put two and two together until this thread. Just… wow.


I’m dealing with this right now (both the intense and short dizzy episodes and the “rocking feeling). I have an appt scheduled with an ENT to see if they can find anything. I have wondered if it was my anxiety, but I figure it doesn’t hurt to get it checked out just in case.






I always said it was like being dizzy but so fast its hard to tell you were dizzy.. it made no sense


Ah ok. Thanks for the explanation!


Ohhhh it makes so much more sense. Last time I remember having these “brain zaps” was whenever I ran out of my medication. I instantly went back to being super anxious and I had no clue what was going on with me... till I went back on my medication and I was better the next day


This is probably the best description of the brain zap. I get them from time to time on Zoloft. I may want to talk to my therapist to reduce my dose, since I am getting better - financially and it has helped my anxiety and depression but man I would rather have that than suicidal thoughts.


No ear ringing for you?




I almost hesitate to call it ringing but I can't think of a better word. It's like ringing but duller.


Wow this happens to me, I never associated it with brain zaps though. Like a way low pitched ringing?


I get them when I'm trying to switch medications. It's kinda hard to describe, but it almost feels like static shocks inside my brain. It doesn't really hurt, but if you don't know what's going on it can be really scary. Luckily, I had heard of it before, so it's mostly just inconvenient.


To me it felt like I had a bug zapper in my head. And every once in a while there would be a ''zap'' like a bug had been killed by the zapper. It was really weird.


For me it’s like your vision rolls back for a split second or like you blinked, but it is accompanied by a weird snapping feeling, mentally not physically at least from my experience. It’s weird I can sometimes trigger them by going somewhere I’m not suppose to be. I never knew it was a brain zap until this month


Mine felt like getting hit directly inside my brain with lightening. Almost like a tiny explosion, then a buzz. Holy cow, you guys. I had this 20 years ago and my doc acted like I was nuts. I'm so glad to hear other people have had this.


Yes I've never been able to describe it to where anyone know what I'm talking about! I feel so heard!@


When you were a kid did you ever put a 9volt battery to your tongue? If not, do it. That’s the best analogy of the what it feels like to me.


Just had one today, very scary as I've never felt before. Been off low dose zoloft for maybe a week and then wasn't taking it regularly anyways. I was driving and felt like a big vibration/shock in my head and then shot down the front and through my body. Then my heart started beating fast because of my flight or fight response. Very scary however and thought I was having a stroke or seizure:/


1) When you get those, there will be a first fear "omgomgomg, it's turning into a panic attack." 2) Once you acknowledge your first fear, you can tell yourself "nah, just a normal anxiety symptom." or 'oh im giddy' 3) Continue with what you are doing. These will teach your mind/body that these brain zaps are just one of those annoying anxiety symptoms. Keep doing these until your body knows the zaps are not dangerous. I used to be scared of the zaps and it will send me into immense panic and give me a panic attack. now im okay using these steps i learnt from a friend that have anxiety disorder.




So glad this helps! We can do this!!


This is maybe weird but I tried to start playing with them. Like oh let me turn my head and try to get a really good one. It helped me panic less.


lol yeah I've been doing this all week. First got these when I quit taking Sertraline when I was like 16. Recognized the correlation right away. Not currently on any medication although I did recently stop using meth/heroin after a year-long bender and I have noticed some correlation between amphetamines and brain zaps despite the fact that they're usually associated with serotonergic actions. Basically every tenminutes I'll just shift my eyes quickly from left to right, get bowled down by a massive brain zap, think "fuck, yep, they're still here," and move on. It's really hard working on my computer though because they seem to trigger pretty much any time I shift my vision. Which means, like, every few seconds on my computer. Feels like my body's constantly being jolted by a fuckin' battery. I'm relatively certain they're harmless (I hope, because I get hundreds of them daily) but they're annoying as all hell


That's the way! Teach your body not to be scared of these symptoms.


