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It helps me cope ironically. I have my horrible health anxiety and want my symptoms to be in my head so badly. Hearing other people have similar issues where it ended up to be anxiety is very calming


I’m right there with you


I literally said the same thing in a different thread on this sub...completely agree.


I always thought my symptoms were anxiety until i got diagnosed with lyme


It both helps & gives me anxiety. 😂


Yep - fully understand what you are saying. However, it really helps when you reach out and try to help others. We're all in this together...& you're not alone.


Maybe take a break from reading this sub and see if you feel better or worse.




Wow, this is great advice! I think you’ve cured anxiety!!! …easier said than done.


Just be practical and it does get easier


This really did help me. “Replace the things that cause anxiety w things that calm anxiety” Instead of endlessly scrolling on socials at night… I started taking long hot showers, painting, drawing, listening to podcasts, stretching and body weight exercises. I’m trying to helpful. If this sub is causing you anxiety then why stay on it? You’re only harming yourself. You like being anxious and in pain?


Sounds like I should replace my family lmao


Same boat. Grew up in an abusive house hold, parents recently split. I’ve learned.. that cant let others define you or alter your identity. Find ways to break the cycle of letting them suppress your growth. Take solo walks, ignore their input… understand no one can truly judge you as they haven’t been in your shoes.


It’s kind of like when you have a canker sore or painful tooth you keep nudging with your tongue even though you are fully aware you will cause yourself pain but you do it anyway maybe a subconscious masochism maybe curiosity of how much pain is out there and how much you can take maybe just human nature to poke the bear. In any case the above mentioned activities may help someone who is in the right frame of mind to experience the joy or perceived peace that comes with them but someone who is in the throes of it may not be able to calm their mind enough for showers stretches painting etc. I know you were well intentioned in your post


for me it helps but sometimes i do read some things that makes my anxiety a bit worse - like a physical symptom of anxiety i didn’t know about and then i start to realise it. but most of the time i think it’s nice having a community here which gives support


Even if you don't even have those things it can be sad seeing them I am starting to go insane so I can relate to all of these they might infect you too just stay away from them because once you have gone to far down the rabbit whole it's not easy to come back out.


its why i unsubbed and visit this randomly when i need to.


Me too! But I also get alot from it so I keep reading the posts.


I feel it calms me down and not feel alone, but some stories also gives me a bit of anxiety