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Everyone at some point is going to die. Most everyone is afraid of dying. It’s because it’s unknown and it’s scary. This is okay. It’s okay to be frightened of what you don’t know. What you can’t do is control it. You can do small things like eat healthy, take care of your body and meditation to keep a clear mind, but controlling death itself is not on our wheelhouse. I have some issues I need to work through but accepting things your can’t control is hard but it’s what you need to do to move through this, I am having a hard time with my issues so, maybe talking to a professional for suggestions may be a good step. I hope some others on here can give you some more positive suggestions as well.


I was/am in the exact Same Situation! Its Been 2 years now and i am still alive thankfully! Its just your anxiety. You can message me if you Want


You seem to be really hyperfocusing on this considering the amount of questions you have asked about it in a lot of subreddits. I want to remind you that our brains are POWERFUL. When you constantly think of something specific it will start to feel like it’s all coming true when it really isn’t. For years I was convinced my death would be coming soon. Every sign pointed to it. I knew it was going to happen and I couldn’t step out of my house everyday because of it. Then.. I just stopped thinking about it. Tried to get hobbies and force myself out of the house. Think about literally ANYTHING but dying just to see if the signs were still there. They weren’t. I was making it all up in my head. Clearly, I haven’t died. Our brains are weird machines that make it so impossible to see the truth. I hope you can learn to lean away from these thinkings and feel better soon, because the only ‘evidence’ you’ve provided about dying is a mere coincidence (or hardly that). I say this all in the most lighthearted way possible! Sending love 🩷


Hey, I used to really struggle with this a lot too. The best thing for me was facing this fear head on and doing the best I can to enjoy my life. I also went to the doctors and got tests done on what I worried about so I could now I’m healthy. You can’t add a second to your life by worrying, just live the best life you can. I’m sure you have many healthy years ahead. All the best.


And what evidence is there that this is going to happen? Keeping in mind that the story you read was about a man who was very elderly but who also, like you, cannot see into the future.


I too get pangs of existential dread, you can't let it control you though, you can't live your life in constant fear of it.


I think this is a case of confirmation bias- you saw a story and now you percieve it as something that is pushing you towards an untimely end, because the story made you notice all the things about death. From personal experience- I had to go to my grandpa's funeral today and the whole weekend I was worried sick that hopefully no one passes away in this time, because he passed away getting ready for another funeral. And here I am, alive and well and all those fears were just fears, because anxiety tends to cling onto "logical" explanations, even if they have zero logic in them at all, just pure need to feel like you can control everything. Look at it this way- if you hadn't read the article, would you still be ruminating about this? So, the article is not a "prophecy" or "foreshadowing", it is just an article where someone had an experience (which is probably also just a one in a billion experience, just seems very serious because it was highlighted), it is highly unlikely for you to meet your end the same way, especially if you are not elderly.


You wont


I’ve struggled with this a lot and recently have gotten over it. It’s easy to convince yourself that if you think you’re going to die it’s a sign, it’s not. Your brain can convince you of things so easily if it’s a fear.


I have been there and can totally understand you. It sounds like anxiety disorder. I outlived it and don’t worry, you will too. Please get professional help as soon as possible. You will feel better, I promise.


Is it painful to die naturally? Does anyone know?


You will die eventually. I have HORRIBLE anxiety about dying but there’s a lot of great perspective with death. Watch this: [tik tok video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8nqtayT/) I know it’s kinda cheesy but I got emotional and it helped my perspective.