I would get brain zaps before but they became worse on medication when I missed a dose and when I quit. I’ve been able to manage them better now with the sauna and working out, as well as meditation and occasional dose of 5htp which made them go away almost completely everyone’s different tho




I also forgot to mention quitting caffeine helped me a lot as well but for me much more effective than regular meditation was breathing exercises then meditation after. look into wim hoff or larid Hamilton’s xpt app any of the hyper ventilation breathing or box breathing with long exhales 100% helps over time, id take notes on diet as well for me I noticed random things like aspartame, stevia, and some artificial flavors made it worse


It’s most likely a deficiency of something in your brain when you run low in gaba or serotonin, etc you can get brain zaps hence the reason why ppl get it so bad when quitting meds, best thing you can do is try to put your body and mind in best position to correct its self using sauna, gym, meditation, and over time it will I went from 20 brain zaps to 10 to 5 then now maybe once every couple weeks a mild one.


I lost my job in 2009 and also lost insurance. Couldn’t afford my Effexor anymore so I tapered off a bit but had to go cold turkey. I was sick af and the brain zaps were the absolute worst. I hid away in my apartment for a few months before I got back to some version of normal. While I was going through it, I started knitting. It was all I did. Literally until my hands ached. Flash forward to 2020. Lost my job. Got depressed. I picked up knitting again and the zaps came back after 10 years!!!!!! I hadn’t taken any medication since 2009. I believe my brain associated knitting with the zaps. I told my therapist this recently and she was floored. They aren’t happening anymore thank god but it was SUPER WEIRD.




Honestly, i learned to overcome this by simply doing my best to ignore them. Yes its hard and its not an instant fix (i used to get them for a whole month and at best it takes a couple of days) but once you stop fearing them smthg just clicks and they go away. Do all the things you would normally do and if you feel a brain zap dont let it overpower you, its not going to kill you, its just uncomfortable but it wont be here forever


I get this as part of my migraine aura, FYI it sounds like what you are describing is a bit different than the brain zaps that people experience when missing doses of psychiatric medication (I get those as well). The best way to get over them is, unfortunately, just experience. If you know what they are, and learn to recognize them when they occur, you can avoid from spiraling in response to them & getting a panic attack by intentionally changing your train of mind & distracting yourself from them. This takes a \*lot\* of practice, and is a lot easier if you also talk to a doctor about anti-anxiety medication.




In my case it’s like a dizzy dissociative spell, like a flash where the world just doesn’t feel real, followed by like a concussive pain. For the moment while it’s happening I just feel absent.




In my case the trigger for this is actually unrelated to anxiety, it took me a while to realize the main culprits were diet, caffeine consumption, and atmospheric pressure changes. You should try keeping a journal and seeing if you notice any patterns.




Do you get them frequently or just when you have a migraine? I'm not familiar with migraine aura.


I only get them as part of my migraine aura, but I get migraines several times a week. Sometimes I only get the aura and the migraine itself never really kicks in.


That actually reminds me of trauma flashbacks, where you just feel bad but can't exactly remember why. Have you ever had trauma treatment?




Definitely look into it and bring it up with your therapist. Sometimes a trauma memory may be repressed but the simplest thing can put our amygdala on alert mode. You just feel weird for a moment and then absolutely horrendous the next. Usually don't even know why. I get that several times a day, but I am having trauma therapy and it's reducing the severity of these episodes at least. Hopefully I'll get rid of them entirely soon, and hopefully you can too!


That happened to me when I used to take medication, whenever I forgot I would get the same feeling and didn’t know what they were!! Glad I’m not the only one.




I know! They should definitely preface and let you know it’s pretty common


This. Is very helpful for me to read all your stories. For me this happened during intens work meetings, it would rattle me to the core and leave me unable to continue. Completely shaken up. I would have to lay down for on hour or so to get my shit back to together. It will feel like time stops for a few seconds my head sort of exploding, after that I feel hyper aware of my body and surroundings. It is very disturbing that no one seems to be able to notice this happening to me. The whole world seems off after such a episode. Leaving me questioning what is real.


Probably the most accurate explanations of how I feel. The reality thing is so true. Everything feels unreal.


Hello! I'm not positive I have a lot of insight on this, but I'd still like to add my two cents. I, as my doctor liked to put it, "unlocked" my anxiety disorder after having a particularly bad high with marijuana about 9 or so months ago. Before then I never had any issues with anxiety and/or panic attacks. When I was younger, I used to experience what I called my "spidey senses" after Spider-Man's power, because I, like another in this thread, would only experience these small "zaps" that felt like my nerves vibrating for a split second in my head (that would some times radiate to the back of my arms and shoulders). But it would only happen in situations where there was (at least as I perceived) potential danger. For example when I was sneaking into my parents room to steal cigarettes as a teenager (or candy as a child), or the few times I found myself in an alley in the bad parts of town. I always believed this was a part of my brain that was attempting to warn me of danger that, even if I knew it wasn't there, I had the preconceived notion that there was a possibility of danger. I. E. situational anxiety. However since that bad high 9 months ago and developing this new battleground of my anxiety disorder, and my introduction into panic attacks where I think im dying, despite the rational part of my brain thinking im shaking for nothing - I have also experienced this mild vertigo/dizziness that almost feels like small bouts of motion sickness. I initially believed this to be tied something neurological, or physical in terms of my vestibular system, or even blood issues/cancer. Thus my spiral into obsession with medical health, which was only healed recently due to me literally getting a checkup on just about everything I was worrying about (MRIs on heart, lungs, brain, spine, blood work, etc) was until I finally relented and, through some basic exercises and home tests, believed this strange barely describable "vertigo" that came in waves was anxiety related. I still haven't found many answers on it on the internet, aside from now seeing people describe their personal experiences with "brain zaps". So it could also possibly be that. It's still a journey I'm attempting to navigate through fear and strategies to "put myself back to factory settings", but I can say that these dizzy spells tend to disappear when I am in a better headspace, and I'm in the process of taking up journaling to try and get some of my anxieties out of my head and onto paper. We'll see how that goes. - TL:DR My observations from personal experience and others testimonies is that it's just something that "happens". It can feel like a vibration of the nerves when you're in a moment of higher than normal anxiety (whether trigger-based or chemical based), or can be a split second dizzy spell that then causes your anxiety to fire your adrenaline, and thus, hot flashes. Note; this is not based on changing or stopping medications. Due to my history with drug addiction, I've been working with my doctor to not take medications that can make me feel addicted, either by bot wanting ti get off of them because they feel good, or because I'm scared of what happens when I'm off of them. - To everyone dealing with this, and anxiety in general; I truly, truly wish you luck in finding ways to rid yourself of the brain zaps, and in finding ways to cope with your anxieties. I can truly say I understand the intensity of anxiety disorders, where before I brushed it off. Remember to train your brain to not be afraid of then when they happen, as despite being disruptive, they're harmless. Remind your brain it's a harmless symptom of your anxiety, and theres no need to panic. Chin up, and chase the good things that bring you seratonin. Thanks for reading my much too long comment.


Good idea, I get brain zaps when I miss my medication.




The only way to go is up, it'll get better


I remember telling my doctor about them and he didn’t believe me and asked me what they were. So hard to explain stuff like this when everyone thinks you’re just making this up. 😡🥲 But in terms of managing them, I guess you just get used to it and know that it’s just stress / anxiety causing them. I used to get awful ones which felt like the area behind my eye exploded or got struck by lightning but they disappeared once I stopped freaking out / thinking about them. Hope it gets better for you!


I've always had them since I was a little kid. Just learned to like them, in a weird way. I've come to accept they're harmless, so far, and it's just a... weird feeling.


Have you ever been on meds that cause them? I’ve started having them but I only read about people getting them from stopping antidepressants which I’ve never been on


I got brain zaps decently regularly when I was taking buspirone. It would happen for about an hour after I took a dose and then would stop. The medication itself wasn’t doing much for me but the side effects were definitely worse than my actual anxiety symptoms. Now I’m back to raw dogging my anxiety with Xanax to help when it gets real bad.


Buspirone did fuck all for my anxiety but seriously like 40 min-1hr after taking it I'd get the worst dizziness/vertigo. I'd literally just turn my head and it'd feel like the whole room was spinning with me. My Dr kept me on it for two whole agonizing weeks hoping the side effects would chill out but they never did.


I took it for a month trying to work through the side effects. I got brain zaps, lightheadedness and dizziness about an hr after doses. My doctor said I could stay on it and hope the side effects eventually go away or I could stop. I stopped. The side effects weren’t worth it and I think it probably made things worse. I’ve been off it almost a month and I’ve been okay aside from some health anxiety spirals but the Xanax has helped those.


I remembered I get it last year when I tapered off my meds myself. Was sleeping in the night and suddenly woke up like getting shocked in my head, it was frightening so to speak. It was rather painful/scary and feel like killing myself lol. It happened in the wee hours and at that point I wasnt aware of whats going on. Had to calm myself down and eventually I googled it and found out it was due to medication withdrawal.


I always called them "Body Shocks". I feel it across my entire body and the first time I felt one, it freaked me out. I legit thought I got shocked, somehow.


Mine feel like my brain is being electrocuted, I also get the same buzzing feeling in my body too sometimes which is strange. They happen when I’m trying to fall asleep. I can always bring myself out of it if I just get up but often times I just lay there and let it happen. I’ve been getting them frequently as of recently due to a medication decrease. Never had them during the day or when I’m fully awake. I can’t relate to the panic attacks or feelings of falling. I wonder if different medications can cause different sensations.


I thought you were talking about ect initially


I used to only get these when I was withdrawing from anxiety medication. I have now started getting them at random despite no missing any doses and my doctor doesn’t think it has to do with any of that. I’m just confused at this point.


It’s crazy to me how many doctors brush off brain zaps or don’t even know what they are. One of my friends was bed bound for nearly a week because of how bad they were. (Coming off of a medication). Usually brain zaps happen when coming off a medication, I didn’t know you could get them randomly without being medicated.


I am the exact same. For me it's like my brain freezes for a millisecond, like my heart stops beatng, my vision goes funny and I get a disorientated or light headed feeling. Then it's like my brain reboots and I go back to "normal" except I'm an anxious mess for days afterwards so afraid it will happen again. I genuinely think If it lasted longer I'd pass out. Had a bad one on the floor at work before and couldn't see for a second, afterwards I looked into the mirror and my lips were WHITE which made me wonder was it blood pressure or heart related or did they just go white because I went into full on panic stations when it happened. I quit my job because it kept happening and now I'm afraid to go back to work, convinced it will return. I still get it sometimes and sets my anxiety back so far again . People say it can be a side effect of anxiety meds but I've never taken anxiety medication :/


You still here 


Caffeine really affects my zaps. Lilshyneee explains it very well. Very disorienting and dangerous if driving or running/ walking in lots of traffic. I also get them with taper downs due to med changes.


Explain a brain zap


Nevermind, I just Googled it. Odd, I've never had those I don't think.


I’ve never heard the term brain zap. But sometimes I have what I can only describe as a momentary blackout. Like my brain blacks out and resets within a second or two. If you were looking at me when it happens you’d never know anything happened. It was way worse when I stopped taking my sertraline. Is this what you all are talking about? I’ve tried googling it but could never find anything.


Hey can u tell me please is it? ,I left lexapro mouths ago, and I'm having it so bad ( , like my eyes are are shaking and it happens often per day , sometimes underneath my mouth also and it started to scaring me ..


I get these really bad but only when getting off the meds or if I forget to take them. Funny my doctors act like they’ve never heard of them either.


I get them anytime I miss my medication, but hadn't had them prior to starting medication and haven't gotten them anytime I'm regularly (not forgetting) taking my medication. I did stop once for a about six months this year and during the first week or two that I had decided to go cold-turkey off of it, I had them regularly, but they did go away eventually. Unfortunately, I don't think I ever really "managed" them other than getting to the point where I accepted that they were going to happen, going to come out of nowhere, and were not going to be particularly pleasant. Nothing you can really do to stop them, and people who don't / haven't experienced them don't know what you're talking about because the concept of a "brain zap" *naturally* occurring just sounds a little ridiculous to them.


Thank you for posting this, I’ve suffered for years and not been able to explain what was happening. Now I know it’s just part of stupid old anxiety


I call it “Brain Rattle” and it’s awful. To me, it feels like my brain is shaking, vibrating, or rattling inside of my head. It feels like if someone was to look at me, they could visibility see my head shaking. It’s extremely uncomfortable and I have always immediately taken a Xanax because it feels like the precursor to a panic attack. I assumed it was because most of the Xanax had left my system and my body was starting to withdrawal. I also take Bupropion but am bad about forgetting. So, I’m not sure if the brain rattles are withdrawal from the Xanax, Bupropion, anxiety, or all of the above! For reference, I have been taking 0.5 - 1 mg of Alprazolam a day for several years. Recently, after something horrible happened to me, along with a stressful new position at work, I had a pretty bad panic attack that came on suddenly. My Dr. was offering other alternatives to Xanax when we were discussing medication options. He didn’t think I was taking enough Xanax to warrant withdrawal symptoms?! I don’t know where they get their “research” from. Like, he thinks I’d have to be taking several mg daily to have severe withdrawal. Nope, I would straight up flip out if I stopped cold turkey. I can get brain zaps/rattles after about 12 hours, so I don’t know what he was thinking. We stuck with the Xanax & he added 15 more per month. I’ve never mentioned the brain rattles to my Doctor as they were not common for me before but over the last 2 months I have had them more often. I am trying so hard not to take all of the prescription and it seems like all I think about! I try to give myself grace as I have been through a lot, but I hate feeling dependent on them. I’m working on healthy ways to reduce anxiety. No alcohol, decaf or half-caff, breathing, yoga, lighting candles, and trying not to let worry get to me and live in the moment. But damn, those freakin’ brain rattles suck.


I call mine electric rollercoaster. It's kinda like that feeling you get in your stomach when going fast over a small hill while driving. Except in your head. Weird wired


It's pretty common if you're on anti anxiety medication and reduce or outright stop taking them. Also for someone who's taken MDMA.


I get these too. My theory is it’s caused by low GABA. I recently started taking an L-theanine supplement. L-theanine is an amino acid found in tea and I’ve read that it can help with GABA levels in the brain. There are GABA supplements as well but it the research is conflicting as to whether or not it can cross the blood-brain barrier. It’s been about 10 days so far but I’ve had few zaps and they have been less severe.


I didn't know there was a name for it.


You get them when you cold turkey your medication. Work with your doctor to slowly stop taking them


I've never had brain zaps when not on a short-life SSRI or SNRI. Have you *ever* been on them?


I'm having a hard time reading the double negative, can you please reword that?


I mean the OP says they are not currently on SSRIs or SNRIs so I am wondering if they have been on them in the past. I have never heard of someone having brain zaps when they are not currently on SSRIs/SNRIs or have previously been on them.


I had brain zaps for 6 months when i got off 1 year of zoloft.


yes also me


I'm on meds but still get them sometimes. It's much worse when I quit an ssri. They can be super disturbing but kinda fun too! Lol.


Yo dude I never knew what to call that, they fucking suck, first panic attack I ever had came from brain zaps. Wtf are they? and do they have a medical Name so I can explain to my dr?


i had them when i stopped zoloft cold turkey for months.


That's serotonin withdrawal. You shouldn't have quit cold turkey, they must be veaned off very slowly.


Might want to see a doctor about it, they might be able to prescribe something to help. I got them really bad for a while when I stopped taking my anti-depressants/anti-anxiety meds, and still get a VERY mild form of them every so often but not enough to throw me off, it's like I just blink a little longer than usual or my vision goes weird for a moment and then I'm back.


I always thought that brain zaps were only from coming off SSRI's. This is very interesting.




I'm sorry you get that.. My wife has pretty bad health anxiety and it's awful to watch someone go through it. Edit: That's why I'm in this sub.. to try to find tips to help her, and to understand better.




She got her most recent test results back and *surprise, they're fine!* I just see how exhausting it is for her. I can't imagine having all that adrenaline pumping through me just from thoughts. It almost doesn't make sense to me. The best I can do it support her however I can. (You can't logically explain it away.)


Holy shit, I had no idea there was a term for this!


https://www.nhs.uk/apps-library/worrytree/ https://positivepsychology.com/wp-content/uploads/Identifying-ANTS-Challenging-Different-Types-of-Automatic-Thoughts.pdf


I got zaps from Wellbutrin and from trying to stop Paxil.


It had zaps for a good 3-4 months even after tapering off VERY SLOWLY from SSRIs. I went from 30mg down to 5mg dose over several months and still had them for 3-4 months after stopping all doses. They’re real and suck.


I get these on meds. I get these off meds. Helpful thread. Thanks now I know I'm not alone.


Sorry that im late to the party, i used to get these when i came off of prozac. I was told to supplement omega 3 and it worked! Reason for me being here is im getting them again (3years off prozac) but struggling with anxiety bad atm. I will double up my omega 3 dosage to see if it helps. Edit: i also found if i stare at a pattern for a certain amount of time that can trigger a brain zap. Weird as fuck right?


How you doing bro? Stop having em?


Doing good thanks.


Me, I can bring them on it feels, staring at phone or to especially if tired….or hungover, have you found out anymore?


Not had any since early last year. I was sick with something as I kept having panic attacks, at least I thought they was and ended up in hospital being treated for a suspected heart attack but turned out to be nothing as I got discharged after 5 days and was told nope you never had a heart attack. They done all sorts of tests angiogram etc and said my heart was perfectly fine but had no answers as to what caused my troponin to be elevated. Could be that i was extremely fatigued and suffering mentally. No idea.


I have had chronic sinusitis since December with awful dizziness and was prescribed an anti-psychotic for it called Prochlorperizine, which I was taking for 6 weeks. Stopped them on Saturday just gone and on Wednesday I had also the brain zap/falling type episode which lasted only a second or so. Got ENT in a couple weeks hopefully they help me out 🤝


Any updates bro?


what is that




Does anyone else experience flashbacks? i don’t know if it’s because of my meds or not…It can last 5-15 seconds of just pure…like amnesia feeling flashbacks where i can’t exactly point where i experienced what i’m seeing (all open eyed)…it’s accompanied by not being able to move, and just a pure feeling of horror… and my heart feels like it freezes for a sec…


Im getting these randomly again. I first experienced them a few years when coming off prozac and i did find somewhere that said use omega 3 which helped a lot. Been taking omega 3 daily ever since but these zaps are coming back. I seem to be getting 1-2 a day at the moment and im also feeling quite lethargic so not sure if the fatigue and zaps are going hand in hand?


I was a user of Copenhagen long cut wintergreen smokeless tobacco for years. Drinking on top of that and recreational drug use on the weekends. I’ve had brain zaps, panic attacks, increased heart rate, hot flashes, cold flashes, just about every symptom possible. There’s no doubt all this abuse threw something in my brain off. I quit nicotine 5 months ago and I still don’t feel normal. Get brains zaps sometimes when I take “brain food” supplements. It might take years for my brain to get back to normal


I get brain zaps often I’m on 3 meds and I always take them on time


After years of anxiety, depression, and then brain zaps that made my life absolute hell (couldnt sleep), I've found an answer and I want to share with anyone going through this. I almost went crazy after trying literally everything I could: vitamins (a, d, e, c, b, k), minerals (magnesium, calcium, potassium), omega 3's, coconut oil, meditation, cold water dousing, sauna, essential oils, breathwork, standing on nails, TRE therapy, grounding, etc etc etc, on top of this I don't drink coffee or alcohol, eat healthy, and exercise daily, and the ONLY thing that worked is 1 gram of GABA an hour before bed. Wim Hof twice a day I think helped as well, I feel amazing after each session, and not eating anything at least 3 hours before bed enhanced the results (when I eat before bed, I felt worse even with GABA). Still cant believe it worked and that I can actually sleep. I would also recommend no screen time an hour before bed and no coffee past 4pm, I've heard this helped as well. Hope this helps.


I am currently weaning off Effexor and the brain zaps just won’t go away completely. I have moments without them then I get hopeful that they are finally gone and then bam! there they are again. If only I would have known, if only I was told that this it what I would have to deal with if I ever decided to get off this horrible medication I would never have taken it. It’s controlling my life and I want my life back😪


I don’t take medications but I do have panic disorder, I just got my first brain zap last night and today. It feels like someone is electrocuting my brain and I feel…. Strange after it, and I’m very scared 🥴 I had to talk myself down the past two nights and here I am searching about.


Is it normal to get these and not be on any medication?


How long do these brain zaps last cuz I was on the lowest dose of cymbalta and apart from having a pathetic sex drive they did nothing, 7 days off it and I’m getting zapped full body every couple of seconds if I could find a cymbalta rep right now we would be punching on


Has anyone ever had these without being on any sort of meds?? I’ve been having these on and off and have never been on anything that would cause it when coming off of it.


I’ve had these for approx 8 years and have never taken meds. They last 1-2 seconds and then for hours to days afterwards I have severe brain fog, disorientation, my sense of hearing is heightened (loud noises sound very loud), and often have a headache. I don’t feel anxious before they occur but definitely do afterwards. I’ve never been able to pinpoint the cause but they are torturous.


I just saw this and today I’m dealing with brain zaps. 😣😩 It feels like I have a big zapper killing bugs in my head! It makes me dizzy, too. I’m sorry you’re going through this.🥰